Project was done with educational purposes. Reimplementing algorithms from scratch and adding class notes.
ython, para evitar cópias diretas do código e me concentrar na abstração dos algorítimos.
- bam
- DWNN (distanced weighted nearest neighboors)
- KNN (k-nearest neighboors)
- MLP (multilayer perceptron)
- naive bayes
- k-means
- Decision Trees
- SVM (suport vector machine)
- RBF (radial basis function)
- multinomial naive bayes
- Swarm Particle Optimization
- I reeimplement the projects of this youtube chanel. Please take a look at the machine learning playlist. The classes belong to Rodrigo Mello, and where originally coded in R. I changed the language to python, to avoid direct copying.
- A good class on decision trees and ensambles