An expansion to the original webmidi package to map devices in a simple way
- Provides an extension to the original Web Midi package
- Maps devices to easy to remember functions
Install the Midi Mapper package:
npm install webmidi-mapper
Import the Midi Mapper package somewhere in your code:
import {init as initWebmidi, onFaderChange, onButtonPress, onRotaryEncoderChange, onDrumPad, debugMidi, midiMaps} from 'webmidi-mapper';
Start by initializing the Midi Mapper by running the init function (this needs to be executed first before running other functions)
initWebmidi("korg-nanokontrol2", (deviceReady) => {
If your device isn't number 0 in the array than please adjust this like so:
initWebmidi("korg-nanokontrol2", (deviceReady) => {
}, 1);
Now you can start by assigning faders, rotary encoders and buttons:
To assign a fader:
onFaderChange("1", (value) => {
To assign a rotary encoder:
onRotaryEncoderChange("1", (value) => {
To assign a button:
onButtonPress("play", () => {
console.log("Midi play button pressed!");
To assign a drumpad:
onDrumPad("1", () => {
console.log("Midi drumpad pressed!");
If you want the RAW midi value instead of the 0 to 1 value:
onFaderChange("1", (value) => {
}, true);
onRotaryEncoderChange("1", (value) => {
}, true);
If you want the button function to respond on both on and off value's:
onButtonPress("play", () => {
console.log("Midi play button pressed!");
}, true);
To create a new map start by copying an existing map from the maps folder. Then import and export your map in the maps.js.
To see on what note a button is use our debug function:
debugMidi((note, value, mapKey) => {
console.log('note', note);
console.log('value', value);
console.log('mapKey', mapKey);
Then press a button, turn a knob or turn up a fader and see the result.
To see all the maps in the mapper:
console.log("Maps: ", midiMaps());
When your map is complete please create a pull request or open an issue with your map attached. This so others can also start using that map.