A powerful template that contains 10+ building blocks for a web application with 10+ advanced development tools.
Modern web application REST API backend boilerplate built with Python, FastAPI, and Celery. Inspired by tiangolo/full-stack-fastapi-postgresql and testdrivenio/fastapi-react.
The application offers the functionality that can be used as a set of building blocks for satisfying most of the modern application's typical functional requirements:
- register a user and send him a welcome e-mail in background, update profile, delete profile
- login a user, use OAuth2 token authentication
- create a todo item providing subject and optional deadline, delete a todo item
- edit a todo item by changing subject, deadline or visibility (e.g. move to archive)
- resolve/reopen a todo item
- in background periodically check for todo items that passed the deadline and mark them as overdue with e-mail notification
- in background periodically check for todo items that were resolved or overdue more than 24h ago and archive them
Adapt and customize those to your business domain and requirements.
- Docker and Docker Compose
- using healthchecks as readiness checks
- reusing services definitions in Compose via
- vscode Dev Containers for the best developer experience
- GitHub Actions to run linters and tests on a pull-request
- git pre-commit hook that runs linters
- Python, Poetry
- FastAPI, Pydantic
- built-in OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification
- "Try it out" button - easy to use playground with provided request payload examples
- integrated OAuth2 authorization for trying endpoints that require authorization
- OAuth2 token authentication
- PostgreSQL and SQLAlchemy
- alembic migrations
- models with
timestamps that are being set automatically - using partial indices for the best performance and the smallest overhead
- Celery
- scheduling background tasks directly from an API path operation's code
- running periodic background tasks with a certain schedule
- backed by RabbitMQ
- using Flower to be able to monitor Celery tasks
- Pytest
- tests are run against a separate isolated test DB
- initial DB state is declared in a database seeding script
- test data with either specific or faked (with Faker) fields is being created using factories
- linters and static analysis tools
- code autoformatting and cleaning
- MailHog for e-mails testing
- Docker ^23.0
- Docker Compose plugin ^2.17
⚠️ Make sure you've created a.env
file from the.env.example
template:cp .env.example .envand reviewed variables values in the
file replacing_CHANGE_THIS_
placeholders with appropriate values.
The project was mainly configured to be developed in vscode. It is still available to be run simply with a CLI command without the vscode (see below).
The vscode's Dev Containers feature is used in order to reach a full integration of the IDE with the application's dockerized Python environment. That gives a decent developer experience (DX) working with the application's source code: code completion, code navigation etc.
In order to start the application and run vscode inside the application's container do the following:
- in vscode open the project's directory
- hit Ctrl+Shift+P
- paste
- hit Enter
After application starts apply database migrations to initialize the database:
alembic upgrade head
If you simply want to spin up the application or if the vscode is not an option for you, just run:
docker compose up --detach --build --wait
After application starts apply database migrations to initialize the database:
docker compose exec api alembic upgrade head
Out of the box FastAPI provides autogeneration of an OpenAPI documentation for your REST API.
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/docs.
MailHog is an email testing tool for developers. It mimics sending a real email and allows you to see sent emails in your browser.
Navigate to http://localhost:8025/.
Flower is a web based tool for monitoring and administrating Celery clusters. Intended to be used in the project to debug Celery tasks.
Navigate to http://localhost:5555/. Protected with basic HTTP authentication. User and password are being set via FLOWER_USER
environment variables in the .env
Navigate to application/README.md
to see frequently used commands cheat sheet.