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Spring Context from Groovy

Spring Context from Groovy

spring-ctx-groovy contain the class ctx.App, that it's built with Groovy and exposes the Spring context statically.

You can get a bean object from the context like this in Java, without the need to inject the bean into your class:

MyUserService myUserService = (MyUserService) ctx.App.getContext().getBean("myUserService");

Or like this with Groovy:

def myUserService = ctx.App.myUserService

But the most important feature is to use it with the Remote Shell included in the Spring Boot Actuator module, to access within the console through a SSH session to the Spring Context using the repl groovy, like in the awesome Grails Console.

⚠️ [Deprecated Module] Unfortunately, because the project rely on the Remote Shell that was discontinued in Spring Boot 2.0+, the project only works with Spring Boot 1.x projects. To debug a Spring Boot 2.0+ project with a shell console, try jshell-plugin along with spring-ctx. Though they have some limitations, like the need to build the project with JDK 9 or higher, and using Gradle (Maven not supported).

$ ssh -p 2000 user@localhost
user@localhost's password:
  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::  (v1.4.6.RELEASE) on myhost
> repl groovy
Using repl groovy
> ctx.App.myUserService.findUserByEmail("")[0].id
> ctx.App.myUserService.getById(100123).name
Mariano Ruiz
> ctx.App.contactDao.logger.effectiveLevel
> ctx.App.contactDao.logger.setLevel(ch.qos.logback.classic.Level.DEBUG)

Also exposes the properties of the project with the prop static method:

> ctx.App.prop("server.context-path")

When an object is returned, the repl prints a representation of the object (call the toString() method), but sometimes is not the best way to read the result, or you just need a JSON representation:

> ctx.App.json(statusObj)

The default ObjectMapper is used to serialize to JSON.

NOTE: You DON'T need to develop your project with Groovy to use this library in your Spring Project and access to the ctx.App class from your source code, or from the remote shell.


To add this library to your project, depending of your building tool, these are the configuration settings you need:


Add the following configuration to the pom.xml file of your project:

  1. dependencies section:

    <!-- Remote Shell Library for Spring Boot applications -->
  2. repositories section:

        <name>Grayshirts Public Repository</name>


Add the following configuration to the build.gradle file of your project:

  1. dependencies section:

    compile ''
    // Remote Shell Library for Spring Boot applications
    compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-remote-shell'
  2. repositories section:

    maven() {
        url ""

System Requirements

  • JDK 7+

Build & Publish

Compile and build the .jar locally with:

$ ./gradlew build

Publish to your local Maven repo:

$ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Upload to Bintray repo:

$ ./gradlew bintrayUpload




Bintray Artifacts Repository:

Author: Mariano Ruiz

License: Apache Software License 2.0.

(2017) Grayshirts.