title: The DrivenByMoss Manual author:
- Jürgen Moßgraber
- Ryan Bateman (Launchpad images) header-includes: \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} geometry: margin=2.5cm papersize: a4paper date: \today ...
DrivenByMoss is an extension for the digital audio workstations (DAW) Bitwig Studio and Cockos Reaper. It provides support for many hardware controllers as well as protocols like OSC. Furthermore, it brings some tools and utilities.
DrivenByMoss is written by Jürgen Moßgraber also known as MOSS.
Post all questions, bug reports wishes and discussion
- related to Bitwig Studio into the KVR Thread.
- related to Cockos Reaper into the Reaper Forum Thread.
Always download the latest release from my homepage.
The version on GitHub might always be in an alpha or beta state, you have been warned!
List with Bitwig Changes.
List with Reaper Changes.
There are many in-depth video tutorials available on my Youtube channel.
Follow the Installation instructions.
After that check the specific documentation for your controller in the respective chapter.