A duplex stream that detects and translates natural language using IBM Watson.
Download node at nodejs.org and install it, if you haven't already.
npm install watson-translate-stream --save
Watson translate stream uses a duplex stream to manage two text streams between differing natural languages.
class LanguageStream extends Stream.Transform
constructor: (@fromLanguage, @toLanguage) ->
LanguageFilter = require('watson-translate-stream')
Pipe = require("multipipe")
# Create a shell process to attach to.
cmd = 'telnet'
arguments = ['localhost', '3001']
process = ChildProcess.spawn(cmd, arguments)
# Make a new language filter, and set the egress stream language to
# english. In this example, we know what we are speaking (en), and
# we don't set the far end language so it can be detected and translated.
# To turn off detection, specify both ingress and egress languages.
# Supports the current Watson languages (en, es, fr, ko)
language = new LanguageFilter('en')
ingressProcessStream = Pipe(language.ingressStream, process.stdin)
egressProcessStream = Pipe(process.stdout, language.egressStream)
- multipipe: pipe streams with centralized error handling
- watson-developer-cloud: Client library to use the IBM Watson Services and AlchemyAPI
- coffee-script: Unfancy JavaScript
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