Releases: gnieh/diffson
Releases · gnieh/diffson
This release brings:
- A new module for upickle support (see #401 by @esarbe).
- Contribution guidelines regarding copyright have also been updated (see #403 by @satabin).
- Pinning of Scala 3 to the 3.3 series (LTS) to increase compatibility.
It also updates following library dependencies (by @scala-steward):
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.16.0
- Update scala3-library, ... to 3.3.3
- Update sbt-typelevel to 0.6.7
- Update scala-library to 2.12.19
- Update sbt to 1.9.9
- Update scalatest to 3.2.18
- Update ujson, upickle to 3.1.4
- Update nscplugin, sbt-scala-native, ... to 0.4.17
- Update play-json to 3.0.2
- Update sbt-jmh to 0.4.7
This release was brought to you by following contributors:
git shortlog -sn --no-merges v4.5.0..v4.6.0
14 Scala Steward
8 Raphael Bosshard
6 Lucas Satabin
This release mainly improves performances of the diffing algorithm (see #331 by @satabin)
It also updates following library dependencies (by @scala-steward):
- scala-collection-compat 2.9.0
- sbt-scalajs 1.13.0
- scala-library 2.13.10
- sbt-typelevel 0.4.18
- cats-core 2.9.0
- scalatest 3.2.15
- sbt 1.8.2
- nscplugin 0.4.10
- scalafmt-core 3.7.2
- scala3-library 3.2.2
This release was brought to you by following contributors:
git shortlog -sn --no-merges v4.3.0..v4.4.0
14 Scala Steward
10 Lucas Satabin
Release 4.1.1
Use circe 0.14.1.
Release 4.1.0
This release adds support for Scala 3.
Release 4.0.3
This release brings a fix for #176 and updates all dependencies.
Dependency update release
4.0.2 Dependenc update release