We create a prototype software to define and execute customs cuts with a CNC Plasma Machine based on Arduino. The machine uses GRBL 0.9 installed on the board.
The target of this wrapper GRBL developed with Win forms C# with .NET Framework 4.6, was to get a helpful interface for a metallurgical company to define and execute daily cuts.
These cuts would be defined by their shape and measurements through an elementary user interace.
When we made this machine, we used it with Universal G-Code Sender (an excellent open-source software), but it required designing and generating a g-code file before executing it. It isn't practiced in the daily use of a metallurgical.
The following link is a small sample of the machine and this software: https://youtu.be/BqKCH0dMwMc
This application is a prototype that allows you to make cuts for everyday use with absolute ease.
With this, we fulfill the first objective that we set ourselves.
In the future, we are going to introduce some features for example:
- Improve UI/UX for use with touch screen.
- Import and execute gcode files.
- Automatic axis calibration.
- Speed control depending on the thickness of the sheet.
- History of cuts made.
We will also include a quality control person, so I will also work on bug fixes.
Since the system works with a plasma, the minimum value of the Z-axis is zero.
This prototype was developed with WinForms C#, .NET Framework 4.6. The machine uses Arduino UNO R3 and GRBL 0.9.
Link for GRBL: https://github.com/grbl/grbl
Raúl Rodríguez, Metallurgist (Robotics Hobbyist)
- Responsible for the design and construction of the CNC mechanics.
Gonzalo Rodríguez, Sr. Full Stack Developer (Robotics Hobbyist)
- Responsible for the electrical part of the machine.
- Responsible for the complete development of this prototype.