If you want to report a bug or suggest an enhancement, please follow the template guidelines corresponding to your request and submit an issue.
First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute!
If you want are contributing an enhancement or a bug, please fill an issue and link it to your pull request description.
Details about how we interact with the repository and how you can set up your environment are given in the next sections.
If you are submitting a change to the operator code please make sure that your code is covered by an integration test
If you are submitting a change to the helm charts, please make sure that it is covered by a helm unit test
Before committing your changes don’t forget to run the following make targets
# If you commit a change to the operator model
make generate manifests reference
# If you commit a change to the helm chart values
make helm-reference
# In any case
make lint-fix
When committing your contribution, please follow the conventional commits convention.
The kubebuilder documentation is a good read to help you start with contributing to our code base.
All the tool needed to run the make targets used during development can be installed by running the following command:
make install-tools
To get more information about the available make targets, run:
make help
To run the operator locally against an APIM-ready local cluster, run the following commands:
# Initialize a local kubernetes cluster running APIM
make start-cluster
# Install the operator CRDs into the cluster
make install
# Run the operator controller on your local machine
make run
Please refer to this document for guidance, conventions and best practices regarding integration testing.
To be able to run the operator against a local instance of both an APIM Gateway and an APIM Management API, you will need to:
Attach to a local cluster context.
Create a local service account to authenticate the gateway against the local cluster.
Create a Management Context pointing to your local APIM Management API.
Run what you need to debug in debug mode.
# Create a service account token with 'cluster-admin' role in the current context and
# use this token to authenticate against the current cluster
make cluster-admin
make run # or run using a debugger if you need to debug the operator as well
If you are using visual studio code, here is a working config snippet for debugging the operator:
"name": "Main",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "main.go",
"env": {
"DEV_MODE": "true",
And here is another snippet for debugging integration test execution
"name": "Test API Definition",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "test/integration/apidefinition/suite_test.go"