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Unity release process

Andreia Gaita edited this page Jan 9, 2019 · 1 revision

Creating a new release

  • In AppVeyor, go to the build that is meant for release and click Deploy. Make sure the deploy page shows the correct branch name.
  • Deploy to unity-s3
  • Deploy to unity-github
  • Change the tag name to be X.X.X
  • Add release notes
  • Add release name
  • Pick cute pic

Publishing a new release to the public feed


Updating the public feed to notify users of a new build

  1. Set the AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables with the appropriate data in your shell
  2. Copy the release notes into a text file somewhere, excluding the image
  3. In the Unity repository, run ./ -ghu -v [VERSION] -p [PATH TO .unitypackage] -r [PATH TO RELEASE NOTES TXT FILE] > latest.json
  4. Open the latest.json file that was created and double check that the url matches the uploaded build url, that the version is correct, and that the releases notes are correct.
    1. Important: Delete any extra content before or after the {} json tags. The latest.json file should only contain json
    2. Example of a valid latest.json file:
    {"md5":"cc7419e85662704365da6d10bb9e3eee","url":"","releaseNotes":"# GitHub for Unity 1.0.2 - *Treebeard*\n\n## Features\n- #865 - Git Worktree support *(thanks @shiena)*\n\n## Fixes\n- #841 - Hanging on Initialization\n- #854 - Progress bar does not update\n- #873 - Fix authentication","releaseNotesUrl":null,"message":null,"version":"1.0.2"}
  5. Add the latest.json to the GitHub release page of the corresponding release.
  6. Copy the latest.json to upload-to-aws/feed/unity
  7. In upload-to-aws, run script/upload-feed. Verify that only the latest.json is going to be uploaded
  8. Run script/upload-feed go. This will upload the latest.json to aws.
  9. Verify in Unity that the notification of a new version shows up.

Publishing to the Asset Store


  • Unity 5.6
  • Credentials to the asset store


  • Go to and create a new draft, if one does not exist already

  • Update the version and the release notes

  • Set the system environment variable GITHUB_UNITY_DISABLE to 1 to disable GitHub for Unity image

  • Download the PackageProject-*.zip file of the build we want to publish from appveyor

  • Unzip it

  • Open Unity 5.6

  • Open a project and select the PackageProject folder

  • Ignore the compatibility warning

  • Open the Asset Store (Window -> Asset Store)

  • Search for Asset Store Tools, download and import them

    • After the import is done, you should have a new top level menu called Asset Store Tools
  • In the Asset Store Tools menu, select Package Upload

  • Select the package

  • Click Upload

  • In, go to the draft and confirm that the package has been uploaded (check the date).

  • Look at the Preview In Asset Store to see what it looks like (the package won't show up I think, just the text and pics)

  • Hit Submit