This is a React web application that utilizes the latest version of the GRDI-AMR2 version 9.0 ontology template. The purpose of this application is to provide a user-friendly interface for creating subsets of the total ontology tailored to specific individual needs.
To use this version, simply unzip the file and locate the index.html file. Follow these instructions:
Right-click on the zip file, and select "Extract all". This will create a directory called "Virtual_GRDI_template". Open the "index.html" file by double-clicking. It will open in your web browser.
The web app opens with the "Sample_collector_sample_ID" field only. The other fields for addition are in the sidebar on the left.
The spreadsheet starts with 20 rows, but more can be added by right-clicking on the spreadsheet.
For every field with controlled terms, the user has the option to click on the arrow in the cell and choose between the controlled terms, or add their own.
After the user has created a final spreadsheet, it can be exported using the Menu button and selecting "Export as XLS".