Thread Dev Board (TBD) is the end device part of the thread kit developed by GL-iNet. Developers can test thread-related features and develop their own features based on the TBD.
TBD currently implements the following functions:
- Join a thread network as a Thread Router / Thread End Device / Thread Sleepy End Device.
- Real-time collection of current environment information and uploading to S200 gateway via thread.
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Air pressure
- Pyroelectric infrared
- Rotary encoder status
- GPIO input
- Receive command and execute operations in real time via thread
- RGB LED on/off
- Change RGB LED color
- GPIO output
- Firmware upgrade
- DFU by thread
HW part | Info |
MCU | NRF52840 |
Temperature and humidity sensor | SHTC3 |
Light sensor | HX3203 |
Air pressure and temperature sensor | SPL0601 |
Pyroelectric infrared sensor | XYC-PIR203B-S0 |
Rotary encoder | EC1108 |
RGB LED (X2) | LC8812B |
SW define button | x2 |
HW reset button | x1 |
SW define LED | x2 |
HW power LED | x1 |
Power supply | Battery base(CR2032) / Type-C |
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or later
Please refer to Developing with Zephyr for environment setup.
Support versions
west init -m --mr v2.2.0-glinet gl-nrf-sdk
cd gl-nrf-sdk/
west update
gl-dev-board-over-thread demo is used as an example.
cd glinet/gl-dev-board-over-thread
west build -b gl_nrf52840_dev_board
- Using an external debug probe
Please power on the GL Thread DEV Board. Refer to the picture below, connect SWDCLK, SWDIO and GND of the GL Thread DEV Board to the same pin of J-LINK. Then connect J-LINK to ubuntu, and use the west command to flash the firmware to GL Thread DEV Board.
west flash --erase
- DFU over Serial
The GL Thread Dev Board is built-in with MCUboot bootloader. Please refer to UART_DFU.
- DFU over IP
The GL.iNET S200 built-in with mcumgr. After gl-dev-board-over-thread demo is connected to S200, you can refer to the following command to upgrade.
root@GL-S200:~# mcumgr --conntype udp --connstring=[fd71:12b6:e2d0:5814:2ae8:1016:db22:4944]:1337 image list
image=0 slot=0
version: 1.1.10
bootable: true
flags: active confirmed
hash: 3ea9079ccfad7138d86c549a010463203c64915e711e38c45d1393569304f0f9
Split status: N/A (0)
# Upload the image
root@GL-S200:~# mcumgr --conntype udp --connstring=[fd71:12b6:e2d0:5814:2ae8:1016:db22:4944]:1337 image upload /tmp/MTD.bin
22.00 KiB / 379.04 KiB [=======>-------------------------] 5.80% 4.49 KiB/s 01m16s
root@GL-S200:~# mcumgr --conntype udp --connstring=[fd71:12b6:e2d0:5814:2ae8:1016:db22:4944]:1337 image list
image=0 slot=0
version: 1.1.10
bootable: true
flags: active confirmed
hash: 3ea9079ccfad7138d86c549a010463203c64915e711e38c45d1393569304f0f9
image=0 slot=1
version: 1.1.11
bootable: true
hash: 93b3858e4630bc2daccfeeb80fc7b359da50f1cf3ffedbdc2c886f0cf211542f
Split status: N/A (0)
# Set the image for next boot
root@GL-S200:~# mcumgr --conntype udp --connstring=[fd71:12b6:e2d0:5814:2ae8:1016:db22:4944]:1337 image confirm 93b3858e4630bc2daccfeeb80fc7b359da50f1cf3ffedbdc2c886f0cf211542f
image=0 slot=0
version: 1.1.10
bootable: true
flags: active confirmed
hash: 3ea9079ccfad7138d86c549a010463203c64915e711e38c45d1393569304f0f9
image=0 slot=1
version: 1.1.11
bootable: true
flags: pending permanent
hash: 93b3858e4630bc2daccfeeb80fc7b359da50f1cf3ffedbdc2c886f0cf211542f
Split status: N/A (0)
# Boot
root@GL-S200:~# mcumgr --conntype udp --connstring=[fd71:12b6:e2d0:5814:2ae8:1016:db22:4944]:1337 reset
root@GL-S200:~# mcumgr --conntype udp --connstring=[fd71:12b6:e2d0:5814:2ae8:1016:db22:4944]:1337 image list
image=0 slot=0
version: 1.1.11
bootable: true
flags: active confirmed
hash: 93b3858e4630bc2daccfeeb80fc7b359da50f1cf3ffedbdc2c886f0cf211542f
image=0 slot=1
version: 1.1.10
bootable: true
hash: 3ea9079ccfad7138d86c549a010463203c64915e711e38c45d1393569304f0f9
Split status: N/A (0)
You can erase unuse image slot by command,
root@GL-S200:~# mcumgr -t 20 --conntype udp --connstring=[fd71:12b6:e2d0:5814:2ae8:1016:db22:4944]:1337 image erase
root@GL-S200:~# mcumgr --conntype udp --connstring=[fd71:12b6:e2d0:5814:2ae8:1016:db22:4944]:1337 image list
image=0 slot=0
version: 1.1.11
bootable: true
flags: active confirmed
hash: 93b3858e4630bc2daccfeeb80fc7b359da50f1cf3ffedbdc2c886f0cf211542f
Split status: N/A (0)
Reference add TDB(GL Thread DEV Board) to the thread network. After successfully joining the network, you can view the collected data such as temperature reported by the OTB to gl-s200 on the web page, or run commands in the background of gl-s200 to control the OTB.
coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"onoff\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"val\":0}" -m put coap://[fd11:22:0:0:240f:8ae:bbca:47c2]/cmd
coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"onoff\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"val\":1}" -m put coap://[fd11:22:0:0:240f:8ae:bbca:47c2]/cmd
On and off with delay
coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"onoff\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"val\":1,\"delay\":10}" -m put coap://[fd11:22:0:0:240f:8ae:bbca:47c2]/cmd
coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"onoff\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"val\":2}" -m put coap://[fd11:22:0:0:45a7:d69c:3f32:614a]/cmd
Note: It is effective only when the LED is on
coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"change_color\",\"obj\":\"all\",\"r\":230,\"g\":230,\"b\":230}" -m put coap://[fd11:22:0:0:256:d4d4:98e2:2bf0]/cmd
coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"set_gpio\",\"obj\":\"0.15\",\"val\":false}" -m put coap://[fd11:22:0:0:26e6:c63b:4a02:49d6]/cmd
coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"set_gpio\",\"obj\":\"0.15\",\"val\":true}" -m put coap://[fd11:22:0:0:26e6:c63b:4a02:49d6]/cmd
root@GL-S200:~# coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"get_gpio_status\"}" -m put coap://[fd11:22:0:0:12c7:ca49:90c5:d269]/cmd
root@GL-S200:~# coap_cli -N -e "{\"cmd\":\"get_led_status\"}" -m put coap://[fd11:22:0:0:12c7:ca49:90c5:d269]/cmd
cli demo is used as an example.
Enter cli demo directory and building
cd gl-nrf-sdk/nrf/samples/openthread/cli
west build -b gl_nrf52840_dev_board
The following print appears if the compilation is successful
[664/672] Linking CXX executable zephyr/zephyr.elf
Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
FLASH: 387604 B 495104 B 78.29%
RAM: 106552 B 256 KB 40.65%
IDT_LIST: 0 GB 2 KB 0.00%
[667/672] Generating ../../zephyr/app_update.bin
sign the payload
[669/672] Generating ../../zephyr/app_signed.hex
sign the payload
[670/672] Generating ../../zephyr/app_test_update.hex
sign the payload
[672/672] Generating zephyr/merged.hex
GL Thread DEV Board is connected to ubuntu by J-LINK burner, and flashing the firmware to GL Thread DEV Board.
west flash --erase
If the flashing success will appear the following print
[ #################### ] 20.244s | Erase file - Done erasing
[ #################### ] 5.791s | Program file - Done programming
[ #################### ] 6.453s | Verify file - Done verifying
Enabling pin reset.
Applying pin reset.
-- runners.nrfjprog: Board with serial number 59768885 flashed successfully.
Enter cli command in GL development board terminal to test.
uart:~$ ot channel 11
uart:~$ ot panid 0xabcd
uart:~$ ot networkkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
uart:~$ ot ifconfig up
uart:~$ ot thread start
uart:~$ ot state
uart:~$ ot networkname
uart:~$ ot ipaddr
uart:~$ ot dataset active -x