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Jake Files

This is a collection of tasks executed with the Jake task runner. See


  1. aws-cli installed and configured
  2. docker installed
  3. Correct node installed (cat .nvmrc, then use nvm to install/use that version)

Quick Start

  1. npm i -g jake
  2. Clone this repo
  3. cd to jakefiles
  4. npm i
  5. copy the example.env to .env and add appropriate values. Note: Paths must be absolute and may not use ~. Example: /Users/USERNAME/PATHTOREPO
  6. jake -T

Create a Temporary Ephemeral Environment with Seed Data

All ephemeral environment tasks can be found in the eph-ephemeral container in ECS in AWS. See this Confluence document for more details about ephemeral environments.

  1. In a terminal window, navigate to the jakefiles repo and run a deployment command in the following format:
    jake eph:create['STACK']
    jake eph:create['coffee']
    • STACK will be used to name all the infrastructure elements that will be created for the environment (ex. task names like eph-coffee-console, subdomains like, pipelines like coffee-console, etc.); must be alphanumeric and between 1 and 6 characters long.
  2. Once this process is complete, deploy code to the new environment using one or both of the pipeline deployment methods below

Deploy a Branch to Staging, Production, or an Ephemeral Environment using GitHub and the Deployment Pipeline

See this Confluence document for more details about the pipeline.

  1. Make sure the branch you want to deploy is fully up to date on GitHub. This method deploys directly from GitHub.
  2. In a terminal window, navigate to the jakefiles repo and run a deployment command in the following format:
    jake pipeline:deploy['ENVIRONMENT','CLUSTER/STACK','REPO','BRANCH']
    jake pipeline:deploy['stag','one','app-greenchef','my-branch']
    jake pipeline:deploy['eph','coffee','app-greenchef','my-branch']
    • ENVIRONMENT is either stag (staging), prod (production), or eph (ephemeral)
    • CLUSTER names for stag/prod environments can be found in AWS in ECS Clusters; STACK is the name that was chosen when an ephemeral environment was created
    • REPO is the name of the repo in GitHub
    • BRANCH is the name of the branch to be deployed
  3. Monitor the progress of your deployment in AWS or via #gc-releases in Slack.

Deploy All Latest Release Branches to a Staging or Ephemeral Environment using Deployment Pipeline

For a staging environment:

jake pipeline:refresh['CLUSTER']

jake pipeline:refresh['one']

For an ephemeral environment:

jake pipeline:refresh['eph','STACK']

jake pipeline:refresh['eph','coffee']

ZSH Users Special Syntax

According to the official documentation, ZSH users may need to do one of two things to run jake commands:

  • Escape brackets or wrap them in single quotes and omit inner quotes: jake 'deploy:app[stag,uat,console]'

-- OR --

  • Permanently deactivate file-globbing for the jake command by adding this line to your .zshrc file: alias jake="noglob jake"


Everything in this section is deprecated functionality. Use the pipeline methods above whenever possible.

Deploy to Staging or Production from a Local Branch

Make sure your .env file is up to date (Example: PATH_TO_CONSOLE=/Users/bgreene/GreenChef/console-web/)

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to deploy. (Example: greenchef/services/server-greenchef)
  2. Check out the branch you want to deploy. (Example: release/2018-12-04)
  3. View the apps constant in the deploy.jake file in jakelib to find the correct name of the docker image you want to push to (Example: greenchef/services/server-greenchef can be deployed to console-api, web-api, worker, or scheduler)
  4. In a separate terminal tab, open the jakefiles repo, and run the deployment command (Example Below)

Example Deployment Command

Deploy the "console" app to the "stag-uat" ECS cluster. (Staging and Production cluster names can be found on AWS in ECS Clusters)

jake deploy:app['stag','uat','console']

Deploying Groups of Services with One Command


Instead of deploying console-api, web-api, worker, and scheduler individually, you can instead use the following with the desired cluster name:

jake deploy:core['stag','uat']

When using this command, note that scheduler will be excluded automatically from deployments to clusters with 'stag' in their names. However, if scheduler is needed in a staging environment, it can be released individually using the deploy:app syntax in the previous example.


To deploy all shipping services, you can use the following with the desired cluster name:

jake deploy:shipping['stag','uat']