Common tasks have scripts that can be run with common configurations, and are easily modified. These scripts can be found in the scripts directory. Each of these scripts can be set to run for a list of sites and years and to overwrite existing output files or not.
Fluxall files ({site}_{year}_fluxall.txt
) should contain raw data from all sensors at a site for one year. The script_make_fluxall.m script will make these files, primarily by calling card_data_processor.m in various configurations and reading the raw data in 'toa5' and 'ts_data' directories. Though these files should contain all sensor data, in practice there are some sites with dataloggers that have not been configured to be merged into the fluxall file (namely the Valles Caldera sites).
There are several files created from the NMEG quality control pipeline, all output to the "processed_flux" directory. These are:
"qc" files (
): Contain all variables that are quality-controlled and then output by the UNM_RemoveBadData.m script. -
"for_gapfilling" files (
): Also output by UNM_RemoveBadData.m script and contain a subset of quality-controlled variables in a format ready to be filled with ancillary met data. -
"for_gapfilling_filled" files (
): Same as the file above, but gaps in the met variables have been filled with ancillary met data by the UNM_fill_met_gaps_from_nearby_site.m script.
To make these files, run the script_make_qc_gf.m. This script may also run the REddyProc gapfilling tool by calling on the R code from the Max Planck institute, and the output (also in 'processed_flux') can be used to make AmeriFlux files, below, if desired.
AmeriFlux files ({af-site}_{year}_gapfilled.txt
and {af-site}_{year}_with_gaps.txt
) contain quality controlled sensor data, gapfilled met data, gapfilled fluxes, and partitioned C fluxes. There are several steps currently needed to create them.
Send the "for_gapfilling_filled" file for each site/year to the MPI EddyProc web service. This service provides gapfilled and partitioned flux data, and is the way we currently have to get Lasslop partitioned fluxes used for the lower elevation NMEG sites.
Once you receive notification that the partitioner has finished (by email), copy the job number and run download_gapfilled_partitioned_flux.m with the job number as an argument. This will download the resulting files to the "processed_flux" directory.
Run script_make_ameriflux.m, which will call the
with the specified configuration options and output the new AmeriFlux files to "FLUXROOT/FluxOut/".
Running the script_make_soilmet_qc.m script for a site/year runs soil_met_correct.m, which assembles all soil temperature, water content, heat flux, and TCAV sensor outputs, applies temperature corrections to VWC, and then removes bad data. The two output files, which are placed in "processed_soil", are:
"qc" files (
): Contains all sensor outputs, with raw outputs converted to VWC and temperature corrected (if applicable), for a site/year. -
"qc_rbd" files (
): Same as above, but with outliers, level shifts, and other bad data removed on a site/year basis (see soil_met_correct.m for details.