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A command line interface to interact with the CALM schema.

Building & linking the CLI

Clone the project and run the following commands:

npm install
npm run build
npx link

When you've made a change to the CLI and want to test it out, you can rerun the build and link steps. This will make the CLI available on your local node_modules path.

npx link uses the link package to symlink the calm executable in node_modules/.bin to your locally-built CLI.

Note: you can also use npm link but this installs to your global package registry. This will make the executable available as just calm, but will pollute your global NPM profile and may require sudo depending on your OS.

Using the CLI

Type npx calm into your terminal, and you should see the help text printed out.

% npx calm
Usage: calm [options] [command]

A set of utilities for interacting with CALM

  -V, --version        output the version number
  -h, --help           display help for command

  visualize [options]  Produces an SVG file representing a visualization of the CALM Specification.
  generate [options]   Generate an instantiation from a CALM pattern file.
  validate [options]
  help [command]       display help for command

Visualizing the CALM schema

% npx calm visualize --help
Usage: calm visualize [options]

Produces an SVG file representing a visualization of the CALM Specification.

  -i, --instantiation <file>  Path to an instantiation of a CALM pattern.
  -p, --pattern <file>        Path to a CALM pattern.
  -o, --output <file>         Path location at which to output the SVG. (default: "calm-visualization.svg")
  -v, --verbose               Enable verbose logging. (default: false)
  -h, --help                  display help for command

Generating an instantiation from a CALM pattern file

npx calm generate --help 
Usage: calm generate [options]

Generate an instantiation from a CALM pattern file.

  -p, --pattern <source>        Path to the pattern file to use. May be a file path or a URL.
  -o, --output <output>         Path location at which to output the generated file.
  -s, --schemaDirectory <path>  Path to a directory of schemas to be used when instantiating patterns.
  -a, --instantiateAll          Instantiate ALL properties in the pattern, ignoring the 'required' field. (default: false)
  -v, --verbose                 Enable verbose logging. (default: false)
  -h, --help                    display help for command

Validating a CALM instantiation

% npx calm validate --help 
Usage: calm validate [options]

  -p, --pattern <pattern>                         Path to the pattern file to use. May be a file path or a URL.
  -i, --instantiation <instantiation>             Path to the pattern instantiation file to use. May be a file path or a URL.
  -m, --metaSchemasLocation <metaSchemaLocation>  The location of the directory of the meta schemas to be loaded (default: "../calm/draft/2024-03/meta")
  -f, --format <format>                           The format of the output (choices: "json", "junit", default: "json")
  -o, --output <output>                           Path location at which to output the generated file.
  -v, --verbose                                   Enable verbose logging. (default: false)
  -h, --help                                      display help for command