A GraphQL service is essentially composed of a schema that defines what data is available and resolver functions that define how to fetch that data, in our case from a Neo4j database.
Following the GraphQL First Development paradigm, the first step is to define a GraphQL schema using the GraphQL IDL / schema syntax. We define a simple schema with a single type and a single Query type:
type Movie {
id: ID!
title: String
year: Int
plot: String
poster: String
imdbRating: Float
genres: [String]
similar(first: Int = 3, offset:Int = 0): [Movie]
type Query {
moviesByTitle(subString: String!, first: Int=3, offset: Int=0): [Movie]
We start with a skeleton GraphQL server application that uses graphql-tools
and graphql-express
to serve a GraphQL endpoint. The goal for this exercise is to modify the code so that we query our Neo4j database using the queries we defined in Exercise 1 and ensure that our GraphQL API returns real data.
// TODO: add unit tests
For convenience, two Apollo Launchpad hosted GraphQL service instances are available:
Once you've completed this section of the workshop, continue on with the react-apollo exercise. Be sure to note the uri for the GraphQL endpoint you've created in this step, as you'll be connecting a React app to make use of it!