The GOST provider is currently built in parallell with the GOST engine, and is implemented like a wrapper around the engine code.
Symmetric ciphers:
- gost89
- gost89-cnt
- gost89-cnt-12
- gost89-cbc
- kuznyechik-ecb
- kuznyechik-cbc
- kuznyechik-cfb
- kuznyechik-ofb
- kuznyechik-ctr
- magma-cbc
- magma-ctr
- magma-ctr-acpkm
- magma-ctr-acpkm-omac
- kuznyechik-ctr-acpkm
- kuznyechik-ctr-acpkm-omac
- id-tc26-gost3411-12-256 (md_gost12_256)
- id-tc26-gost3411-12-512 (md_gost12_512)
- id-GostR3411-94 (md_gost94)
- gost-mac
- gost-mac-12
- magma-mac
- kuznyechik-mac
- kuznyechik-ctr-acpkm-omac
Basic support for GOST keys, i.e. implementations of KEYMGMT (including key generation), DECODER and DECODER.
Support for these operations using GOST keys:
- ASYM_CIPHER (encryption and decryption using GOST keys)
- SIGNATURE (signing and verifying using GOST keys)
TLSTREE support. This may require additional changes in libssl. Needs investigation.
PKCS7 and CMS support. This requires OpenSSL PKCS7 and CMS code to change for better interfacing with providers.
- Refactor the code into being just a provider. This is to be done when engines aren't supported any more.