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Demo showing issues with Oracle Entity Framework package/driver

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Demo showing issues with Oracle Entity Framework package/driver

Developers (Visual Studio)

Open sln \src\Solutions\MyCompany.MyExamples.EfPlaygroundOne.sln

Set up start up project to: \src\ConsoleOne\MyCompany.MyExamples.EfPlaygroundOne.ConsoleOne.csproj

Set MyCompany.MyExamples.EfPlaygroundOne.ConsoleOne.csproj to run under DotNetCore 2.1 (netcoreapp2.1)

Fix the ORACLE connection string here:


Run the code.

Find the log file named

MyCompany.MyExamples.EfPlaygroundOne.ConsoleOne*.log where the * is a datetime.


Points of interest:

In Program.cs (\src\ConsoleOne\Program.cs)

Set breakpoints at:

await demo.PerformDemoIQueryableWithReusedPocoObject();

await demo.PerformDemoIQueryableWithPrivateClassHolderObject();

await demo.PerformDemoIQueryableWithAnonymousClass();


Logging/Tracing "setup".

The below file:


has this code:

    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)

        // Allow null in case you are using an IDesignTimeDbContextFactory
        if (this.loggerFactory != null)
            ////if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
            ////    //// Probably shouldn't log sql statements in production reminder
            optionsBuilder.UseLoggerFactory(this.loggerFactory); /* where this.loggerFactory is Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILoggerFactory */

The below file:


has this code:

        /* need trace to see Oracle.EF statements */
        servColl.AddLogging(loggingBuilder => loggingBuilder.AddConsole().SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace));

        servColl.AddLogging(blder =>
            blder.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace); /* need trace to see Oracle.EF statements */
            blder.AddSerilog(logger: lgr, dispose: true);

The sample is also using a very simple to setup txt/log file.

        /* easy concrete logger that uses a file for demos */
        Serilog.ILogger lgr = new Serilog.LoggerConfiguration()
            .WriteTo.File("MyCompany.MyExamples.EfPlaygroundOne.ConsoleOne.log.txt", rollingInterval: Serilog.RollingInterval.Day)

The combination of those things is what allows this simple example to write a log/txt file with the EF generated SQL statements.


(1) (This is an actual run time bug)

Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005): ORA-00904: "t"."MY_PARENT_UUID": invalid identifier

             * Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005): ORA-00904: "t"."MY_PARENT_UUID": invalid identifier
             * in the sql about 8 lines down:
                The "t" table produces an alias "MyParentUuidFk" ( from the sql SELECT "i"."MY_PARENT_UUID" "MyParentUuidFk" )
                    But it does not use the alias on the JOIN.
                        (sql =         "chd"."MY_PARENT_UUID" = "t"."MY_PARENT_UUID" )
                The join sql should be:
                        "chd"."MY_PARENT_UUID" = "t"."MyParentUuidFk"

The Generated Sql:

            SELECT "par"."MY_PARENT_UUID", "par"."MY_PARENT_NAME", "par"."UPDATE_DATE_TS"
            WHERE EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                FROM "MYORACLESCHEMAONE"."MY_CHILD" "chd"
                INNER JOIN (
                    SELECT "i"."MY_PARENT_UUID" "MyParentUuidFk", MAX("i"."UPDATE_DATE_TS") "UpdateDateStamp"
                    FROM "MYORACLESCHEMAONE"."MY_CHILD" "i"
                    GROUP BY "i"."MY_PARENT_UUID"
                ) "t" 
                    ON ("chd"."UPDATE_DATE_TS" = "t"."UPDATE_DATE_TS") AND ("chd"."MY_PARENT_UUID" = "t"."MY_PARENT_UUID")
                WHERE ("chd"."MY_CHILD_MAGIC_STATUS" NOT IN (98, 99) AND ("t"."UPDATE_DATE_TS" < :cutOffDate_1)) AND ("chd"."MY_PARENT_UUID" = "par"."MY_PARENT_UUID")) OR NOT EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                WHERE "par"."MY_PARENT_UUID" = "m"."MY_PARENT_UUID")

(2) (Performance Killer)

[WRN] The LINQ expression 'where ([anonymousPerParentMaxUpdateDate].MyAnonymousMaxPerParentUpdateDateStamp < __cutOffDate_1)' could not be translated and will be evaluated locally. [WRN] The LINQ expression 'where ([chd].MyParentUuidFk == [par].MyParentKey)' could not be translated and will be evaluated locally. [WRN] The LINQ expression 'Any()' could not be translated and will be evaluated locally.

(3) (Performance Killer)

[WRN] The LINQ expression 'where ({from MyChildEntity chd in value(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.EntityQueryable1[MyCompany.MyExamples.OneTimeRunnerExample.Domain.Entities.MyChildEntity]) join <>f__AnonymousType22 anonymousPerParentMaxUpdateDate in {from IGrouping2 g in {value(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.EntityQueryable1[MyCompany.MyExamples.OneTimeRunnerExample.Domain.Entities.MyChildEntity]) => GroupBy([i].MyParentUuidFk, [i])} select new <>f__AnonymousType22(MyAnonymousMyParentUUID = [g].Key, MyAnonymousMaxPerParentUpdateDateStamp = {from MyChildEntity row in [g] select [row].UpdateDateStamp => Max()})} on new <>f__AnonymousType12(a = [chd].UpdateDateStamp, b = [chd].MyParentUuidFk) equals new <>f__AnonymousType1`2(a = [anonymousPerParentMaxUpdateDate].MyAnonymousMaxPerParentUpdateDateStamp, b = [anonymousPerParentMaxUpdateDate].MyAnonymousMyParentUUID) where (Not({__magicStatusValues_0 => Contains([chd].MyChildMagicStatu... [WRN] The LINQ expression 'where ([anonymousPerParentMaxUpdateDate].MyAnonymousMaxPerParentUpdateDateStamp < __cutOffDate_1)' could not be translated and will be evaluated locally. [WRN] The LINQ expression 'where ([chd].MyParentUuidFk == [par].MyParentKey)' could not be translated and will be evaluated locally. [WRN] The LINQ expression 'Any()' could not be translated and will be evaluated locally.


ORACLE Setup (other RDBMS as well, but especially Oracle)

The place to change this code is:



   public const string DefaultSchemaName = "MYORACLESCHEMAONE"; /* Oracle (??) It seems to require ALL-CAPS.  In Oracle, Users and Schemas are "the same". */


"MYORACLESCHEMAONE" also exists in the connection string in the appsettings.json (or appsettings.Development.json).


Note, there is a subtle hint during the run-time.

Using Oracle EF

Did you change?
\src\DataLayer.EntityFramework\OrmMaps\Constants\SchemaNames.cs and
 to match the RDBMS you are using??


If you want to run the code with this 'MyOracleSchemaOne' schema, you can run this (oracle specific) setup:

alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true;
create user MyOracleSchemaOne identified by mypassword;
grant connect, resource to MyOracleSchemaOne;
select count(*) from all_users where username='MYORACLESCHEMAONE'; /* case sensitive */
ALTER USER MyOracleSchemaOne quota unlimited on USERS; /* */


The below is not needed to run the example, but provides some hints about the schema setup for Oracle.

" Note:

This statement does not actually create a schema. Oracle Database automatically creates a schema when you create a user (see CREATE USER). This statement lets you populate your schema with tables and views and grant privileges on those objects without having to issue multiple SQL statements in multiple transactions.



Demo showing issues with Oracle Entity Framework package/driver






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