"Sistem Informasi Akademik SMK Nasional Malang" Website Application is a Website that is used to store a lot of information. Information that can be stored is Subjects, Majors, Competency Standards, Teachers, Students, Student Guardians, and Values. This application is expected to facilitate the work of Teachers / Admins in conducting data collection.
This application was created for assignments on the 12th grade "Project" subjects.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/bluohazard/sisinfo-smknas-mlg.git
Import Database
to your PhpMyAdmin -
Edit file
adjust to your database connection. Example :
$host = "localhost"; // MySQL host Url
$user = "root"; // MySQL user
$password = ""; // MySQL password
$database = "sekolah"; // database name
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Greggy Gianini Firmansyah - @greggygf - greggygf@gmail.com