The fetch length, is the length of water over which a given wind can blown. The higher the wind fetch from a certain direction, then more wave energy could be imparted if the wind blows for that direction. Wind Fetch should be analysed along with the predominant wind speed and direction of the sites. If you got a high fetch value but the wind blows few times in the year from that direction, then wave energy will not be well represented by fetch.
With this R scrip you can calculate wind fetch in any point of the Argentinean coast. The shapefile used is ARG_adm0 which is store in the folder ARG_adm0.
Package used for calculating fetch:
Install fetchR
Only available in the development version from GitHub
In the case devtools::install_github("blasee/fetchR") doesn't work try:
Using the pop-up menu, navigate to the '' file found in this repo.