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Status update: Dovekey Auction with Secure 2-Party Computation (2PC)


Teams from across Google, including Ads teams, are actively engaged in industry dialog about new technologies that can ensure a healthy ecosystem and preserve core business models. Online discussions (e.g. on GitHub) of technology proposals should not be interpreted as commitments about Google ads products.

This explainer is neither a cryptographic design document nor a cryptographic paper. This explainer does not assume that the audience are crypto experts but rather ones who need to evaluate the functionality of the proposed algorithms and its advantages and limitations, as well as its performance characteristics.


In March 2021, Google Ads published the Dovekey auction with secure 2PC explainer, which outlines a possible Multi-Party-Computation (MPC) design for privacy preserving ads selection process. Since then, we have prototyped the proposed architecture to evaluate its technical feasibility. This explainer summarizes some of the findings in the prototype.

Scope of the prototype


The prototype implemented a subset of the features and crypto algorithms discussed in the Dovekey auction with secure 2PC explainer, including:

With the following exceptions:

  • The prototype fully implemented the server side crypto algorithm, but mocked client side or DSP/SSP side logic. DSP/SSP stand for Demand Side Platform (e.g. ad network) and Supply Side Platform (e.g. Google Ad Manager) respectively.
  • Budget enforcement and pacing feature is under development.
  • Impression notification is postponed because it is not on the critical ad serving path and is not latency sensitive.

Out of scope

There are many technical and non-technical risks involved in trusted servers based on MPC. The focus of this prototype is to assess and mitigate most, but not all, of the critical technical risks. Network latency optimization is not in scope.

3-stage ads selection process

The prototype conceptually implements a 3-stage ads selection process, as shown in the following diagram. In the diagram, L, M, K and 1 are the number of candidate bids flowing through the corresponding pipe.

3-stage ads selection in Dovekey auction prototype Figure 1. 3-stage ads selection in Dovekey auction prototype

It turns out that the details of the 3-stage ads selection process has profound impact on the revenue recovery potential and the computation/latency cost, as well as the communication cost between the two parties in the MPC setup.

Stage #1 cache lookup

Logically the inputs to Stage #1 are all the conditional bids, conditioned on user data (or its derivatives) not available on Ad Tech Providers' (ATPs) servers. Those conditional bids are cached on the MPC cluster. The value L could be in the range of 10s of millions depending on the ATP use cases and the signals that may comprise the contextual cache key. The value L determines the MPC cluster's storage cost.

The output of Stage #1 includes M cached conditional bids associated with the cache lookup key, which is formed with selected signals in the contextual ad request (See link for detail). For the prototype M is 32,767.

Stage #2 bid price computation and floor enforcement

For each of the M cached conditional bids from the previous stage, the MPC cluster

  1. computes the precise bid price for the current request with the dot product method.
  2. Apply applicable floors to filter out bids whose bid prices are below applicable floors or the global minimum bid price (e.g. $0.01 in the US), or the highest contextual bid.

The output of Stage #2 include top-K cached conditional bids with valid bid prices. For the prototype,

  • K can be up to ~16,000 depending on the random bid prices generated. In some benchmark tests, we capped the K value to fixed numbers, e.g. 15,000, via a command line flag, to obtain reproducible benchmark results from downstream crypto algorithms.
  • The vector dimension for the dot product to calculate precise bid price is 128. A dimension of 32-64 may be sufficient for production, in which case we can further reduce the computation cost for the bid price calculation.

All computation in this stage is in cleartext in the current design, which is permissible because the computation doesn't rely on any cross-site user signal.

Stage #3 auction

In this step, the MPC cluster relies on MPC algorithm to select the final auction winner from the top- candidates by leveraging full fidelity signals not available to the ATPs' servers, including user's Interest Group (IG) membership, FCAP/MTA, budget/pacing and k-anonymity.

Due to the inherent computation cost of MPC crypto algorithms, this stage requires significantly more computation per ad candidate, compared to all previous stages.

In the prototype, the size of the winning ad is assumed to be randomly distributed between 4KB and 8KB, which are roughly the 50% and 90% of raw HTML snippet sizes distribution in production (though not counting assets these ads may download), respectively.

In the future when winning ads are rendered within fenced frames without network access, the winning ad bundle must include all creative assets necessary for rendering, in which case the winning ad size distribution may change and the change may require additional performance analysis and optimization.

Impact to Revenue/Serving cost

Unsurprisingly, when increasing L, M and K,

  1. The estimated Interest Group Ads revenue in prototype increases asymptotically,
  2. Yet the serving cost, dominated by the crypto algorithm, increases linearly. The serving cost here includes the computation cost, serving latency, as well as communication cost between the two parties in the MPC setup.

There are rooms to further improve the revenue and/or reduce the serving cost. For example,

  1. Probabilistically calculate the dot product for bid price with software packages like fbgemm.
  2. More efficient MPC algorithm.

Serving cost measured

Computation cost

With the above setup and parameters, we observed that, for each ad request, the prototype takes on average combined 115ms for both parties in the MPC setup to complete all processing on an Intel Skylake Xeon 3GHz CPU in single-threaded mode, without accounting for the network communication latency/cost. The performance is achieved via a combination of optimization at all levels, including business use case, architecture, crypto algorithm, implementation, and low level assembly-like programming with Intel intrinsics.

Communication cost between two parties

In the prototype, for K = 15,000, the total online communication between the two parties is 18.76 MB, which is linear to the value of K and the number of hash functions in the bloom filter for IG, FCAP/MTA membership check. We are exploring additional optimizations to reduce the bandwidth consumption.

Serving Latency

The overall MPC architecture and crypto algorithm require 3 types of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) between the two parties in the MPC setup.

  1. An asynchronous RPC, independent of any ad request, sets up the states of the two parties properly. The RPC cost can be amortized across ~1,000 ad requests.
  2. While the two parties are waiting for the contextual ad response from the SSP, the two parties complete one RPC to initiate Random OTe. The RPC takes less than 10 milliseconds assuming the two parties are co-located in the same modern datacenter, while the SSP typically takes a fraction of a second to produce the response.
  3. After the SSP's contextual ad response is received, the two parties in the MPC setup perform one last RPC call to complete the auction process and to send the winning ad snippet back to the browser.

The first two RPCs don't directly contribute to the overall ads serving latency. Compared to the last RPC, the computation cost and bandwidth consumption due to the first and second RPC is negligible. The net latency increase introduced by the MPC cluster over status quo is due to the last one of the 3 RPCs between the two parties. To reduce the serving latency, we need to reduce the latency due to computation and communication associated with the last one of the 3 RPCs.

We may perform the computation with multi-threading. The ​​Garbled circuit computation accounts for roughly 90% of all computation cost. It is highly parallelizable because the garbled gates computation for one cached bid is largely independent of the computation for other cached bids. Initial benchmarking demonstrated that, by enabling multi-threading for Interest Group and FCAP/MTA membership check, with 16 threads, we can reduce the overall computation latency for both parties in the MPC setup by half compared to single threaded implementation, i.e. from ~115ms to ~55ms.

The latency introduced by communication between the two parties is highly dependent on the network capacity and condition. Optimizing the network setup to reduce the latency due to communication is out of the scope of the prototype.


The prototype suggests that the MPC algorithm and associated optimization as implemented is mature enough to support selected ads use cases, with serving costs that are high but feasible.