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My Counter-Strike 2 config

This CS2 config comes from years of accumulating information from various sources and maintaining it up to date with every game update introducing new features and deprecating others.

Attribution and useful resources

This project includes the wonderful Orel's Text Mod and awesome BananaGaming's Color Mod available here:, and here:, that will greatly simplify radio messages displayed in the chat.

Some part of the README are based on a great reddit post by /u/birkir:

You can find a list of all the available CS:GO Cvars here:, it contains a description and the possible value of every one of them.


Download an archive of this repository by clicking the "Clone or download" green button on the topish right of this page and then clicking on "Download ZIP".

Copy the downloaded file to the folder where you want to store the config files, for example %USERPROFILE%\Documents and unzip it.

Edit the copy-cfg-files-windows.cmd script to verify that the cs2_install_path variable is identical to your CS2 install path and change it if that's not the case.

Right click on the copy-cfg-files-windows.cmd file and click on "Execute as Administrator".

Verify that the files were correctly copied by navigating to your cs2 cfg folder and checking if the .cfg files of this project are present.



You don't need to add +exec autoexec.cfg to your CS2 launch options but you need to add -language textmod or -language colormod to enable the Orel's or BananaGaming's Text Mod.

From now on you shouldn't modify CS2 settings by using the in-game menu. If you do so your modifications will be overwritten by the settings stored in the .cfg files the next time you open CS2. If you want to modify a particular setting you will need to directly edit the corresponding .cfg file.

The only exception is video settings that are not modified by the autoexec.cfg file.

For optimal use, you shouldn't delete the folder that contains the git repository that's in your Documents folder in order to edit the files it contains later and just re-execute the copy-cfg-files script again.


For example if you want to enable Demo view mode you just need the execute the demos.cfg file by opening the console (by pressing = or whatever you have set toggleconsole to in your binds), typing exec demos or demoview shortcut and pressing ENTER. Same thing if you want to enable Other configs, use exec "config" respectively.


Launch Options

-tickrate 128 -novid +exec autoexec -language english

  • tickrate 128 how many times per second the server calculates stuff. tickrate 128 - highest possible tickrate in CS
  • novid to skip the video intro.
  • +exec autoexec used to automatically execute the config
  • cpu_frequency_monitoring 2 to see if CPU thermal throttling is an issue
  • language english to enable by default english language.

Video settings

  • VibranceGUI, in-game vibrance level: 150
    • VibranceGUI will automatically enable AMD Saturation or Nvidia Digital Vibrance when a specific configured game is full-screened. It makes the in-game colors "pop" more while the desktop can stay at it's standard value. I chose 150 because it's a good compromise between the dull CS2 default and the over the top maximal saturation.
  • Resolution: 1024x768 Stretched
    • It's down to personal preference and computer specs.
  • Display Mode: Fullscreen
    • For the lowest input lag, chose Fullscreen because it give the game direct access to the graphics output without the OS interfering and adding display lag. Windowed and Fullscreen windowed will make alt-tabbing faster but because the video frames has to pass through the OS before being displayed it will add some display lag.

Mouse settings

  • sensitivity: 1.1
    • I tried a huge amount of sens and I settled on 1.1, because for me it turned out to be the best, with it I can easily turn around, and in general I feel comfortable when playing, your value may differ and the sensitivity value is selected solely by you and under you.
  • DPI: 800
    • I use one of the most common DPI, Before I used to use 400 DPI, but I had problems using the mouse inside windows and other programs / applications / games, your value may differ and the DPI value is selected solely by you and under you.
  • Polling Rate: 1000Hz
    • The amount of time per second that your OS will poll your mouse. If you have a wired mouse you want to set this to it's highest value possible. If you have a wireless mouse you also need to think about battery life and maybe set it to 1000Hz or 250Hz if you don't feel any difference.


Contributions are welcome if you see any area of improvement possible to the scripts or if there's new CS2 config variables to tweak!