I’m creating a SpriteKit 2D platform game in Swift and want to share my protocols/extensions/classes that make the life with SpriteKit easier. My focus is on keeping the code modular for easy reuse in other projects
Node for an endless vertically scrolling background that duplicates your background depending on the SKCameraNode's position and removes it after a certain distance again. Supports parallax backgrounds as well
Provides parallax background functionality by moving your backgrounds by factor x,y in relation to your SKCameraNodes speed
Subclass of SKCameraNode that triggers EndlessBackgroundNode & ParallaxBackgroundMover every time when the cameras position is changed
Implements a basic weapon with ammo, magazine, reload & rateOfFire time span and more
You can pass hooks for certain events (i.e. to play sound effects)
after the weapon fires
after the weapon starts to reload
after the weapon was reloaded
Adds "damagable" functionality to a SKNode
Node gets life points that can be substracted
onDeath() is triggered when the node "dies"
Support for nodes that have children. Use it when all of them should be able to get damaged but the life points (of the parent node) should only be subtracted once for each damaging event (i.e. when the hero's body parts are all children and both feets are contacted by the same fire)
Manages the contact between objects that conform to type SKWeapon and SKDamagable In other words: Applies damage and stops damage application between SKWeapon's and SKDamagable's based on the call of SpriteKits SKSzene didBeginContact() & didEndContact() methods
In SpriteKit you often like to trigger events based on collision or contact. Sometimes you want to prevent that a unique event gets triggered multiple times by SpriteKits physic engine. For example if your enemie's bullet hits your character you may want to apply the damage only once and not every time SpriteKit recognizes a contact or collision. This two classes/protocols help you to synchronize such events.