[Fix] - bugfix
[Breaking] - breaking change
[Feature] - new feature
[Improvement] - non-breaking improvement
[Code] - code quality related change that shouldn't make any significant difference for end-user
- [Fix] Make it compatible with both pb2 and pb3. Incompatibility was introduced in 0.6
- [Fix] Make it compatible with recent carbonzipper definitions
- [Code] commit vendored dependencies
- [Fix] Fix panic on bad queries
- [Improvement] Introduce vendoring and Makefile
- [Breaking] Migrate to protobuf3
Notes on upgrading to 0.6.0:
You need to upgrade carbonzipper or go-carbon to the version that supports protobuf3
<=0.5 There is no dedicated changelog for older versions of carbonmem. Please see commit log for more information about what changed for each commit.