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File metadata and controls

98 lines (74 loc) · 3.25 KB

Conventions used in this database schema:


  • snake_case for tables, functions, columns (avoids having to put them in quotes in most cases)
  • plural table names (avoids conflicts with e.g. user built ins, is better depluralized by PostGraphile)
  • trigger functions valid for one table only are named tg_[table_name]__[task_name]
  • trigger functions valid for many tables are named tg__[task_name]
  • trigger names should be prefixed with _NNN_ where NNN is a three digit number that defines the priority of the trigger (use 500 if unsure)
  • prefer lowercase over UPPERCASE, except for the NEW, OLD and TG_OP keywords. (This is Benjie's personal preference.)


  • all functions should define set search_path from current because of CVE-2018-1058
  • @omit smart comments should not be used for permissions, instead deferring to PostGraphile's RBAC support
  • all tables (public or not) should enable RLS
  • relevant RLS policy should be defined before granting a permission
  • grant select should never specify a column list; instead use one-to-one relations as permission boundaries


  • all functions should explicitly state immutable/stable/volatile
  • do not override search_path for convenience - prefer to be explicit


  • if a function can be expressed as a single SQL statement it should use the sql language if possible. Other functions should use plpgsql.


  • all foreign key references statements should have on delete clauses. Some may also want on update clauses, but that's optional
  • all comments should be defined using '"escape" string constants' - e.g. E'...' - because this more easily allows adding smart comments
  • defining things (primary key, checks, unique constraints, etc) within the create table statement is preferable to adding them after

General conventions (e.g. for PostGraphile compatibility)

  • avoid plv8 and other extensions that aren't built in because they can be complex for people to install (and this is a demo project)
  • functions should not use IN/OUT/INOUT parameters
  • @omit smart comments should be used heavily to remove fields we don't currently need in GraphQL - we can always remove them later


Please adhere to the following templates (respecting newlines):


create table <schema_name>.<table_name> (

SQL functions:

create function <fn_name>(<args...>) returns <return_value> as $$
  select ...
  from ...
  inner join ...
  on ...
  where ...
  and ...
  order by ...
  limit ...;
$$ language sql <strict?> <immutable|stable|volatile> <security definer?> set search_path from current;

PL/pgSQL functions:

create function <fn_name>(<args...>) returns <return_value> as $$
  v_[varname] <type>[ = <default>];
  if ... then
  end if;
  return <value>;
$$ language plpgsql <strict?> <immutable|stable|volatile> <security definer?> set search_path from current;


create trigger _NNN_trigger_name
  <before|after> <insert|update|delete> on <schema_name>.<table_name>
  for each row [when (<condition>)]
  execute procedure <schema_name.function_name>(...);


comment on <table|column|function|...> <> is