This is our collection of various grasp samples. Organized by individual syntax constructs, but may be reorganized later. It shall give you inspiration on how the grasp (maybe also with other AST based tools).
Can be used in coding practice checks, QA and refactoring. See also anti-babel for specific refactoring samples.
Any reviews, and more samples are welcomed (Pull Requests please).
Many codes reference dojo APIs as samples, but try to be framework agnostic.
start here for basic syntax and samples:
We are maintaining our own forked version of grasp, so if you want our enhancements (not yet merged to upstream) npm install from:
npm install git+
Scan your code base for (dojo) AMD and non AMD files. As a code reviewer this can give you quick hint about type and consistency of code base you are dealing with. It can also help you to minimize the scope of other queries to specific files.
# amd
grasp -w 'program.body > call[callee=(#define,#require)]'
# non amd
grasp -W 'program.body > call[callee=(#define,#require)]'
Pure re-assignments (x=y) style
grasp assign[left=ident][right=ident]
Capital Case identifiers
grasp '#/^[A-Z_]+$/' -r
Starts with __ (private convention in some frameworks)
grasp '#/^__/' -r
Usage of undefined
grasp '#undefined' -r
Returns identifier, often indicates procedural style or other smell (may need to review the code):
grasp 'return.argument(ident)'
Since s query and e query both have support for more specific literals (see, do we need this ?
# Literals in if statement (not very practical, see num and str)
grasp 'if.test!>literal'
# literal containing "/"
grasp 'bi[op=+][left=literal[value~=/^[\/].*/]]'
# concat of string with anything (almost always eval, use parametrized strings of builders)
grasp 'bi[op=+]:matches([left=str],[right=str])'
# concat of strings containing one of "/","#","?"
grasp 'bi[op=+]:matches([left=literal[value~=/[\/#?]/]],[right=literal[value~=/[\/#?]/]])'
# dump 'all strings' (omit prop names)
grasp --no-filename --no-line-number -o --no-color --no-bold ':not(prop, member) > str' -r
# strings containing two backslashes, \\, unescaping sysntax,
# maybe use String.raw instead ?
grasp -s 'str[value~=/\\/]'
# e.g for(i=0;i<10;i++);
grasp 'for!>for.body(empty)'
Or better, any loop with empty statement or empty body block
grasp '*!>loop.body(empty,block:not(block! > *))'
Coding style
# adding missing curly braces
grasp "if.then:not(block)" -R '{{{}}}' -i
Empty blocks
grasp 'block:not(block! > *)'
Empty catch blocks
# TODO: using catch body ?
grasp 'catch>block:not(block! > *)' -r
Empty functions
# empty function (TODO: s query for other variants)
grasp -e 'function $name(__){}'
One Liner blocks
grasp 'block>*:first-child:last-child'
# one line if else (useless) why not using && || ?
grasp -e 'if(__){ __ }else{ __ }'
# specific one liner blocks (coding horror)
grasp -e 'if(__){ return _bool }else{ return _bool }'
Block containing something
Block not containing something
# useless dojo hitch, hitch(this,f) where f is not using this at all
grasp "call[callee=member[prop=#hitch]].arguments:nth(1):matches(func-exp).body:not(block! this)"
# TODO: useless ES bind
# if without else, that has no return inside the if block
grasp 'if:not([else]).consequent:not(block! return)
ifs with return in the if block
grasp 'if:matches(if! block.body:matches(return))'
ifs with return in the if block followed by return
grasp 'if:matches(if! block.body:matches(return))!~return'
ifs with return in the if block followed immediately by return
grasp '*!>if:matches(if! block.body:matches(return))+return' -r
# TODO: ifs without else, with return in the if block followed immediately by return
# calls only one method, if param number is same, then it is useless
# maybe false positive if the purpose is to change args number
grasp -e "__.hitch(__,function() { this.__() })"
dojo does not have done function on promise see This is grasp query for: find those 'f' in codes: when(x,f) or __.then(f), and 'f' have no return statement inside
grasp "call[callee=(#when, member[prop=#then])].arguments:last:matches(func-exp).body:not(block! return)"
grasp '(func-exp,func-dec,prop[val=func-exp])!>call[callee=(#when, member[prop=#then])].arguments:last:matches(func-exp).body:not(block! return)'
# o["y"] = 10; o["y" + name] = 10
grasp ' exp-statement assign[left=member[computed=true]]' -r
see also, gkz/grasp#38 (comment) for interesting patterns and refactorings.
Oneliner ifs
# oneliner ifs shall be refactored
grasp -e 'if(__){__}'
grasp -e 'if($x){$y}' -R '{{x}} && ({{y}})'
Ifs without else
grasp 'if:not([else])'
Ifs without else and no return
TODO: why is this interesting ? motivation please (basically if that are not quick exits). I do not like these in code, but need to remember why/when we have used this
grasp 'if:not([else]).consequent:not(block! return)'
If with single return statements
Usually used as quick exit inside functions or loops (in loops it may indicate filter semantics)
# TODO: better ? we do not like the first: hack
grasp 'if.consequent.body:first(return)'
Useless else
# if(){throw}else{...code}, can be if{throw}...code (in most cases)
# no need for else usually, but of course check the code context
grasp 'if[else].consequent!>throw'
types of tests
# between
grasp -e 'if($x > __ && $x < __){_$}'
# ifs 'involving number' checks
grasp 'if.test!>num'
# checking length
grasp -e 'if($x && $x.length){_$}'
grasp -s '*[test=member[prop=#length]].test' #includes also ternary
# check if array/string, checks for non empty array
# hard to say, missing semantics
grasp -e 'if(__.length){__}else{__}'
# typeof used inside ifs
grasp "if.test unary[op=typeof]" -r
# if(typeof) and throw
grasp -s 'if[test=* unary[op=typeof]]! throw' -r ../node/lib/
# typeof used inside else-if
grasp -s '(if!.test unary[op=typeof]).alternate:matches(if).test unary[op=typeof]'
# typeof v = "number", "number" = typeof v (TODO: verify, may have false positives)
grasp -s "
If params, sorted by occurrences
# Top 10 'popular' if statements
# check for style and coding practices used in ifs (long, unreadable, not semantic, ordering , ...)
grasp -o --no-filename --line-number=false "if.test" | sort | uniq -c | head -n 10
else if (tests in else if statements)
grasp -s 'if.alternate:matches(if).test'
Nested ifs
# TODO: refactor to loop
grasp "\
(if.consequent, if.alternate, for.body, for-in.body, while.body, do-while.body, switch.cases, try.block, try.finalizer) \
(if.consequent, if.alternate, for.body, for-in.body, while.body, do-while.body, switch.cases, try.block, try.finalizer) \
(if.consequent, if.alternate, for.body, for-in.body, while.body, do-while.body, switch.cases, try.block, try.finalizer) \
(if.consequent, if.alternate, for.body, for-in.body, while.body, do-while.body, switch.cases, try.block, try.finalizer):not(block! \
(if.consequent, if.alternate, for.body, for-in.body, while.body, do-while.body, switch.cases, try.block, try.finalizer)) \
# if() throw; (without {})
grasp -s 'if[test][consequent=throw]'
# ifs with any throws inside
grasp -s 'if! throw' -r ../node/lib/
# if followed by return;
grasp '*! > if + return'
# if(){...; return} return;
grasp '*! > if:matches(if! block.body:matches(return)) + return'
# set propery if not set already,
# TODO: refactor to x || ($x=$y)
grasp -e 'if(!$x){$x=$y}'
# cached property (TODO: other cached, memoized patterns)
grasp -e 'if(! $x){$x=__} return $x'
# call if exists
grasp -e 'if($x){$x()}'
grasp -e '$X && $X()'
# call if function (TODO: if pattern)
grasp -e 'typeof $X === "function"?$X():$X
## assign if truth-y
# TODO: detector for this:
if (target._editorRow) {
// editor form
target = target._editorRow;
## delete if falsy TODO: detector
## same as assign if truth-y just with delete
# returning true or false
grasp '(return! true,return! false)'
## ifs with return boolean in the if block followed by return of boolean
grasp 'if:matches(if! block.body:matches((return! true,return! false)))!~(return! true,return! false)'
grasp 'return>(arrow,func-exp)'
Throwing strings, mostly not a good idea
# throw 'error1'
grasp 'throw.argument(str)'
Throwing anything else then string
grasp 'throw.argument:not(str)'
which can be new Error
# throw new Error("whatever");
grasp 'throw.argument(new[callee=#Error])' -r
or even call to Error() as function
# throw Error("whatever");
grasp 'throw.argument(call[callee=#Error])'
or something not mentioned yet ?
grasp 'throw.argument:not(call[callee=#Error],new[callee=#Error],str)' -r
grasp -e '_for_in'
grasp 'for-in.left'
# for (var key in signals)
grasp -s 'for-in.left:matches(var-decs)'
# for (key in headers)
grasp -s 'for-in.left:not(var-decs)'
# with let
grasp -s 'for-in.left:matches(var-decs[kind=let])' <<< 'for(let k in o){}'
# why not using Object.entries ?
# with -e query but this is quite exact usage
grasp -e 'for(var $k in $o){_$;var $v=$o[$k];_$}' <<< 'for(var k in o){x;var v=o[k];y}'
# with squery we can be more lax
# TODO: but this is too lax, need to match o[k]
# but this will match any y=foo[bar]
grasp 'for-in! var-dec[init=member[computed=true]],for-in! assign[left=ident][right=member[computed=true]]' \
<<< 'for(let k in o){foo();v=o[k];bar()}'
# we want to detect these typical (anti) samples:
for (key in headers) {
const entry = headers[key];
processHeader(this, state, entry[0], entry[1], false);
# TODO: motivation ?
grasp 'call[callee=member[obj=#df][prop=#forIn]]! if block.body:matches(return)'
grasp 'for-in!.body *:first-child:last-child'
# for in with 'single' push
# TODO: motivation ?
grasp 'for-in.body>*:first-child:last-child>call[callee=(member[prop=#push])]'
## TODO: remove all debugger statements
# functions starting with Capitals
grasp 'func-dec[id=#/^[A-Z]/]'
# including expressions ,var-dec[id=#/^[A-Z]/][init=*:matches(arrow,func-exp)])'
grasp 'func-dec[id=#/^[A-Z]/]'
# Custom Constructor Pattern
grasp 'func-dec[id=#/^[A-Z]/].body!>return'
# functions with parameters with specific name pattern
grasp '(func-dec,func-exp).params:matches(#/Html$/i)'
# functions without parameters (zero params)
grasp 'func-dec:not(func-dec!.params)' -r test
grasp '(func-dec,func-exp,arrow)! (func-dec,func-exp,arrow)'
# event handlers declared on dojo widget
grasp "call[callee=#declare].args:nth(1)>prop[key=#/^h[A-Z]/][value=func-exp]"
# one liner event handlers declared on dojo widget (do we really need them)
grasp '(call[callee=#declare].args:nth(1)>prop[key=#/^h[A-Z]/]>func-exp)!.body>*:first-child:last-child'
see IIFE, and Self-Executing Anonymous Function design patterns.
grasp -s "call[callee=func-exp]" . -r
# grasp already has iife in systax, equivalent to:
call[callee=(func-exp, member[obj=func-exp][prop=(#call, #apply)])]
grasp -s 'program.body>iife!>iife.args(#window)'
#TODO: other patterns, IIFE module pattern ...
Too many variables assigned in one single var a=0,b=1,c-2,d=3,e=4,f=5;
grasp 'var-decs!>var-dec[init]:nth-child(5)'
How many variables are declared on the same line ?
# var a,b,c,d vs var a, var b, var c style (TODO: improve, multi lines)
grasp "var-decs var-dec" -r | cut -d":" -f1,2 | sort | uniq -c
Refactoring var x,y,z to var x;var y; var z;
grasp var-decs --replace '{{var-dec | each before, "var " | join ";" }};'
Variables usage, Count of (evil) variables per file
grasp -c "var-dec"
Names of variables, can be used to enforce naming conventions, check against 'data dictionary' or simply spell check.
grasp -o ""
# top 10 favorite variable names
grasp -o "" -r | cut -d":" -f3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1,1nr | head -n10
92 i
32 p
31 args
30 u
25 l
20 id
19 r
18 _this # indicates no bind, no hitch, using manual storage of _this in the code ?
15 s
15 w
Finding variables with given name
grasp -o "var-dec[id=#_this]" -r
Declarations without init
# var x,y,z=1; matches x,y
grasp 'var-dec:not([init])'
Declaring empty object, array
# echo "var x={},y={};" |
grasp 'var-dec[init=obj:not(obj! > prop[key])]'
# declaration of arrays
grasp 'var-dec[init=arr:not(arr! > *)]'
# names of declared arrays variables (check naming conventions)
grasp -o 'var-dec[init=arr:not(arr! > *)].id'
# TODO: nonempty arrays
Function expressions assigned to variable with given name, finding (one of the styles) validation functions
# var vali*=function(){}
grasp 'var-dec[id=#/^vali/][init=func-exp].id'
grasp \
'func-dec[id=#/^'$name'/],var-dec[id=#/^'"$name"'/][init=func-exp],prop[key=#/^'"$name"'/][val=func-exp]' \
-r "$@"
members (props and method names) used in this.XXX or this[XXX] constructions
grasp -o -s 'member[obj=this].prop'
functions without this
grasp "func-dec! this"
functions/methods without this
grasp "func-dec:not(func-dec! this)"
impure functions, "non methods" without return
grasp 'func-dec:not(func-dec! return):not(funct-dec! this)'
# impure arrows ?, TODO: better method detection
grasp 'arrow:not(arrow! return):not(arrow! this)'
# normalizing to array
grasp -e '__ || []'
# empty array
grasp 'arr:not(arr! > *)'
# array.last(), traditional syntax
grasp -e '$x[$x.length-1]'
# ensure array r.messages || (r.messages = []);
grasp -e '$x || ($x=[])'
grasp -e '{$x || ($x=[]); $x.push(__);}'
# array normalization (not very nice)
# TODO: detector + other patterns
if (lang.isArray(items.type)) {
items = items.type;
} else {
items = [
Property with a certain name:
grasp 'obj.props[key=#columns])'
Objects {} that have Property with a certain name:
grasp '*!>obj.props[key=#columns])'
# or (see prop)
grasp 'obj! > prop[key=#columns]'
Property with a name matching pattern:
grasp 'func-dec[id=#/^vali/]'
Property with a name matching pattern and specified type:
# {vali*: function(){}}
grasp 'prop[key=#/^vali/][val=func-exp]'
Find getter setter properties
grasp "prop[kind=get]"
grasp "prop[kind=set]"
For properties defined with defineProperty use this:
grasp 'call[callee=member[obj=#Object][prop=#defineProperty]].arguments:nth(2):matches(obj!>prop[key=#get])'
grasp 'call[callee=member[obj=#Object][prop=#defineProperty]].arguments:nth(2):matches(obj!>prop[key=#set])'
For properties defined with defineProperties use this:
grasp 'call[callee=member[obj=#Object][prop=#defineProperties]].arguments:nth(1):matches(obj! > prop > obj>prop[key=#get])'
grasp 'call[callee=member[obj=#Object][prop=#defineProperties]].arguments:nth(1)>prop!>obj>prop[key=#get]'
Property can be defined as Indentifier or Literal be carefull when checking for property 'name'
echo 'var x={ test :10}' | grasp 'prop[key=("test",#test)]'
echo 'var x={"test":10}' | grasp 'prop[key=("test",#test)]'
other samples here use mostly Identifier syntax
Changing property syntax (Literal vs Identifier):
# To refactor columns["b"] to columns.b (fix JSHint errors)
grasp -e 'columns[_str]' -i -R 'columns.{{_str | str-slice 1, -1 }}'
# To refactor columns.b to columns["b"] (fix 'reserved' keywords)
grasp -s "obj.props[key=#b].key" --replace '"b"' -i "$@"
grasp 'obj! > prop[key=#columns]'
grasp 'obj:not(obj! > prop[key=#test])'
# dojo cookies, setting cookie without setting path (good idea ?)
grasp 'call[callee=(#cookie)].arguments:tail:last:not(obj!>prop[key=#path])'
grasp '(obj!>prop[key=#a]):not(obj! > prop[key=#b])'
# or
grasp 'obj! prop[key=#a]:not(prop[key=#a]!~prop[key=#b])'
# echo 'x={o1:{o2:{enum:[1,2,3]}}}', returns o2
grasp --no-bold --no-color '(obj > prop! > obj > prop[key=(#enum,#type)]).key'
# echo 'var x={enums:{x:"test", y:{name:"test"}}}' |\
grasp "prop[key=#enums][value=str].value, prop[key=#enums][value=obj][key=#name].value"
# empty object literals
grasp 'obj:not(obj! > prop[key])'
grasp 'obj prop[val!=func-exp]'
grasp unary[op=typeof]
# comparing type of with something (left sided)
grasp 'biop[op="=="].left[op=typeof]'
# are we using paranoid === or ==
grasp 'biop[op="==="].left[op=typeof]'
# conditional return based on typeof
# return (typeof that == "string") ? decomp(that) : clone(that);
grasp "return!.arg unary[op=typeof]"
# Naive (uri building detection)
# TODO: nicer
grasp 'bi[op=+]:matches([left="/"],[left="?"],[left="#"],[right="/"],[right="?"],[right="#"])'
# binary ops with 1
grasp 'bi:matches([left=1],[right=1])'
#bi ops with -1 (TODO: do I really need to check negative numbers this way ?)
grasp 'bi[right=unary[op=-][argument.value=1]]'
grasp 'bi:matches([left=1],[right=1],[left=unary[op=-][argument.value=1]],[right=unary[op=-][argument.value=1]])'
# comparison operatos (TODO: nicer ?)
grasp 'bi:matches([op="=="],[op="==="],[op="!=="],[op="!="],[op=">"],[op=">="],[op="<"],[op="<="])'
# biops with left or right being compare
grasp 'bi:matches([left=call[callee=(#compare, member[prop=#compare])]],[right=call[callee=(#compare, member[prop=#compare])]])'
# all combine together:
function grasp_compare(){
Q_METHOD='[left=call[callee=(#compare, member[prop=#compare])]],[right=call[callee=(#compare, member[prop=#compare])]]'
grasp "$Q"
# assign to identified with this syntax: x=p[k];
grasp 'assign[left=ident][right=member[computed=true]]' <<< "x=p[k];x=p.k"
# assign to identified with this syntax: x=p.k;
grasp 'assign[left=ident][right=member[computed=false]]' <<< "x=p[k];x=p.k"
# var x=; and x= is not the same, must grasp for both
grasp 'var-dec[init=member[computed=true]],assign[left=ident][right=member[computed=true]]' \
<<< 'var v=o[k];w=o[k]'
# setting value of specific property
# dojo validation set by code
grasp -e '__.constraints.__=__'
# copying from one object to another
grasp 'assign[left=member][right=member]'
# o[disabled?"show":"hide"](), call one of the methods based on condition
grasp 'member[computed=true][property=cond]' -r
# refactoring
grasp -e '$w[$test?"show":"hide"]()' -i -R '{{w}}.set("hidden", !({{test}}))'
grasp -e "__ ? true : false"
# dojo, see deferred antipattern
grasp -e "new Deferred()"
# arguments to MS proprietary new ActiveXObject
grasp -s -o 'new[callee=(#ActiveXObject)].arguments'
method call x.y() (array.forEach)
grasp -e 'array.forEach(_$)'
grasp -s 'call[callee=member[obj=#array][prop=#forEach]]'
method calls x.*()
grasp -e 'array.$method(_$)'
grasp -s 'call[callee=member[obj=#array][prop=*]]'
method calls array., or darray.
grasp -s 'call[callee=member[obj=(#array,#darray)][prop=(#filter,#map,#forEach,#some,#every)]]'
plain function calls, maches f() but not a.f()
grasp -s 'call.callee:not(member)'
promises, x.then() or when()
grasp 'call[callee=(#when, member[prop=#then])]'
This demonstrates finding all Mocha test methods
# or it()
grasp 'call[callee=(#it, member[prop=#it])]' -r
Function or method CALL with specific name and second parameter is function
#,function(){}) or it(__,function(){})
grasp "call[callee=(#it, member[prop=#it])].arguments:nth(1):matches(func-exp)"
Function or method CALL with specific name, second parameter is function and body contains return
#,function(done){ return }) or it(__,function(done){ return })
grasp "call[callee=(#it, member[prop=#it])]! .arguments:nth(1):matches(func-exp! return).params:first"
Name of method matches on of specified, but is called on something not matching given name:
grasp 'call[callee=member[obj=:not(#array,#arayUtil,#darray,#df,call[callee=#query])][prop=(#filter,#map,#forEach,#some,#every,#reduce,#reduceRight)]]'
Test method descriptions (for docs or review)
grasp -o 'call[callee=(#it, member[prop=#it])].args:nth(0)'
# applies to dojo set.html and our encoder method names
grasp "call[callee=(obj, [obj=#html][prop=#set])].args:nth(1):not(call[callee=(obj, [obj=(#encHtml, #enc)])])"
Count number of features (in BDD tests)
grasp --no-color -c 'call[callee=(#it, member[prop=#it])]' -r | grep -v ":0$"
# call with 1 arg (s query is tricky)
grasp -e 'declare(__)'
grasp -s 'call[callee=#declare]!.args:nth(0):last-child'
# call with 2 args (s query is tricky)
grasp -e 'declare(__,__)'
grasp -s 'call[callee=#declare]!.args:nth(1):last-child'
# dojo hitch signatures
grasp -e "__.hitch(this,__,__)"
grasp -e '__.hitch(__,__,__,$others)'
grasp -e '__.hitch(this,function(_$) { _$ },__,$others)'
# Replace with 3 params, beware flags
grasp -e "__.replace(__,__,__)"
# Replace with inline replacer function
grasp -e "__.replace(__,function(__){__})"
# various replace signatures
grasp -e '__.replace(_str,_str)'
grasp -e '__.replace(_regex,_str)'
# argument not literal
grasp -s "call[callee=#require].args:not(literal)"
# argument not string
grasp "call[callee=#require].args:not([value=type(String)])"
grasp "call[callee=#i18n].args:first:not(literal)"
# dojo require with one param (TODO: add link to docs)
grasp -e "require(__)" -r .
# selenium promise api (incorrect)
grasp -e "promise.all(__,__)"
# selenium promise api (correct)
grasp -e "promise.all(__)"
# dojo setter of specific property
grasp -e '__.set(__,"title",__)'
# indexOf various patterns usage statistics
queries="$(cat ./test/indexOf.js | rm-comments | grep "indexOf" | cut -d"=" -f2- | trim | sed "s;str[1];__;g ; s;str[2];_$;g ; s/; *$//" )"
while read q; do c=$(grasp -e "$q" -r . | wc -l); echo "$q|$c"; done <<< "$queries"
# TODO: s query
# it('stringifies buffer values', function (done) {
grasp 'call[callee=(#it, member[prop=#it])].arguments:nth(1):matches(func-exp).params:first'
grasp -i -e 'tsta($a,$b,$c)' -R 'tsta({{a}},{{b}},{{c}},"")'
grasp -i -e 'tsta($a,$b,$c,$d)' -R 'tsta({{a}},{{c}},{{b}},{{d}})'
# get rid of 3rd param, make it part of 2nd param
grasp -e 'fn($a,$b,$c)' -R 'fn({{a}}, {{b}} + " " + {{c}})'
grasp -e 'fn($a,$b,$c)' -R 'fn({{a}}, {{c}}.concat({{b}}))'
# ((())) style
# Map(filter) and filter(map) (dojo style)
grasp "call[callee.prop=(#map)].args:first(call[callee.prop=(#filter)])"
grasp "call[callee.prop=(#filter)].args:first(call[callee.prop=(#map)])"
# TODO: parseInt() number not between x and y
grasp 'call[callee=#parseInt]!.arguments:last-child:not(10)'
grasp 'member[computed=true]' -r
# o["y"] = 10; o["y" + name] = 10
grasp ' exp-statement assign[left=member[computed=true]]' -r
# o[disabled?"show":"hide"](), call one of the methods based on condition
grasp 'member[computed=true][property=cond]' -r
# find method, but not method call
grasp -s '*:not(call)!>member[prop=#pop]' <<< 'arr.pop()' # not match
grasp -s '*:not(call)!>member[prop=#pop]' <<< 'if(arr.pop)' # match
# a[1],a[0] etc...
grasp 'member[computed=true].prop[value=type(Number)]' < test/data/arrays.js
# a[i], a[j]
grasp 'member[computed=true].prop[&type=Identifier]'
# functions containing hardcoded a[0],a[1] etc...
grasp '(func-dec,func-exp,arrow)! member[computed=true].prop[value=type(Number)]' < test/data/arrays.js
# functions using array destructuring instead
grasp '(func-dec,func-exp,arrow).params[&type=ArrayPattern]' < test/data/arrays.js
check naming conventions for errors:
grasp -o -s "catch.param" -r | cut -d ":" -f3 | sort | uniq -c
sample output shows inconsistent naming convention:
9 e
3 err
8 ex
# TODO: for loop without i used inside block {}
# modifying for loops, TODO: refactor to while ?
# for with one child
grasp -e 'for(__;__;__){ __ }'
# for with push
grasp -e 'for(__;__;__){ __.push(_$) }'
# files with many loops
grasp --no-color -c 'loop' -r | grep -v ":0$" | sort -t":" -k2,2nr
# 'size of loops'
grasp --no-color -c 'loop>*' -r | grep -v ":0$" | sort -t":" -k2,2nr
# number if ifs inside the loop (sort of complexity metrics, but there are better detectors)
grasp --no-color -c 'loop if' -r | grep -v ":0$" | sort -t":" -k2,2nr
# loop with single push (sort of map ?)
grasp 'loop!.body>*:first-child:last-child>call[callee=(member[prop=#push])]'
2, 'hi', /re/g, true, null, etc. - matches the specified literal.
num or Number matches all number literals.
str or String matches all string literals.
bool or Boolean matches as boolean literals.
regex or RegExp matches all regex literals.
null matches all null literals.
literal or Literal matches all literals in general
grasp -e 'console.log(_$)' -R '///{{}}' -i
## TODO: push push vs push
## detector for both
## see
# dojo setters accept objects, no need to call X times
grasp -e '{_$;$w.set(_$);$w.set(_$);_$}'
# dojo put-selector, use chaining instead ?
grasp -e '{var $x=put(__);put($x,__);}'
grasp -e '__.then(_$).then(_$).then(_$)'
grasp -e '__.replace(_$).replace(_$)'
# nested then (TODO: what is the difference ?)
grasp "call[callee=member[prop=#then]].args:first! call[callee=member[prop=#then]]"
grasp "call[callee=member[prop=#then]].args:first:matches(func-exp! call[callee=member[prop=#then]])"
# TODO: explain
grasp "call[callee=(#hitch, member[prop=#hitch])]! .arguments:nth(1):matches(func-exp! call[callee=(#hitch, member[prop=#hitch])])"
grasp -e 'function __($a){ return $a;}'
Various ways of cloning objects, some of them are useful but some can be avoided (dojo syntax).
# Clones
grasp -e '__.mixin({},$_)'
grasp -e 'whitelistMixin(__,{},$_)'
grasp -e 'blacklistMixin(__,{},$_)'
# TODO: es cloning patterns, more dojo patterns
# TODO: maybe there is better way ?
grasp 'for-in!.body>*:first-child:last-child'
# oneliner function
grasp -e 'function(_$){__}'
Extracting regexps from code, useful for review, DRY, safety, correctness
grasp -o 'new[callee=#RegExp].args:first'
# regexp build from variables, concats (something else then static strings)
# are they sanitized ?
grasp '*!>new[callee=#RegExp].args:first:not(String)'
# regexps build from string (useless, use literal form //)
# new RegExp("/test/");
grasp '*!>new[callee=#RegExp].args:first(String)'
Change syntax from a.enum to a["enum"]
grasp -s "obj.props[key=#enum].key" --replace '"enum"' -i "$@"
Fixes syntax of 'reserved keywords'
echo "[BUILD]: fix_reserved" 1>&2
# Fixes syntax of 'reserved keywords',
# rhino even if es5 still complains about them
grasp -s "obj.props[key=#enum].key" --replace '"enum"' -i "$@"
grasp -s "member[prop=#enum]" --replace '{{.obj}}["enum"]' -i "$@"
grasp -s "obj.props[key=#default].key" --replace '"default"' -i "$@"
grasp -s "member[prop=#default]" --replace '{{.obj}}["default"]' -i "$@"
dynamic require (may be interesting because of browserify and others bundlers)
# <<< "require(mid)" \
grasp -s "call[callee=#require].args:not(str)"
require inside function (not on top level)
grasp -s '(func-dec,func-exp,arrow) call[callee=#require]'
finding all asserts (texts)
grasp "call[callee=(#assert)].arguments:last:matches(str,TemplateLiteral)"
refactoring assert to assert.equal
-s 'call[callee=#assert]! bi[op="=="][right=literal]' \
-R 'assert.equal({{bi.left}}, {{bi.right}})' \
<<< "assert(a==2)"
readFileSync and other Sync function usage:
grasp -s 'call[callee=(#/Sync/, member[prop=#/Sync/])]'
Excluding minified files from grasping
# uses minimatch pattern
grasp -e "module.exports" --exclude="**/*.bundle.js,**/*.min.js" ./node_modules
We have lot of unit tests for libs and components (widgets) written in D.O.H. But some of them are runnable without UI, using node.js. To find these test files, use:
export GLOB_DOH_TESTS= # put some glob here to limit files scope
grasp -w -e 'has("host-browser") ||' -r $GLOB_DOH_TESTS
# find all requires defines that require config and use the config
grasp -o -s '(*!>call[callee=(#define,#require)].args:first(arr) > "dojo/_base/config").arguments:last member[obj=#config]'
calls to has (detectors usage)
grasp --no-color --no-bold -s 'call[callee=#has].args:first' -o -r | cut -d":" -f3 | sort -u
has.add, (detector declarations)
grasp --no-color --no-bold -s 'call[callee=member[obj=#has][prop=#add]].args:first' -o -r | cut -d":" -f3 | sort -u
files using declare, how many components using dojo inheritance do we have ?
grasp -w "call[callee=#declare]" -r | wc -l
not inherited from anything
grasp -o "call[callee=#declare].args:nth(0):matches(null)"
inherited from empty array ?
grasp -o "call[callee=#declare].args:nth(0):matches(arr:not(arr! > *))"
first of parents
grasp -o "call[callee=#declare].args:nth(0).elements:head"
inherited from more then one
grasp -o "call[callee=#declare].args:nth(0).elements:nth(1)"
inherited from Grid, parent is grid
grasp -o "call[callee=#declare].args:nth(0).elements:first:matches(#Grid)"
inherited or mixed with grid
grasp -o 'call[callee=#declare].args:nth(0)>#Grid' -r . | wc -l
mixed Grid (does it makes sence ?)
grasp -o 'call[callee=#declare].args:nth(0).elements:tail:matches(#Grid)' -r | wc -l
grasp -e '__.on(_str,_$)'
grasp -s 'call[callee=member[prop=#on]].args:nth(0):matches("click")'
dgrid-* events
grasp -s 'call[callee=member[prop=#on]].args:nth(0):matches(str[value~=/^dgrid-/])'
multiple events
grasp -s 'call[callee=member[prop=#on]].args:nth(0):matches(str[value~=/,/])'
extension events (usage)
grasp -s 'call[callee=member[prop=#on]].args:nth(0):not(str)'
find extension events (impl), very naive:
grasp -s "return>call[callee=#on]"
count "event" popularity
grasp -s -o 'call[callee=member[prop=#on]].args:nth(0)' -r . | cut -d":" -f3 | sort | uniq -c
emiting events (get event name only)
grasp -o -s 'call[callee=member[obj=this][prop=#emit]].args:nth(0)'
with sample output:
205 eventUtil.refreshCompleteData
189 "click"
168 eventUtil.rowSelectData
105 "dgrid-editor-new-add"
88 "lov-select"
75 eventUtil.rowDeselectData
74 "hide"
72 eventUtil.dataChange
67 "change"
grasp -s -o 'call[callee=member[prop=#extend]].callee'
basic syntax:
grasp -s -o 'call[callee=#declare].args:last.props[key=#/^_set[A-Z].*Attr$/]'
Custom setters 'modifying html':
grasp -s -o 'call[callee=#declare].args:last.props[key=#/^_set/] ! call[callee=member[obj=#html][prop=#set]]'
Dojo array comprehensions and lambdas
grasp -s 'call[callee=member[obj=(#array,#darray)][prop=(#filter,#map,#forEach,#some,#every)]].args:nth(1):matches(str)'
# refactor simple to arrow or lambdas
grasp -e '$$arr,function($x){ return $x.$y;})' \
-i -R '{{darray}}.map({{arr}},"return {{x}}.{{y}}")'
amd statistics
# just a basic grasp, needs more post-processing
grasp --no-multiline-separator --no-bold --no-color -o 'call[callee=(#define,#require)].args:nth(0)'
constraints.pattern (formatters)
grasp --no-multiline-separator --no-bold --no-color -o 'obj.props[key=#pattern])'
dojo ready usage, who uses it with what priority ? debugging and makeing decisions about your number in ready:
grasp -o -s 'call[callee=#ready].args:first'
ECMAScript 2015, Classes, do we really want to use classes ? Some people do:
grasp "ClassDeclaration" -r ./test
inherited from something
grasp 'ClassDeclaration!.superClass' -r test
not inherited
grasp 'ClassDeclaration:not([superClass])' -r test
ES2015 specification, Template Literals
grasp 'TemplateLiteral' -r test
useless template literals without any expressions (zero expressions)
grasp 'TemplateLiteral:not(TemplateLiteral!.expressions)' -r test
default parameters:
grasp '*.params:matches(AssignmentPattern)'
rest parameter
# any
grasp '*.params(RestElement)'
# rest parameter (only one)
grasp '*.params:first(RestElement)'
arrow functions using this
grasp 'arrow! this'
arrow functions without this
grasp 'arrow:not(arrow! this)'
arrow functions using arguments (from parent function)
grasp 'ArrowFunctionExpression! #arguments'
arrow functions with useless return and block
grasp 'arrow (arrow!>block>return:first-child)' ./test/data/arrows.js
async function declaration
# not working with standard grasp, use our fork
grasp -s 'func-dec[async=true]'
grasp -s 'func-dec[async=false]'
prefix each function with async
grasp -s '(FunctionDeclaration,FunctionExpression,ArrowFunctionExpression)[async=true]' -R 'async {{}}'
prefix non async funcions with async if they call f2()
grasp '(func-dec,func-exp,arrow)[async=false]! call[callee=(#f2, member[prop=#f2])]' ./test/data/refactor-sync.js -R 'async {{}}'
prefix non await calls of f2 with await
grasp '(func-dec,func-exp,arrow)[async=true] *>call[callee=(#f2, member[prop=#f2])]' ./test/data/await.js -R 'await {{}}'
combine the two above as seqence and you have async refactor
default parser config is:
# (acorn, {locations: true, ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: 'module', allowHashBang: true})
You may need to switch some of the settings, see next chapters.
'Our' grasp comes with outdated acorn, and new one comes with flow parser. To use updated version of acorn (with ES2016 support), specify path relative to grasp:
grasp -e 'isFinite(__)' --parser='(../../acorn/dist/acorn.js,{locations: true, ecmaVersion: 9, sourceType: 'module', allowHashBang: true})' -r ../node/lib
If you get error like this:
Error: Could not parse JavaScript from 'mvc\Output.js'. 'with' in strict mode
grasp -W 'program.body > call[callee=(#define,#require)]' -r \
--parser '(acorn, {locations: true, ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: 'script', allowHashBang: true})'
sometimes you only want filenames printed and parseable output (no colors etc.)
# file containing 'new Worker()'
grasp --files-with-matches --no-color 'new[callee=(#Worker)]' -r .