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Daniel Rodriguez edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 1 revision

Google's DoubleClick For Publishers API Ruby Client Library

Google's DoubleClick For Publishers API service lets developers design computer programs that interact directly with the DFP platform. With these applications, advertisers and third parties can more efficiently — and creatively — manage their large or complex DoubleClick for Publishers accounts.

The DFP API Ruby Client Library makes it easy to write Ruby clients to programmatically access DoubleClick for Publishers accounts. The client library is available as a Ruby gem or gzipped tarball. It depends on the google-ads-common library which is base for all Google Ads APIs for Ruby.

What's in the client library?

The client library provides full access to all the functionality of the DoubleClick For Publishers API web services plus more. It includes:

  • DfpApi::Api class: The Api class provides methods for setting credentials for accessing DFP accounts as well as for creating instances of the DFP Service classes.

  • Ruby native objects support: All data is accepted and returned as Ruby hashes and arrays. No complex types are required!

  • Ruby naming conversions: all method and field names are converted to Ruby standard snake_case format.

  • Helpful utilities: The utilities designed as service extensions help you to schedule and run reports and import images into the client library.

  • Logger support: The library provides simple methods for logging the SOAP XML messages of all requests and responses as well as HTTP headers.

  • ApiException class: The Ruby client library converts XML faults into ApiExceptions where possible. For an example of how to use ApiException, see the error_handling.rb sample code.

  • Examples: The Ruby client library comes with code samples in the "examples/" directory. We encourage you to use code samples to get started writing your own application. All the code samples are runnable out of the box, but you will have to set your credentials in the ~/dfp_api.yml configuration file.

How to get started


google-dfp-api is a Ruby gem. See

Install it using the gem install command:

$ gem install google-dfp-api

or if you downloaded the gem package manually, use:

$ gem install --local google-dfp-api-VERSION.gem

Using the library

In order to use the library you need to include its modules:

require 'dfp_api'

Then, library object could be instantiated:

dfp =

The default constructor will load library configuration from ~/dfp_api.yml file. Alternatively, you can pass a configuration hash directly to the constructor:

dfp ={
   :authentication => {
       :method => 'OAuth2',
       :oauth2_client_id: 'INSERT_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID_HERE',
       :oauth2_client_secret: 'INSERT_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE',
       :application_name => 'Ruby DFP Sample',
       :network_code => 123456

To obtain OAuth2 client credentials, follow instructions on the wiki:

An example of configuration file is available as part of this library.

Note: if you are using Ruby 1.8 you may need to include RubyGems to be able to require other gems code. There are several ways to do it, the easiest one is to pass -rubygems parameter to the ruby interpreter:

$ ruby -rubygems my_program_that_uses_gems

you can also set this up in the environment:

$ export RUBYOPT="rubygems"

or add it to the bash configuration file:

$ echo 'export RUBYOPT="rubygems"' >> ~/.bashrc

Using OAuth2

It is recommended to use OAuth2 authentication method instead of ClientLogin (explicit email/password combination). OAuth2 support is almost transparent to the library user. In order to use OAuth you just need to:

  • set authentication method to 'OAuth2' in the configuration;

  • include oauth2_client_id and oauth2_client_secret;

  • handle OAuth2VerificationRequired error and pass verification code to the library.

See dfp_api.yml configuration file and common/oauth2_handling.rb example for more details.

Accessing services

Once the library object is created you can request services with a service method:

user_service = dfp.service(:UserService, <API_VERSION>)

where <API_VERSION> is required version of DFP API as symbol, e.g. :v201308.

Then you should be able to execute service methods:

# Create statement for all users up to 500 max.
statement = {:query => "LIMIT 500"}

# Execute request and get the response.
page = user_service.get_users_by_statement(statement)

In case of paged results, the requested objects are available as :results key:

# Print details about each user in results page.
page[:results].each_with_index do |user|
  puts "[%d] name: %s, email: %s" % [user[:id], user[:name], user[:email]]

All object fields are automatically parsed by the library to convert types to native ones (Integer, Float etc.) where applicable. The field names are also converted to symbols in Ruby native snake_case format:

"displayName" -> :display_name

Running examples

Before running examples, please ensure that your dfp_api.yml is filled in and placed in your home directory. You can find the examples as part of the installed gem, download them as a tarball or view them online.

Examples can be run by executing by running: $ ruby <example_name>

from the examples/<version>/<service_name> directory i.e.

$ cd examples/v201308/user_service
$ ruby get_all_users.rb

Some examples require modification to be functional, like create_order example needs Advertiser, Trafficker and Salesperson IDs to be filled in.

How do I enable logging?

It is often useful to see a trace of the raw SOAP XML being sent and received. The quickest way of achieving this when debugging your application is by setting the library.log_level configuration variable to 'DEBUG':

config[:library] = {
  :log_level => 'DEBUG'

or via configuration file (see example).

This will output the SOAP XML to STDOUT, which will usually show up in your terminal window.

There's also an option of logging requests and XML to a file. In order to enable this, you should create a standard Logger object and pass it to the library:

require 'logger'
logger ='path/to/log_filename')
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
dfp =
dfp.logger = logger

Request details are logged at the INFO log level, while raw HTTP headers and XML dumps are logged at the DEBUG log level. For more details on using Logger refer to the Ruby Logger documentation.

What if I am behind an HTTP Proxy server?

You can specify a proxy server to be used for all requests as part of configuration hash:

config[:connection] = {
  :proxy => 'http://user:password@proxy_hostname:8080'

or via configuration file (see example).

How do I enable GZip responses compression?

The library offers a transparent compression option which can be enabled in the configuration file or by the following setting:

config[:connection] = {
  :enable_gzip => true

Enabling this option will set the headers required to request the server to respond in gzipped format. All requests are sent uncompressed regardless.

External dependencies:

External dependencies should be pulled automatically on gem install. Here is the list though:

  • Google Ads Common library (google-ads-common);
  • Google Ads Savon 'the heavy metal Ruby SOAP client' (google-ads-savon).

Where do I submit bug reports and feature requests?

Bug reports and feature requests can be posted on the library page:

Questions can be asked on forum

Make sure to subscribe to our Google Plus page for API change announcements and other news:

Copyright/License Info


Copyright 2011-2013, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


