- Project_vidly initially meant to be movies rental web app. Currently, project_vidly contains movies which are public and trailers to which movies can be rented from youtube.
- React library is used for this frontend framework.
- I have used 4 APIs as stated below for different services.
- Netlify functions been used to hide my APIs key which is really good.
My own backend sevice: project_vidly.
youtube/data/api/v3: iframe, stats.
online Movies Database: imdb ( Rapid API).
Email Vaidation: by ZeroBounce.
- Main Components:
- banner.jsx
- customers.jsx
- feedback.jsx
- footer.jsx
- genres.jsx
- history.jsx
- loginForm.jsx
- logout.jsx
- movie.jsx
- movieForm.jsx
- movies.jsx
- moviesCardView.jsx
- moviesList.jsx
- moviesTable.jsx
- navBar.jsx
- notFound.jsx
- privacy.jsx
- profile.jsx
- registerForm.jsx
- smallFooter.jsx
- terms.jsx
- video.jsx
- videoModal.jsx
- videosList.jsx
- watchLater.jsx
- Higher Order Components:
- historySpinner.jsx
- watchLaterSpinner.jsx
- Common Components:
- card.jsx
- cardPlaceholder.jsx
- confirmModal.jsx
- copyright.jsx
- dropdown.jsx
- form.jsx
- header.jsx
- infoModal.jsx
- input.jsx
- like.jsx
- listGroup.jsx
- myDate.jsx
- pagination.jsx
- privateRoutes.jsx
- searchBox.jsx
- select.jsx
- table.jsx
- tableBody.jsx
- tableHeader.jsx
- textarea.jsx
- videoPlayer.jsx
ip.js : To get IP of user.
os.js : function to predict the os of user.
paginate.js : function to paginate movies.