contains a gRPC Fallback-compliant proxy server and HTTP client, both implemented in Go.
consists of a gRPC Fallback proxy server package, a proxy binary, and a HTTP client.
Note: The gRPC Fallback protocol will be referred to as just "fallback" for the remainder of this document.
The proxy server is designed to front an arbitrary gRPC service. It accepts fallback requests, forwards a corresponding gRPC request to the gRPC backend, and translates the response to a HTTP response before returning it to the caller.
The proxy server can be used from a Go program, as a binary, or as a Docker image. Usage examples can be found in the Server Usage Example section below.
The Go client is basic and is meant for testing and simple use cases. Usage examples can be found in the Client Usage Examples section below.
Check the Releases tab for pre-built binaries in a variety of architectures.
Proxy server binary:
> go get
Proxy server package:
> go get
HTTP Client
> go get
> fallback-proxy -address "localhost:7469"
2019/06/13 18:35:01 Fallback server listening on port: :1337
// setup listener & server
lis, _ := net.Listen("tcp", port)
s := grpc.NewServer(opts...)
// Register Services to the server.
// ...
// Create a new grpc-fallback server on port 1337
// for gRPC server listening on "port"
fb := fallback.NewServer(":1337", "localhost"+port)
defer fb.Shutdown()
// Start gRPC server.
> docker build -t .
> docker run \
--net=host \ \
2019/06/13 18:35:01 Fallback server listening on port: :1337
package main
import (
showpb ""
func main() {
req := &showpb.EchoRequest{Response: &showpb.EchoRequest_Content{"testing"}}
res := &showpb.EchoResponse{}
err := client.Do("http://localhost:1337", "google.showcase.v1beta1.Echo", "Echo", req, res, nil)
if err != nil {
package main
import (
lpb ""
func main() {
hdr := make(http.Header)
ts, _ := google.DefaultTokenSource(context.Background(),
t, _ := ts.Token()
hdr.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+t.AccessToken)
req := &lpb.AnalyzeSentimentRequest{
Document: &lpb.Document{
Type: lpb.Document_PLAIN_TEXT,
Source: &lpb.Document_Content{"hello, world"},
// Here we use fallback-proxy to call a production Google service.
// This expects that fallback-proxy has been started with the following command:
// fallback-proxy -address
fmt.Println("\nCalling sentiment analysis using fallback-proxy...")
res := &lpb.AnalyzeSentimentResponse{}
err := client.Do("http://localhost:1337",
"AnalyzeSentiment", req, res, hdr)
if err != nil {
} else {
// The service we just called is also directly available using grpc-fallback.
// Here, for comparison, we call it directly.
fmt.Println("\nCalling sentiment analysis directly with grpc-fallback...")
res := &lpb.AnalyzeSentimentResponse{}
err := client.Do("",
"AnalyzeSentiment", req, res, hdr)
if err != nil {
} else {
If developing the grpc-fallback-go
project, run tests via make test
To make a release, create a new tag with the form vX.Y.Z
and push it using
git push --tags
. GitHub Actions will create the release and the appropriate
If you are planning to contribute to grpc-fallback-go
, please read the located in the root directory, as well as the Testing and Releasing sections.
This is not an official Google product.