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Have control over their own finances through information and insights on their networth


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Gainstrack is

The following guide is targeted for developers. For user help, please visit Gainstrack Help

Developer notes

To proxy a mysql instance in google cloud as localhost:

cloud-sql-proxy -c ./gainstrack-firebase-adminsdk-some-id.json gainstrack:asia-northeast1:gainstrack-tk

Environment variables

AV_API_KEY - API Key for alphavantage. Free keys can be obtained from their website

MYSQL_PASS - Password to MySQL database

MYSQL_URL - (Optional) custom JDBC connect string. Examples include (check region carefully)

  • jdbc:mysql:///cloudsql/gainstrack:asia-east2:gainstrack-hk
  • jdbc:mysql://google/quotes?cloudSqlInstance=gainstrack:asia-east2:gainstrack-hk&

GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS - Path to JSON file containing Google credentials for Firestore. Supplied automatically in Google environments

QUOTES_ADMIN - Enable quotes admin web API

AUTH0_DOMAIN - e.g AUTH0_AUDIENCE - e.g. AUTH0_CLIENT - e.g. UjVvEmeNTbgIEU6g60h1xvvvBPL4vJqi

Development instructions

The following all need to be running


Open the project in IntelliJ or other IDE and run JettyLauncher. Set environment variables as needed by application.conf or override application.conf

Cloud functions

export DEV=true
cd client/functions
npm run serve


cd client
npm run serve

Or open client in your IDE and run npm serve from there

Build instructions

Front end client build can be built locally with

cd client
quasar build

Full single build of backend app server image can be built and submitted with gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml This will also update the latest image in the container registry

Faster build instructions

A newer build system allows the creation of base images to speed the build of the final image

Base images should be regenerated when dependencies change

gcloud builds submit --config nodebase.cloudbuild.yaml
gcloud builds submit --config scalabase.cloudbuild.yaml
gcloud builds submit --config runtime.cloudbuild.yaml

The incremental gainstrack image can be built (with a faster CPU) as follows

gcloud builds submit --machine-type=N1_HIGHCPU_8 --config fast.cloudbuild.yaml

which will update the latest image in the container registry


App server

gcloud run deploy appserver \
          --region asia-northeast1 \
          --image \
          --platform managed \
          --allow-unauthenticated \
          --project gainstrack && \
gcloud run services update-traffic appserver --platform managed --region asia-northeast1 --to-latest

TODO: After deployment, the FX cache in the server needs priming or the first wave of calls will timeout with a 429 HTTP error

Quotes server

gcloud run deploy quotes \
          --region asia-northeast1 \
          --image \
          --platform managed \
          --allow-unauthenticated \
          --project gainstrack


cd client
quasar build && firebase deploy --only hosting:poc

And for production

firebase deploy --only hosting:prod


cd client/functions
firebase deploy --only functions

Functions (TBD)

gcloud functions deploy investpy --runtime python38 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated --region=asia-northeast1

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