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A module for phonetic transcription of Icelandic text


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Ice-g2p : Phonetic transcription (grapheme-to-phoneme) for Icelandic

Ice-g2p is a module for automatic phonetic transcription of Icelandic. Ice-g2p can be used as a stand-alone command line tool or as a library, and can e.g. be used for the final text processing step in a frontend pipeline for speech synthesis (TTS).

Ice-g2p uses a manually curated pronunciation dictionary and LSTM-based g2p-models for unknown words. It can be used to transcribe Icelandic in four pronunciation variations and also uses a special model to transcribe English words that might occur in Icelandic texts, using the Icelandic phone set.


Install from PyPI (into an active virtual environment):

$ pip install ice-g2p
# Download the g2p models
$ fetch-models     

Clone the repository and create a virtual environment in the project root directory. Install the requirements:

$ git clone
$ cd ice-g2p
$ python3 -m venv g2p-venv
$ source g2p-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .
$ fetch-models

If you run into wheel error, install wheel before you install this project (the current version builds with wheel 0.37.1):

$ (venv) pip install wheel
$ (venv) pip install -e .

Command line interface

The input strings/texts need to be normalized. The module only handles lowercase characters from the Icelandic alphabet, no punctuation or other characters, unless language detection is enabled (see Flags)

Characters allowed: [aábcðdeéfghiíjklmnoóprstuúvxyýzþæö]. If other characters are found in the input, the transcription of the respective token is skipped and a notice written to stdout.

To transcribe text, currently two main options are available, direct from stdin to stdout or from file or a collection of files (directory)

$ ice-g2p -i 'hljóðrita þetta takk'
l_0 j ou D r I t a T E h t a t_h a h k

$ ice-g2p -i 'þetta war fürir þig'
war contains non valid character(s) {'w'}, skipping transcription.
fürir contains non valid character(s) {'ü'}, skipping transcription.
T E h t a   T I: G

$ ice-g2p -if file_to_transcribe.txt

If the input comes from stdin, the output is written to stdout. Input from file(s) is written to file(s) with the same name with the suffix '_transcribed.tsv'. The files are transcribed line by line and written out correspondingly.


The options available:

--infile INFILE, -if INFILE
                    inputfile or directory
--inputstr INPUTSTR, -i INPUTSTR
                      input string
--sep SEP_STR, -s SEP_STR  word separator to use, if not present, no word separators are used
--syll SYLL_STR -y SYLL_STR syllable separator to use, if not present, no syllabification will be performed
# boolean arguments
--stress, -t          perform stress labeling, ONLY APPLICABLE IN COMBINATION WITH --syll ARGUMENT!
--keep, -k            keep original
--sep, -s             use word separator
--dict, -d            use pronunciation dictionary
--langdetect, -l      use word-based language detection
--phoneticalpha, -p   return the output in a specific alphabet (default: SAMPA, currently also available: IPA, SINGLE, FLITE)

Using the -k flag keeps the original grapheme strings and for file input/output writes the original strings in the first column of the tab separated output file, and the phonetic transcription in the second one. The -sflag adds the defined word separator to the transcription and with the -y flag syllabification is added to the transcription with the chosen separator. The word and syllable separators may be the same or different symbols. Common symbol for syllable separation is a dot . In combination with syllabification, stress labels can be added using the -t flag. With the -d flag all tokens are first looked up in an existing pronunciation dictionary, the automatic g2p is then only a fallback for words not contained in the dictionary.

$ ice-g2p -i 'hljóðrita þetta takk' -k -s '-'
hljóðrita þetta takk : l_0 j ou D r I t a - T E h t a - t_h a h k

$ ice-g2p -i 'hljóðrita þetta takk' -k -y '.' -s '.' -t
hljóðrita þetta takk : l_0 j ou1 D . r I0 . t a0 . T E1 h . t a0 . t_h a1 h k

Using the -l flag allows for word-based language detection, where words considered foreign are transcribed by an LSTM trained on English words instead of Icelandic. If this flag is used, the module can handle common non-Icelandic characters, including all of the English alphabet:

$ ice-g2p -i 'hljóðrita þetta please'
l_0 j ou D r I t a T E h t a t_h a p_h l E: a s E

$ ice-g2p -i 'hljóðrita þetta please' -l
l_0 j ou D r I t a T E h t a p_h l i: s

Import to project

To use ice-g2p in a Python project, you import the Transcriber:

from ice_g2p.transcriber import Transcriber

g2p = Transcriber()
grapheme_string = 'halló heimur'
transcribed = g2p.transcribe(grapheme_string)
# transcribed == 'h a l ou h ei: m Y r'

To use another phonetic alphabet, import the converter too:

from ice_g2p.transcriber import Transcriber
from ice_g2p.converter import Converter

g2p = Transcriber()
conv = Converter()
grapheme_string = 'góðan daginn heimur'
transcribed = g2p.transcribe(grapheme_string)
# transcribed == 'k ou: D a n t ai j I n h ei: m Y r'
converted = conv.convert(transcribed, 'SAMPA', 'IPA')
# converted == 'k ouː ð a n t ai j ɪ n h eiː m ʏ r'


The file sampa_ipa_single_flite.csv contains all the phonetic alphabets that have been used in Icelandic speech technology projects with in the language technology program.

  • IPA
  • Single: A custom alphabet designed to only contain one character per phone
  • Flite: A custom alphabet for Festival/Flite that only contains ascii alphabetic characters (no ':', '_', or digits)

Trouble shooting & inquiries

This application is still in development. If you encounter any errors, feel free to open an issue inside the issue tracker. You can also contact us via email.


You can contribute to this project by forking it, creating a private branch and opening a new pull request.



Copyright © 2020, 2021 Grammatek ehf.

This software is developed under the auspices of the Icelandic Government 5-Year Language Technology Program, described here and here (English).

This software is licensed under the Apache License