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- Build on python3
- Fetch exposed URLs using google dorks.
- Support HTML Report to feed results to crawler.
- Support JSON & XML output of extracted urls to feed results to external apis.
- Support grep-able output generation.
- Suport proxies.
- Multithread & optimised for better performance.
- Easy dorks updation.
- Uses huge dork collection.
- Dorks db is updating frequently.
- Easily integrable with other tools.
- Can be easily optimized to generate low noise and fetch quality results.
- Can be used for checking leaked info for tagreted domain.
- Integrate in ecosystem to search for urls for targeted domain and check for any blacklisted/unwanted exposed info.
- Out of the box search queries can be easily extendable to check extra information.
$f0x.py [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-q QUERY] [-n] [-Q EX_QUERY] [-c CATEGORY] [-cA] [-S SEVERITY] [-SQ] [-SA] [-t THREADS] [-p PROXY]
[-pF PROXY_FILE] [-pO] [-pC PROXY_COUNT] [-C PROXY_CONN] [--no-ssl-check] [--timeout TIME_OUT] [-m DELAY_MIN]
[-M DELAY_MAX] [-w DELAY] [-U UA] [--update] [-v] [-V] [-r PAGE_SIZE] [-R NO_OF_PAGES] [-T MAX_RESULTS] [-l] [-L]
[-o OUT_DIR] [-oJ] [-oX] [-oR] [--silent]
$ python3 f0x.py --update
$ python3 f0x.py -L
$ python3 f0x.py --any --quality -v -p "" --no-ssl-check -t 3