Name | Description |
None yet |
Name | Description |
Check-PasswordComplexity.ps1 | Checks if the complexity of a password meets the given requirements |
Check-PowershellAdmin.ps1 | Checks if PowerShell is running as administrator or not |
Create-Directory.ps1 | Create a directory if it doesn't exist |
Get-EpochTimestamp.ps1 | Gets the current Epoch/Unix timestamp |
Get-PingStatus.ps1 | Gets the ping status of an endpoint using either WMI, CMI or Native PowerShell |
Log-It.ps1 | Logs messages to console and log file. |
Reverse-String.ps1 | Reverses a string |
Name | Description |
Create-Sums | Creates sums in an Excel spreadsheet that will auto check the answers. |
Get-Win10Info.ps1 | Gets information from a computer and generates a word report with the information collected. |
Get-WinUpdatesOffline.ps1 | Gets either installed or missing Windows Updates from a computer and outputs the results to a csv report. |
Install-Php.ps1 | Installs PHP and required prerequisites on a Windows Server then configures IIS. |