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Merge pull request #36 from graille/Thibault
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graille authored Nov 2, 2016
2 parents 1bd8bb1 + 43978df commit a9530ed
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Showing 195 changed files with 2,275 additions and 1,846 deletions.
363 changes: 363 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import heapq

# Set the syspath
f_name = ""
a_path = str(os.path.abspath(__file__))
new_sys_entry = a_path[0:len(a_path) - len(f_name)]

print("Add " + new_sys_entry + "to sys path")
sys.path.insert(0, new_sys_entry)

# Initialize vars
TEAM_NAME = "JoJo Le Glouton"
maze = None

class PriorityQueue(object):
def __init__(self, heap = []):
self.heap = heap

def insert(self, node, priority = 0):
heapq.heappush(self.heap, (priority, node))

def pop(self):
return heapq.heappop(self.heap)[1]

class Dijkstra:
def __init__(self, maze, origin = None, goal = None):
self.graph = maze

def setOrigin(self, n):
if n:
self.origin = n

def setGoal(self, n):
if isinstance(n, list):
self.goal = n.copy()
self.goal = n

def clear(self):
self.pathArray = {}
self.dist = {}
self.Q = PriorityQueue()

self.dist[self.origin] = 0

for node in self.graph.nodes:
if node != self.origin:
self.pathArray[node] = None
self.dist[node] = np.inf

self.Q.insert(self.origin, self.dist[self.origin])

def process(self):

def algorithm(self):
if self.origin != self.goal:

while self.Q.heap:
u = self.Q.pop()
for v in self.graph.getNeighbors(u):
alt = self.dist[u] + self.graph.getDistance(u, v)
if alt < self.dist[v]:
self.dist[v] = alt
self.pathArray[v] = u
self.Q.insert(v, alt)

def reconstructPath(self, node):
#litteral_path = ""
total_distance = 0
current = node
real_path = []
while current != self.origin:
new = self.pathArray[current]

#litteral_path += self.graph.getMove(new, current)
total_distance += self.graph.getDistance(current, new)

current = new

return (total_distance, real_path[::-1])

def getResult(self, node = None):
if self.goal != self.origin:
if (not node) and (self.goal):
return self.reconstructPath(self.goal)
return self.reconstructPath(node)
return (0, [])

class Maze:
def __init__(self, mazeMap, mazeWidth, mazeHeight):
self.mazeMap = mazeMap
self.mazeWidth = mazeWidth
self.mazeHeight = mazeHeight

self.NB_NODES = self.mazeWidth * self.mazeHeight
self.nodes = list(self.mazeMap.keys())

# Init matrixMap
self.matrixMap = {}

# Init metagraph
self.distanceMetagraph = {} # matrice des distances du métagraph sous forme de dictionnaire
self.pathMetagraph = {} # matrice des chemins du métagraph sous forme de dictionnaire

def convertToMatrix(self):
Prend en argument
Renvoie une un dictionnaire où les clefs sont les clefs sont des cases et où
np.inf signifie qu'il n'y a pas de passage direct entre les deux cases,
n>0 signifie qu'il y a passage en n coups et 0 que l'on reste sur la même case
for n in self.nodes:
self.matrixMap[n] = {}

for n1 in self.nodes:
for n2 in self.nodes:
if n1 == n2:
self.matrixMap[n1][n1] = 0
elif n2 in self.mazeMap[n1]:
self.matrixMap[n1][n2] = self.mazeMap[n1][n2]
self.matrixMap[n2][n1] = self.mazeMap[n2][n1]
self.matrixMap[n1][n2] = np.inf
self.matrixMap[n2][n1] = np.inf

def reversePath(self, path):
Inverse un chemin symétriquement par rapport a la diagonale
:param path:
r = ""
for l in path:
if l == 'D':
r += 'U'
if l == 'U':
r += 'D'
if l == 'R':
r += 'L'
if l == 'L':
r += 'R'

return r

def getDistance(self, from_location, to_location):
return self.mazeMap[from_location][to_location]
except KeyError:
if to_location == from_location:
return 0
return np.inf

def getMove(self, origin, goal):
Retourne le mouvement à effectuer pour aller de origin à goal,
qui doivent être adjacentes
:param origin:
:param goal:
:return: bool
if origin != goal:
i1, j1 = origin
i2, j2 = goal

if i1 - i2 == -1:
return 'D'
elif i1 - i2 == 1:
return 'U'
elif j1 - j2 == -1:
return 'R'
elif j1 - j2 == 1:
return 'L'
return False
return False

def getNeighbors(self, position):
return self.mazeMap[position].keys()

def convertMetaPathToRealPaths(self, pathMeta):
path = []
for k in range(len(pathMeta) - 1):

return path

def convertToRealPath(self, origin, pathNodes):
L = [origin]

x, y = origin
for elt in pathNodes:
if elt == 'L':
y -= 1
if elt == 'U':
x -= 1
if elt == 'D':
x += 1
if elt == 'R':
y += 1
L.append((x, y))

return L

def concatPaths(self, paths):
r = ""
for path in paths:
r += path

return r

def createMetaGraph(self, cheeses_list):
Create the pattern of the metagraph(distance between cheeses
:param nodes_list: List of currents cheeses
cheeses_list = cheeses_list.copy()
dij = Dijkstra(self)

while cheeses_list:
n1 = cheeses_list[0]
# Calculate path and distance with Dijkstra

for n2 in cheeses_list:
d, p = dij.getResult(n2)
self.coupleNodesInMetagraph(n1, n2, d, p)

cheeses_list.remove(n1) # On supprime le node en cours, pour accelerer le programme
cheeses_list.remove(self.getOpposite(n1)) if self.getOpposite(n1) != n1 else () # Par symetrie, on supprime l'opposé

#print(repr(len(self.distanceMetagraph[(12, 13)]))+ repr(self.distanceMetagraph[(12, 13)]))

def addNodeToMetagraph(self, node, nodes_list):
Ajoute le noeud "node" par rapports aux nodes "nodes_list" qui doivent déja exister dans le metaGraph
:param node: noeud a ajouter ou uploader
:param nodes_list:

# Create the list of unChecked nodes
checked_list = []

if node in self.distanceMetagraph:
for n in nodes_list:
if n not in self.distanceMetagraph[node]:
checked_list = nodes_list

# Environ 10^-6 sec pour arriver là
if checked_list:
dij = Dijkstra(self, node, checked_list)
# Environ 0.02 sec pour un 25x25

for n in checked_list:
d, p = dij.getResult(n)
self.coupleNodesInMetagraph(node, n, d, p)

def coupleNodesInMetagraph(self, n1, n2, d, p, recurse = True):
:param d: distance from n1 to n2
:param p: path from n1 to n2

if n1 not in self.distanceMetagraph:
self.distanceMetagraph[n1] = {}
self.pathMetagraph[n1] = {}

self.distanceMetagraph[n1][n2] = d
self.pathMetagraph[n1][n2] = p

if n2 not in self.distanceMetagraph:
self.distanceMetagraph[n2] = {}
self.pathMetagraph[n2] = {}

self.distanceMetagraph[n2][n1] = d
self.pathMetagraph[n2][n1] = p[::-1] # Path from n2 to n1 is the opposite of the path from n1 to n2

# Add opposite
if recurse:
self.coupleNodesInMetagraph(self.getOpposite(n1), self.getOpposite(n2), d, list(map(self.getOpposite, p)), False)

def getOpposite(self, n):
x, y = n
return (self.mazeHeight - x - 1, self.mazeWidth - y - 1)

# Algoritms application
def getFastestPath(self, origin, goal):
return (self.distanceMetagraph[origin][goal], self.pathMetagraph[origin][goal])
except KeyError:
print("## Need to calculate the fastest path from " + repr(origin) + " to " + repr(goal))

# Calculate path and distance with Astar
dij = Astar(self, origin, goal)

d, p = dij.getResult()

# Addto metagraph for a next time
self.coupleNodesInMetagraph(origin, goal, d, p)

return (d, p)

def getNearestNode(self, origin, nodes):
dij = Dijkstra(self)


n_list = [dij.getResult(n) for n in nodes]


return n_list[0] if len(n_list) > 0 else (0, [])

def preprocessing(mazeMap, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, playerLocation, opponentLocation, piecesOfCheese, timeAllowed):
global maze

print("Start preprocessing (" + str(timeAllowed) + ")")

maze = Maze(mazeMap, mazeWidth, mazeHeight)


def turn(mazeMap, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, playerLocation, opponentLocation, playerScore, opponentScore, piecesOfCheese, timeAllowed):
global maze

path = maze.getNearestNode(playerLocation, piecesOfCheese)[1]
action = maze.getMove(path[0], path[1])
print('[' + repr(action) + ']')

return action
22 changes: 0 additions & 22 deletions

This file was deleted.


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