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273 lines (218 loc) · 11.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Case where the background alpha was not set correctly when changing the scene background.
  • Alpha map texture transform not being respected.
  • WebGLPathTracer.dispose throwing an error.

[0.0.23] - 2024.06.07


  • Support for CubeTexture environments and backgrounds.
  • Material is compiled asynchronously to avoid blocking the browser. No rendering will occur until the material is ready.


  • Corner case where marking a mesh as non-visible would not remove the geometry.
  • Meshes not updating when replacing the geometry with a new one.

[0.0.22] - 2024.05.03


  • Non visible meshes not being hidden when path traced.

[0.0.21] - 2024.04.29


  • Reverted transmission BRDF function changes resulting in black artifacts.


  • WebGLPathTracer class for more easily intializing a path tracer.
  • Typescript definitions.


  • PathTracingRenderer, DynamicPathTracingSceneGenerator, and more classes have been deprecated in favor of WebGLPathTracer. See new README for API.
  • Remove IESLoader in favor of three.js' version.

[0.0.20] - 2024.02.21


  • Adjust peer dependency semver for three-mesh-bvh.

[0.0.19] - 2024.02.20


  • Ensure materials texture is never a degenerate dimension.
  • Handle completely black environment maps so they do not corrupt the image.

[0.0.18] - 2024.02.20


  • Transparent textures no longer have the color incorrectly premultiplied by the alpha.
  • Fix rounding error issue in tiled rendering logic causing some columns and rows of pixels to not be rendered to.
  • Improve hdr map info to be able to handle any texture type.
  • Path tracing scene generators no longer crash when an empty scene is provided.
  • Native three.js spot light not working correctly.
  • Env map clamping which was causing an incorrect circle of color to display at the poles.


  • Support for stratified sampling in addition to PCG and Sobol under the RANDOM_TYPE flag.


  • Rendering objects with negative scales now requires three-mesh-bvh v0.7.2

[0.0.17] - 2024.01.18


  • Support for rendering geometry with inverted scales.


  • Upgrade to three-mesh-bvh v0.7.0.
  • AreaLights no longer render the light surface.
  • Disabled sobol sampling functionality related to MacOS crashes. It can be re-enabled with the FEATURE_SOBOL define flag.


  • Models with a negative scale not rendering correctly.
  • Renderer crashing on MacOS devices.
  • Renderer crashing on Android devices.
  • Rendering not working at all on iOS devices due to lacking support for linearly interpolated Float32 textures.

[0.0.16] - 2023-07-21


  • Reverted change that caused NaN values on some hardware.

[0.0.15] - 2023-05-20


  • Missing file extension.


  • CompatibilityDetector to determine whether the path tracer can run on the target platform.
  • DEBUG_MODE define to PhysicalPathTracingMaterial to render out ray depth.
  • GradientMapMaterial to map texture values to a color ramp.
  • Support for copy function to ShapedAreaLight, PhysicalCamera, and PhysicalSpotLight.


  • Fog hits no longer count as transparent surface bounces.
  • Remove precision workaround for Equirect map.
  • Significant refactoring to make more effective use of structs.

[0.0.14] - 2023-03-05


  • Support for volumetric fog material.
  • Disable sampling of the environment map if env intensity is set to 0.0 to improve direct light sampling rate.


  • Base color is now applied both on the way in and out of a transmissive material.
  • Improved performance of env map CDF processing.


  • Area light shapes now consistently cast shadows in MIS and non MIS mode

[0.0.13] - 2023-02-13


  • TRANSPARENT_TRAVERSALS define to transmissiveBounces uniform.
  • EquirectUniformInfo now defaults to a white environment map so lighting is present by default.
  • Add "stepRayOrigin" function for reuse in the path tracer functions.


  • Transmissive materials now traverse more bounces than non transmissive materials for improved quality. See transmissiveBounces uniform.
  • Support for russian roulette path termination after 3 bounces. See the FEATURE_RUSSIAN_ROULETTE flag.
  • QuiltPathTracingRenderer to enable rending for the Looking Glass Display.


  • PathTracingSceneGenerator / Worker: include point lights and directional lights in the result.
  • Translucent and transparent meshes incorrectly completely blocking area and punctual lights.
  • Respect the Material "sheen" field.
  • Incorrectly squaring the sheen term.
  • Iridescence being incorrectly applied to materials.

[0.0.12] - 2023-01-29


  • Added workaround for Windows machines to address case where the shader compilation would fail due to arrays being passed as function arguments.

[0.0.11] - 2023-01-05


  • Incorrect import statement extension.

[0.0.10] - 2023-01-04


  • Equirect sampling CDF offset values causing env maps with 1 bright pixel to be most noticeably incorrect.
  • Clearcoat roughness map values not being respected.

[0.0.9] - 2022-12-31


  • Support for Material.flatShading to render flat-shaded materials.
  • Support for randomization using Owen-scrambled and shuffled Sobol values enabling sample stratification and image in fewer samples.
  • Support for directional lights, point lights.


  • Roughness and metalness maps not being assigned correctly.
  • Case where textures using shared "Source" with different encodings were not treated as unique.
  • Spot Lights no longer have a dark hot spot.


  • Move "random" functions around.

[0.0.8] - 2022-12-11


  • Three.js semver package version.
  • Removed 3 texture sampler units to add room for future features, background map.
  • Texture memory leak in BlurredEnvMapGenerator.
  • PathtracingSceneGenerator / DynamicPathTracingSceneGenerator: both generators now only include visible geometry in the result.


  • GradientEquirectTexture class for generating an equirect background texture with a gradient.
  • AttributesTextureArray class for storing multiple vertex attribute buffers in a sampler array to save texture units.


  • Removed FEATURE_GRADIENT_BG define and bgGradientTop, bgGradientBottom uniforms. Use the new GradientEquirectTexture class instead.
  • PhysicalPathTracingMaterial: Removed normalAttribute, tangentAttribute, uvAttribute, and colorAttribute uniforms. Use attributesArray to store those parameters, instead.
  • MaterialsTexture.setSide function.


  • MaterialsTexture automatically uses the specified material side unless the object is transmissive - in which case double-sided is used.
  • Used textures are now reduced to just those with unique sources.
  • PhysicalPathTracingMaterial.uniforms.environmentRotation from a Matrix3 to a Matrix4.
  • Updated three-mesh-bvh to v0.5.19.
  • Rework application of Fresnel based on Joe Shutte's Disney BSDF writeup resulting in improve handling of metalness brightness.
  • Use a 1.1 fresnel by default for plastics since it matches GlTF models more exactly.

[0.0.7] - 2022-10-15


  • DenoiseMaterial based on "glslSmartDenoise" to smooth the final render.
  • Support for vertex colors.
  • Support for attenuated transmission.
  • PathTracingRenderer.alpha: Docs specifying premuliplied alpha behavior.
  • Support for thin film transmission.


  • Diffuse materials looking too dark.
  • Specular sampling to use perceptual roughness.
  • Default specular and ior values to match three.js.


  • Opacity support now requires setting material.transparent to true.

[0.0.6] - 2022-08-06


  • Support for sheen parameter support
  • Support for iridescence parameter support
  • Support for lights to the DynamicPathTracingGenerator
  • Support for circular area lights
  • Support for spot lights
  • Add support for specular color and intensity control
  • Support for IES Profiles on the new "PhysicalSpotLight" class
  • IESLoader for loading IES profiles as textures


  • PhysicalPathTracingMaterial: Default "environment intensity" from 2.0 to 1.0.


  • White hotspots at some glancing angles.

[0.0.5] - 2022-07-16


  • Support for equirect rendering with EquirectCamera.
  • Support for area lights.
  • Support for threejs compatible texture transforms.
  • Support for Clearcoat properties.
  • Support for arrays of objects passed to pathtracer scene generator.


  • Black renders on M1 Safari devices.
  • Camera ray direction recision issues when scrolling far from the origin.

[0.0.4] - 2022-06-12


  • Textures not working correctly on Pixel 6 due to an issue with floatBitsToInt.
  • PathTracingRenderer.alpha not being able to be changed after rendering.
  • Improved reflective behavior for perfectly smooth surfaces.
  • Case where partially transparent objects would cast full shadows.


  • Support for material alpha map.
  • Ability to disable casting of shadows.
  • Support for rendering with Orthographic cameras.
  • Support for texture transform properties per texture.

[0.0.3] - 2022-05-22


  • Some black artifacts when rendering with depth of field.
  • DynamicPathTracingSceneGenerator.reset not correctly resetting the class resulting in errors when calling "generate" again.


  • Materials to use a texture instead of uniforms to cut down on max uniform errors.
  • SUPPORT_DOF no longer needs to be explicitly set and will be toggled automatically based on the bokeh size parameter.
  • Removed direct support for environment blur with addition of MIS. Instead use BlurredEnvMapGenerator to preblur an environment map.
  • Antialiasing jitter is now performed per ray in the shader instead of via camera position jitter for improved AA.


  • Support for "matte" material flag.
  • Support for Multiple Importance Sampling for the envionment map and an associated "FEATURE_MIS" flag.
  • BlurredEnvMapGenerator to blur environment maps.
  • Support for rendering transparent backgrounds.


  • Support for gradient environment colors. Use a DataTexture, instead.

[0.0.2] - 2022-04-26


  • Support for material sidedness which must be set explicitly on the material uniforms. See MaterialStructUniform.side for more information.
  • DynamicPathTracingSceneGenerator to support skinned and morph target meshes.
  • A PhysicalCamera instance and associated shader uniforms and updates to support camera depth of field and shaped bokeh.
  • PathTracingSceneWorker as separate from the synchronous PathTracingSceneGenerator to support more build processes.
  • Support for morph target, skinned meshes to scene generators.


  • PhysicalPathTracingMaterial to have a "bounces" uniform rather than define.
  • PathTracingSceneGenerator is now synchronous.


  • Case where material arrays did not work correctly.

[0.0.1] - 2022-04-08

Initial release with support for path tracing physically based materials with properties including metalness, transmission, roughness, opacity, alpha cutout, and more!