It is basically a wrapper around the 'gatttool' from the BlueZ package on Linux. Provides easy control for the Eurodomest RGB Bluetooth LE bulbs from command line. Fast enough for continous dimming of the lamp, therefore it can be used for simple effects also. Running nice on desktops/laptops and Raspberry Pi/Orange Pi.
Control Eurodomest BLE RGB lamp.
-s, --set #w Set white level from 0-256
#r #g #b Set an RGB level value (white off)
#r #g #b #w Set and RGB-W level
-f, --fade #w Fade white level from 0-256
#r #g #b Fade to an RGB level value (white stays off)
#r #g #b #w Fade to an RGB-W level (RGB + White)
-c, --color $name Set colors by name; like 'maroon', 'olive', 'aqua' ...
-h, --help Display this help text
blebulb --set 100 Setting the white leds to 100
blebulb -s 25 25 25 Mix a custom color with RGB code
blebulb -s 225 255 225 80 Custom ambient color with RGB-W code
blebulb -f 128 225 128 30 Fade to a custom color from current state
blebulb --fade 255 Fade to a custom color from current state```