* ~~Refactor out matplotlib dependencies present in clusteringModels and predictiveModels
modules, replacing with calls to the plotter module(which wraps bokeh and seaborn)~~
* Add a dask/airflow/luigi/pinball support for training models with different samples on
distributed systems.
* Cleanup/refactor the plotter.py to remove obsolete/unused plots
* Add support for feature filtering..(tsfresh module and also others) in features.py
* Add Gini Coefficient-like measure visual for the cluster analyze
* Add support for https://github.com/ANNetGPGPU/ANNetGPGPU in the cluster analyze logic
* Add 3D heatmaps and may be 3D + 1D(time) visualizations/Animations(like the gapminder
bubble chart for ex:)
* analyze TODO: May be add a way to plot joint distributions of two variables?
* ~~analyze TODO: add grouped violinplots by categorical variables too.~~
* Add a separate grid search function to grid search a data set with the given
model.(wrapper around sklearn model_selection's grid search)
* Add Gaussian Mixture Model to clustering models
* Add factor_analyze function to analyze.py(probably something like PCA or the likes)
* Add plots for regression analysis with different models(may be [r-squared like]
or somethin else
* Add a way to check for non-linear correlations(aka ace algorithm)
* Implement the trellis plots for correlation analyze (when there's categories)
* Add support for [RANSAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_sample_consensus)
* Setup python sphinx and add proper documentation for all classes and functions
* Create a function to take dataframe, run tree/randomforest, pick out best tree, create a
neural network based on the tree, and return it.. (The user can then train it).