diff --git a/misc/os_test/icon.png.import b/misc/os_test/icon.png.import index d9474a8bd0..6a5f96eadd 100644 --- a/misc/os_test/icon.png.import +++ b/misc/os_test/icon.png.import @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.cte [params] compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false compress/lossy_quality=0.7 compress/hdr_compression=1 -compress/bptc_ldr=0 compress/normal_map=0 compress/channel_pack=0 mipmaps/generate=false diff --git a/misc/os_test/os_test.gd b/misc/os_test/os_test.gd index 446d6cf8c0..7c2ecd7764 100644 --- a/misc/os_test/os_test.gd +++ b/misc/os_test/os_test.gd @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ func _ready(): add_header("Audio") add_line("Mix rate", "%d Hz" % AudioServer.get_mix_rate()) add_line("Output latency", "%f ms" % (AudioServer.get_output_latency() * 1000)) - add_line("Output device list", ", ".join(AudioServer.get_device_list())) - add_line("Capture device list", ", ".join(AudioServer.capture_get_device_list())) + add_line("Output device list", ", ".join(AudioServer.get_output_device_list())) + add_line("Capture device list", ", ".join(AudioServer.get_input_device_list())) add_header("Date") add_line("Date and time (local)", Time.get_datetime_string_from_system(false, true)) diff --git a/misc/os_test/os_test.tscn b/misc/os_test/os_test.tscn index e621d69647..2c69dba7ba 100644 --- a/misc/os_test/os_test.tscn +++ b/misc/os_test/os_test.tscn @@ -26,165 +26,108 @@ theme_override_constants/separation = 10 [node name="Features" type="RichTextLabel" parent="HBoxContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 608.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 bbcode_enabled = true [node name="Actions" type="VBoxContainer" parent="HBoxContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_left = 561.0 -offset_right = 1112.0 -offset_bottom = 608.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 script = ExtResource("4") [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 37.0 theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 24 text = "Actions" horizontal_alignment = 1 [node name="GridContainer" type="GridContainer" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_top = 41.0 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 608.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 columns = 2 [node name="OpenShellWeb" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_right = 274.0 -offset_bottom = 78.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Open Shell (web)" [node name="OpenShellFolder" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_left = 278.0 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 78.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Open Shell (folder)" [node name="ChangeWindowTitle" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_top = 82.0 -offset_right = 274.0 -offset_bottom = 160.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Change Window Title" [node name="ChangeWindowIcon" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_left = 278.0 -offset_top = 82.0 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 160.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Change Window Icon" [node name="MoveWindowToForeground" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_top = 164.0 -offset_right = 274.0 -offset_bottom = 242.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Move Window to Foreground" [node name="RequestAttention" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_left = 278.0 -offset_top = 164.0 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 242.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Request Attention" [node name="VibrateDeviceShort" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_top = 246.0 -offset_right = 274.0 -offset_bottom = 324.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Vibrate Device (200 ms)" [node name="VibrateDeviceLong" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_left = 278.0 -offset_top = 246.0 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 324.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Vibrate Device (1000 ms)" [node name="AddGlobalMenuItems" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_top = 328.0 -offset_right = 274.0 -offset_bottom = 405.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Add Global Menu Items" [node name="RemoveGlobalMenuItem" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_left = 278.0 -offset_top = 328.0 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 405.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Remove Global Menu Item" [node name="GetClipboard" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_top = 409.0 -offset_right = 274.0 -offset_bottom = 486.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Get Clipboard Contents" [node name="SetClipboard" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_left = 278.0 -offset_top = 409.0 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 486.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Set Clipboard Contents" [node name="DisplayAlert" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_top = 490.0 -offset_right = 274.0 -offset_bottom = 567.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Display Alert" [node name="KillCurrentProcess" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer/Actions/GridContainer"] layout_mode = 2 -offset_left = 278.0 -offset_top = 490.0 -offset_right = 551.0 -offset_bottom = 567.0 size_flags_horizontal = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3 text = "Kill Current Process"