GitLynx is a web app to store your files and get direct link. you can upload any type of file under 100MB, even you can paste text directly on site and even it can shorten your URL.
FileBin: well it hase a middle server to intract with github. the middle server runs the site, user will upload its file to the server and then middle server will save it on github after that it will send back a direct url of the file to user.
PasteBin: this is same as FileBin, execpt that user can write or paste its text directly on the site and then push it on site to get its URL.
Url Shortner: there is a theme.html file which contain some html code and some URL varialble, the URL passed from user will store on that variables, then an html page will upload to github which whenever its open, it will redirect the user to new location.
In IRAN all Url Shortners, Pastebins and File Sharing Platforms are Banned! so i decide to create a new one which is based on other site that is still open. if some time Github get banned by Iran, we can replace the github module with anoter module to save and recive file to/from another site.
and or we can use a CDN like CloudFlare to cercuvment censorship.
you can deploy it on streamlit for free
or on your own server. well its easy with this command
curl | sh
or you can install and run it manualy
- clone the repo and set 3 environment varialbes that explained below.
git clone --depth 1 ~/gitlynx
Variable Name | Explain |
TOKEN | your github token which have access to REPO |
REPO | The repository that you want the site to upload data to |
OWNER | Owner of the repository |
- install prerequestes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install requests streamlit
- run site
nohup streamlit run ~/gitlynx/ &
Kidding me!? i live in IRAN which get worst every day! donation help me get through!