A slim circuit board for managing charge and discharge of multi-cell LiFePo4 battery packs. Intended to track state of charge by coulomb counting and prevent battery pack damage from over discharge, over current and over temperature conditions.
- Monitor and record total amperage in and out
- Monitor and record temperature, ideally three places
- Monitor and record pack voltage
- Provide under-voltage disconnect
- Provide over-temperature disconnect
- Atmel AVR Micro: ATMEGA4808 TQFP-32
- Hall effect current sensor: TMCS1108
- Check my inventory for ACS7xx sensors!
- FRAM data storage : I2C FM24C64B
- Precision ADC: I2C NAU7802
- Hot swap buffer: I2C TCA4311a, PCA9508
- Host side i2c mux: PCA9545A
- Max PCB width 18mm
- Precision fixed resistor for thermistors?
- Thermistors: NRL1504F3950B1F
- Thermistors connect to uC ADC
- Power selector IC: AP2411
- Low Iq power supply for battery side, switching or linear?
- SMT button for battiery status
- Battery side
- Battery In and Out (14 ga) - WAGO screw cage
- 6-pin jst-xh vertical for three thermistors
- Upstream interface: I2C
- JST-xh 6-pin connector +5v, GND, SCL, GND, SDA, GND
- TCA4311 on battery side
- I2C switch on host side (might not need)
- Bus controlled:
- Bus power (from vcc)
- Bus active (from CS line)
- uC controlled:
- Battery SOC (three leds)
- Battery health (red/green)
- See registers.md for addressing and more details
- Data logging without a RTC?
- Chip seems to keep time well enough with occasional updates from master
- High side or low side disconnect?
- https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/microchip-technology/ATMEGA4808-AUR/10444912
- https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/ATmega4808-09-DataSheet-DS40002173C.pdf
- https://github.com/MCUdude/MegaCoreX#pinout
- https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/eaton-electronics-division/NRL1504F3950B1F/15927588
- https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/design/technical-documents/app-notes/1/1753.html
- https://www.jameco.com/Jameco/workshop/TechTip/temperature-measurement-ntc-thermistors.html