NOTE: Only IN2P3 accounts can apply for an extension of more than 1 year.
You will be able to perform the following actions yourself on your account information from the Identity Management Portal:
- modify your First and Last name,
- change or reset your password,
- request membership to scientific collaborations.
It is necessary to do the procedure without SSH key and only with a login / password connection
Check that your 'current group name' is well positioned on the grand experience, with command
newgroup -q
Right answer
current user name: <username>
current group name: grand(51760)
else set current group on grand
newgroup grand
log out, wait 1 minuite, relog without key SSH, only with login/password and check again
You can create a personnal directory (only one please) with huge capacity in the directory
The best choice is your user name
mkdir /sps/grand/$USER
cd /sps/grand/$USER
Regularly check that your disk occupancy is not too high with this link
and free space disck if necessary
Test if you use the version installed for GRAND
which conda
no ? contact JM Colley on slack ccin2p3 channel
conda activate /sps/grand/software/conda/grandlib_2304
First conda grandlib env doesn't content source of grandlib, see frequent-confusion
If you doesn't have a grand package yet, clone it
git clone
After you must initialise your grandlib package
cd /path/to/git/package/grand
source env/
If you have already tried to compile the package in an incorrect environment you must clean the compilation files already produced to start from scratch with make clean
in grand/src
cd src
make clean
cd ..
. env/
To quit conda env
conda deactivate
conda activate /sps/grand/software/conda/sqlite
sqlitebrowser &
conda deactivate:
NOTE: A priori (because not documented) a job is submitted with current environment.
To have reproducible jobs it is preferable to explain the environment to use in the submission script. In the case of the conda environment installed for the GRAND group it is necessary to source the installation with
source /pbs/throng/grand/soft/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
before doing the conda activate
conda activate <my/favorite/conda/env>
Your script must begin with the conda initialization, example with
# init conda installed by grand experience
source /pbs/throng/grand/soft/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
# init GRANDLIB environment
conda activate /sps/grand/software/conda/grandlib_2304
cd </path/to/my/grand/package>
source env/
# now run your python script under GRANDLIB
must executable
chmod 755
and submit with slurm
sbatch -t 0-00:30 -n 1 --mem 2G
sbatch answer:
sbatch: INFO: Account: grand
sbatch: INFO: Submission node: cca020
sbatch: INFO: Partition set to: htc
sbatch: INFO: Partition limited to one node per job.
sbatch: INFO: Time limit set to: 0-00:30 (30 minutes)
Submitted batch job 54221927
check your job with squeue
Docker is banned in all data centers for security reasons, we use Apptainer instead.
see /pbs/throng/grand/apptainer/
apptainer shell --bind /pbs,/sps/grand /pbs/throng/grand/apptainer/grandlib_dev_1_2.sif
/pbs is necessary enable graphics
else you this message error:
Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.
apptainer build grandlib_xxxx.sif docker://grandlib/xxx:yyy
CCIN2P3 jupyter NoteBook link :
You can use it like a file browser or basic file editor
If you want access to /sps/grand and THRONG_DIR from Jupyter NoteBook add this links in your HOME
ln -s /pbs/throng/grand grp_grand
ln -s /sps/grand sps_grand
Tricky problem not solved ...