An Arduino library to tokenize and parse commands received over a serial port.
Inspired by (original version):
This library is for handling text commands over a serial port.
- Small footprint
- No dynamic memory allocation
- Stream class's Serial Ports
- Multiple Serial Ports callback methods
- Custom Command termination default is
- Custom Arguments Delimeter default is
- Optional OneKey commands that are single characters without the need for additional command termination
SerialCommand creates a binding between a const string token with a callback function.
Note: SerialCommand is used in a Linked List. Do not share SerialCommand objects between SerialCommands.
#include <SerialCommands.h>
void cmd_hello(SerialCommands* sender)
//Do not use Serial.Print!
//Use sender->GetSerial this allows sharing the callback method with multiple Serial Ports
sender->GetSerial()->println("HELLO from arduino!");
SerialCommand cmd_hello_("hello", cmd_hello);
When sending commands from a keyboard, it is often useful to be able to use single keypresses to perform a specific action, like adjusting a motor speed up or down, for example.
To make any command a OneKey command, instantiate the command with a single
character command string, and add true
as a third argument:
SerialCommand cmd_faster("+", cmd_faster, true);
SerialCommand cmd_slower("-", cmd_slower, true);
The cmd_faster
and cmd_slower
command functions has the same signature as
for multiple character commands, except that arguments are not allowed for
OneKey commands (they don't make sense), so calling sender->Next()
is not
OneKey commands are only active when they come in as the first character,
either on startup, or after processing a previous command. In other words, if
another command string contains a +
like set+go
for example, the command
callback for the one key +
command will not be called when set+go
entered, and the set+go
command callback will be called as expected.
Any multi character command that starts with the same character as a one key command, will however never be activated as the one key command will always consume the single character command first, i.e:
Multi char command: up
OneKey command: u
The up
command will never be executed since the u
will be consumed by the
one key command first, which leaves the p
as the remainder for the command
which will not match (unless of course there is in fact a p
one key or multi char
SerialCommands is the main object creates a binding between a Serial Port and a list of SerialCommand
#include <SerialCommands.h>
//Create a 32 bytes static buffer to be used exclusive by SerialCommands object.
//The size should accomodate command token, arguments, termination sequence and string delimeter \0 char.
char serial_command_buffer_[32];
//Creates SerialCommands object attached to Serial
//working buffer = serial_command_buffer_
//command delimeter: Cr & Lf
//argument delimeter: SPACE
SerialCommands serial_commands_(&Serial, serial_command_buffer_, sizeof(serial_command_buffer_), "\r\n", " ");
void setup()
void cmd_unrecognized(SerialCommands* sender, const char* cmd)
sender->GetSerial()->print("ERROR: Unrecognized command [");
void setup()
void loop()
#include <SerialCommands.h>
char serial_commands_0_buffer_[32];
SerialCommands serial_commands_0_(&Serial, serial_commands_0_buffer_, sizeof(serial_commands_0_buffer_));
char serial_commands_1_buffer_[32];
SerialCommands serial_commands_1_(&Serial1, serial_commands_1_buffer_, sizeof(serial_commands_1_buffer_));
void cmd_hello(SerialCommands* sender)
sender->GetSerial()->println("HELLO from arduino!");
void cmd_unrecognized(SerialCommands* sender, const char* cmd)
sender->GetSerial()->print("ERROR: Unrecognized command [");
SerialCommand cmd_hello_0_("hello", cmd_hello);
SerialCommand cmd_hello_1_("hello", cmd_hello);
void setup()
void loop()