A sample project that provides a gRPC + REST service for managing an object store, supporting operations such as create, read, update, delete, list and subscribe. This project uses:
- Axum web framework for REST request handling
- Tonic as a gRPC server
- SQLx + Postgres for the data layer, providing compile-time checked SQL queries
- OpenAPI + Swaggger UI for API documentation. The OpenAPI spec is auto-generated from the protobuf definitions.
- Ezsockets A high level declarative API for building websocket client and servers based on tokio-tungstenite
- Buf CLI for Protobuf API management
- Python-Betterproto for human-readable python client generated from protobufs.
- Connect-Web for generation of Typescript web client from protobufs.
- Protoc-Gen-OpenAPI for generating OpenAPI Schema from proto files.
Head to https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started and follow the instructions to install Rustup, the Rust installer and version management tool, then follow the on-screen instruction. Specifically, run:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
We use the latest stable version of Rust. Rustup will install the Rust Compiler (rustc) and the Rust package manager ( cargo).
We use Protoc with additional plugins to generate Python, Typescript and OpenAPI schemas from protobuf. To install Protoc, run:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
Then make sure protobuf is in your path by running: protoc --version
With Rust toolchain and Protoc compiler installed, now you are ready build rust code. Just run:
SQLX_OFFLINE=true cargo build
And cargo would download the depdencies and get the project built. The environment variable SQLX_OFFLINE tells SQLx not to compile check SQL queries for now, because we haven't had a database setup.
First, install the docker engine: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install
You may choose to use Docker Desktop setup instead. But it's really not needed and recommended on Linux.
Then install docker compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/linux/#install-using-the-repository
After docker toolchain is installed, run:
docker compose up -d
Would give you a database instance. For the database credentials, refer to the docker-compose.yml file
Install the SQLx CLI with:
cargo install sqlx-cli
Then run:
sqlx migrate run
To do the database migration. It will look at the database creditials in the .env file.
First check if the database is ready by just running:
cargo build
This time without SQLX_OFFLINE.
Then run:
cargo run
This would run the main function in src/main.rs and start the server. Head to http://localhost:3000/ to see the SwaggerUI Docs.
If you change the protobuf definitions located under proto, you have to update the generated code. By default, when one executes cargo build, build.rs would be automatically invoked by cargo and in there we generate the rust code using Prost. But to regenerate the OpenAPI schema, TS and Python code, we need to install additional protoc plugins.
For several of the installation steps below, we recommend using homebrew to install the required tools because it is easiest. If you don't want to install brew, you may head to their main page and follow the instructions there instead. To install brew, run:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
First, install Buf CLI for easy management of Proto code generation. Run:
brew install bufbuild/buf/buf
The protoc-gen-openapi plugin is written in Go so we need it to install the Go Compiler, run:
brew install go
go install github.com/google/gnostic/cmd/protoc-gen-openapi
And make sure that protoc-gen-openapi is on your $PATH. The go tool will by default install the binary under *~ /go/bin/protoc-gen-openapi* folder
You would need to have your Python toolchain installed. We recommend installing Anaconda and creating a new virtual Anaconda environment. After that, run:
pip install betterproto
Make sure betterproto is on your $PATH (by activating the Python environment, if you haven't already)
Now you are ready to generate all the code. The plugin for Typescript is not needed to install locally because it's already in provided in Buf repository. Run:
buf generate
And check the output in the generated folder
We use cargo-make to manage different project tasks from a centralized command line interface. To install it, run:
cargo install --force cargo-make
We provide different tasks:
cargo make doc
: Generate documentation from code and open it in a browsercargo make build
: Re-generate code with buf, rebuild the web grpc interface, lint and format build the rust codecargo make generate
: Re-generate code using Buf CLIcargo make format
: We use rustfmt to format rust codecargo make lint
: Lint all target with Clippy
Refer to Makefile.toml to see all the available tasks
Rust provides a standard formatting tool (Rustfmt) and linting tool (Clippy) out of the box. Make sure to configure your IDE to use those instead of the default one.
- Refer to Gnostic Repo to know how to annotate proto files to generate API schemas