diff --git a/dist/commons-ui.js b/dist/commons-ui.js deleted file mode 100644 index a46fc5ac..00000000 --- a/dist/commons-ui.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70094 +0,0 @@ -var w9 = Object.defineProperty; -var T9 = (e, t, r) => t in e ? w9(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: r }) : e[t] = r; -var nr = (e, t, r) => (T9(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, r), r); -function R9(e, t) { - for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { - const o = t[r]; - if (typeof o != "string" && !Array.isArray(o)) { - for (const a in o) - if (a !== "default" && !(a in e)) { - const c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, a); - c && Object.defineProperty(e, a, c.get ? c : { - enumerable: !0, - get: () => o[a] - }); - } - } - } - return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })); -} -var Id = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}; -function Pl(e) { - return e && e.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "default") ? e.default : e; -} -function O9(e) { - if (e.__esModule) - return e; - var t = e.default; - if (typeof t == "function") { - var r = function o() { - return this instanceof o ? Reflect.construct(t, arguments, this.constructor) : t.apply(this, arguments); - }; - r.prototype = t.prototype; - } else - r = {}; - return Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), Object.keys(e).forEach(function(o) { - var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, o); - Object.defineProperty(r, o, a.get ? a : { - enumerable: !0, - get: function() { - return e[o]; - } - }); - }), r; -} -var zR = { exports: {} }, by = {}, UR = { exports: {} }, Uy = { exports: {} }; -/** - * @license React - * react.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -Uy.exports; -var nF; -function k9() { - return nF || (nF = 1, function(e, t) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { - typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ < "u" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart == "function" && __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error()); - var r = "18.2.0", o = Symbol.for("react.element"), a = Symbol.for("react.portal"), c = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), u = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), p = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), v = Symbol.for("react.provider"), h = Symbol.for("react.context"), m = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), b = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), _ = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), T = Symbol.for("react.memo"), R = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), k = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), I = Symbol.iterator, M = "@@iterator"; - function L(te) { - if (te === null || typeof te != "object") - return null; - var ke = I && te[I] || te[M]; - return typeof ke == "function" ? ke : null; - } - var P = { - /** - * @internal - * @type {ReactComponent} - */ - current: null - }, B = { - transition: null - }, D = { - current: null, - // Used to reproduce behavior of `batchedUpdates` in legacy mode. - isBatchingLegacy: !1, - didScheduleLegacyUpdate: !1 - }, V = { - /** - * @internal - * @type {ReactComponent} - */ - current: null - }, U = {}, ee = null; - function re(te) { - ee = te; - } - U.setExtraStackFrame = function(te) { - ee = te; - }, U.getCurrentStack = null, U.getStackAddendum = function() { - var te = ""; - ee && (te += ee); - var ke = U.getCurrentStack; - return ke && (te += ke() || ""), te; - }; - var oe = !1, K = !1, Ce = !1, _e = !1, me = !1, Fe = { - ReactCurrentDispatcher: P, - ReactCurrentBatchConfig: B, - ReactCurrentOwner: V - }; - Fe.ReactDebugCurrentFrame = U, Fe.ReactCurrentActQueue = D; - function Ie(te) { - { - for (var ke = arguments.length, rt = new Array(ke > 1 ? ke - 1 : 0), ot = 1; ot < ke; ot++) - rt[ot - 1] = arguments[ot]; - be("warn", te, rt); - } - } - function Ae(te) { - { - for (var ke = arguments.length, rt = new Array(ke > 1 ? ke - 1 : 0), ot = 1; ot < ke; ot++) - rt[ot - 1] = arguments[ot]; - be("error", te, rt); - } - } - function be(te, ke, rt) { - { - var ot = Fe.ReactDebugCurrentFrame, Lt = ot.getStackAddendum(); - Lt !== "" && (ke += "%s", rt = rt.concat([Lt])); - var kn = rt.map(function(Bt) { - return String(Bt); - }); - kn.unshift("Warning: " + ke), Function.prototype.apply.call(console[te], console, kn); - } - } - var Oe = {}; - function Q(te, ke) { - { - var rt = te.constructor, ot = rt && (rt.displayName || rt.name) || "ReactClass", Lt = ot + "." + ke; - if (Oe[Lt]) - return; - Ae("Can't call %s on a component that is not yet mounted. This is a no-op, but it might indicate a bug in your application. Instead, assign to `this.state` directly or define a `state = {};` class property with the desired state in the %s component.", ke, ot), Oe[Lt] = !0; - } - } - var ye = { - /** - * Checks whether or not this composite component is mounted. - * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance we want to test. - * @return {boolean} True if mounted, false otherwise. - * @protected - * @final - */ - isMounted: function(te) { - return !1; - }, - /** - * Forces an update. This should only be invoked when it is known with - * certainty that we are **not** in a DOM transaction. - * - * You may want to call this when you know that some deeper aspect of the - * component's state has changed but `setState` was not called. - * - * This will not invoke `shouldComponentUpdate`, but it will invoke - * `componentWillUpdate` and `componentDidUpdate`. - * - * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender. - * @param {?function} callback Called after component is updated. - * @param {?string} callerName name of the calling function in the public API. - * @internal - */ - enqueueForceUpdate: function(te, ke, rt) { - Q(te, "forceUpdate"); - }, - /** - * Replaces all of the state. Always use this or `setState` to mutate state. - * You should treat `this.state` as immutable. - * - * There is no guarantee that `this.state` will be immediately updated, so - * accessing `this.state` after calling this method may return the old value. - * - * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender. - * @param {object} completeState Next state. - * @param {?function} callback Called after component is updated. - * @param {?string} callerName name of the calling function in the public API. - * @internal - */ - enqueueReplaceState: function(te, ke, rt, ot) { - Q(te, "replaceState"); - }, - /** - * Sets a subset of the state. This only exists because _pendingState is - * internal. This provides a merging strategy that is not available to deep - * properties which is confusing. TODO: Expose pendingState or don't use it - * during the merge. - * - * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender. - * @param {object} partialState Next partial state to be merged with state. - * @param {?function} callback Called after component is updated. - * @param {?string} Name of the calling function in the public API. - * @internal - */ - enqueueSetState: function(te, ke, rt, ot) { - Q(te, "setState"); - } - }, $e = Object.assign, We = {}; - Object.freeze(We); - function He(te, ke, rt) { - this.props = te, this.context = ke, this.refs = We, this.updater = rt || ye; - } - He.prototype.isReactComponent = {}, He.prototype.setState = function(te, ke) { - if (typeof te != "object" && typeof te != "function" && te != null) - throw new Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables."); - this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, te, ke, "setState"); - }, He.prototype.forceUpdate = function(te) { - this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, te, "forceUpdate"); - }; - { - var Je = { - isMounted: ["isMounted", "Instead, make sure to clean up subscriptions and pending requests in componentWillUnmount to prevent memory leaks."], - replaceState: ["replaceState", "Refactor your code to use setState instead (see https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/3236)."] - }, Be = function(te, ke) { - Object.defineProperty(He.prototype, te, { - get: function() { - Ie("%s(...) is deprecated in plain JavaScript React classes. %s", ke[0], ke[1]); - } - }); - }; - for (var Ke in Je) - Je.hasOwnProperty(Ke) && Be(Ke, Je[Ke]); - } - function Ze() { - } - Ze.prototype = He.prototype; - function ft(te, ke, rt) { - this.props = te, this.context = ke, this.refs = We, this.updater = rt || ye; - } - var Tt = ft.prototype = new Ze(); - Tt.constructor = ft, $e(Tt, He.prototype), Tt.isPureReactComponent = !0; - function le() { - var te = { - current: null - }; - return Object.seal(te), te; - } - var W = Array.isArray; - function G(te) { - return W(te); - } - function ne(te) { - { - var ke = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.toStringTag, rt = ke && te[Symbol.toStringTag] || te.constructor.name || "Object"; - return rt; - } - } - function ue(te) { - try { - return Pe(te), !1; - } catch { - return !0; - } - } - function Pe(te) { - return "" + te; - } - function Ne(te) { - if (ue(te)) - return Ae("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", ne(te)), Pe(te); - } - function Et(te, ke, rt) { - var ot = te.displayName; - if (ot) - return ot; - var Lt = ke.displayName || ke.name || ""; - return Lt !== "" ? rt + "(" + Lt + ")" : rt; - } - function Gt(te) { - return te.displayName || "Context"; - } - function Ut(te) { - if (te == null) - return null; - if (typeof te.tag == "number" && Ae("Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."), typeof te == "function") - return te.displayName || te.name || null; - if (typeof te == "string") - return te; - switch (te) { - case c: - return "Fragment"; - case a: - return "Portal"; - case p: - return "Profiler"; - case u: - return "StrictMode"; - case b: - return "Suspense"; - case _: - return "SuspenseList"; - } - if (typeof te == "object") - switch (te.$$typeof) { - case h: - var ke = te; - return Gt(ke) + ".Consumer"; - case v: - var rt = te; - return Gt(rt._context) + ".Provider"; - case m: - return Et(te, te.render, "ForwardRef"); - case T: - var ot = te.displayName || null; - return ot !== null ? ot : Ut(te.type) || "Memo"; - case R: { - var Lt = te, kn = Lt._payload, Bt = Lt._init; - try { - return Ut(Bt(kn)); - } catch { - return null; - } - } - } - return null; - } - var Wt = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, dn = { - key: !0, - ref: !0, - __self: !0, - __source: !0 - }, xn, bt, It; - It = {}; - function vt(te) { - if (Wt.call(te, "ref")) { - var ke = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(te, "ref").get; - if (ke && ke.isReactWarning) - return !1; - } - return te.ref !== void 0; - } - function Rt(te) { - if (Wt.call(te, "key")) { - var ke = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(te, "key").get; - if (ke && ke.isReactWarning) - return !1; - } - return te.key !== void 0; - } - function gt(te, ke) { - var rt = function() { - xn || (xn = !0, Ae("%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", ke)); - }; - rt.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(te, "key", { - get: rt, - configurable: !0 - }); - } - function Pt(te, ke) { - var rt = function() { - bt || (bt = !0, Ae("%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", ke)); - }; - rt.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(te, "ref", { - get: rt, - configurable: !0 - }); - } - function wn(te) { - if (typeof te.ref == "string" && V.current && te.__self && V.current.stateNode !== te.__self) { - var ke = Ut(V.current.type); - It[ke] || (Ae('Component "%s" contains the string ref "%s". Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. Learn more about using refs safely here: https://reactjs.org/link/strict-mode-string-ref', ke, te.ref), It[ke] = !0); - } - } - var J = function(te, ke, rt, ot, Lt, kn, Bt) { - var Pn = { - // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element - $$typeof: o, - // Built-in properties that belong on the element - type: te, - key: ke, - ref: rt, - props: Bt, - // Record the component responsible for creating this element. - _owner: kn - }; - return Pn._store = {}, Object.defineProperty(Pn._store, "validated", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !0, - value: !1 - }), Object.defineProperty(Pn, "_self", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1, - value: ot - }), Object.defineProperty(Pn, "_source", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1, - value: Lt - }), Object.freeze && (Object.freeze(Pn.props), Object.freeze(Pn)), Pn; - }; - function pt(te, ke, rt) { - var ot, Lt = {}, kn = null, Bt = null, Pn = null, Yn = null; - if (ke != null) { - vt(ke) && (Bt = ke.ref, wn(ke)), Rt(ke) && (Ne(ke.key), kn = "" + ke.key), Pn = ke.__self === void 0 ? null : ke.__self, Yn = ke.__source === void 0 ? null : ke.__source; - for (ot in ke) - Wt.call(ke, ot) && !dn.hasOwnProperty(ot) && (Lt[ot] = ke[ot]); - } - var or = arguments.length - 2; - if (or === 1) - Lt.children = rt; - else if (or > 1) { - for (var jr = Array(or), Ir = 0; Ir < or; Ir++) - jr[Ir] = arguments[Ir + 2]; - Object.freeze && Object.freeze(jr), Lt.children = jr; - } - if (te && te.defaultProps) { - var Ar = te.defaultProps; - for (ot in Ar) - Lt[ot] === void 0 && (Lt[ot] = Ar[ot]); - } - if (kn || Bt) { - var to = typeof te == "function" ? te.displayName || te.name || "Unknown" : te; - kn && gt(Lt, to), Bt && Pt(Lt, to); - } - return J(te, kn, Bt, Pn, Yn, V.current, Lt); - } - function At(te, ke) { - var rt = J(te.type, ke, te.ref, te._self, te._source, te._owner, te.props); - return rt; - } - function ut(te, ke, rt) { - if (te == null) - throw new Error("React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed " + te + "."); - var ot, Lt = $e({}, te.props), kn = te.key, Bt = te.ref, Pn = te._self, Yn = te._source, or = te._owner; - if (ke != null) { - vt(ke) && (Bt = ke.ref, or = V.current), Rt(ke) && (Ne(ke.key), kn = "" + ke.key); - var jr; - te.type && te.type.defaultProps && (jr = te.type.defaultProps); - for (ot in ke) - Wt.call(ke, ot) && !dn.hasOwnProperty(ot) && (ke[ot] === void 0 && jr !== void 0 ? Lt[ot] = jr[ot] : Lt[ot] = ke[ot]); - } - var Ir = arguments.length - 2; - if (Ir === 1) - Lt.children = rt; - else if (Ir > 1) { - for (var Ar = Array(Ir), to = 0; to < Ir; to++) - Ar[to] = arguments[to + 2]; - Lt.children = Ar; - } - return J(te.type, kn, Bt, Pn, Yn, or, Lt); - } - function Tn(te) { - return typeof te == "object" && te !== null && te.$$typeof === o; - } - var rr = ".", sr = ":"; - function Qn(te) { - var ke = /[=:]/g, rt = { - "=": "=0", - ":": "=2" - }, ot = te.replace(ke, function(Lt) { - return rt[Lt]; - }); - return "$" + ot; - } - var Ln = !1, cr = /\/+/g; - function fn(te) { - return te.replace(cr, "$&/"); - } - function nn(te, ke) { - return typeof te == "object" && te !== null && te.key != null ? (Ne(te.key), Qn("" + te.key)) : ke.toString(36); - } - function dr(te, ke, rt, ot, Lt) { - var kn = typeof te; - (kn === "undefined" || kn === "boolean") && (te = null); - var Bt = !1; - if (te === null) - Bt = !0; - else - switch (kn) { - case "string": - case "number": - Bt = !0; - break; - case "object": - switch (te.$$typeof) { - case o: - case a: - Bt = !0; - } - } - if (Bt) { - var Pn = te, Yn = Lt(Pn), or = ot === "" ? rr + nn(Pn, 0) : ot; - if (G(Yn)) { - var jr = ""; - or != null && (jr = fn(or) + "/"), dr(Yn, ke, jr, "", function(pg) { - return pg; - }); - } else - Yn != null && (Tn(Yn) && (Yn.key && (!Pn || Pn.key !== Yn.key) && Ne(Yn.key), Yn = At( - Yn, - // Keep both the (mapped) and old keys if they differ, just as - // traverseAllChildren used to do for objects as children - rt + // $FlowFixMe Flow incorrectly thinks React.Portal doesn't have a key - (Yn.key && (!Pn || Pn.key !== Yn.key) ? ( - // $FlowFixMe Flow incorrectly thinks existing element's key can be a number - // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion - fn("" + Yn.key) + "/" - ) : "") + or - )), ke.push(Yn)); - return 1; - } - var Ir, Ar, to = 0, br = ot === "" ? rr : ot + sr; - if (G(te)) - for (var Zs = 0; Zs < te.length; Zs++) - Ir = te[Zs], Ar = br + nn(Ir, Zs), to += dr(Ir, ke, rt, Ar, Lt); - else { - var Pc = L(te); - if (typeof Pc == "function") { - var Jd = te; - Pc === Jd.entries && (Ln || Ie("Using Maps as children is not supported. Use an array of keyed ReactElements instead."), Ln = !0); - for (var fg = Pc.call(Jd), ss, Xd = 0; !(ss = fg.next()).done; ) - Ir = ss.value, Ar = br + nn(Ir, Xd++), to += dr(Ir, ke, rt, Ar, Lt); - } else if (kn === "object") { - var Qd = String(te); - throw new Error("Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " + (Qd === "[object Object]" ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(te).join(", ") + "}" : Qd) + "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."); - } - } - return to; - } - function Rn(te, ke, rt) { - if (te == null) - return te; - var ot = [], Lt = 0; - return dr(te, ot, "", "", function(kn) { - return ke.call(rt, kn, Lt++); - }), ot; - } - function Zn(te) { - var ke = 0; - return Rn(te, function() { - ke++; - }), ke; - } - function Pr(te, ke, rt) { - Rn(te, function() { - ke.apply(this, arguments); - }, rt); - } - function _o(te) { - return Rn(te, function(ke) { - return ke; - }) || []; - } - function uo(te) { - if (!Tn(te)) - throw new Error("React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child."); - return te; - } - function Eo(te) { - var ke = { - $$typeof: h, - // As a workaround to support multiple concurrent renderers, we categorize - // some renderers as primary and others as secondary. We only expect - // there to be two concurrent renderers at most: React Native (primary) and - // Fabric (secondary); React DOM (primary) and React ART (secondary). - // Secondary renderers store their context values on separate fields. - _currentValue: te, - _currentValue2: te, - // Used to track how many concurrent renderers this context currently - // supports within in a single renderer. Such as parallel server rendering. - _threadCount: 0, - // These are circular - Provider: null, - Consumer: null, - // Add these to use same hidden class in VM as ServerContext - _defaultValue: null, - _globalName: null - }; - ke.Provider = { - $$typeof: v, - _context: ke - }; - var rt = !1, ot = !1, Lt = !1; - { - var kn = { - $$typeof: h, - _context: ke - }; - Object.defineProperties(kn, { - Provider: { - get: function() { - return ot || (ot = !0, Ae("Rendering is not supported and will be removed in a future major release. Did you mean to render instead?")), ke.Provider; - }, - set: function(Bt) { - ke.Provider = Bt; - } - }, - _currentValue: { - get: function() { - return ke._currentValue; - }, - set: function(Bt) { - ke._currentValue = Bt; - } - }, - _currentValue2: { - get: function() { - return ke._currentValue2; - }, - set: function(Bt) { - ke._currentValue2 = Bt; - } - }, - _threadCount: { - get: function() { - return ke._threadCount; - }, - set: function(Bt) { - ke._threadCount = Bt; - } - }, - Consumer: { - get: function() { - return rt || (rt = !0, Ae("Rendering is not supported and will be removed in a future major release. Did you mean to render instead?")), ke.Consumer; - } - }, - displayName: { - get: function() { - return ke.displayName; - }, - set: function(Bt) { - Lt || (Ie("Setting `displayName` on Context.Consumer has no effect. You should set it directly on the context with Context.displayName = '%s'.", Bt), Lt = !0); - } - } - }), ke.Consumer = kn; - } - return ke._currentRenderer = null, ke._currentRenderer2 = null, ke; - } - var qe = -1, at = 0, jt = 1, vn = 2; - function Xt(te) { - if (te._status === qe) { - var ke = te._result, rt = ke(); - if (rt.then(function(kn) { - if (te._status === at || te._status === qe) { - var Bt = te; - Bt._status = jt, Bt._result = kn; - } - }, function(kn) { - if (te._status === at || te._status === qe) { - var Bt = te; - Bt._status = vn, Bt._result = kn; - } - }), te._status === qe) { - var ot = te; - ot._status = at, ot._result = rt; - } - } - if (te._status === jt) { - var Lt = te._result; - return Lt === void 0 && Ae(`lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic import() call. Instead received: %s - -Your code should look like: - const MyComponent = lazy(() => import('./MyComponent')) - -Did you accidentally put curly braces around the import?`, Lt), "default" in Lt || Ae(`lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic import() call. Instead received: %s - -Your code should look like: - const MyComponent = lazy(() => import('./MyComponent'))`, Lt), Lt.default; - } else - throw te._result; - } - function qt(te) { - var ke = { - // We use these fields to store the result. - _status: qe, - _result: te - }, rt = { - $$typeof: R, - _payload: ke, - _init: Xt - }; - { - var ot, Lt; - Object.defineProperties(rt, { - defaultProps: { - configurable: !0, - get: function() { - return ot; - }, - set: function(kn) { - Ae("React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `defaultProps` to a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component is defined, or create a wrapping component around it."), ot = kn, Object.defineProperty(rt, "defaultProps", { - enumerable: !0 - }); - } - }, - propTypes: { - configurable: !0, - get: function() { - return Lt; - }, - set: function(kn) { - Ae("React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `propTypes` to a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component is defined, or create a wrapping component around it."), Lt = kn, Object.defineProperty(rt, "propTypes", { - enumerable: !0 - }); - } - } - }); - } - return rt; - } - function Cn(te) { - te != null && te.$$typeof === T ? Ae("forwardRef requires a render function but received a `memo` component. Instead of forwardRef(memo(...)), use memo(forwardRef(...)).") : typeof te != "function" ? Ae("forwardRef requires a render function but was given %s.", te === null ? "null" : typeof te) : te.length !== 0 && te.length !== 2 && Ae("forwardRef render functions accept exactly two parameters: props and ref. %s", te.length === 1 ? "Did you forget to use the ref parameter?" : "Any additional parameter will be undefined."), te != null && (te.defaultProps != null || te.propTypes != null) && Ae("forwardRef render functions do not support propTypes or defaultProps. Did you accidentally pass a React component?"); - var ke = { - $$typeof: m, - render: te - }; - { - var rt; - Object.defineProperty(ke, "displayName", { - enumerable: !1, - configurable: !0, - get: function() { - return rt; - }, - set: function(ot) { - rt = ot, !te.name && !te.displayName && (te.displayName = ot); - } - }); - } - return ke; - } - var xe; - xe = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); - function mt(te) { - return !!(typeof te == "string" || typeof te == "function" || te === c || te === p || me || te === u || te === b || te === _ || _e || te === k || oe || K || Ce || typeof te == "object" && te !== null && (te.$$typeof === R || te.$$typeof === T || te.$$typeof === v || te.$$typeof === h || te.$$typeof === m || // This needs to include all possible module reference object - // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since - // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used - // with. - te.$$typeof === xe || te.getModuleId !== void 0)); - } - function $t(te, ke) { - mt(te) || Ae("memo: The first argument must be a component. Instead received: %s", te === null ? "null" : typeof te); - var rt = { - $$typeof: T, - type: te, - compare: ke === void 0 ? null : ke - }; - { - var ot; - Object.defineProperty(rt, "displayName", { - enumerable: !1, - configurable: !0, - get: function() { - return ot; - }, - set: function(Lt) { - ot = Lt, !te.name && !te.displayName && (te.displayName = Lt); - } - }); - } - return rt; - } - function De() { - var te = P.current; - return te === null && Ae(`Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons: -1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM) -2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks -3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app -See https://reactjs.org/link/invalid-hook-call for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.`), te; - } - function je(te) { - var ke = De(); - if (te._context !== void 0) { - var rt = te._context; - rt.Consumer === te ? Ae("Calling useContext(Context.Consumer) is not supported, may cause bugs, and will be removed in a future major release. Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?") : rt.Provider === te && Ae("Calling useContext(Context.Provider) is not supported. Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?"); - } - return ke.useContext(te); - } - function Ot(te) { - var ke = De(); - return ke.useState(te); - } - function _t(te, ke, rt) { - var ot = De(); - return ot.useReducer(te, ke, rt); - } - function Dt(te) { - var ke = De(); - return ke.useRef(te); - } - function $n(te, ke) { - var rt = De(); - return rt.useEffect(te, ke); - } - function zn(te, ke) { - var rt = De(); - return rt.useInsertionEffect(te, ke); - } - function Jt(te, ke) { - var rt = De(); - return rt.useLayoutEffect(te, ke); - } - function Nn(te, ke) { - var rt = De(); - return rt.useCallback(te, ke); - } - function Ta(te, ke) { - var rt = De(); - return rt.useMemo(te, ke); - } - function Dl(te, ke, rt) { - var ot = De(); - return ot.useImperativeHandle(te, ke, rt); - } - function mr(te, ke) { - { - var rt = De(); - return rt.useDebugValue(te, ke); - } - } - function Yd() { - var te = De(); - return te.useTransition(); - } - function la(te) { - var ke = De(); - return ke.useDeferredValue(te); - } - function ir() { - var te = De(); - return te.useId(); - } - function Ra(te, ke, rt) { - var ot = De(); - return ot.useSyncExternalStore(te, ke, rt); - } - var ks = 0, Ll, Is, x, S, E, N, z; - function X() { - } - X.__reactDisabledLog = !0; - function se() { - { - if (ks === 0) { - Ll = console.log, Is = console.info, x = console.warn, S = console.error, E = console.group, N = console.groupCollapsed, z = console.groupEnd; - var te = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - value: X, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - info: te, - log: te, - warn: te, - error: te, - group: te, - groupCollapsed: te, - groupEnd: te - }); - } - ks++; - } - } - function he() { - { - if (ks--, ks === 0) { - var te = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - log: $e({}, te, { - value: Ll - }), - info: $e({}, te, { - value: Is - }), - warn: $e({}, te, { - value: x - }), - error: $e({}, te, { - value: S - }), - group: $e({}, te, { - value: E - }), - groupCollapsed: $e({}, te, { - value: N - }), - groupEnd: $e({}, te, { - value: z - }) - }); - } - ks < 0 && Ae("disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."); - } - } - var de = Fe.ReactCurrentDispatcher, fe; - function ge(te, ke, rt) { - { - if (fe === void 0) - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (Lt) { - var ot = Lt.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); - fe = ot && ot[1] || ""; - } - return ` -` + fe + te; - } - } - var Se = !1, we; - { - var Me = typeof WeakMap == "function" ? WeakMap : Map; - we = new Me(); - } - function Ge(te, ke) { - if (!te || Se) - return ""; - { - var rt = we.get(te); - if (rt !== void 0) - return rt; - } - var ot; - Se = !0; - var Lt = Error.prepareStackTrace; - Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; - var kn; - kn = de.current, de.current = null, se(); - try { - if (ke) { - var Bt = function() { - throw Error(); - }; - if (Object.defineProperty(Bt.prototype, "props", { - set: function() { - throw Error(); - } - }), typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.construct) { - try { - Reflect.construct(Bt, []); - } catch (br) { - ot = br; - } - Reflect.construct(te, [], Bt); - } else { - try { - Bt.call(); - } catch (br) { - ot = br; - } - te.call(Bt.prototype); - } - } else { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (br) { - ot = br; - } - te(); - } - } catch (br) { - if (br && ot && typeof br.stack == "string") { - for (var Pn = br.stack.split(` -`), Yn = ot.stack.split(` -`), or = Pn.length - 1, jr = Yn.length - 1; or >= 1 && jr >= 0 && Pn[or] !== Yn[jr]; ) - jr--; - for (; or >= 1 && jr >= 0; or--, jr--) - if (Pn[or] !== Yn[jr]) { - if (or !== 1 || jr !== 1) - do - if (or--, jr--, jr < 0 || Pn[or] !== Yn[jr]) { - var Ir = ` -` + Pn[or].replace(" at new ", " at "); - return te.displayName && Ir.includes("") && (Ir = Ir.replace("", te.displayName)), typeof te == "function" && we.set(te, Ir), Ir; - } - while (or >= 1 && jr >= 0); - break; - } - } - } finally { - Se = !1, de.current = kn, he(), Error.prepareStackTrace = Lt; - } - var Ar = te ? te.displayName || te.name : "", to = Ar ? ge(Ar) : ""; - return typeof te == "function" && we.set(te, to), to; - } - function nt(te, ke, rt) { - return Ge(te, !1); - } - function ct(te) { - var ke = te.prototype; - return !!(ke && ke.isReactComponent); - } - function ae(te, ke, rt) { - if (te == null) - return ""; - if (typeof te == "function") - return Ge(te, ct(te)); - if (typeof te == "string") - return ge(te); - switch (te) { - case b: - return ge("Suspense"); - case _: - return ge("SuspenseList"); - } - if (typeof te == "object") - switch (te.$$typeof) { - case m: - return nt(te.render); - case T: - return ae(te.type, ke, rt); - case R: { - var ot = te, Lt = ot._payload, kn = ot._init; - try { - return ae(kn(Lt), ke, rt); - } catch { - } - } - } - return ""; - } - var pe = {}, Ee = Fe.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - function Re(te) { - if (te) { - var ke = te._owner, rt = ae(te.type, te._source, ke ? ke.type : null); - Ee.setExtraStackFrame(rt); - } else - Ee.setExtraStackFrame(null); - } - function Xe(te, ke, rt, ot, Lt) { - { - var kn = Function.call.bind(Wt); - for (var Bt in te) - if (kn(te, Bt)) { - var Pn = void 0; - try { - if (typeof te[Bt] != "function") { - var Yn = Error((ot || "React class") + ": " + rt + " type `" + Bt + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + typeof te[Bt] + "`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`."); - throw Yn.name = "Invariant Violation", Yn; - } - Pn = te[Bt](ke, Bt, ot, rt, null, "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED"); - } catch (or) { - Pn = or; - } - Pn && !(Pn instanceof Error) && (Re(Lt), Ae("%s: type specification of %s `%s` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).", ot || "React class", rt, Bt, typeof Pn), Re(null)), Pn instanceof Error && !(Pn.message in pe) && (pe[Pn.message] = !0, Re(Lt), Ae("Failed %s type: %s", rt, Pn.message), Re(null)); - } - } - } - function Ye(te) { - if (te) { - var ke = te._owner, rt = ae(te.type, te._source, ke ? ke.type : null); - re(rt); - } else - re(null); - } - var rn; - rn = !1; - function Nt() { - if (V.current) { - var te = Ut(V.current.type); - if (te) - return ` - -Check the render method of \`` + te + "`."; - } - return ""; - } - function Yt(te) { - if (te !== void 0) { - var ke = te.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ""), rt = te.lineNumber; - return ` - -Check your code at ` + ke + ":" + rt + "."; - } - return ""; - } - function Zt(te) { - return te != null ? Yt(te.__source) : ""; - } - var Qt = {}; - function ar(te) { - var ke = Nt(); - if (!ke) { - var rt = typeof te == "string" ? te : te.displayName || te.name; - rt && (ke = ` - -Check the top-level render call using <` + rt + ">."); - } - return ke; - } - function lr(te, ke) { - if (!(!te._store || te._store.validated || te.key != null)) { - te._store.validated = !0; - var rt = ar(ke); - if (!Qt[rt]) { - Qt[rt] = !0; - var ot = ""; - te && te._owner && te._owner !== V.current && (ot = " It was passed a child from " + Ut(te._owner.type) + "."), Ye(te), Ae('Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.', rt, ot), Ye(null); - } - } - } - function wr(te, ke) { - if (typeof te == "object") { - if (G(te)) - for (var rt = 0; rt < te.length; rt++) { - var ot = te[rt]; - Tn(ot) && lr(ot, ke); - } - else if (Tn(te)) - te._store && (te._store.validated = !0); - else if (te) { - var Lt = L(te); - if (typeof Lt == "function" && Lt !== te.entries) - for (var kn = Lt.call(te), Bt; !(Bt = kn.next()).done; ) - Tn(Bt.value) && lr(Bt.value, ke); - } - } - } - function hr(te) { - { - var ke = te.type; - if (ke == null || typeof ke == "string") - return; - var rt; - if (typeof ke == "function") - rt = ke.propTypes; - else if (typeof ke == "object" && (ke.$$typeof === m || // Note: Memo only checks outer props here. - // Inner props are checked in the reconciler. - ke.$$typeof === T)) - rt = ke.propTypes; - else - return; - if (rt) { - var ot = Ut(ke); - Xe(rt, te.props, "prop", ot, te); - } else if (ke.PropTypes !== void 0 && !rn) { - rn = !0; - var Lt = Ut(ke); - Ae("Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?", Lt || "Unknown"); - } - typeof ke.getDefaultProps == "function" && !ke.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved && Ae("getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead."); - } - } - function Kn(te) { - { - for (var ke = Object.keys(te.props), rt = 0; rt < ke.length; rt++) { - var ot = ke[rt]; - if (ot !== "children" && ot !== "key") { - Ye(te), Ae("Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.", ot), Ye(null); - break; - } - } - te.ref !== null && (Ye(te), Ae("Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`."), Ye(null)); - } - } - function Oo(te, ke, rt) { - var ot = mt(te); - if (!ot) { - var Lt = ""; - (te === void 0 || typeof te == "object" && te !== null && Object.keys(te).length === 0) && (Lt += " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports."); - var kn = Zt(ke); - kn ? Lt += kn : Lt += Nt(); - var Bt; - te === null ? Bt = "null" : G(te) ? Bt = "array" : te !== void 0 && te.$$typeof === o ? (Bt = "<" + (Ut(te.type) || "Unknown") + " />", Lt = " Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?") : Bt = typeof te, Ae("React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s", Bt, Lt); - } - var Pn = pt.apply(this, arguments); - if (Pn == null) - return Pn; - if (ot) - for (var Yn = 2; Yn < arguments.length; Yn++) - wr(arguments[Yn], te); - return te === c ? Kn(Pn) : hr(Pn), Pn; - } - var yr = !1; - function pr(te) { - var ke = Oo.bind(null, te); - return ke.type = te, yr || (yr = !0, Ie("React.createFactory() is deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. Consider using JSX or use React.createElement() directly instead.")), Object.defineProperty(ke, "type", { - enumerable: !1, - get: function() { - return Ie("Factory.type is deprecated. Access the class directly before passing it to createFactory."), Object.defineProperty(this, "type", { - value: te - }), te; - } - }), ke; - } - function zr(te, ke, rt) { - for (var ot = ut.apply(this, arguments), Lt = 2; Lt < arguments.length; Lt++) - wr(arguments[Lt], ot.type); - return hr(ot), ot; - } - function ko(te, ke) { - var rt = B.transition; - B.transition = {}; - var ot = B.transition; - B.transition._updatedFibers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - try { - te(); - } finally { - if (B.transition = rt, rt === null && ot._updatedFibers) { - var Lt = ot._updatedFibers.size; - Lt > 10 && Ie("Detected a large number of updates inside startTransition. If this is due to a subscription please re-write it to use React provided hooks. Otherwise concurrent mode guarantees are off the table."), ot._updatedFibers.clear(); - } - } - } - var wi = !1, Ti = null; - function Ns(te) { - if (Ti === null) - try { - var ke = ("require" + Math.random()).slice(0, 7), rt = e && e[ke]; - Ti = rt.call(e, "timers").setImmediate; - } catch { - Ti = function(Lt) { - wi === !1 && (wi = !0, typeof MessageChannel > "u" && Ae("This browser does not have a MessageChannel implementation, so enqueuing tasks via await act(async () => ...) will fail. Please file an issue at https://github.com/facebook/react/issues if you encounter this warning.")); - var kn = new MessageChannel(); - kn.port1.onmessage = Lt, kn.port2.postMessage(void 0); - }; - } - return Ti(te); - } - var $o = 0, Oa = !1; - function $i(te) { - { - var ke = $o; - $o++, D.current === null && (D.current = []); - var rt = D.isBatchingLegacy, ot; - try { - if (D.isBatchingLegacy = !0, ot = te(), !rt && D.didScheduleLegacyUpdate) { - var Lt = D.current; - Lt !== null && (D.didScheduleLegacyUpdate = !1, zi(Lt)); - } - } catch (Ar) { - throw co(ke), Ar; - } finally { - D.isBatchingLegacy = rt; - } - if (ot !== null && typeof ot == "object" && typeof ot.then == "function") { - var kn = ot, Bt = !1, Pn = { - then: function(Ar, to) { - Bt = !0, kn.then(function(br) { - co(ke), $o === 0 ? zo(br, Ar, to) : Ar(br); - }, function(br) { - co(ke), to(br); - }); - } - }; - return !Oa && typeof Promise < "u" && Promise.resolve().then(function() { - }).then(function() { - Bt || (Oa = !0, Ae("You called act(async () => ...) without await. This could lead to unexpected testing behaviour, interleaving multiple act calls and mixing their scopes. You should - await act(async () => ...);")); - }), Pn; - } else { - var Yn = ot; - if (co(ke), $o === 0) { - var or = D.current; - or !== null && (zi(or), D.current = null); - var jr = { - then: function(Ar, to) { - D.current === null ? (D.current = [], zo(Yn, Ar, to)) : Ar(Yn); - } - }; - return jr; - } else { - var Ir = { - then: function(Ar, to) { - Ar(Yn); - } - }; - return Ir; - } - } - } - } - function co(te) { - te !== $o - 1 && Ae("You seem to have overlapping act() calls, this is not supported. Be sure to await previous act() calls before making a new one. "), $o = te; - } - function zo(te, ke, rt) { - { - var ot = D.current; - if (ot !== null) - try { - zi(ot), Ns(function() { - ot.length === 0 ? (D.current = null, ke(te)) : zo(te, ke, rt); - }); - } catch (Lt) { - rt(Lt); - } - else - ke(te); - } - } - var ua = !1; - function zi(te) { - if (!ua) { - ua = !0; - var ke = 0; - try { - for (; ke < te.length; ke++) { - var rt = te[ke]; - do - rt = rt(!0); - while (rt !== null); - } - te.length = 0; - } catch (ot) { - throw te = te.slice(ke + 1), ot; - } finally { - ua = !1; - } - } - } - var ka = Oo, Ia = zr, Qs = pr, oi = { - map: Rn, - forEach: Pr, - count: Zn, - toArray: _o, - only: uo - }; - t.Children = oi, t.Component = He, t.Fragment = c, t.Profiler = p, t.PureComponent = ft, t.StrictMode = u, t.Suspense = b, t.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = Fe, t.cloneElement = Ia, t.createContext = Eo, t.createElement = ka, t.createFactory = Qs, t.createRef = le, t.forwardRef = Cn, t.isValidElement = Tn, t.lazy = qt, t.memo = $t, t.startTransition = ko, t.unstable_act = $i, t.useCallback = Nn, t.useContext = je, t.useDebugValue = mr, t.useDeferredValue = la, t.useEffect = $n, t.useId = ir, t.useImperativeHandle = Dl, t.useInsertionEffect = zn, t.useLayoutEffect = Jt, t.useMemo = Ta, t.useReducer = _t, t.useRef = Dt, t.useState = Ot, t.useSyncExternalStore = Ra, t.useTransition = Yd, t.version = r, typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ < "u" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop == "function" && __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error()); - }(); - }(Uy, Uy.exports)), Uy.exports; -} -var _r = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var rF; -function I9() { - if (rF) - return _r; - rF = 1; - var e = Symbol.for("react.element"), t = Symbol.for("react.portal"), r = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), o = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), a = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), c = Symbol.for("react.provider"), u = Symbol.for("react.context"), p = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), v = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), h = Symbol.for("react.memo"), m = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), b = Symbol.iterator; - function _(Q) { - return Q === null || typeof Q != "object" ? null : (Q = b && Q[b] || Q["@@iterator"], typeof Q == "function" ? Q : null); - } - var T = { isMounted: function() { - return !1; - }, enqueueForceUpdate: function() { - }, enqueueReplaceState: function() { - }, enqueueSetState: function() { - } }, R = Object.assign, k = {}; - function I(Q, ye, $e) { - this.props = Q, this.context = ye, this.refs = k, this.updater = $e || T; - } - I.prototype.isReactComponent = {}, I.prototype.setState = function(Q, ye) { - if (typeof Q != "object" && typeof Q != "function" && Q != null) - throw Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables."); - this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, Q, ye, "setState"); - }, I.prototype.forceUpdate = function(Q) { - this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, Q, "forceUpdate"); - }; - function M() { - } - M.prototype = I.prototype; - function L(Q, ye, $e) { - this.props = Q, this.context = ye, this.refs = k, this.updater = $e || T; - } - var P = L.prototype = new M(); - P.constructor = L, R(P, I.prototype), P.isPureReactComponent = !0; - var B = Array.isArray, D = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, V = { current: null }, U = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; - function ee(Q, ye, $e) { - var We, He = {}, Je = null, Be = null; - if (ye != null) - for (We in ye.ref !== void 0 && (Be = ye.ref), ye.key !== void 0 && (Je = "" + ye.key), ye) - D.call(ye, We) && !U.hasOwnProperty(We) && (He[We] = ye[We]); - var Ke = arguments.length - 2; - if (Ke === 1) - He.children = $e; - else if (1 < Ke) { - for (var Ze = Array(Ke), ft = 0; ft < Ke; ft++) - Ze[ft] = arguments[ft + 2]; - He.children = Ze; - } - if (Q && Q.defaultProps) - for (We in Ke = Q.defaultProps, Ke) - He[We] === void 0 && (He[We] = Ke[We]); - return { $$typeof: e, type: Q, key: Je, ref: Be, props: He, _owner: V.current }; - } - function re(Q, ye) { - return { $$typeof: e, type: Q.type, key: ye, ref: Q.ref, props: Q.props, _owner: Q._owner }; - } - function oe(Q) { - return typeof Q == "object" && Q !== null && Q.$$typeof === e; - } - function K(Q) { - var ye = { "=": "=0", ":": "=2" }; - return "$" + Q.replace(/[=:]/g, function($e) { - return ye[$e]; - }); - } - var Ce = /\/+/g; - function _e(Q, ye) { - return typeof Q == "object" && Q !== null && Q.key != null ? K("" + Q.key) : ye.toString(36); - } - function me(Q, ye, $e, We, He) { - var Je = typeof Q; - (Je === "undefined" || Je === "boolean") && (Q = null); - var Be = !1; - if (Q === null) - Be = !0; - else - switch (Je) { - case "string": - case "number": - Be = !0; - break; - case "object": - switch (Q.$$typeof) { - case e: - case t: - Be = !0; - } - } - if (Be) - return Be = Q, He = He(Be), Q = We === "" ? "." + _e(Be, 0) : We, B(He) ? ($e = "", Q != null && ($e = Q.replace(Ce, "$&/") + "/"), me(He, ye, $e, "", function(ft) { - return ft; - })) : He != null && (oe(He) && (He = re(He, $e + (!He.key || Be && Be.key === He.key ? "" : ("" + He.key).replace(Ce, "$&/") + "/") + Q)), ye.push(He)), 1; - if (Be = 0, We = We === "" ? "." : We + ":", B(Q)) - for (var Ke = 0; Ke < Q.length; Ke++) { - Je = Q[Ke]; - var Ze = We + _e(Je, Ke); - Be += me(Je, ye, $e, Ze, He); - } - else if (Ze = _(Q), typeof Ze == "function") - for (Q = Ze.call(Q), Ke = 0; !(Je = Q.next()).done; ) - Je = Je.value, Ze = We + _e(Je, Ke++), Be += me(Je, ye, $e, Ze, He); - else if (Je === "object") - throw ye = String(Q), Error("Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " + (ye === "[object Object]" ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(Q).join(", ") + "}" : ye) + "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."); - return Be; - } - function Fe(Q, ye, $e) { - if (Q == null) - return Q; - var We = [], He = 0; - return me(Q, We, "", "", function(Je) { - return ye.call($e, Je, He++); - }), We; - } - function Ie(Q) { - if (Q._status === -1) { - var ye = Q._result; - ye = ye(), ye.then(function($e) { - (Q._status === 0 || Q._status === -1) && (Q._status = 1, Q._result = $e); - }, function($e) { - (Q._status === 0 || Q._status === -1) && (Q._status = 2, Q._result = $e); - }), Q._status === -1 && (Q._status = 0, Q._result = ye); - } - if (Q._status === 1) - return Q._result.default; - throw Q._result; - } - var Ae = { current: null }, be = { transition: null }, Oe = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: Ae, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: be, ReactCurrentOwner: V }; - return _r.Children = { map: Fe, forEach: function(Q, ye, $e) { - Fe(Q, function() { - ye.apply(this, arguments); - }, $e); - }, count: function(Q) { - var ye = 0; - return Fe(Q, function() { - ye++; - }), ye; - }, toArray: function(Q) { - return Fe(Q, function(ye) { - return ye; - }) || []; - }, only: function(Q) { - if (!oe(Q)) - throw Error("React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child."); - return Q; - } }, _r.Component = I, _r.Fragment = r, _r.Profiler = a, _r.PureComponent = L, _r.StrictMode = o, _r.Suspense = v, _r.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = Oe, _r.cloneElement = function(Q, ye, $e) { - if (Q == null) - throw Error("React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed " + Q + "."); - var We = R({}, Q.props), He = Q.key, Je = Q.ref, Be = Q._owner; - if (ye != null) { - if (ye.ref !== void 0 && (Je = ye.ref, Be = V.current), ye.key !== void 0 && (He = "" + ye.key), Q.type && Q.type.defaultProps) - var Ke = Q.type.defaultProps; - for (Ze in ye) - D.call(ye, Ze) && !U.hasOwnProperty(Ze) && (We[Ze] = ye[Ze] === void 0 && Ke !== void 0 ? Ke[Ze] : ye[Ze]); - } - var Ze = arguments.length - 2; - if (Ze === 1) - We.children = $e; - else if (1 < Ze) { - Ke = Array(Ze); - for (var ft = 0; ft < Ze; ft++) - Ke[ft] = arguments[ft + 2]; - We.children = Ke; - } - return { $$typeof: e, type: Q.type, key: He, ref: Je, props: We, _owner: Be }; - }, _r.createContext = function(Q) { - return Q = { $$typeof: u, _currentValue: Q, _currentValue2: Q, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null, _defaultValue: null, _globalName: null }, Q.Provider = { $$typeof: c, _context: Q }, Q.Consumer = Q; - }, _r.createElement = ee, _r.createFactory = function(Q) { - var ye = ee.bind(null, Q); - return ye.type = Q, ye; - }, _r.createRef = function() { - return { current: null }; - }, _r.forwardRef = function(Q) { - return { $$typeof: p, render: Q }; - }, _r.isValidElement = oe, _r.lazy = function(Q) { - return { $$typeof: m, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: Q }, _init: Ie }; - }, _r.memo = function(Q, ye) { - return { $$typeof: h, type: Q, compare: ye === void 0 ? null : ye }; - }, _r.startTransition = function(Q) { - var ye = be.transition; - be.transition = {}; - try { - Q(); - } finally { - be.transition = ye; - } - }, _r.unstable_act = function() { - throw Error("act(...) is not supported in production builds of React."); - }, _r.useCallback = function(Q, ye) { - return Ae.current.useCallback(Q, ye); - }, _r.useContext = function(Q) { - return Ae.current.useContext(Q); - }, _r.useDebugValue = function() { - }, _r.useDeferredValue = function(Q) { - return Ae.current.useDeferredValue(Q); - }, _r.useEffect = function(Q, ye) { - return Ae.current.useEffect(Q, ye); - }, _r.useId = function() { - return Ae.current.useId(); - }, _r.useImperativeHandle = function(Q, ye, $e) { - return Ae.current.useImperativeHandle(Q, ye, $e); - }, _r.useInsertionEffect = function(Q, ye) { - return Ae.current.useInsertionEffect(Q, ye); - }, _r.useLayoutEffect = function(Q, ye) { - return Ae.current.useLayoutEffect(Q, ye); - }, _r.useMemo = function(Q, ye) { - return Ae.current.useMemo(Q, ye); - }, _r.useReducer = function(Q, ye, $e) { - return Ae.current.useReducer(Q, ye, $e); - }, _r.useRef = function(Q) { - return Ae.current.useRef(Q); - }, _r.useState = function(Q) { - return Ae.current.useState(Q); - }, _r.useSyncExternalStore = function(Q, ye, $e) { - return Ae.current.useSyncExternalStore(Q, ye, $e); - }, _r.useTransition = function() { - return Ae.current.useTransition(); - }, _r.version = "18.2.0", _r; -} -process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? UR.exports = I9() : UR.exports = k9(); -var j = UR.exports; -const _n = /* @__PURE__ */ Pl(j), Ld = /* @__PURE__ */ R9({ - __proto__: null, - default: _n -}, [j]); -/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var oF; -function N9() { - return oF || (oF = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { - var e = j, t = Symbol.for("react.element"), r = Symbol.for("react.portal"), o = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), a = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), c = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), u = Symbol.for("react.provider"), p = Symbol.for("react.context"), v = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), h = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), m = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), b = Symbol.for("react.memo"), _ = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), T = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), R = Symbol.iterator, k = "@@iterator"; - function I(xe) { - if (xe === null || typeof xe != "object") - return null; - var mt = R && xe[R] || xe[k]; - return typeof mt == "function" ? mt : null; - } - var M = e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; - function L(xe) { - { - for (var mt = arguments.length, $t = new Array(mt > 1 ? mt - 1 : 0), De = 1; De < mt; De++) - $t[De - 1] = arguments[De]; - P("error", xe, $t); - } - } - function P(xe, mt, $t) { - { - var De = M.ReactDebugCurrentFrame, je = De.getStackAddendum(); - je !== "" && (mt += "%s", $t = $t.concat([je])); - var Ot = $t.map(function(_t) { - return String(_t); - }); - Ot.unshift("Warning: " + mt), Function.prototype.apply.call(console[xe], console, Ot); - } - } - var B = !1, D = !1, V = !1, U = !1, ee = !1, re; - re = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); - function oe(xe) { - return !!(typeof xe == "string" || typeof xe == "function" || xe === o || xe === c || ee || xe === a || xe === h || xe === m || U || xe === T || B || D || V || typeof xe == "object" && xe !== null && (xe.$$typeof === _ || xe.$$typeof === b || xe.$$typeof === u || xe.$$typeof === p || xe.$$typeof === v || // This needs to include all possible module reference object - // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since - // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used - // with. - xe.$$typeof === re || xe.getModuleId !== void 0)); - } - function K(xe, mt, $t) { - var De = xe.displayName; - if (De) - return De; - var je = mt.displayName || mt.name || ""; - return je !== "" ? $t + "(" + je + ")" : $t; - } - function Ce(xe) { - return xe.displayName || "Context"; - } - function _e(xe) { - if (xe == null) - return null; - if (typeof xe.tag == "number" && L("Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."), typeof xe == "function") - return xe.displayName || xe.name || null; - if (typeof xe == "string") - return xe; - switch (xe) { - case o: - return "Fragment"; - case r: - return "Portal"; - case c: - return "Profiler"; - case a: - return "StrictMode"; - case h: - return "Suspense"; - case m: - return "SuspenseList"; - } - if (typeof xe == "object") - switch (xe.$$typeof) { - case p: - var mt = xe; - return Ce(mt) + ".Consumer"; - case u: - var $t = xe; - return Ce($t._context) + ".Provider"; - case v: - return K(xe, xe.render, "ForwardRef"); - case b: - var De = xe.displayName || null; - return De !== null ? De : _e(xe.type) || "Memo"; - case _: { - var je = xe, Ot = je._payload, _t = je._init; - try { - return _e(_t(Ot)); - } catch { - return null; - } - } - } - return null; - } - var me = Object.assign, Fe = 0, Ie, Ae, be, Oe, Q, ye, $e; - function We() { - } - We.__reactDisabledLog = !0; - function He() { - { - if (Fe === 0) { - Ie = console.log, Ae = console.info, be = console.warn, Oe = console.error, Q = console.group, ye = console.groupCollapsed, $e = console.groupEnd; - var xe = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - value: We, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - info: xe, - log: xe, - warn: xe, - error: xe, - group: xe, - groupCollapsed: xe, - groupEnd: xe - }); - } - Fe++; - } - } - function Je() { - { - if (Fe--, Fe === 0) { - var xe = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - log: me({}, xe, { - value: Ie - }), - info: me({}, xe, { - value: Ae - }), - warn: me({}, xe, { - value: be - }), - error: me({}, xe, { - value: Oe - }), - group: me({}, xe, { - value: Q - }), - groupCollapsed: me({}, xe, { - value: ye - }), - groupEnd: me({}, xe, { - value: $e - }) - }); - } - Fe < 0 && L("disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."); - } - } - var Be = M.ReactCurrentDispatcher, Ke; - function Ze(xe, mt, $t) { - { - if (Ke === void 0) - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (je) { - var De = je.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); - Ke = De && De[1] || ""; - } - return ` -` + Ke + xe; - } - } - var ft = !1, Tt; - { - var le = typeof WeakMap == "function" ? WeakMap : Map; - Tt = new le(); - } - function W(xe, mt) { - if (!xe || ft) - return ""; - { - var $t = Tt.get(xe); - if ($t !== void 0) - return $t; - } - var De; - ft = !0; - var je = Error.prepareStackTrace; - Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; - var Ot; - Ot = Be.current, Be.current = null, He(); - try { - if (mt) { - var _t = function() { - throw Error(); - }; - if (Object.defineProperty(_t.prototype, "props", { - set: function() { - throw Error(); - } - }), typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.construct) { - try { - Reflect.construct(_t, []); - } catch (mr) { - De = mr; - } - Reflect.construct(xe, [], _t); - } else { - try { - _t.call(); - } catch (mr) { - De = mr; - } - xe.call(_t.prototype); - } - } else { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (mr) { - De = mr; - } - xe(); - } - } catch (mr) { - if (mr && De && typeof mr.stack == "string") { - for (var Dt = mr.stack.split(` -`), $n = De.stack.split(` -`), zn = Dt.length - 1, Jt = $n.length - 1; zn >= 1 && Jt >= 0 && Dt[zn] !== $n[Jt]; ) - Jt--; - for (; zn >= 1 && Jt >= 0; zn--, Jt--) - if (Dt[zn] !== $n[Jt]) { - if (zn !== 1 || Jt !== 1) - do - if (zn--, Jt--, Jt < 0 || Dt[zn] !== $n[Jt]) { - var Nn = ` -` + Dt[zn].replace(" at new ", " at "); - return xe.displayName && Nn.includes("") && (Nn = Nn.replace("", xe.displayName)), typeof xe == "function" && Tt.set(xe, Nn), Nn; - } - while (zn >= 1 && Jt >= 0); - break; - } - } - } finally { - ft = !1, Be.current = Ot, Je(), Error.prepareStackTrace = je; - } - var Ta = xe ? xe.displayName || xe.name : "", Dl = Ta ? Ze(Ta) : ""; - return typeof xe == "function" && Tt.set(xe, Dl), Dl; - } - function G(xe, mt, $t) { - return W(xe, !1); - } - function ne(xe) { - var mt = xe.prototype; - return !!(mt && mt.isReactComponent); - } - function ue(xe, mt, $t) { - if (xe == null) - return ""; - if (typeof xe == "function") - return W(xe, ne(xe)); - if (typeof xe == "string") - return Ze(xe); - switch (xe) { - case h: - return Ze("Suspense"); - case m: - return Ze("SuspenseList"); - } - if (typeof xe == "object") - switch (xe.$$typeof) { - case v: - return G(xe.render); - case b: - return ue(xe.type, mt, $t); - case _: { - var De = xe, je = De._payload, Ot = De._init; - try { - return ue(Ot(je), mt, $t); - } catch { - } - } - } - return ""; - } - var Pe = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Ne = {}, Et = M.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - function Gt(xe) { - if (xe) { - var mt = xe._owner, $t = ue(xe.type, xe._source, mt ? mt.type : null); - Et.setExtraStackFrame($t); - } else - Et.setExtraStackFrame(null); - } - function Ut(xe, mt, $t, De, je) { - { - var Ot = Function.call.bind(Pe); - for (var _t in xe) - if (Ot(xe, _t)) { - var Dt = void 0; - try { - if (typeof xe[_t] != "function") { - var $n = Error((De || "React class") + ": " + $t + " type `" + _t + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + typeof xe[_t] + "`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`."); - throw $n.name = "Invariant Violation", $n; - } - Dt = xe[_t](mt, _t, De, $t, null, "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED"); - } catch (zn) { - Dt = zn; - } - Dt && !(Dt instanceof Error) && (Gt(je), L("%s: type specification of %s `%s` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).", De || "React class", $t, _t, typeof Dt), Gt(null)), Dt instanceof Error && !(Dt.message in Ne) && (Ne[Dt.message] = !0, Gt(je), L("Failed %s type: %s", $t, Dt.message), Gt(null)); - } - } - } - var Wt = Array.isArray; - function dn(xe) { - return Wt(xe); - } - function xn(xe) { - { - var mt = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.toStringTag, $t = mt && xe[Symbol.toStringTag] || xe.constructor.name || "Object"; - return $t; - } - } - function bt(xe) { - try { - return It(xe), !1; - } catch { - return !0; - } - } - function It(xe) { - return "" + xe; - } - function vt(xe) { - if (bt(xe)) - return L("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", xn(xe)), It(xe); - } - var Rt = M.ReactCurrentOwner, gt = { - key: !0, - ref: !0, - __self: !0, - __source: !0 - }, Pt, wn, J; - J = {}; - function pt(xe) { - if (Pe.call(xe, "ref")) { - var mt = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(xe, "ref").get; - if (mt && mt.isReactWarning) - return !1; - } - return xe.ref !== void 0; - } - function At(xe) { - if (Pe.call(xe, "key")) { - var mt = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(xe, "key").get; - if (mt && mt.isReactWarning) - return !1; - } - return xe.key !== void 0; - } - function ut(xe, mt) { - if (typeof xe.ref == "string" && Rt.current && mt && Rt.current.stateNode !== mt) { - var $t = _e(Rt.current.type); - J[$t] || (L('Component "%s" contains the string ref "%s". Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. Learn more about using refs safely here: https://reactjs.org/link/strict-mode-string-ref', _e(Rt.current.type), xe.ref), J[$t] = !0); - } - } - function Tn(xe, mt) { - { - var $t = function() { - Pt || (Pt = !0, L("%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", mt)); - }; - $t.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(xe, "key", { - get: $t, - configurable: !0 - }); - } - } - function rr(xe, mt) { - { - var $t = function() { - wn || (wn = !0, L("%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", mt)); - }; - $t.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(xe, "ref", { - get: $t, - configurable: !0 - }); - } - } - var sr = function(xe, mt, $t, De, je, Ot, _t) { - var Dt = { - // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element - $$typeof: t, - // Built-in properties that belong on the element - type: xe, - key: mt, - ref: $t, - props: _t, - // Record the component responsible for creating this element. - _owner: Ot - }; - return Dt._store = {}, Object.defineProperty(Dt._store, "validated", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !0, - value: !1 - }), Object.defineProperty(Dt, "_self", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1, - value: De - }), Object.defineProperty(Dt, "_source", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1, - value: je - }), Object.freeze && (Object.freeze(Dt.props), Object.freeze(Dt)), Dt; - }; - function Qn(xe, mt, $t, De, je) { - { - var Ot, _t = {}, Dt = null, $n = null; - $t !== void 0 && (vt($t), Dt = "" + $t), At(mt) && (vt(mt.key), Dt = "" + mt.key), pt(mt) && ($n = mt.ref, ut(mt, je)); - for (Ot in mt) - Pe.call(mt, Ot) && !gt.hasOwnProperty(Ot) && (_t[Ot] = mt[Ot]); - if (xe && xe.defaultProps) { - var zn = xe.defaultProps; - for (Ot in zn) - _t[Ot] === void 0 && (_t[Ot] = zn[Ot]); - } - if (Dt || $n) { - var Jt = typeof xe == "function" ? xe.displayName || xe.name || "Unknown" : xe; - Dt && Tn(_t, Jt), $n && rr(_t, Jt); - } - return sr(xe, Dt, $n, je, De, Rt.current, _t); - } - } - var Ln = M.ReactCurrentOwner, cr = M.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - function fn(xe) { - if (xe) { - var mt = xe._owner, $t = ue(xe.type, xe._source, mt ? mt.type : null); - cr.setExtraStackFrame($t); - } else - cr.setExtraStackFrame(null); - } - var nn; - nn = !1; - function dr(xe) { - return typeof xe == "object" && xe !== null && xe.$$typeof === t; - } - function Rn() { - { - if (Ln.current) { - var xe = _e(Ln.current.type); - if (xe) - return ` - -Check the render method of \`` + xe + "`."; - } - return ""; - } - } - function Zn(xe) { - { - if (xe !== void 0) { - var mt = xe.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ""), $t = xe.lineNumber; - return ` - -Check your code at ` + mt + ":" + $t + "."; - } - return ""; - } - } - var Pr = {}; - function _o(xe) { - { - var mt = Rn(); - if (!mt) { - var $t = typeof xe == "string" ? xe : xe.displayName || xe.name; - $t && (mt = ` - -Check the top-level render call using <` + $t + ">."); - } - return mt; - } - } - function uo(xe, mt) { - { - if (!xe._store || xe._store.validated || xe.key != null) - return; - xe._store.validated = !0; - var $t = _o(mt); - if (Pr[$t]) - return; - Pr[$t] = !0; - var De = ""; - xe && xe._owner && xe._owner !== Ln.current && (De = " It was passed a child from " + _e(xe._owner.type) + "."), fn(xe), L('Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.', $t, De), fn(null); - } - } - function Eo(xe, mt) { - { - if (typeof xe != "object") - return; - if (dn(xe)) - for (var $t = 0; $t < xe.length; $t++) { - var De = xe[$t]; - dr(De) && uo(De, mt); - } - else if (dr(xe)) - xe._store && (xe._store.validated = !0); - else if (xe) { - var je = I(xe); - if (typeof je == "function" && je !== xe.entries) - for (var Ot = je.call(xe), _t; !(_t = Ot.next()).done; ) - dr(_t.value) && uo(_t.value, mt); - } - } - } - function qe(xe) { - { - var mt = xe.type; - if (mt == null || typeof mt == "string") - return; - var $t; - if (typeof mt == "function") - $t = mt.propTypes; - else if (typeof mt == "object" && (mt.$$typeof === v || // Note: Memo only checks outer props here. - // Inner props are checked in the reconciler. - mt.$$typeof === b)) - $t = mt.propTypes; - else - return; - if ($t) { - var De = _e(mt); - Ut($t, xe.props, "prop", De, xe); - } else if (mt.PropTypes !== void 0 && !nn) { - nn = !0; - var je = _e(mt); - L("Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?", je || "Unknown"); - } - typeof mt.getDefaultProps == "function" && !mt.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved && L("getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead."); - } - } - function at(xe) { - { - for (var mt = Object.keys(xe.props), $t = 0; $t < mt.length; $t++) { - var De = mt[$t]; - if (De !== "children" && De !== "key") { - fn(xe), L("Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.", De), fn(null); - break; - } - } - xe.ref !== null && (fn(xe), L("Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`."), fn(null)); - } - } - function jt(xe, mt, $t, De, je, Ot) { - { - var _t = oe(xe); - if (!_t) { - var Dt = ""; - (xe === void 0 || typeof xe == "object" && xe !== null && Object.keys(xe).length === 0) && (Dt += " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports."); - var $n = Zn(je); - $n ? Dt += $n : Dt += Rn(); - var zn; - xe === null ? zn = "null" : dn(xe) ? zn = "array" : xe !== void 0 && xe.$$typeof === t ? (zn = "<" + (_e(xe.type) || "Unknown") + " />", Dt = " Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?") : zn = typeof xe, L("React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s", zn, Dt); - } - var Jt = Qn(xe, mt, $t, je, Ot); - if (Jt == null) - return Jt; - if (_t) { - var Nn = mt.children; - if (Nn !== void 0) - if (De) - if (dn(Nn)) { - for (var Ta = 0; Ta < Nn.length; Ta++) - Eo(Nn[Ta], xe); - Object.freeze && Object.freeze(Nn); - } else - L("React.jsx: Static children should always be an array. You are likely explicitly calling React.jsxs or React.jsxDEV. Use the Babel transform instead."); - else - Eo(Nn, xe); - } - return xe === o ? at(Jt) : qe(Jt), Jt; - } - } - function vn(xe, mt, $t) { - return jt(xe, mt, $t, !0); - } - function Xt(xe, mt, $t) { - return jt(xe, mt, $t, !1); - } - var qt = Xt, Cn = vn; - by.Fragment = o, by.jsx = qt, by.jsxs = Cn; - }()), by; -} -var Sy = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var iF; -function P9() { - if (iF) - return Sy; - iF = 1; - var e = j, t = Symbol.for("react.element"), r = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, a = e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner, c = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; - function u(p, v, h) { - var m, b = {}, _ = null, T = null; - h !== void 0 && (_ = "" + h), v.key !== void 0 && (_ = "" + v.key), v.ref !== void 0 && (T = v.ref); - for (m in v) - o.call(v, m) && !c.hasOwnProperty(m) && (b[m] = v[m]); - if (p && p.defaultProps) - for (m in v = p.defaultProps, v) - b[m] === void 0 && (b[m] = v[m]); - return { $$typeof: t, type: p, key: _, ref: T, props: b, _owner: a.current }; - } - return Sy.Fragment = r, Sy.jsx = u, Sy.jsxs = u, Sy; -} -process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? zR.exports = P9() : zR.exports = N9(); -var A = zR.exports, E1 = function() { - return E1 = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var r, o = 1, a = arguments.length; o < a; o++) { - r = arguments[o]; - for (var c in r) - Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, c) && (t[c] = r[c]); - } - return t; - }, E1.apply(this, arguments); -}; -function w1(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var o in e) - Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) && t.indexOf(o) < 0 && (r[o] = e[o]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") - for (var a = 0, o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < o.length; a++) - t.indexOf(o[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, o[a]) && (r[o[a]] = e[o[a]]); - return r; -} -var Fx = { exports: {} }, Br = {}; -/** @license React v16.13.1 - * react-is.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var aF; -function A9() { - return aF || (aF = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { - var e = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.for, t = e ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103, r = e ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106, o = e ? Symbol.for("react.fragment") : 60107, a = e ? Symbol.for("react.strict_mode") : 60108, c = e ? Symbol.for("react.profiler") : 60114, u = e ? Symbol.for("react.provider") : 60109, p = e ? Symbol.for("react.context") : 60110, v = e ? Symbol.for("react.async_mode") : 60111, h = e ? Symbol.for("react.concurrent_mode") : 60111, m = e ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : 60112, b = e ? Symbol.for("react.suspense") : 60113, _ = e ? Symbol.for("react.suspense_list") : 60120, T = e ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : 60115, R = e ? Symbol.for("react.lazy") : 60116, k = e ? Symbol.for("react.block") : 60121, I = e ? Symbol.for("react.fundamental") : 60117, M = e ? Symbol.for("react.responder") : 60118, L = e ? Symbol.for("react.scope") : 60119; - function P(W) { - return typeof W == "string" || typeof W == "function" || // Note: its typeof might be other than 'symbol' or 'number' if it's a polyfill. - W === o || W === h || W === c || W === a || W === b || W === _ || typeof W == "object" && W !== null && (W.$$typeof === R || W.$$typeof === T || W.$$typeof === u || W.$$typeof === p || W.$$typeof === m || W.$$typeof === I || W.$$typeof === M || W.$$typeof === L || W.$$typeof === k); - } - function B(W) { - if (typeof W == "object" && W !== null) { - var G = W.$$typeof; - switch (G) { - case t: - var ne = W.type; - switch (ne) { - case v: - case h: - case o: - case c: - case a: - case b: - return ne; - default: - var ue = ne && ne.$$typeof; - switch (ue) { - case p: - case m: - case R: - case T: - case u: - return ue; - default: - return G; - } - } - case r: - return G; - } - } - } - var D = v, V = h, U = p, ee = u, re = t, oe = m, K = o, Ce = R, _e = T, me = r, Fe = c, Ie = a, Ae = b, be = !1; - function Oe(W) { - return be || (be = !0, console.warn("The ReactIs.isAsyncMode() alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in React 17+. Update your code to use ReactIs.isConcurrentMode() instead. It has the exact same API.")), Q(W) || B(W) === v; - } - function Q(W) { - return B(W) === h; - } - function ye(W) { - return B(W) === p; - } - function $e(W) { - return B(W) === u; - } - function We(W) { - return typeof W == "object" && W !== null && W.$$typeof === t; - } - function He(W) { - return B(W) === m; - } - function Je(W) { - return B(W) === o; - } - function Be(W) { - return B(W) === R; - } - function Ke(W) { - return B(W) === T; - } - function Ze(W) { - return B(W) === r; - } - function ft(W) { - return B(W) === c; - } - function Tt(W) { - return B(W) === a; - } - function le(W) { - return B(W) === b; - } - Br.AsyncMode = D, Br.ConcurrentMode = V, Br.ContextConsumer = U, Br.ContextProvider = ee, Br.Element = re, Br.ForwardRef = oe, Br.Fragment = K, Br.Lazy = Ce, Br.Memo = _e, Br.Portal = me, Br.Profiler = Fe, Br.StrictMode = Ie, Br.Suspense = Ae, Br.isAsyncMode = Oe, Br.isConcurrentMode = Q, Br.isContextConsumer = ye, Br.isContextProvider = $e, Br.isElement = We, Br.isForwardRef = He, Br.isFragment = Je, Br.isLazy = Be, Br.isMemo = Ke, Br.isPortal = Ze, Br.isProfiler = ft, Br.isStrictMode = Tt, Br.isSuspense = le, Br.isValidElementType = P, Br.typeOf = B; - }()), Br; -} -var Hr = {}; -/** @license React v16.13.1 - * react-is.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var sF; -function F9() { - if (sF) - return Hr; - sF = 1; - var e = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.for, t = e ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103, r = e ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106, o = e ? Symbol.for("react.fragment") : 60107, a = e ? Symbol.for("react.strict_mode") : 60108, c = e ? Symbol.for("react.profiler") : 60114, u = e ? Symbol.for("react.provider") : 60109, p = e ? Symbol.for("react.context") : 60110, v = e ? Symbol.for("react.async_mode") : 60111, h = e ? Symbol.for("react.concurrent_mode") : 60111, m = e ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : 60112, b = e ? Symbol.for("react.suspense") : 60113, _ = e ? Symbol.for("react.suspense_list") : 60120, T = e ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : 60115, R = e ? Symbol.for("react.lazy") : 60116, k = e ? Symbol.for("react.block") : 60121, I = e ? Symbol.for("react.fundamental") : 60117, M = e ? Symbol.for("react.responder") : 60118, L = e ? Symbol.for("react.scope") : 60119; - function P(D) { - if (typeof D == "object" && D !== null) { - var V = D.$$typeof; - switch (V) { - case t: - switch (D = D.type, D) { - case v: - case h: - case o: - case c: - case a: - case b: - return D; - default: - switch (D = D && D.$$typeof, D) { - case p: - case m: - case R: - case T: - case u: - return D; - default: - return V; - } - } - case r: - return V; - } - } - } - function B(D) { - return P(D) === h; - } - return Hr.AsyncMode = v, Hr.ConcurrentMode = h, Hr.ContextConsumer = p, Hr.ContextProvider = u, Hr.Element = t, Hr.ForwardRef = m, Hr.Fragment = o, Hr.Lazy = R, Hr.Memo = T, Hr.Portal = r, Hr.Profiler = c, Hr.StrictMode = a, Hr.Suspense = b, Hr.isAsyncMode = function(D) { - return B(D) || P(D) === v; - }, Hr.isConcurrentMode = B, Hr.isContextConsumer = function(D) { - return P(D) === p; - }, Hr.isContextProvider = function(D) { - return P(D) === u; - }, Hr.isElement = function(D) { - return typeof D == "object" && D !== null && D.$$typeof === t; - }, Hr.isForwardRef = function(D) { - return P(D) === m; - }, Hr.isFragment = function(D) { - return P(D) === o; - }, Hr.isLazy = function(D) { - return P(D) === R; - }, Hr.isMemo = function(D) { - return P(D) === T; - }, Hr.isPortal = function(D) { - return P(D) === r; - }, Hr.isProfiler = function(D) { - return P(D) === c; - }, Hr.isStrictMode = function(D) { - return P(D) === a; - }, Hr.isSuspense = function(D) { - return P(D) === b; - }, Hr.isValidElementType = function(D) { - return typeof D == "string" || typeof D == "function" || D === o || D === h || D === c || D === a || D === b || D === _ || typeof D == "object" && D !== null && (D.$$typeof === R || D.$$typeof === T || D.$$typeof === u || D.$$typeof === p || D.$$typeof === m || D.$$typeof === I || D.$$typeof === M || D.$$typeof === L || D.$$typeof === k); - }, Hr.typeOf = P, Hr; -} -var lF; -function XO() { - return lF || (lF = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? Fx.exports = F9() : Fx.exports = A9()), Fx.exports; -} -var jj = XO(), M9 = { - $$typeof: !0, - render: !0, - defaultProps: !0, - displayName: !0, - propTypes: !0 -}, D9 = { - $$typeof: !0, - compare: !0, - defaultProps: !0, - displayName: !0, - propTypes: !0, - type: !0 -}, $j = {}; -$j[jj.ForwardRef] = M9; -$j[jj.Memo] = D9; -function L9(e, t, r) { - if (r === void 0 && (r = Error), !e) - throw new r(t); -} -var j9 = function(e) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.error(e); -}, $9 = function(e) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.warn(e); -}, z9 = { - formats: {}, - messages: {}, - timeZone: void 0, - defaultLocale: "en", - defaultFormats: {}, - fallbackOnEmptyString: !0, - onError: j9, - onWarn: $9 -}; -function U9(e) { - L9(e, "[React Intl] Could not find required `intl` object. needs to exist in the component ancestry."); -} -E1(E1({}, z9), { textComponent: j.Fragment }); -function uF(e, t) { - if (e === t) - return !0; - if (!e || !t) - return !1; - var r = Object.keys(e), o = Object.keys(t), a = r.length; - if (o.length !== a) - return !1; - for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { - var u = r[c]; - if (e[u] !== t[u] || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, u)) - return !1; - } - return !0; -} -var QO = typeof window < "u" ? window.__REACT_INTL_CONTEXT__ || (window.__REACT_INTL_CONTEXT__ = j.createContext(null)) : j.createContext(null); -QO.Consumer; -QO.Provider; -var V9 = QO; -function Ou() { - var e = j.useContext(V9); - return U9(e), e; -} -var VR; -(function(e) { - e.formatDate = "FormattedDate", e.formatTime = "FormattedTime", e.formatNumber = "FormattedNumber", e.formatList = "FormattedList", e.formatDisplayName = "FormattedDisplayName"; -})(VR || (VR = {})); -var BR; -(function(e) { - e.formatDate = "FormattedDateParts", e.formatTime = "FormattedTimeParts", e.formatNumber = "FormattedNumberParts", e.formatList = "FormattedListParts"; -})(BR || (BR = {})); -function zj(e) { - var t = function(r) { - var o = Ou(), a = r.value, c = r.children, u = w1(r, ["value", "children"]), p = typeof a == "string" ? new Date(a || 0) : a, v = e === "formatDate" ? o.formatDateToParts(p, u) : o.formatTimeToParts(p, u); - return c(v); - }; - return t.displayName = BR[e], t; -} -function _b(e) { - var t = function(r) { - var o = Ou(), a = r.value, c = r.children, u = w1( - r, - ["value", "children"] - ), p = o[e](a, u); - if (typeof c == "function") - return c(p); - var v = o.textComponent || j.Fragment; - return j.createElement(v, null, p); - }; - return t.displayName = VR[e], t; -} -function B9(e, t) { - var r = e.values, o = w1(e, ["values"]), a = t.values, c = w1(t, ["values"]); - return uF(a, r) && uF(o, c); -} -function Uj(e) { - var t = Ou(), r = t.formatMessage, o = t.textComponent, a = o === void 0 ? j.Fragment : o, c = e.id, u = e.description, p = e.defaultMessage, v = e.values, h = e.children, m = e.tagName, b = m === void 0 ? a : m, _ = e.ignoreTag, T = { id: c, description: u, defaultMessage: p }, R = r(T, v, { - ignoreTag: _ - }); - return typeof h == "function" ? h(Array.isArray(R) ? R : [R]) : b ? j.createElement(b, null, j.Children.toArray(R)) : j.createElement(j.Fragment, null, R); -} -Uj.displayName = "FormattedMessage"; -var Wn = j.memo(Uj, B9); -Wn.displayName = "MemoizedFormattedMessage"; -_b("formatDate"); -_b("formatTime"); -_b("formatNumber"); -_b("formatList"); -_b("formatDisplayName"); -zj("formatDate"); -zj("formatTime"); -var HR = { exports: {} }, _T, cF; -function ZO() { - if (cF) - return _T; - cF = 1; - var e = "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED"; - return _T = e, _T; -} -var ET, dF; -function H9() { - if (dF) - return ET; - dF = 1; - var e = ZO(); - function t() { - } - function r() { - } - return r.resetWarningCache = t, ET = function() { - function o(u, p, v, h, m, b) { - if (b !== e) { - var _ = new Error( - "Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types" - ); - throw _.name = "Invariant Violation", _; - } - } - o.isRequired = o; - function a() { - return o; - } - var c = { - array: o, - bigint: o, - bool: o, - func: o, - number: o, - object: o, - string: o, - symbol: o, - any: o, - arrayOf: a, - element: o, - elementType: o, - instanceOf: a, - node: o, - objectOf: a, - oneOf: a, - oneOfType: a, - shape: a, - exact: a, - checkPropTypes: r, - resetWarningCache: t - }; - return c.PropTypes = c, c; - }, ET; -} -/* -object-assign -(c) Sindre Sorhus -@license MIT -*/ -var wT, fF; -function W9() { - if (fF) - return wT; - fF = 1; - var e = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, t = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, r = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; - function o(c) { - if (c == null) - throw new TypeError("Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined"); - return Object(c); - } - function a() { - try { - if (!Object.assign) - return !1; - var c = new String("abc"); - if (c[5] = "de", Object.getOwnPropertyNames(c)[0] === "5") - return !1; - for (var u = {}, p = 0; p < 10; p++) - u["_" + String.fromCharCode(p)] = p; - var v = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(u).map(function(m) { - return u[m]; - }); - if (v.join("") !== "0123456789") - return !1; - var h = {}; - return "abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach(function(m) { - h[m] = m; - }), Object.keys(Object.assign({}, h)).join("") === "abcdefghijklmnopqrst"; - } catch { - return !1; - } - } - return wT = a() ? Object.assign : function(c, u) { - for (var p, v = o(c), h, m = 1; m < arguments.length; m++) { - p = Object(arguments[m]); - for (var b in p) - t.call(p, b) && (v[b] = p[b]); - if (e) { - h = e(p); - for (var _ = 0; _ < h.length; _++) - r.call(p, h[_]) && (v[h[_]] = p[h[_]]); - } - } - return v; - }, wT; -} -var TT, pF; -function Vj() { - return pF || (pF = 1, TT = Function.call.bind(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty)), TT; -} -var RT, hF; -function q9() { - if (hF) - return RT; - hF = 1; - var e = function() { - }; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - var t = ZO(), r = {}, o = Vj(); - e = function(c) { - var u = "Warning: " + c; - typeof console < "u" && console.error(u); - try { - throw new Error(u); - } catch { - } - }; - } - function a(c, u, p, v, h) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - for (var m in c) - if (o(c, m)) { - var b; - try { - if (typeof c[m] != "function") { - var _ = Error( - (v || "React class") + ": " + p + " type `" + m + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + typeof c[m] + "`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`." - ); - throw _.name = "Invariant Violation", _; - } - b = c[m](u, m, v, p, null, t); - } catch (R) { - b = R; - } - if (b && !(b instanceof Error) && e( - (v || "React class") + ": type specification of " + p + " `" + m + "` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a " + typeof b + ". You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument)." - ), b instanceof Error && !(b.message in r)) { - r[b.message] = !0; - var T = h ? h() : ""; - e( - "Failed " + p + " type: " + b.message + (T ?? "") - ); - } - } - } - } - return a.resetWarningCache = function() { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (r = {}); - }, RT = a, RT; -} -var OT, vF; -function G9() { - if (vF) - return OT; - vF = 1; - var e = XO(), t = W9(), r = ZO(), o = Vj(), a = q9(), c = function() { - }; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (c = function(p) { - var v = "Warning: " + p; - typeof console < "u" && console.error(v); - try { - throw new Error(v); - } catch { - } - }); - function u() { - return null; - } - return OT = function(p, v) { - var h = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = "@@iterator"; - function b(Q) { - var ye = Q && (h && Q[h] || Q[m]); - if (typeof ye == "function") - return ye; - } - var _ = "<>", T = { - array: M("array"), - bigint: M("bigint"), - bool: M("boolean"), - func: M("function"), - number: M("number"), - object: M("object"), - string: M("string"), - symbol: M("symbol"), - any: L(), - arrayOf: P, - element: B(), - elementType: D(), - instanceOf: V, - node: oe(), - objectOf: ee, - oneOf: U, - oneOfType: re, - shape: Ce, - exact: _e - }; - function R(Q, ye) { - return Q === ye ? Q !== 0 || 1 / Q === 1 / ye : Q !== Q && ye !== ye; - } - function k(Q, ye) { - this.message = Q, this.data = ye && typeof ye == "object" ? ye : {}, this.stack = ""; - } - k.prototype = Error.prototype; - function I(Q) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") - var ye = {}, $e = 0; - function We(Je, Be, Ke, Ze, ft, Tt, le) { - if (Ze = Ze || _, Tt = Tt || Ke, le !== r) { - if (v) { - var W = new Error( - "Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use `PropTypes.checkPropTypes()` to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types" - ); - throw W.name = "Invariant Violation", W; - } else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && typeof console < "u") { - var G = Ze + ":" + Ke; - !ye[G] && // Avoid spamming the console because they are often not actionable except for lib authors - $e < 3 && (c( - "You are manually calling a React.PropTypes validation function for the `" + Tt + "` prop on `" + Ze + "`. This is deprecated and will throw in the standalone `prop-types` package. You may be seeing this warning due to a third-party PropTypes library. See https://fb.me/react-warning-dont-call-proptypes for details." - ), ye[G] = !0, $e++); - } - } - return Be[Ke] == null ? Je ? Be[Ke] === null ? new k("The " + ft + " `" + Tt + "` is marked as required " + ("in `" + Ze + "`, but its value is `null`.")) : new k("The " + ft + " `" + Tt + "` is marked as required in " + ("`" + Ze + "`, but its value is `undefined`.")) : null : Q(Be, Ke, Ze, ft, Tt); - } - var He = We.bind(null, !1); - return He.isRequired = We.bind(null, !0), He; - } - function M(Q) { - function ye($e, We, He, Je, Be, Ke) { - var Ze = $e[We], ft = Ie(Ze); - if (ft !== Q) { - var Tt = Ae(Ze); - return new k( - "Invalid " + Je + " `" + Be + "` of type " + ("`" + Tt + "` supplied to `" + He + "`, expected ") + ("`" + Q + "`."), - { expectedType: Q } - ); - } - return null; - } - return I(ye); - } - function L() { - return I(u); - } - function P(Q) { - function ye($e, We, He, Je, Be) { - if (typeof Q != "function") - return new k("Property `" + Be + "` of component `" + He + "` has invalid PropType notation inside arrayOf."); - var Ke = $e[We]; - if (!Array.isArray(Ke)) { - var Ze = Ie(Ke); - return new k("Invalid " + Je + " `" + Be + "` of type " + ("`" + Ze + "` supplied to `" + He + "`, expected an array.")); - } - for (var ft = 0; ft < Ke.length; ft++) { - var Tt = Q(Ke, ft, He, Je, Be + "[" + ft + "]", r); - if (Tt instanceof Error) - return Tt; - } - return null; - } - return I(ye); - } - function B() { - function Q(ye, $e, We, He, Je) { - var Be = ye[$e]; - if (!p(Be)) { - var Ke = Ie(Be); - return new k("Invalid " + He + " `" + Je + "` of type " + ("`" + Ke + "` supplied to `" + We + "`, expected a single ReactElement.")); - } - return null; - } - return I(Q); - } - function D() { - function Q(ye, $e, We, He, Je) { - var Be = ye[$e]; - if (!e.isValidElementType(Be)) { - var Ke = Ie(Be); - return new k("Invalid " + He + " `" + Je + "` of type " + ("`" + Ke + "` supplied to `" + We + "`, expected a single ReactElement type.")); - } - return null; - } - return I(Q); - } - function V(Q) { - function ye($e, We, He, Je, Be) { - if (!($e[We] instanceof Q)) { - var Ke = Q.name || _, Ze = Oe($e[We]); - return new k("Invalid " + Je + " `" + Be + "` of type " + ("`" + Ze + "` supplied to `" + He + "`, expected ") + ("instance of `" + Ke + "`.")); - } - return null; - } - return I(ye); - } - function U(Q) { - if (!Array.isArray(Q)) - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (arguments.length > 1 ? c( - "Invalid arguments supplied to oneOf, expected an array, got " + arguments.length + " arguments. A common mistake is to write oneOf(x, y, z) instead of oneOf([x, y, z])." - ) : c("Invalid argument supplied to oneOf, expected an array.")), u; - function ye($e, We, He, Je, Be) { - for (var Ke = $e[We], Ze = 0; Ze < Q.length; Ze++) - if (R(Ke, Q[Ze])) - return null; - var ft = JSON.stringify(Q, function(le, W) { - var G = Ae(W); - return G === "symbol" ? String(W) : W; - }); - return new k("Invalid " + Je + " `" + Be + "` of value `" + String(Ke) + "` " + ("supplied to `" + He + "`, expected one of " + ft + ".")); - } - return I(ye); - } - function ee(Q) { - function ye($e, We, He, Je, Be) { - if (typeof Q != "function") - return new k("Property `" + Be + "` of component `" + He + "` has invalid PropType notation inside objectOf."); - var Ke = $e[We], Ze = Ie(Ke); - if (Ze !== "object") - return new k("Invalid " + Je + " `" + Be + "` of type " + ("`" + Ze + "` supplied to `" + He + "`, expected an object.")); - for (var ft in Ke) - if (o(Ke, ft)) { - var Tt = Q(Ke, ft, He, Je, Be + "." + ft, r); - if (Tt instanceof Error) - return Tt; - } - return null; - } - return I(ye); - } - function re(Q) { - if (!Array.isArray(Q)) - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && c("Invalid argument supplied to oneOfType, expected an instance of array."), u; - for (var ye = 0; ye < Q.length; ye++) { - var $e = Q[ye]; - if (typeof $e != "function") - return c( - "Invalid argument supplied to oneOfType. Expected an array of check functions, but received " + be($e) + " at index " + ye + "." - ), u; - } - function We(He, Je, Be, Ke, Ze) { - for (var ft = [], Tt = 0; Tt < Q.length; Tt++) { - var le = Q[Tt], W = le(He, Je, Be, Ke, Ze, r); - if (W == null) - return null; - W.data && o(W.data, "expectedType") && ft.push(W.data.expectedType); - } - var G = ft.length > 0 ? ", expected one of type [" + ft.join(", ") + "]" : ""; - return new k("Invalid " + Ke + " `" + Ze + "` supplied to " + ("`" + Be + "`" + G + ".")); - } - return I(We); - } - function oe() { - function Q(ye, $e, We, He, Je) { - return me(ye[$e]) ? null : new k("Invalid " + He + " `" + Je + "` supplied to " + ("`" + We + "`, expected a ReactNode.")); - } - return I(Q); - } - function K(Q, ye, $e, We, He) { - return new k( - (Q || "React class") + ": " + ye + " type `" + $e + "." + We + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + He + "`." - ); - } - function Ce(Q) { - function ye($e, We, He, Je, Be) { - var Ke = $e[We], Ze = Ie(Ke); - if (Ze !== "object") - return new k("Invalid " + Je + " `" + Be + "` of type `" + Ze + "` " + ("supplied to `" + He + "`, expected `object`.")); - for (var ft in Q) { - var Tt = Q[ft]; - if (typeof Tt != "function") - return K(He, Je, Be, ft, Ae(Tt)); - var le = Tt(Ke, ft, He, Je, Be + "." + ft, r); - if (le) - return le; - } - return null; - } - return I(ye); - } - function _e(Q) { - function ye($e, We, He, Je, Be) { - var Ke = $e[We], Ze = Ie(Ke); - if (Ze !== "object") - return new k("Invalid " + Je + " `" + Be + "` of type `" + Ze + "` " + ("supplied to `" + He + "`, expected `object`.")); - var ft = t({}, $e[We], Q); - for (var Tt in ft) { - var le = Q[Tt]; - if (o(Q, Tt) && typeof le != "function") - return K(He, Je, Be, Tt, Ae(le)); - if (!le) - return new k( - "Invalid " + Je + " `" + Be + "` key `" + Tt + "` supplied to `" + He + "`.\nBad object: " + JSON.stringify($e[We], null, " ") + ` -Valid keys: ` + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(Q), null, " ") - ); - var W = le(Ke, Tt, He, Je, Be + "." + Tt, r); - if (W) - return W; - } - return null; - } - return I(ye); - } - function me(Q) { - switch (typeof Q) { - case "number": - case "string": - case "undefined": - return !0; - case "boolean": - return !Q; - case "object": - if (Array.isArray(Q)) - return Q.every(me); - if (Q === null || p(Q)) - return !0; - var ye = b(Q); - if (ye) { - var $e = ye.call(Q), We; - if (ye !== Q.entries) { - for (; !(We = $e.next()).done; ) - if (!me(We.value)) - return !1; - } else - for (; !(We = $e.next()).done; ) { - var He = We.value; - if (He && !me(He[1])) - return !1; - } - } else - return !1; - return !0; - default: - return !1; - } - } - function Fe(Q, ye) { - return Q === "symbol" ? !0 : ye ? ye["@@toStringTag"] === "Symbol" || typeof Symbol == "function" && ye instanceof Symbol : !1; - } - function Ie(Q) { - var ye = typeof Q; - return Array.isArray(Q) ? "array" : Q instanceof RegExp ? "object" : Fe(ye, Q) ? "symbol" : ye; - } - function Ae(Q) { - if (typeof Q > "u" || Q === null) - return "" + Q; - var ye = Ie(Q); - if (ye === "object") { - if (Q instanceof Date) - return "date"; - if (Q instanceof RegExp) - return "regexp"; - } - return ye; - } - function be(Q) { - var ye = Ae(Q); - switch (ye) { - case "array": - case "object": - return "an " + ye; - case "boolean": - case "date": - case "regexp": - return "a " + ye; - default: - return ye; - } - } - function Oe(Q) { - return !Q.constructor || !Q.constructor.name ? _ : Q.constructor.name; - } - return T.checkPropTypes = a, T.resetWarningCache = a.resetWarningCache, T.PropTypes = T, T; - }, OT; -} -if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - var K9 = XO(), Y9 = !0; - HR.exports = G9()(K9.isElement, Y9); -} else - HR.exports = H9()(); -var Bj = HR.exports; -const s = /* @__PURE__ */ Pl(Bj), Hj = (e) => (t, r) => [e(r), t[r]].filter((o) => o).join(" "), Wj = (e, t) => Object.fromEntries( - Object.entries(e).map(([r, o]) => [ - `& .${t(r)}`, - o - ]) -), eg = (...e) => e.flat(); -function aa(e, t) { - return process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? () => null : function(...o) { - return e(...o) || t(...o); - }; -} -function Y() { - return Y = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { - for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { - var r = arguments[t]; - for (var o in r) - Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, o) && (e[o] = r[o]); - } - return e; - }, Y.apply(this, arguments); -} -function ip(e) { - return e !== null && typeof e == "object" && e.constructor === Object; -} -function qj(e) { - if (!ip(e)) - return e; - const t = {}; - return Object.keys(e).forEach((r) => { - t[r] = qj(e[r]); - }), t; -} -function Za(e, t, r = { - clone: !0 -}) { - const o = r.clone ? Y({}, e) : e; - return ip(e) && ip(t) && Object.keys(t).forEach((a) => { - a !== "__proto__" && (ip(t[a]) && a in e && ip(e[a]) ? o[a] = Za(e[a], t[a], r) : r.clone ? o[a] = ip(t[a]) ? qj(t[a]) : t[a] : o[a] = t[a]); - }), o; -} -function J9(e) { - const { - prototype: t = {} - } = e; - return !!t.isReactComponent; -} -function Gj(e, t, r, o, a) { - const c = e[t], u = a || t; - if (c == null || // When server-side rendering React doesn't warn either. - // This is not an accurate check for SSR. - // This is only in place for Emotion compat. - // TODO: Revisit once https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/20047 is resolved. - typeof window > "u") - return null; - let p; - const v = c.type; - return typeof v == "function" && !J9(v) && (p = "Did you accidentally use a plain function component for an element instead?"), p !== void 0 ? new Error(`Invalid ${o} \`${u}\` supplied to \`${r}\`. Expected an element that can hold a ref. ${p} For more information see https://mui.com/r/caveat-with-refs-guide`) : null; -} -const Kj = aa(s.element, Gj); -Kj.isRequired = aa(s.element.isRequired, Gj); -const Vd = Kj; -function X9(e) { - const { - prototype: t = {} - } = e; - return !!t.isReactComponent; -} -function Q9(e, t, r, o, a) { - const c = e[t], u = a || t; - if (c == null || // When server-side rendering React doesn't warn either. - // This is not an accurate check for SSR. - // This is only in place for emotion compat. - // TODO: Revisit once https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/20047 is resolved. - typeof window > "u") - return null; - let p; - return typeof c == "function" && !X9(c) && (p = "Did you accidentally provide a plain function component instead?"), p !== void 0 ? new Error(`Invalid ${o} \`${u}\` supplied to \`${r}\`. Expected an element type that can hold a ref. ${p} For more information see https://mui.com/r/caveat-with-refs-guide`) : null; -} -const xp = aa(s.elementType, Q9), Z9 = "exact-prop: ​"; -function ek(e) { - return process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? e : Y({}, e, { - [Z9]: (t) => { - const r = Object.keys(t).filter((o) => !e.hasOwnProperty(o)); - return r.length > 0 ? new Error(`The following props are not supported: ${r.map((o) => `\`${o}\``).join(", ")}. Please remove them.`) : null; - } - }); -} -function jd(e) { - let t = "https://mui.com/production-error/?code=" + e; - for (let r = 1; r < arguments.length; r += 1) - t += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[r]); - return "Minified MUI error #" + e + "; visit " + t + " for the full message."; -} -var WR = { exports: {} }, Wr = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react-is.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var gF; -function e7() { - return gF || (gF = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { - var e = Symbol.for("react.element"), t = Symbol.for("react.portal"), r = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), o = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), a = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), c = Symbol.for("react.provider"), u = Symbol.for("react.context"), p = Symbol.for("react.server_context"), v = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), h = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), m = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), b = Symbol.for("react.memo"), _ = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), T = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), R = !1, k = !1, I = !1, M = !1, L = !1, P; - P = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); - function B(ne) { - return !!(typeof ne == "string" || typeof ne == "function" || ne === r || ne === a || L || ne === o || ne === h || ne === m || M || ne === T || R || k || I || typeof ne == "object" && ne !== null && (ne.$$typeof === _ || ne.$$typeof === b || ne.$$typeof === c || ne.$$typeof === u || ne.$$typeof === v || // This needs to include all possible module reference object - // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since - // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used - // with. - ne.$$typeof === P || ne.getModuleId !== void 0)); - } - function D(ne) { - if (typeof ne == "object" && ne !== null) { - var ue = ne.$$typeof; - switch (ue) { - case e: - var Pe = ne.type; - switch (Pe) { - case r: - case a: - case o: - case h: - case m: - return Pe; - default: - var Ne = Pe && Pe.$$typeof; - switch (Ne) { - case p: - case u: - case v: - case _: - case b: - case c: - return Ne; - default: - return ue; - } - } - case t: - return ue; - } - } - } - var V = u, U = c, ee = e, re = v, oe = r, K = _, Ce = b, _e = t, me = a, Fe = o, Ie = h, Ae = m, be = !1, Oe = !1; - function Q(ne) { - return be || (be = !0, console.warn("The ReactIs.isAsyncMode() alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in React 18+.")), !1; - } - function ye(ne) { - return Oe || (Oe = !0, console.warn("The ReactIs.isConcurrentMode() alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in React 18+.")), !1; - } - function $e(ne) { - return D(ne) === u; - } - function We(ne) { - return D(ne) === c; - } - function He(ne) { - return typeof ne == "object" && ne !== null && ne.$$typeof === e; - } - function Je(ne) { - return D(ne) === v; - } - function Be(ne) { - return D(ne) === r; - } - function Ke(ne) { - return D(ne) === _; - } - function Ze(ne) { - return D(ne) === b; - } - function ft(ne) { - return D(ne) === t; - } - function Tt(ne) { - return D(ne) === a; - } - function le(ne) { - return D(ne) === o; - } - function W(ne) { - return D(ne) === h; - } - function G(ne) { - return D(ne) === m; - } - Wr.ContextConsumer = V, Wr.ContextProvider = U, Wr.Element = ee, Wr.ForwardRef = re, Wr.Fragment = oe, Wr.Lazy = K, Wr.Memo = Ce, Wr.Portal = _e, Wr.Profiler = me, Wr.StrictMode = Fe, Wr.Suspense = Ie, Wr.SuspenseList = Ae, Wr.isAsyncMode = Q, Wr.isConcurrentMode = ye, Wr.isContextConsumer = $e, Wr.isContextProvider = We, Wr.isElement = He, Wr.isForwardRef = Je, Wr.isFragment = Be, Wr.isLazy = Ke, Wr.isMemo = Ze, Wr.isPortal = ft, Wr.isProfiler = Tt, Wr.isStrictMode = le, Wr.isSuspense = W, Wr.isSuspenseList = G, Wr.isValidElementType = B, Wr.typeOf = D; - }()), Wr; -} -var qr = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react-is.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var mF; -function t7() { - if (mF) - return qr; - mF = 1; - var e = Symbol.for("react.element"), t = Symbol.for("react.portal"), r = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), o = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), a = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), c = Symbol.for("react.provider"), u = Symbol.for("react.context"), p = Symbol.for("react.server_context"), v = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), h = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), m = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), b = Symbol.for("react.memo"), _ = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), T = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), R; - R = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); - function k(I) { - if (typeof I == "object" && I !== null) { - var M = I.$$typeof; - switch (M) { - case e: - switch (I = I.type, I) { - case r: - case a: - case o: - case h: - case m: - return I; - default: - switch (I = I && I.$$typeof, I) { - case p: - case u: - case v: - case _: - case b: - case c: - return I; - default: - return M; - } - } - case t: - return M; - } - } - } - return qr.ContextConsumer = u, qr.ContextProvider = c, qr.Element = e, qr.ForwardRef = v, qr.Fragment = r, qr.Lazy = _, qr.Memo = b, qr.Portal = t, qr.Profiler = a, qr.StrictMode = o, qr.Suspense = h, qr.SuspenseList = m, qr.isAsyncMode = function() { - return !1; - }, qr.isConcurrentMode = function() { - return !1; - }, qr.isContextConsumer = function(I) { - return k(I) === u; - }, qr.isContextProvider = function(I) { - return k(I) === c; - }, qr.isElement = function(I) { - return typeof I == "object" && I !== null && I.$$typeof === e; - }, qr.isForwardRef = function(I) { - return k(I) === v; - }, qr.isFragment = function(I) { - return k(I) === r; - }, qr.isLazy = function(I) { - return k(I) === _; - }, qr.isMemo = function(I) { - return k(I) === b; - }, qr.isPortal = function(I) { - return k(I) === t; - }, qr.isProfiler = function(I) { - return k(I) === a; - }, qr.isStrictMode = function(I) { - return k(I) === o; - }, qr.isSuspense = function(I) { - return k(I) === h; - }, qr.isSuspenseList = function(I) { - return k(I) === m; - }, qr.isValidElementType = function(I) { - return typeof I == "string" || typeof I == "function" || I === r || I === a || I === o || I === h || I === m || I === T || typeof I == "object" && I !== null && (I.$$typeof === _ || I.$$typeof === b || I.$$typeof === c || I.$$typeof === u || I.$$typeof === v || I.$$typeof === R || I.getModuleId !== void 0); - }, qr.typeOf = k, qr; -} -process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? WR.exports = t7() : WR.exports = e7(); -var yF = WR.exports; -const n7 = /^\s*function(?:\s|\s*\/\*.*\*\/\s*)+([^(\s/]*)\s*/; -function r7(e) { - const t = `${e}`.match(n7); - return t && t[1] || ""; -} -function Yj(e, t = "") { - return e.displayName || e.name || r7(e) || t; -} -function bF(e, t, r) { - const o = Yj(t); - return e.displayName || (o !== "" ? `${r}(${o})` : r); -} -function o7(e) { - if (e != null) { - if (typeof e == "string") - return e; - if (typeof e == "function") - return Yj(e, "Component"); - if (typeof e == "object") - switch (e.$$typeof) { - case yF.ForwardRef: - return bF(e, e.render, "ForwardRef"); - case yF.Memo: - return bF(e, e.type, "memo"); - default: - return; - } - } -} -function Tu(e, t, r, o, a) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") - return null; - const c = e[t], u = a || t; - return c == null ? null : c && c.nodeType !== 1 ? new Error(`Invalid ${o} \`${u}\` supplied to \`${r}\`. Expected an HTMLElement.`) : null; -} -const i7 = s.oneOfType([s.func, s.object]), sa = i7; -function yt(e) { - if (typeof e != "string") - throw new Error(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "MUI: `capitalize(string)` expects a string argument." : jd(7)); - return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1); -} -function T1(...e) { - return e.reduce((t, r) => r == null ? t : function(...a) { - t.apply(this, a), r.apply(this, a); - }, () => { - }); -} -function J1(e, t = 166) { - let r; - function o(...a) { - const c = () => { - e.apply(this, a); - }; - clearTimeout(r), r = setTimeout(c, t); - } - return o.clear = () => { - clearTimeout(r); - }, o; -} -function a7(e, t) { - return process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? () => null : (r, o, a, c, u) => { - const p = a || "<>", v = u || o; - return typeof r[o] < "u" ? new Error(`The ${c} \`${v}\` of \`${p}\` is deprecated. ${t}`) : null; - }; -} -function Pv(e, t) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ j.isValidElement(e) && t.indexOf(e.type.muiName) !== -1; -} -function yo(e) { - return e && e.ownerDocument || document; -} -function $d(e) { - return yo(e).defaultView || window; -} -function Jj(e, t) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") - return () => null; - const r = t ? Y({}, t.propTypes) : null; - return (a) => (c, u, p, v, h, ...m) => { - const b = h || u, _ = r == null ? void 0 : r[b]; - if (_) { - const T = _(c, u, p, v, h, ...m); - if (T) - return T; - } - return typeof c[u] < "u" && !c[a] ? new Error(`The prop \`${b}\` of \`${e}\` can only be used together with the \`${a}\` prop.`) : null; - }; -} -function lb(e, t) { - typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e && (e.current = t); -} -const rs = typeof window < "u" ? j.useLayoutEffect : j.useEffect; -let SF = 0; -function s7(e) { - const [t, r] = j.useState(e), o = e || t; - return j.useEffect(() => { - t == null && (SF += 1, r(`mui-${SF}`)); - }, [t]), o; -} -const xF = Ld.useId; -function Bd(e) { - if (xF !== void 0) { - const t = xF(); - return e ?? t; - } - return s7(e); -} -function tk(e, t, r, o, a) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") - return null; - const c = a || t; - return typeof e[t] < "u" ? new Error(`The prop \`${c}\` is not supported. Please remove it.`) : null; -} -function Cs({ - controlled: e, - default: t, - name: r, - state: o = "value" -}) { - const { - current: a - } = j.useRef(e !== void 0), [c, u] = j.useState(t), p = a ? e : c; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - j.useEffect(() => { - a !== (e !== void 0) && console.error([`MUI: A component is changing the ${a ? "" : "un"}controlled ${o} state of ${r} to be ${a ? "un" : ""}controlled.`, "Elements should not switch from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa).", `Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled ${r} element for the lifetime of the component.`, "The nature of the state is determined during the first render. It's considered controlled if the value is not `undefined`.", "More info: https://fb.me/react-controlled-components"].join(` -`)); - }, [o, r, e]); - const { - current: h - } = j.useRef(t); - j.useEffect(() => { - !a && h !== t && console.error([`MUI: A component is changing the default ${o} state of an uncontrolled ${r} after being initialized. To suppress this warning opt to use a controlled ${r}.`].join(` -`)); - }, [JSON.stringify(t)]); - } - const v = j.useCallback((h) => { - a || u(h); - }, []); - return [p, v]; -} -function oa(e) { - const t = j.useRef(e); - return rs(() => { - t.current = e; - }), j.useCallback((...r) => ( - // @ts-expect-error hide `this` - // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-comma-operator - (0, t.current)(...r) - ), []); -} -function Jr(...e) { - return j.useMemo(() => e.every((t) => t == null) ? null : (t) => { - e.forEach((r) => { - lb(r, t); - }); - }, e); -} -let X1 = !0, qR = !1, CF; -const l7 = { - text: !0, - search: !0, - url: !0, - tel: !0, - email: !0, - password: !0, - number: !0, - date: !0, - month: !0, - week: !0, - time: !0, - datetime: !0, - "datetime-local": !0 -}; -function u7(e) { - const { - type: t, - tagName: r - } = e; - return !!(r === "INPUT" && l7[t] && !e.readOnly || r === "TEXTAREA" && !e.readOnly || e.isContentEditable); -} -function c7(e) { - e.metaKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || (X1 = !0); -} -function kT() { - X1 = !1; -} -function d7() { - this.visibilityState === "hidden" && qR && (X1 = !0); -} -function f7(e) { - e.addEventListener("keydown", c7, !0), e.addEventListener("mousedown", kT, !0), e.addEventListener("pointerdown", kT, !0), e.addEventListener("touchstart", kT, !0), e.addEventListener("visibilitychange", d7, !0); -} -function p7(e) { - const { - target: t - } = e; - try { - return t.matches(":focus-visible"); - } catch { - } - return X1 || u7(t); -} -function Eb() { - const e = j.useCallback((a) => { - a != null && f7(a.ownerDocument); - }, []), t = j.useRef(!1); - function r() { - return t.current ? (qR = !0, window.clearTimeout(CF), CF = window.setTimeout(() => { - qR = !1; - }, 100), t.current = !1, !0) : !1; - } - function o(a) { - return p7(a) ? (t.current = !0, !0) : !1; - } - return { - isFocusVisibleRef: t, - onFocus: o, - onBlur: r, - ref: e - }; -} -function Xj(e) { - const t = e.documentElement.clientWidth; - return Math.abs(window.innerWidth - t); -} -const h7 = (e) => { - const t = j.useRef({}); - return j.useEffect(() => { - t.current = e; - }), t.current; -}, v7 = { - border: 0, - clip: "rect(0 0 0 0)", - height: "1px", - margin: -1, - overflow: "hidden", - padding: 0, - position: "absolute", - whiteSpace: "nowrap", - width: "1px" -}, g7 = v7; -function m7(e) { - const t = typeof e; - switch (t) { - case "number": - return Number.isNaN(e) ? "NaN" : Number.isFinite(e) ? e !== Math.floor(e) ? "float" : "number" : "Infinity"; - case "object": - return e === null ? "null" : e.constructor.name; - default: - return t; - } -} -function y7(e) { - return typeof e == "number" && isFinite(e) && Math.floor(e) === e; -} -const b7 = Number.isInteger || y7; -function Qj(e, t, r, o) { - const a = e[t]; - if (a == null || !b7(a)) { - const c = m7(a); - return new RangeError(`Invalid ${o} \`${t}\` of type \`${c}\` supplied to \`${r}\`, expected \`integer\`.`); - } - return null; -} -function Zj(e, t, ...r) { - return e[t] === void 0 ? null : Qj(e, t, ...r); -} -function GR() { - return null; -} -Zj.isRequired = Qj; -GR.isRequired = GR; -const nk = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? GR : Zj; -function rk(e, t) { - const r = Y({}, t); - return Object.keys(e).forEach((o) => { - if (o.toString().match(/^(components|slots)$/)) - r[o] = Y({}, e[o], r[o]); - else if (o.toString().match(/^(componentsProps|slotProps)$/)) { - const a = e[o] || {}, c = t[o]; - r[o] = {}, !c || !Object.keys(c) ? r[o] = a : !a || !Object.keys(a) ? r[o] = c : (r[o] = Y({}, c), Object.keys(a).forEach((u) => { - r[o][u] = rk(a[u], c[u]); - })); - } else - r[o] === void 0 && (r[o] = e[o]); - }), r; -} -function pn(e, t, r = void 0) { - const o = {}; - return Object.keys(e).forEach( - // `Objet.keys(slots)` can't be wider than `T` because we infer `T` from `slots`. - // @ts-expect-error https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/12253#issuecomment-263132208 - (a) => { - o[a] = e[a].reduce((c, u) => { - if (u) { - const p = t(u); - p !== "" && c.push(p), r && r[u] && c.push(r[u]); - } - return c; - }, []).join(" "); - } - ), o; -} -const _F = (e) => e, S7 = () => { - let e = _F; - return { - configure(t) { - e = t; - }, - generate(t) { - return e(t); - }, - reset() { - e = _F; - } - }; -}, x7 = S7(), ok = x7, C7 = { - active: "active", - checked: "checked", - completed: "completed", - disabled: "disabled", - readOnly: "readOnly", - error: "error", - expanded: "expanded", - focused: "focused", - focusVisible: "focusVisible", - required: "required", - selected: "selected" -}; -function ln(e, t, r = "Mui") { - const o = C7[t]; - return o ? `${r}-${o}` : `${ok.generate(e)}-${t}`; -} -function hn(e, t, r = "Mui") { - const o = {}; - return t.forEach((a) => { - o[a] = ln(e, a, r); - }), o; -} -function e$(e) { - var t = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); - return function(r) { - return t[r] === void 0 && (t[r] = e(r)), t[r]; - }; -} -var _7 = /^((children|dangerouslySetInnerHTML|key|ref|autoFocus|defaultValue|defaultChecked|innerHTML|suppressContentEditableWarning|suppressHydrationWarning|valueLink|abbr|accept|acceptCharset|accessKey|action|allow|allowUserMedia|allowPaymentRequest|allowFullScreen|allowTransparency|alt|async|autoComplete|autoPlay|capture|cellPadding|cellSpacing|challenge|charSet|checked|cite|classID|className|cols|colSpan|content|contentEditable|contextMenu|controls|controlsList|coords|crossOrigin|data|dateTime|decoding|default|defer|dir|disabled|disablePictureInPicture|download|draggable|encType|enterKeyHint|form|formAction|formEncType|formMethod|formNoValidate|formTarget|frameBorder|headers|height|hidden|high|href|hrefLang|htmlFor|httpEquiv|id|inputMode|integrity|is|keyParams|keyType|kind|label|lang|list|loading|loop|low|marginHeight|marginWidth|max|maxLength|media|mediaGroup|method|min|minLength|multiple|muted|name|nonce|noValidate|open|optimum|pattern|placeholder|playsInline|poster|preload|profile|radioGroup|readOnly|referrerPolicy|rel|required|reversed|role|rows|rowSpan|sandbox|scope|scoped|scrolling|seamless|selected|shape|size|sizes|slot|span|spellCheck|src|srcDoc|srcLang|srcSet|start|step|style|summary|tabIndex|target|title|translate|type|useMap|value|width|wmode|wrap|about|datatype|inlist|prefix|property|resource|typeof|vocab|autoCapitalize|autoCorrect|autoSave|color|incremental|fallback|inert|itemProp|itemScope|itemType|itemID|itemRef|on|option|results|security|unselectable|accentHeight|accumulate|additive|alignmentBaseline|allowReorder|alphabetic|amplitude|arabicForm|ascent|attributeName|attributeType|autoReverse|azimuth|baseFrequency|baselineShift|baseProfile|bbox|begin|bias|by|calcMode|capHeight|clip|clipPathUnits|clipPath|clipRule|colorInterpolation|colorInterpolationFilters|colorProfile|colorRendering|contentScriptType|contentStyleType|cursor|cx|cy|d|decelerate|descent|diffuseConstant|direction|display|divisor|dominantBaseline|dur|dx|dy|edgeMode|elevation|enableBackground|end|exponent|externalResourcesRequired|fill|fillOpacity|fillRule|filter|filterRes|filterUnits|floodColor|floodOpacity|focusable|fontFamily|fontSize|fontSizeAdjust|fontStretch|fontStyle|fontVariant|fontWeight|format|from|fr|fx|fy|g1|g2|glyphName|glyphOrientationHorizontal|glyphOrientationVertical|glyphRef|gradientTransform|gradientUnits|hanging|horizAdvX|horizOriginX|ideographic|imageRendering|in|in2|intercept|k|k1|k2|k3|k4|kernelMatrix|kernelUnitLength|kerning|keyPoints|keySplines|keyTimes|lengthAdjust|letterSpacing|lightingColor|limitingConeAngle|local|markerEnd|markerMid|markerStart|markerHeight|markerUnits|markerWidth|mask|maskContentUnits|maskUnits|mathematical|mode|numOctaves|offset|opacity|operator|order|orient|orientation|origin|overflow|overlinePosition|overlineThickness|panose1|paintOrder|pathLength|patternContentUnits|patternTransform|patternUnits|pointerEvents|points|pointsAtX|pointsAtY|pointsAtZ|preserveAlpha|preserveAspectRatio|primitiveUnits|r|radius|refX|refY|renderingIntent|repeatCount|repeatDur|requiredExtensions|requiredFeatures|restart|result|rotate|rx|ry|scale|seed|shapeRendering|slope|spacing|specularConstant|specularExponent|speed|spreadMethod|startOffset|stdDeviation|stemh|stemv|stitchTiles|stopColor|stopOpacity|strikethroughPosition|strikethroughThickness|string|stroke|strokeDasharray|strokeDashoffset|strokeLinecap|strokeLinejoin|strokeMiterlimit|strokeOpacity|strokeWidth|surfaceScale|systemLanguage|tableValues|targetX|targetY|textAnchor|textDecoration|textRendering|textLength|to|transform|u1|u2|underlinePosition|underlineThickness|unicode|unicodeBidi|unicodeRange|unitsPerEm|vAlphabetic|vHanging|vIdeographic|vMathematical|values|vectorEffect|version|vertAdvY|vertOriginX|vertOriginY|viewBox|viewTarget|visibility|widths|wordSpacing|writingMode|x|xHeight|x1|x2|xChannelSelector|xlinkActuate|xlinkArcrole|xlinkHref|xlinkRole|xlinkShow|xlinkTitle|xlinkType|xmlBase|xmlns|xmlnsXlink|xmlLang|xmlSpace|y|y1|y2|yChannelSelector|z|zoomAndPan|for|class|autofocus)|(([Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]|[Aa][Rr][Ii][Aa]|x)-.*))$/, E7 = /* @__PURE__ */ e$( - function(e) { - return _7.test(e) || e.charCodeAt(0) === 111 && e.charCodeAt(1) === 110 && e.charCodeAt(2) < 91; - } - /* Z+1 */ -); -function w7(e) { - if (e.sheet) - return e.sheet; - for (var t = 0; t < document.styleSheets.length; t++) - if (document.styleSheets[t].ownerNode === e) - return document.styleSheets[t]; -} -function T7(e) { - var t = document.createElement("style"); - return t.setAttribute("data-emotion", e.key), e.nonce !== void 0 && t.setAttribute("nonce", e.nonce), t.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")), t.setAttribute("data-s", ""), t; -} -var R7 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e(r) { - var o = this; - this._insertTag = function(a) { - var c; - o.tags.length === 0 ? o.insertionPoint ? c = o.insertionPoint.nextSibling : o.prepend ? c = o.container.firstChild : c = o.before : c = o.tags[o.tags.length - 1].nextSibling, o.container.insertBefore(a, c), o.tags.push(a); - }, this.isSpeedy = r.speedy === void 0 ? process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" : r.speedy, this.tags = [], this.ctr = 0, this.nonce = r.nonce, this.key = r.key, this.container = r.container, this.prepend = r.prepend, this.insertionPoint = r.insertionPoint, this.before = null; - } - var t = e.prototype; - return t.hydrate = function(o) { - o.forEach(this._insertTag); - }, t.insert = function(o) { - this.ctr % (this.isSpeedy ? 65e3 : 1) === 0 && this._insertTag(T7(this)); - var a = this.tags[this.tags.length - 1]; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - var c = o.charCodeAt(0) === 64 && o.charCodeAt(1) === 105; - c && this._alreadyInsertedOrderInsensitiveRule && console.error(`You're attempting to insert the following rule: -` + o + "\n\n`@import` rules must be before all other types of rules in a stylesheet but other rules have already been inserted. Please ensure that `@import` rules are before all other rules."), this._alreadyInsertedOrderInsensitiveRule = this._alreadyInsertedOrderInsensitiveRule || !c; - } - if (this.isSpeedy) { - var u = w7(a); - try { - u.insertRule(o, u.cssRules.length); - } catch (p) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !/:(-moz-placeholder|-moz-focus-inner|-moz-focusring|-ms-input-placeholder|-moz-read-write|-moz-read-only|-ms-clear|-ms-expand|-ms-reveal){/.test(o) && console.error('There was a problem inserting the following rule: "' + o + '"', p); - } - } else - a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(o)); - this.ctr++; - }, t.flush = function() { - this.tags.forEach(function(o) { - return o.parentNode && o.parentNode.removeChild(o); - }), this.tags = [], this.ctr = 0, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (this._alreadyInsertedOrderInsensitiveRule = !1); - }, e; -}(), na = "-ms-", R1 = "-moz-", $r = "-webkit-", ik = "comm", ak = "rule", sk = "decl", O7 = "@import", t$ = "@keyframes", k7 = Math.abs, Q1 = String.fromCharCode, I7 = Object.assign; -function N7(e, t) { - return ji(e, 0) ^ 45 ? (((t << 2 ^ ji(e, 0)) << 2 ^ ji(e, 1)) << 2 ^ ji(e, 2)) << 2 ^ ji(e, 3) : 0; -} -function n$(e) { - return e.trim(); -} -function P7(e, t) { - return (e = t.exec(e)) ? e[0] : e; -} -function Yr(e, t, r) { - return e.replace(t, r); -} -function KR(e, t) { - return e.indexOf(t); -} -function ji(e, t) { - return e.charCodeAt(t) | 0; -} -function ub(e, t, r) { - return e.slice(t, r); -} -function mu(e) { - return e.length; -} -function lk(e) { - return e.length; -} -function Mx(e, t) { - return t.push(e), e; -} -function A7(e, t) { - return e.map(t).join(""); -} -var Z1 = 1, Uv = 1, r$ = 0, os = 0, ni = 0, tg = ""; -function eC(e, t, r, o, a, c, u) { - return { value: e, root: t, parent: r, type: o, props: a, children: c, line: Z1, column: Uv, length: u, return: "" }; -} -function xy(e, t) { - return I7(eC("", null, null, "", null, null, 0), e, { length: -e.length }, t); -} -function F7() { - return ni; -} -function M7() { - return ni = os > 0 ? ji(tg, --os) : 0, Uv--, ni === 10 && (Uv = 1, Z1--), ni; -} -function _s() { - return ni = os < r$ ? ji(tg, os++) : 0, Uv++, ni === 10 && (Uv = 1, Z1++), ni; -} -function Eu() { - return ji(tg, os); -} -function p1() { - return os; -} -function wb(e, t) { - return ub(tg, e, t); -} -function cb(e) { - switch (e) { - case 0: - case 9: - case 10: - case 13: - case 32: - return 5; - case 33: - case 43: - case 44: - case 47: - case 62: - case 64: - case 126: - case 59: - case 123: - case 125: - return 4; - case 58: - return 3; - case 34: - case 39: - case 40: - case 91: - return 2; - case 41: - case 93: - return 1; - } - return 0; -} -function o$(e) { - return Z1 = Uv = 1, r$ = mu(tg = e), os = 0, []; -} -function i$(e) { - return tg = "", e; -} -function h1(e) { - return n$(wb(os - 1, YR(e === 91 ? e + 2 : e === 40 ? e + 1 : e))); -} -function D7(e) { - for (; (ni = Eu()) && ni < 33; ) - _s(); - return cb(e) > 2 || cb(ni) > 3 ? "" : " "; -} -function L7(e, t) { - for (; --t && _s() && !(ni < 48 || ni > 102 || ni > 57 && ni < 65 || ni > 70 && ni < 97); ) - ; - return wb(e, p1() + (t < 6 && Eu() == 32 && _s() == 32)); -} -function YR(e) { - for (; _s(); ) - switch (ni) { - case e: - return os; - case 34: - case 39: - e !== 34 && e !== 39 && YR(ni); - break; - case 40: - e === 41 && YR(e); - break; - case 92: - _s(); - break; - } - return os; -} -function j7(e, t) { - for (; _s() && e + ni !== 57; ) - if (e + ni === 84 && Eu() === 47) - break; - return "/*" + wb(t, os - 1) + "*" + Q1(e === 47 ? e : _s()); -} -function $7(e) { - for (; !cb(Eu()); ) - _s(); - return wb(e, os); -} -function z7(e) { - return i$(v1("", null, null, null, [""], e = o$(e), 0, [0], e)); -} -function v1(e, t, r, o, a, c, u, p, v) { - for (var h = 0, m = 0, b = u, _ = 0, T = 0, R = 0, k = 1, I = 1, M = 1, L = 0, P = "", B = a, D = c, V = o, U = P; I; ) - switch (R = L, L = _s()) { - case 40: - if (R != 108 && ji(U, b - 1) == 58) { - KR(U += Yr(h1(L), "&", "&\f"), "&\f") != -1 && (M = -1); - break; - } - case 34: - case 39: - case 91: - U += h1(L); - break; - case 9: - case 10: - case 13: - case 32: - U += D7(R); - break; - case 92: - U += L7(p1() - 1, 7); - continue; - case 47: - switch (Eu()) { - case 42: - case 47: - Mx(U7(j7(_s(), p1()), t, r), v); - break; - default: - U += "/"; - } - break; - case 123 * k: - p[h++] = mu(U) * M; - case 125 * k: - case 59: - case 0: - switch (L) { - case 0: - case 125: - I = 0; - case 59 + m: - T > 0 && mu(U) - b && Mx(T > 32 ? wF(U + ";", o, r, b - 1) : wF(Yr(U, " ", "") + ";", o, r, b - 2), v); - break; - case 59: - U += ";"; - default: - if (Mx(V = EF(U, t, r, h, m, a, p, P, B = [], D = [], b), c), L === 123) - if (m === 0) - v1(U, t, V, V, B, c, b, p, D); - else - switch (_ === 99 && ji(U, 3) === 110 ? 100 : _) { - case 100: - case 109: - case 115: - v1(e, V, V, o && Mx(EF(e, V, V, 0, 0, a, p, P, a, B = [], b), D), a, D, b, p, o ? B : D); - break; - default: - v1(U, V, V, V, [""], D, 0, p, D); - } - } - h = m = T = 0, k = M = 1, P = U = "", b = u; - break; - case 58: - b = 1 + mu(U), T = R; - default: - if (k < 1) { - if (L == 123) - --k; - else if (L == 125 && k++ == 0 && M7() == 125) - continue; - } - switch (U += Q1(L), L * k) { - case 38: - M = m > 0 ? 1 : (U += "\f", -1); - break; - case 44: - p[h++] = (mu(U) - 1) * M, M = 1; - break; - case 64: - Eu() === 45 && (U += h1(_s())), _ = Eu(), m = b = mu(P = U += $7(p1())), L++; - break; - case 45: - R === 45 && mu(U) == 2 && (k = 0); - } - } - return c; -} -function EF(e, t, r, o, a, c, u, p, v, h, m) { - for (var b = a - 1, _ = a === 0 ? c : [""], T = lk(_), R = 0, k = 0, I = 0; R < o; ++R) - for (var M = 0, L = ub(e, b + 1, b = k7(k = u[R])), P = e; M < T; ++M) - (P = n$(k > 0 ? _[M] + " " + L : Yr(L, /&\f/g, _[M]))) && (v[I++] = P); - return eC(e, t, r, a === 0 ? ak : p, v, h, m); -} -function U7(e, t, r) { - return eC(e, t, r, ik, Q1(F7()), ub(e, 2, -2), 0); -} -function wF(e, t, r, o) { - return eC(e, t, r, sk, ub(e, 0, o), ub(e, o + 1, -1), o); -} -function Av(e, t) { - for (var r = "", o = lk(e), a = 0; a < o; a++) - r += t(e[a], a, e, t) || ""; - return r; -} -function V7(e, t, r, o) { - switch (e.type) { - case O7: - case sk: - return e.return = e.return || e.value; - case ik: - return ""; - case t$: - return e.return = e.value + "{" + Av(e.children, o) + "}"; - case ak: - e.value = e.props.join(","); - } - return mu(r = Av(e.children, o)) ? e.return = e.value + "{" + r + "}" : ""; -} -function B7(e) { - var t = lk(e); - return function(r, o, a, c) { - for (var u = "", p = 0; p < t; p++) - u += e[p](r, o, a, c) || ""; - return u; - }; -} -function H7(e) { - return function(t) { - t.root || (t = t.return) && e(t); - }; -} -var W7 = function(t, r, o) { - for (var a = 0, c = 0; a = c, c = Eu(), a === 38 && c === 12 && (r[o] = 1), !cb(c); ) - _s(); - return wb(t, os); -}, q7 = function(t, r) { - var o = -1, a = 44; - do - switch (cb(a)) { - case 0: - a === 38 && Eu() === 12 && (r[o] = 1), t[o] += W7(os - 1, r, o); - break; - case 2: - t[o] += h1(a); - break; - case 4: - if (a === 44) { - t[++o] = Eu() === 58 ? "&\f" : "", r[o] = t[o].length; - break; - } - default: - t[o] += Q1(a); - } - while (a = _s()); - return t; -}, G7 = function(t, r) { - return i$(q7(o$(t), r)); -}, TF = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), K7 = function(t) { - if (!(t.type !== "rule" || !t.parent || // positive .length indicates that this rule contains pseudo - // negative .length indicates that this rule has been already prefixed - t.length < 1)) { - for (var r = t.value, o = t.parent, a = t.column === o.column && t.line === o.line; o.type !== "rule"; ) - if (o = o.parent, !o) - return; - if (!(t.props.length === 1 && r.charCodeAt(0) !== 58 && !TF.get(o)) && !a) { - TF.set(t, !0); - for (var c = [], u = G7(r, c), p = o.props, v = 0, h = 0; v < u.length; v++) - for (var m = 0; m < p.length; m++, h++) - t.props[h] = c[v] ? u[v].replace(/&\f/g, p[m]) : p[m] + " " + u[v]; - } - } -}, Y7 = function(t) { - if (t.type === "decl") { - var r = t.value; - // charcode for l - r.charCodeAt(0) === 108 && // charcode for b - r.charCodeAt(2) === 98 && (t.return = "", t.value = ""); - } -}, J7 = "emotion-disable-server-rendering-unsafe-selector-warning-please-do-not-use-this-the-warning-exists-for-a-reason", X7 = function(t) { - return t.type === "comm" && t.children.indexOf(J7) > -1; -}, Q7 = function(t) { - return function(r, o, a) { - if (!(r.type !== "rule" || t.compat)) { - var c = r.value.match(/(:first|:nth|:nth-last)-child/g); - if (c) { - for (var u = !!r.parent, p = u ? r.parent.children : ( - // global rule at the root level - a - ), v = p.length - 1; v >= 0; v--) { - var h = p[v]; - if (h.line < r.line) - break; - if (h.column < r.column) { - if (X7(h)) - return; - break; - } - } - c.forEach(function(m) { - console.error('The pseudo class "' + m + '" is potentially unsafe when doing server-side rendering. Try changing it to "' + m.split("-child")[0] + '-of-type".'); - }); - } - } - }; -}, a$ = function(t) { - return t.type.charCodeAt(1) === 105 && t.type.charCodeAt(0) === 64; -}, Z7 = function(t, r) { - for (var o = t - 1; o >= 0; o--) - if (!a$(r[o])) - return !0; - return !1; -}, RF = function(t) { - t.type = "", t.value = "", t.return = "", t.children = "", t.props = ""; -}, eW = function(t, r, o) { - a$(t) && (t.parent ? (console.error("`@import` rules can't be nested inside other rules. Please move it to the top level and put it before regular rules. Keep in mind that they can only be used within global styles."), RF(t)) : Z7(r, o) && (console.error("`@import` rules can't be after other rules. Please put your `@import` rules before your other rules."), RF(t))); -}; -function s$(e, t) { - switch (N7(e, t)) { - case 5103: - return $r + "print-" + e + e; - case 5737: - case 4201: - case 3177: - case 3433: - case 1641: - case 4457: - case 2921: - case 5572: - case 6356: - case 5844: - case 3191: - case 6645: - case 3005: - case 6391: - case 5879: - case 5623: - case 6135: - case 4599: - case 4855: - case 4215: - case 6389: - case 5109: - case 5365: - case 5621: - case 3829: - return $r + e + e; - case 5349: - case 4246: - case 4810: - case 6968: - case 2756: - return $r + e + R1 + e + na + e + e; - case 6828: - case 4268: - return $r + e + na + e + e; - case 6165: - return $r + e + na + "flex-" + e + e; - case 5187: - return $r + e + Yr(e, /(\w+).+(:[^]+)/, $r + "box-$1$2" + na + "flex-$1$2") + e; - case 5443: - return $r + e + na + "flex-item-" + Yr(e, /flex-|-self/, "") + e; - case 4675: - return $r + e + na + "flex-line-pack" + Yr(e, /align-content|flex-|-self/, "") + e; - case 5548: - return $r + e + na + Yr(e, "shrink", "negative") + e; - case 5292: - return $r + e + na + Yr(e, "basis", "preferred-size") + e; - case 6060: - return $r + "box-" + Yr(e, "-grow", "") + $r + e + na + Yr(e, "grow", "positive") + e; - case 4554: - return $r + Yr(e, /([^-])(transform)/g, "$1" + $r + "$2") + e; - case 6187: - return Yr(Yr(Yr(e, /(zoom-|grab)/, $r + "$1"), /(image-set)/, $r + "$1"), e, "") + e; - case 5495: - case 3959: - return Yr(e, /(image-set\([^]*)/, $r + "$1$`$1"); - case 4968: - return Yr(Yr(e, /(.+:)(flex-)?(.*)/, $r + "box-pack:$3" + na + "flex-pack:$3"), /s.+-b[^;]+/, "justify") + $r + e + e; - case 4095: - case 3583: - case 4068: - case 2532: - return Yr(e, /(.+)-inline(.+)/, $r + "$1$2") + e; - case 8116: - case 7059: - case 5753: - case 5535: - case 5445: - case 5701: - case 4933: - case 4677: - case 5533: - case 5789: - case 5021: - case 4765: - if (mu(e) - 1 - t > 6) - switch (ji(e, t + 1)) { - case 109: - if (ji(e, t + 4) !== 45) - break; - case 102: - return Yr(e, /(.+:)(.+)-([^]+)/, "$1" + $r + "$2-$3$1" + R1 + (ji(e, t + 3) == 108 ? "$3" : "$2-$3")) + e; - case 115: - return ~KR(e, "stretch") ? s$(Yr(e, "stretch", "fill-available"), t) + e : e; - } - break; - case 4949: - if (ji(e, t + 1) !== 115) - break; - case 6444: - switch (ji(e, mu(e) - 3 - (~KR(e, "!important") && 10))) { - case 107: - return Yr(e, ":", ":" + $r) + e; - case 101: - return Yr(e, /(.+:)([^;!]+)(;|!.+)?/, "$1" + $r + (ji(e, 14) === 45 ? "inline-" : "") + "box$3$1" + $r + "$2$3$1" + na + "$2box$3") + e; - } - break; - case 5936: - switch (ji(e, t + 11)) { - case 114: - return $r + e + na + Yr(e, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, "tb") + e; - case 108: - return $r + e + na + Yr(e, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, "tb-rl") + e; - case 45: - return $r + e + na + Yr(e, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, "lr") + e; - } - return $r + e + na + e + e; - } - return e; -} -var tW = function(t, r, o, a) { - if (t.length > -1 && !t.return) - switch (t.type) { - case sk: - t.return = s$(t.value, t.length); - break; - case t$: - return Av([xy(t, { - value: Yr(t.value, "@", "@" + $r) - })], a); - case ak: - if (t.length) - return A7(t.props, function(c) { - switch (P7(c, /(::plac\w+|:read-\w+)/)) { - case ":read-only": - case ":read-write": - return Av([xy(t, { - props: [Yr(c, /:(read-\w+)/, ":" + R1 + "$1")] - })], a); - case "::placeholder": - return Av([xy(t, { - props: [Yr(c, /:(plac\w+)/, ":" + $r + "input-$1")] - }), xy(t, { - props: [Yr(c, /:(plac\w+)/, ":" + R1 + "$1")] - }), xy(t, { - props: [Yr(c, /:(plac\w+)/, na + "input-$1")] - })], a); - } - return ""; - }); - } -}, nW = [tW], rW = function(t) { - var r = t.key; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !r) - throw new Error(`You have to configure \`key\` for your cache. Please make sure it's unique (and not equal to 'css') as it's used for linking styles to your cache. -If multiple caches share the same key they might "fight" for each other's style elements.`); - if (r === "css") { - var o = document.querySelectorAll("style[data-emotion]:not([data-s])"); - Array.prototype.forEach.call(o, function(k) { - var I = k.getAttribute("data-emotion"); - I.indexOf(" ") !== -1 && (document.head.appendChild(k), k.setAttribute("data-s", "")); - }); - } - var a = t.stylisPlugins || nW; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && /[^a-z-]/.test(r)) - throw new Error('Emotion key must only contain lower case alphabetical characters and - but "' + r + '" was passed'); - var c = {}, u, p = []; - u = t.container || document.head, Array.prototype.forEach.call( - // this means we will ignore elements which don't have a space in them which - // means that the style elements we're looking at are only Emotion 11 server-rendered style elements - document.querySelectorAll('style[data-emotion^="' + r + ' "]'), - function(k) { - for (var I = k.getAttribute("data-emotion").split(" "), M = 1; M < I.length; M++) - c[I[M]] = !0; - p.push(k); - } - ); - var v, h = [K7, Y7]; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && h.push(Q7({ - get compat() { - return R.compat; - } - }), eW); - { - var m, b = [V7, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? function(k) { - k.root || (k.return ? m.insert(k.return) : k.value && k.type !== ik && m.insert(k.value + "{}")); - } : H7(function(k) { - m.insert(k); - })], _ = B7(h.concat(a, b)), T = function(I) { - return Av(z7(I), _); - }; - v = function(I, M, L, P) { - m = L, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && M.map !== void 0 && (m = { - insert: function(D) { - L.insert(D + M.map); - } - }), T(I ? I + "{" + M.styles + "}" : M.styles), P && (R.inserted[M.name] = !0); - }; - } - var R = { - key: r, - sheet: new R7({ - key: r, - container: u, - nonce: t.nonce, - speedy: t.speedy, - prepend: t.prepend, - insertionPoint: t.insertionPoint - }), - nonce: t.nonce, - inserted: c, - registered: {}, - insert: v - }; - return R.sheet.hydrate(p), R; -}, oW = !0; -function uk(e, t, r) { - var o = ""; - return r.split(" ").forEach(function(a) { - e[a] !== void 0 ? t.push(e[a] + ";") : o += a + " "; - }), o; -} -var tC = function(t, r, o) { - var a = t.key + "-" + r.name; - // we only need to add the styles to the registered cache if the - // class name could be used further down - // the tree but if it's a string tag, we know it won't - // so we don't have to add it to registered cache. - // this improves memory usage since we can avoid storing the whole style string - (o === !1 || // we need to always store it if we're in compat mode and - // in node since emotion-server relies on whether a style is in - // the registered cache to know whether a style is global or not - // also, note that this check will be dead code eliminated in the browser - oW === !1) && t.registered[a] === void 0 && (t.registered[a] = r.styles); -}, nC = function(t, r, o) { - tC(t, r, o); - var a = t.key + "-" + r.name; - if (t.inserted[r.name] === void 0) { - var c = r; - do - t.insert(r === c ? "." + a : "", c, t.sheet, !0), c = c.next; - while (c !== void 0); - } -}; -function iW(e) { - for (var t = 0, r, o = 0, a = e.length; a >= 4; ++o, a -= 4) - r = e.charCodeAt(o) & 255 | (e.charCodeAt(++o) & 255) << 8 | (e.charCodeAt(++o) & 255) << 16 | (e.charCodeAt(++o) & 255) << 24, r = /* Math.imul(k, m): */ - (r & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((r >>> 16) * 59797 << 16), r ^= /* k >>> r: */ - r >>> 24, t = /* Math.imul(k, m): */ - (r & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((r >>> 16) * 59797 << 16) ^ /* Math.imul(h, m): */ - (t & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((t >>> 16) * 59797 << 16); - switch (a) { - case 3: - t ^= (e.charCodeAt(o + 2) & 255) << 16; - case 2: - t ^= (e.charCodeAt(o + 1) & 255) << 8; - case 1: - t ^= e.charCodeAt(o) & 255, t = /* Math.imul(h, m): */ - (t & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((t >>> 16) * 59797 << 16); - } - return t ^= t >>> 13, t = /* Math.imul(h, m): */ - (t & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((t >>> 16) * 59797 << 16), ((t ^ t >>> 15) >>> 0).toString(36); -} -var aW = { - animationIterationCount: 1, - borderImageOutset: 1, - borderImageSlice: 1, - borderImageWidth: 1, - boxFlex: 1, - boxFlexGroup: 1, - boxOrdinalGroup: 1, - columnCount: 1, - columns: 1, - flex: 1, - flexGrow: 1, - flexPositive: 1, - flexShrink: 1, - flexNegative: 1, - flexOrder: 1, - gridRow: 1, - gridRowEnd: 1, - gridRowSpan: 1, - gridRowStart: 1, - gridColumn: 1, - gridColumnEnd: 1, - gridColumnSpan: 1, - gridColumnStart: 1, - msGridRow: 1, - msGridRowSpan: 1, - msGridColumn: 1, - msGridColumnSpan: 1, - fontWeight: 1, - lineHeight: 1, - opacity: 1, - order: 1, - orphans: 1, - tabSize: 1, - widows: 1, - zIndex: 1, - zoom: 1, - WebkitLineClamp: 1, - // SVG-related properties - fillOpacity: 1, - floodOpacity: 1, - stopOpacity: 1, - strokeDasharray: 1, - strokeDashoffset: 1, - strokeMiterlimit: 1, - strokeOpacity: 1, - strokeWidth: 1 -}, OF = `You have illegal escape sequence in your template literal, most likely inside content's property value. -Because you write your CSS inside a JavaScript string you actually have to do double escaping, so for example "content: '\\00d7';" should become "content: '\\\\00d7';". -You can read more about this here: -https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals#ES2018_revision_of_illegal_escape_sequences`, sW = "You have passed in falsy value as style object's key (can happen when in example you pass unexported component as computed key).", lW = /[A-Z]|^ms/g, l$ = /_EMO_([^_]+?)_([^]*?)_EMO_/g, ck = function(t) { - return t.charCodeAt(1) === 45; -}, kF = function(t) { - return t != null && typeof t != "boolean"; -}, IT = /* @__PURE__ */ e$(function(e) { - return ck(e) ? e : e.replace(lW, "-$&").toLowerCase(); -}), O1 = function(t, r) { - switch (t) { - case "animation": - case "animationName": - if (typeof r == "string") - return r.replace(l$, function(o, a, c) { - return Rl = { - name: a, - styles: c, - next: Rl - }, a; - }); - } - return aW[t] !== 1 && !ck(t) && typeof r == "number" && r !== 0 ? r + "px" : r; -}; -if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - var uW = /(var|attr|counters?|url|element|(((repeating-)?(linear|radial))|conic)-gradient)\(|(no-)?(open|close)-quote/, cW = ["normal", "none", "initial", "inherit", "unset"], dW = O1, fW = /^-ms-/, pW = /-(.)/g, IF = {}; - O1 = function(t, r) { - if (t === "content" && (typeof r != "string" || cW.indexOf(r) === -1 && !uW.test(r) && (r.charAt(0) !== r.charAt(r.length - 1) || r.charAt(0) !== '"' && r.charAt(0) !== "'"))) - throw new Error("You seem to be using a value for 'content' without quotes, try replacing it with `content: '\"" + r + "\"'`"); - var o = dW(t, r); - return o !== "" && !ck(t) && t.indexOf("-") !== -1 && IF[t] === void 0 && (IF[t] = !0, console.error("Using kebab-case for css properties in objects is not supported. Did you mean " + t.replace(fW, "ms-").replace(pW, function(a, c) { - return c.toUpperCase(); - }) + "?")), o; - }; -} -var u$ = "Component selectors can only be used in conjunction with @emotion/babel-plugin, the swc Emotion plugin, or another Emotion-aware compiler transform."; -function db(e, t, r) { - if (r == null) - return ""; - if (r.__emotion_styles !== void 0) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && r.toString() === "NO_COMPONENT_SELECTOR") - throw new Error(u$); - return r; - } - switch (typeof r) { - case "boolean": - return ""; - case "object": { - if (r.anim === 1) - return Rl = { - name: r.name, - styles: r.styles, - next: Rl - }, r.name; - if (r.styles !== void 0) { - var o = r.next; - if (o !== void 0) - for (; o !== void 0; ) - Rl = { - name: o.name, - styles: o.styles, - next: Rl - }, o = o.next; - var a = r.styles + ";"; - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && r.map !== void 0 && (a += r.map), a; - } - return hW(e, t, r); - } - case "function": { - if (e !== void 0) { - var c = Rl, u = r(e); - return Rl = c, db(e, t, u); - } else - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.error("Functions that are interpolated in css calls will be stringified.\nIf you want to have a css call based on props, create a function that returns a css call like this\nlet dynamicStyle = (props) => css`color: ${props.color}`\nIt can be called directly with props or interpolated in a styled call like this\nlet SomeComponent = styled('div')`${dynamicStyle}`"); - break; - } - case "string": - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - var p = [], v = r.replace(l$, function(m, b, _) { - var T = "animation" + p.length; - return p.push("const " + T + " = keyframes`" + _.replace(/^@keyframes animation-\w+/, "") + "`"), "${" + T + "}"; - }); - p.length && console.error("`keyframes` output got interpolated into plain string, please wrap it with `css`.\n\nInstead of doing this:\n\n" + [].concat(p, ["`" + v + "`"]).join(` -`) + ` - -You should wrap it with \`css\` like this: - -` + ("css`" + v + "`")); - } - break; - } - if (t == null) - return r; - var h = t[r]; - return h !== void 0 ? h : r; -} -function hW(e, t, r) { - var o = ""; - if (Array.isArray(r)) - for (var a = 0; a < r.length; a++) - o += db(e, t, r[a]) + ";"; - else - for (var c in r) { - var u = r[c]; - if (typeof u != "object") - t != null && t[u] !== void 0 ? o += c + "{" + t[u] + "}" : kF(u) && (o += IT(c) + ":" + O1(c, u) + ";"); - else { - if (c === "NO_COMPONENT_SELECTOR" && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") - throw new Error(u$); - if (Array.isArray(u) && typeof u[0] == "string" && (t == null || t[u[0]] === void 0)) - for (var p = 0; p < u.length; p++) - kF(u[p]) && (o += IT(c) + ":" + O1(c, u[p]) + ";"); - else { - var v = db(e, t, u); - switch (c) { - case "animation": - case "animationName": { - o += IT(c) + ":" + v + ";"; - break; - } - default: - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && c === "undefined" && console.error(sW), o += c + "{" + v + "}"; - } - } - } - } - return o; -} -var NF = /label:\s*([^\s;\n{]+)\s*(;|$)/g, c$; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (c$ = /\/\*#\ssourceMappingURL=data:application\/json;\S+\s+\*\//g); -var Rl, Vv = function(t, r, o) { - if (t.length === 1 && typeof t[0] == "object" && t[0] !== null && t[0].styles !== void 0) - return t[0]; - var a = !0, c = ""; - Rl = void 0; - var u = t[0]; - u == null || u.raw === void 0 ? (a = !1, c += db(o, r, u)) : (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && u[0] === void 0 && console.error(OF), c += u[0]); - for (var p = 1; p < t.length; p++) - c += db(o, r, t[p]), a && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && u[p] === void 0 && console.error(OF), c += u[p]); - var v; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (c = c.replace(c$, function(_) { - return v = _, ""; - })), NF.lastIndex = 0; - for (var h = "", m; (m = NF.exec(c)) !== null; ) - h += "-" + // $FlowFixMe we know it's not null - m[1]; - var b = iW(c) + h; - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { - name: b, - styles: c, - map: v, - next: Rl, - toString: function() { - return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; - } - } : { - name: b, - styles: c, - next: Rl - }; -}, vW = function(t) { - return t(); -}, d$ = Ld.useInsertionEffect ? Ld.useInsertionEffect : !1, dk = d$ || vW, PF = d$ || j.useLayoutEffect, gW = {}.hasOwnProperty, fk = /* @__PURE__ */ j.createContext( - // we're doing this to avoid preconstruct's dead code elimination in this one case - // because this module is primarily intended for the browser and node - // but it's also required in react native and similar environments sometimes - // and we could have a special build just for that - // but this is much easier and the native packages - // might use a different theme context in the future anyway - typeof HTMLElement < "u" ? /* @__PURE__ */ rW({ - key: "css" - }) : null -); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (fk.displayName = "EmotionCacheContext"); -fk.Provider; -var rC = function(t) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ j.forwardRef(function(r, o) { - var a = j.useContext(fk); - return t(r, a, o); - }); -}, ng = /* @__PURE__ */ j.createContext({}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (ng.displayName = "EmotionThemeContext"); -var AF = "__EMOTION_TYPE_PLEASE_DO_NOT_USE__", FF = "__EMOTION_LABEL_PLEASE_DO_NOT_USE__", mW = function(t) { - var r = t.cache, o = t.serialized, a = t.isStringTag; - return tC(r, o, a), dk(function() { - return nC(r, o, a); - }), null; -}, yW = /* @__PURE__ */ rC(function(e, t, r) { - var o = e.css; - typeof o == "string" && t.registered[o] !== void 0 && (o = t.registered[o]); - var a = e[AF], c = [o], u = ""; - typeof e.className == "string" ? u = uk(t.registered, c, e.className) : e.className != null && (u = e.className + " "); - var p = Vv(c, void 0, j.useContext(ng)); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && p.name.indexOf("-") === -1) { - var v = e[FF]; - v && (p = Vv([p, "label:" + v + ";"])); - } - u += t.key + "-" + p.name; - var h = {}; - for (var m in e) - gW.call(e, m) && m !== "css" && m !== AF && (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || m !== FF) && (h[m] = e[m]); - return h.ref = r, h.className = u, /* @__PURE__ */ j.createElement(j.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ j.createElement(mW, { - cache: t, - serialized: p, - isStringTag: typeof a == "string" - }), /* @__PURE__ */ j.createElement(a, h)); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (yW.displayName = "EmotionCssPropInternal"); -var bW = { - name: "@emotion/react", - version: "11.10.6", - main: "dist/emotion-react.cjs.js", - module: "dist/emotion-react.esm.js", - browser: { - "./dist/emotion-react.esm.js": "./dist/emotion-react.browser.esm.js" - }, - exports: { - ".": { - module: { - worker: "./dist/emotion-react.worker.esm.js", - browser: "./dist/emotion-react.browser.esm.js", - default: "./dist/emotion-react.esm.js" - }, - default: "./dist/emotion-react.cjs.js" - }, - "./jsx-runtime": { - module: { - worker: "./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.worker.esm.js", - browser: "./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.browser.esm.js", - default: "./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.esm.js" - }, - default: "./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.cjs.js" - }, - "./_isolated-hnrs": { - module: { - worker: "./_isolated-hnrs/dist/emotion-react-_isolated-hnrs.worker.esm.js", - browser: "./_isolated-hnrs/dist/emotion-react-_isolated-hnrs.browser.esm.js", - default: "./_isolated-hnrs/dist/emotion-react-_isolated-hnrs.esm.js" - }, - default: "./_isolated-hnrs/dist/emotion-react-_isolated-hnrs.cjs.js" - }, - "./jsx-dev-runtime": { - module: { - worker: "./jsx-dev-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-dev-runtime.worker.esm.js", - browser: "./jsx-dev-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-dev-runtime.browser.esm.js", - default: "./jsx-dev-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-dev-runtime.esm.js" - }, - default: "./jsx-dev-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-dev-runtime.cjs.js" - }, - "./package.json": "./package.json", - "./types/css-prop": "./types/css-prop.d.ts", - "./macro": "./macro.js" - }, - types: "types/index.d.ts", - files: [ - "src", - "dist", - "jsx-runtime", - "jsx-dev-runtime", - "_isolated-hnrs", - "types/*.d.ts", - "macro.js", - "macro.d.ts", - "macro.js.flow" - ], - sideEffects: !1, - author: "Emotion Contributors", - license: "MIT", - scripts: { - "test:typescript": "dtslint types" - }, - dependencies: { - "@babel/runtime": "^7.18.3", - "@emotion/babel-plugin": "^11.10.6", - "@emotion/cache": "^11.10.5", - "@emotion/serialize": "^1.1.1", - "@emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks": "^1.0.0", - "@emotion/utils": "^1.2.0", - "@emotion/weak-memoize": "^0.3.0", - "hoist-non-react-statics": "^3.3.1" - }, - peerDependencies: { - react: ">=16.8.0" - }, - peerDependenciesMeta: { - "@types/react": { - optional: !0 - } - }, - devDependencies: { - "@definitelytyped/dtslint": "0.0.112", - "@emotion/css": "11.10.6", - "@emotion/css-prettifier": "1.1.1", - "@emotion/server": "11.10.0", - "@emotion/styled": "11.10.6", - "html-tag-names": "^1.1.2", - react: "16.14.0", - "svg-tag-names": "^1.1.1", - typescript: "^4.5.5" - }, - repository: "https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/react", - publishConfig: { - access: "public" - }, - "umd:main": "dist/emotion-react.umd.min.js", - preconstruct: { - entrypoints: [ - "./index.js", - "./jsx-runtime.js", - "./jsx-dev-runtime.js", - "./_isolated-hnrs.js" - ], - umdName: "emotionReact", - exports: { - envConditions: [ - "browser", - "worker" - ], - extra: { - "./types/css-prop": "./types/css-prop.d.ts", - "./macro": "./macro.js" - } - } - } -}, MF = !1, f$ = /* @__PURE__ */ rC(function(e, t) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !MF && // check for className as well since the user is - // probably using the custom createElement which - // means it will be turned into a className prop - // $FlowFixMe I don't really want to add it to the type since it shouldn't be used - (e.className || e.css) && (console.error("It looks like you're using the css prop on Global, did you mean to use the styles prop instead?"), MF = !0); - var r = e.styles, o = Vv([r], void 0, j.useContext(ng)), a = j.useRef(); - return PF(function() { - var c = t.key + "-global", u = new t.sheet.constructor({ - key: c, - nonce: t.sheet.nonce, - container: t.sheet.container, - speedy: t.sheet.isSpeedy - }), p = !1, v = document.querySelector('style[data-emotion="' + c + " " + o.name + '"]'); - return t.sheet.tags.length && (u.before = t.sheet.tags[0]), v !== null && (p = !0, v.setAttribute("data-emotion", c), u.hydrate([v])), a.current = [u, p], function() { - u.flush(); - }; - }, [t]), PF(function() { - var c = a.current, u = c[0], p = c[1]; - if (p) { - c[1] = !1; - return; - } - if (o.next !== void 0 && nC(t, o.next, !0), u.tags.length) { - var v = u.tags[u.tags.length - 1].nextElementSibling; - u.before = v, u.flush(); - } - t.insert("", o, u, !1); - }, [t, o.name]), null; -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (f$.displayName = "EmotionGlobal"); -function pk() { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) - t[r] = arguments[r]; - return Vv(t); -} -var Tb = function() { - var t = pk.apply(void 0, arguments), r = "animation-" + t.name; - return { - name: r, - styles: "@keyframes " + r + "{" + t.styles + "}", - anim: 1, - toString: function() { - return "_EMO_" + this.name + "_" + this.styles + "_EMO_"; - } - }; -}, SW = function e(t) { - for (var r = t.length, o = 0, a = ""; o < r; o++) { - var c = t[o]; - if (c != null) { - var u = void 0; - switch (typeof c) { - case "boolean": - break; - case "object": { - if (Array.isArray(c)) - u = e(c); - else { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && c.styles !== void 0 && c.name !== void 0 && console.error("You have passed styles created with `css` from `@emotion/react` package to the `cx`.\n`cx` is meant to compose class names (strings) so you should convert those styles to a class name by passing them to the `css` received from component."), u = ""; - for (var p in c) - c[p] && p && (u && (u += " "), u += p); - } - break; - } - default: - u = c; - } - u && (a && (a += " "), a += u); - } - } - return a; -}; -function xW(e, t, r) { - var o = [], a = uk(e, o, r); - return o.length < 2 ? r : a + t(o); -} -var CW = function(t) { - var r = t.cache, o = t.serializedArr; - return dk(function() { - for (var a = 0; a < o.length; a++) - nC(r, o[a], !1); - }), null; -}, _W = /* @__PURE__ */ rC(function(e, t) { - var r = !1, o = [], a = function() { - if (r && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") - throw new Error("css can only be used during render"); - for (var h = arguments.length, m = new Array(h), b = 0; b < h; b++) - m[b] = arguments[b]; - var _ = Vv(m, t.registered); - return o.push(_), tC(t, _, !1), t.key + "-" + _.name; - }, c = function() { - if (r && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") - throw new Error("cx can only be used during render"); - for (var h = arguments.length, m = new Array(h), b = 0; b < h; b++) - m[b] = arguments[b]; - return xW(t.registered, a, SW(m)); - }, u = { - css: a, - cx: c, - theme: j.useContext(ng) - }, p = e.children(u); - return r = !0, /* @__PURE__ */ j.createElement(j.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ j.createElement(CW, { - cache: t, - serializedArr: o - }), p); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (_W.displayName = "EmotionClassNames"); -if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - var DF = !0, EW = typeof jest < "u" || typeof vi < "u"; - if (DF && !EW) { - var LF = ( - // $FlowIgnore - typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : DF ? window : global - ), jF = "__EMOTION_REACT_" + bW.version.split(".")[0] + "__"; - LF[jF] && console.warn("You are loading @emotion/react when it is already loaded. Running multiple instances may cause problems. This can happen if multiple versions are used, or if multiple builds of the same version are used."), LF[jF] = !0; - } -} -var wW = E7, TW = function(t) { - return t !== "theme"; -}, $F = function(t) { - return typeof t == "string" && // 96 is one less than the char code - // for "a" so this is checking that - // it's a lowercase character - t.charCodeAt(0) > 96 ? wW : TW; -}, zF = function(t, r, o) { - var a; - if (r) { - var c = r.shouldForwardProp; - a = t.__emotion_forwardProp && c ? function(u) { - return t.__emotion_forwardProp(u) && c(u); - } : c; - } - return typeof a != "function" && o && (a = t.__emotion_forwardProp), a; -}, UF = `You have illegal escape sequence in your template literal, most likely inside content's property value. -Because you write your CSS inside a JavaScript string you actually have to do double escaping, so for example "content: '\\00d7';" should become "content: '\\\\00d7';". -You can read more about this here: -https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals#ES2018_revision_of_illegal_escape_sequences`, RW = function(t) { - var r = t.cache, o = t.serialized, a = t.isStringTag; - return tC(r, o, a), dk(function() { - return nC(r, o, a); - }), null; -}, OW = function e(t, r) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && t === void 0) - throw new Error(`You are trying to create a styled element with an undefined component. -You may have forgotten to import it.`); - var o = t.__emotion_real === t, a = o && t.__emotion_base || t, c, u; - r !== void 0 && (c = r.label, u = r.target); - var p = zF(t, r, o), v = p || $F(a), h = !v("as"); - return function() { - var m = arguments, b = o && t.__emotion_styles !== void 0 ? t.__emotion_styles.slice(0) : []; - if (c !== void 0 && b.push("label:" + c + ";"), m[0] == null || m[0].raw === void 0) - b.push.apply(b, m); - else { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && m[0][0] === void 0 && console.error(UF), b.push(m[0][0]); - for (var _ = m.length, T = 1; T < _; T++) - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && m[0][T] === void 0 && console.error(UF), b.push(m[T], m[0][T]); - } - var R = rC(function(k, I, M) { - var L = h && k.as || a, P = "", B = [], D = k; - if (k.theme == null) { - D = {}; - for (var V in k) - D[V] = k[V]; - D.theme = j.useContext(ng); - } - typeof k.className == "string" ? P = uk(I.registered, B, k.className) : k.className != null && (P = k.className + " "); - var U = Vv(b.concat(B), I.registered, D); - P += I.key + "-" + U.name, u !== void 0 && (P += " " + u); - var ee = h && p === void 0 ? $F(L) : v, re = {}; - for (var oe in k) - h && oe === "as" || // $FlowFixMe - ee(oe) && (re[oe] = k[oe]); - return re.className = P, re.ref = M, /* @__PURE__ */ j.createElement(j.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ j.createElement(RW, { - cache: I, - serialized: U, - isStringTag: typeof L == "string" - }), /* @__PURE__ */ j.createElement(L, re)); - }); - return R.displayName = c !== void 0 ? c : "Styled(" + (typeof a == "string" ? a : a.displayName || a.name || "Component") + ")", R.defaultProps = t.defaultProps, R.__emotion_real = R, R.__emotion_base = a, R.__emotion_styles = b, R.__emotion_forwardProp = p, Object.defineProperty(R, "toString", { - value: function() { - return u === void 0 && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "NO_COMPONENT_SELECTOR" : "." + u; - } - }), R.withComponent = function(k, I) { - return e(k, Y({}, r, I, { - shouldForwardProp: zF(R, I, !0) - })).apply(void 0, b); - }, R; - }; -}, kW = [ - "a", - "abbr", - "address", - "area", - "article", - "aside", - "audio", - "b", - "base", - "bdi", - "bdo", - "big", - "blockquote", - "body", - "br", - "button", - "canvas", - "caption", - "cite", - "code", - "col", - "colgroup", - "data", - "datalist", - "dd", - "del", - "details", - "dfn", - "dialog", - "div", - "dl", - "dt", - "em", - "embed", - "fieldset", - "figcaption", - "figure", - "footer", - "form", - "h1", - "h2", - "h3", - "h4", - "h5", - "h6", - "head", - "header", - "hgroup", - "hr", - "html", - "i", - "iframe", - "img", - "input", - "ins", - "kbd", - "keygen", - "label", - "legend", - "li", - "link", - "main", - "map", - "mark", - "marquee", - "menu", - "menuitem", - "meta", - "meter", - "nav", - "noscript", - "object", - "ol", - "optgroup", - "option", - "output", - "p", - "param", - "picture", - "pre", - "progress", - "q", - "rp", - "rt", - "ruby", - "s", - "samp", - "script", - "section", - "select", - "small", - "source", - "span", - "strong", - "style", - "sub", - "summary", - "sup", - "table", - "tbody", - "td", - "textarea", - "tfoot", - "th", - "thead", - "time", - "title", - "tr", - "track", - "u", - "ul", - "var", - "video", - "wbr", - // SVG - "circle", - "clipPath", - "defs", - "ellipse", - "foreignObject", - "g", - "image", - "line", - "linearGradient", - "mask", - "path", - "pattern", - "polygon", - "polyline", - "radialGradient", - "rect", - "stop", - "svg", - "text", - "tspan" -], JR = OW.bind(); -kW.forEach(function(e) { - JR[e] = JR(e); -}); -function IW(e) { - return e == null || Object.keys(e).length === 0; -} -function p$(e) { - const { - styles: t, - defaultTheme: r = {} - } = e, o = typeof t == "function" ? (a) => t(IW(a) ? r : a) : t; - return /* @__PURE__ */ A.jsx(f$, { - styles: o - }); -} -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (p$.propTypes = { - defaultTheme: s.object, - styles: s.oneOfType([s.array, s.string, s.object, s.func]) -}); -/** - * @mui/styled-engine v5.12.0 - * - * @license MIT - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -function h$(e, t) { - const r = JR(e, t); - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? (...o) => { - const a = typeof e == "string" ? `"${e}"` : "component"; - return o.length === 0 ? console.error([`MUI: Seems like you called \`styled(${a})()\` without a \`style\` argument.`, 'You must provide a `styles` argument: `styled("div")(styleYouForgotToPass)`.'].join(` -`)) : o.some((c) => c === void 0) && console.error(`MUI: the styled(${a})(...args) API requires all its args to be defined.`), r(...o); - } : r; -} -const NW = (e, t) => { - Array.isArray(e.__emotion_styles) && (e.__emotion_styles = t(e.__emotion_styles)); -}; -function zt(e, t) { - if (e == null) - return {}; - var r = {}, o = Object.keys(e), a, c; - for (c = 0; c < o.length; c++) - a = o[c], !(t.indexOf(a) >= 0) && (r[a] = e[a]); - return r; -} -const PW = ["values", "unit", "step"], AW = (e) => { - const t = Object.keys(e).map((r) => ({ - key: r, - val: e[r] - })) || []; - return t.sort((r, o) => r.val - o.val), t.reduce((r, o) => Y({}, r, { - [o.key]: o.val - }), {}); -}; -function FW(e) { - const { - // The breakpoint **start** at this value. - // For instance with the first breakpoint xs: [xs, sm). - values: t = { - xs: 0, - // phone - sm: 600, - // tablet - md: 900, - // small laptop - lg: 1200, - // desktop - xl: 1536 - // large screen - }, - unit: r = "px", - step: o = 5 - } = e, a = zt(e, PW), c = AW(t), u = Object.keys(c); - function p(_) { - return `@media (min-width:${typeof t[_] == "number" ? t[_] : _}${r})`; - } - function v(_) { - return `@media (max-width:${(typeof t[_] == "number" ? t[_] : _) - o / 100}${r})`; - } - function h(_, T) { - const R = u.indexOf(T); - return `@media (min-width:${typeof t[_] == "number" ? t[_] : _}${r}) and (max-width:${(R !== -1 && typeof t[u[R]] == "number" ? t[u[R]] : T) - o / 100}${r})`; - } - function m(_) { - return u.indexOf(_) + 1 < u.length ? h(_, u[u.indexOf(_) + 1]) : p(_); - } - function b(_) { - const T = u.indexOf(_); - return T === 0 ? p(u[1]) : T === u.length - 1 ? v(u[T]) : h(_, u[u.indexOf(_) + 1]).replace("@media", "@media not all and"); - } - return Y({ - keys: u, - values: c, - up: p, - down: v, - between: h, - only: m, - not: b, - unit: r - }, a); -} -const MW = { - borderRadius: 4 -}, DW = MW, LW = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? s.oneOfType([s.number, s.string, s.object, s.array]) : {}, Hd = LW; -function Jy(e, t) { - return t ? Za(e, t, { - clone: !1 - // No need to clone deep, it's way faster. - }) : e; -} -const hk = { - xs: 0, - // phone - sm: 600, - // tablet - md: 900, - // small laptop - lg: 1200, - // desktop - xl: 1536 - // large screen -}, VF = { - // Sorted ASC by size. That's important. - // It can't be configured as it's used statically for propTypes. - keys: ["xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl"], - up: (e) => `@media (min-width:${hk[e]}px)` -}; -function is(e, t, r) { - const o = e.theme || {}; - if (Array.isArray(t)) { - const c = o.breakpoints || VF; - return t.reduce((u, p, v) => (u[c.up(c.keys[v])] = r(t[v]), u), {}); - } - if (typeof t == "object") { - const c = o.breakpoints || VF; - return Object.keys(t).reduce((u, p) => { - if (Object.keys(c.values || hk).indexOf(p) !== -1) { - const v = c.up(p); - u[v] = r(t[p], p); - } else { - const v = p; - u[v] = t[v]; - } - return u; - }, {}); - } - return r(t); -} -function v$(e = {}) { - var t; - return ((t = e.keys) == null ? void 0 : t.reduce((o, a) => { - const c = e.up(a); - return o[c] = {}, o; - }, {})) || {}; -} -function g$(e, t) { - return e.reduce((r, o) => { - const a = r[o]; - return (!a || Object.keys(a).length === 0) && delete r[o], r; - }, t); -} -function jW(e, ...t) { - const r = v$(e), o = [r, ...t].reduce((a, c) => Za(a, c), {}); - return g$(Object.keys(r), o); -} -function $W(e, t) { - if (typeof e != "object") - return {}; - const r = {}, o = Object.keys(t); - return Array.isArray(e) ? o.forEach((a, c) => { - c < e.length && (r[a] = !0); - }) : o.forEach((a) => { - e[a] != null && (r[a] = !0); - }), r; -} -function up({ - values: e, - breakpoints: t, - base: r -}) { - const o = r || $W(e, t), a = Object.keys(o); - if (a.length === 0) - return e; - let c; - return a.reduce((u, p, v) => (Array.isArray(e) ? (u[p] = e[v] != null ? e[v] : e[c], c = v) : typeof e == "object" ? (u[p] = e[p] != null ? e[p] : e[c], c = p) : u[p] = e, u), {}); -} -function Bv(e, t, r = !0) { - if (!t || typeof t != "string") - return null; - if (e && e.vars && r) { - const o = `vars.${t}`.split(".").reduce((a, c) => a && a[c] ? a[c] : null, e); - if (o != null) - return o; - } - return t.split(".").reduce((o, a) => o && o[a] != null ? o[a] : null, e); -} -function k1(e, t, r, o = r) { - let a; - return typeof e == "function" ? a = e(r) : Array.isArray(e) ? a = e[r] || o : a = Bv(e, r) || o, t && (a = t(a, o, e)), a; -} -function Xr(e) { - const { - prop: t, - cssProperty: r = e.prop, - themeKey: o, - transform: a - } = e, c = (u) => { - if (u[t] == null) - return null; - const p = u[t], v = u.theme, h = Bv(v, o) || {}; - return is(u, p, (b) => { - let _ = k1(h, a, b); - return b === _ && typeof b == "string" && (_ = k1(h, a, `${t}${b === "default" ? "" : yt(b)}`, b)), r === !1 ? _ : { - [r]: _ - }; - }); - }; - return c.propTypes = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { - [t]: Hd - } : {}, c.filterProps = [t], c; -} -function zW(e) { - const t = {}; - return (r) => (t[r] === void 0 && (t[r] = e(r)), t[r]); -} -const UW = { - m: "margin", - p: "padding" -}, VW = { - t: "Top", - r: "Right", - b: "Bottom", - l: "Left", - x: ["Left", "Right"], - y: ["Top", "Bottom"] -}, BF = { - marginX: "mx", - marginY: "my", - paddingX: "px", - paddingY: "py" -}, BW = zW((e) => { - if (e.length > 2) - if (BF[e]) - e = BF[e]; - else - return [e]; - const [t, r] = e.split(""), o = UW[t], a = VW[r] || ""; - return Array.isArray(a) ? a.map((c) => o + c) : [o + a]; -}), oC = ["m", "mt", "mr", "mb", "ml", "mx", "my", "margin", "marginTop", "marginRight", "marginBottom", "marginLeft", "marginX", "marginY", "marginInline", "marginInlineStart", "marginInlineEnd", "marginBlock", "marginBlockStart", "marginBlockEnd"], iC = ["p", "pt", "pr", "pb", "pl", "px", "py", "padding", "paddingTop", "paddingRight", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft", "paddingX", "paddingY", "paddingInline", "paddingInlineStart", "paddingInlineEnd", "paddingBlock", "paddingBlockStart", "paddingBlockEnd"], HW = [...oC, ...iC]; -function Rb(e, t, r, o) { - var a; - const c = (a = Bv(e, t, !1)) != null ? a : r; - return typeof c == "number" ? (u) => typeof u == "string" ? u : (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && typeof u != "number" && console.error(`MUI: Expected ${o} argument to be a number or a string, got ${u}.`), c * u) : Array.isArray(c) ? (u) => typeof u == "string" ? u : (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Number.isInteger(u) ? u > c.length - 1 && console.error([`MUI: The value provided (${u}) overflows.`, `The supported values are: ${JSON.stringify(c)}.`, `${u} > ${c.length - 1}, you need to add the missing values.`].join(` -`)) : console.error([`MUI: The \`theme.${t}\` array type cannot be combined with non integer values.You should either use an integer value that can be used as index, or define the \`theme.${t}\` as a number.`].join(` -`))), c[u]) : typeof c == "function" ? c : (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.error([`MUI: The \`theme.${t}\` value (${c}) is invalid.`, "It should be a number, an array or a function."].join(` -`)), () => { - }); -} -function vk(e) { - return Rb(e, "spacing", 8, "spacing"); -} -function vp(e, t) { - if (typeof t == "string" || t == null) - return t; - const r = Math.abs(t), o = e(r); - return t >= 0 ? o : typeof o == "number" ? -o : `-${o}`; -} -function WW(e, t) { - return (r) => e.reduce((o, a) => (o[a] = vp(t, r), o), {}); -} -function qW(e, t, r, o) { - if (t.indexOf(r) === -1) - return null; - const a = BW(r), c = WW(a, o), u = e[r]; - return is(e, u, c); -} -function m$(e, t) { - const r = vk(e.theme); - return Object.keys(e).map((o) => qW(e, t, o, r)).reduce(Jy, {}); -} -function Fo(e) { - return m$(e, oC); -} -Fo.propTypes = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? oC.reduce((e, t) => (e[t] = Hd, e), {}) : {}; -Fo.filterProps = oC; -function Mo(e) { - return m$(e, iC); -} -Mo.propTypes = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? iC.reduce((e, t) => (e[t] = Hd, e), {}) : {}; -Mo.filterProps = iC; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && HW.reduce((e, t) => (e[t] = Hd, e), {}); -function GW(e = 8) { - if (e.mui) - return e; - const t = vk({ - spacing: e - }), r = (...o) => (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (o.length <= 4 || console.error(`MUI: Too many arguments provided, expected between 0 and 4, got ${o.length}`)), (o.length === 0 ? [1] : o).map((c) => { - const u = t(c); - return typeof u == "number" ? `${u}px` : u; - }).join(" ")); - return r.mui = !0, r; -} -function aC(...e) { - const t = e.reduce((o, a) => (a.filterProps.forEach((c) => { - o[c] = a; - }), o), {}), r = (o) => Object.keys(o).reduce((a, c) => t[c] ? Jy(a, t[c](o)) : a, {}); - return r.propTypes = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? e.reduce((o, a) => Object.assign(o, a.propTypes), {}) : {}, r.filterProps = e.reduce((o, a) => o.concat(a.filterProps), []), r; -} -function yu(e) { - return typeof e != "number" ? e : `${e}px solid`; -} -const KW = Xr({ - prop: "border", - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu -}), YW = Xr({ - prop: "borderTop", - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu -}), JW = Xr({ - prop: "borderRight", - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu -}), XW = Xr({ - prop: "borderBottom", - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu -}), QW = Xr({ - prop: "borderLeft", - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu -}), ZW = Xr({ - prop: "borderColor", - themeKey: "palette" -}), eq = Xr({ - prop: "borderTopColor", - themeKey: "palette" -}), tq = Xr({ - prop: "borderRightColor", - themeKey: "palette" -}), nq = Xr({ - prop: "borderBottomColor", - themeKey: "palette" -}), rq = Xr({ - prop: "borderLeftColor", - themeKey: "palette" -}), sC = (e) => { - if (e.borderRadius !== void 0 && e.borderRadius !== null) { - const t = Rb(e.theme, "shape.borderRadius", 4, "borderRadius"), r = (o) => ({ - borderRadius: vp(t, o) - }); - return is(e, e.borderRadius, r); - } - return null; -}; -sC.propTypes = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { - borderRadius: Hd -} : {}; -sC.filterProps = ["borderRadius"]; -aC(KW, YW, JW, XW, QW, ZW, eq, tq, nq, rq, sC); -const lC = (e) => { - if (e.gap !== void 0 && e.gap !== null) { - const t = Rb(e.theme, "spacing", 8, "gap"), r = (o) => ({ - gap: vp(t, o) - }); - return is(e, e.gap, r); - } - return null; -}; -lC.propTypes = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { - gap: Hd -} : {}; -lC.filterProps = ["gap"]; -const uC = (e) => { - if (e.columnGap !== void 0 && e.columnGap !== null) { - const t = Rb(e.theme, "spacing", 8, "columnGap"), r = (o) => ({ - columnGap: vp(t, o) - }); - return is(e, e.columnGap, r); - } - return null; -}; -uC.propTypes = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { - columnGap: Hd -} : {}; -uC.filterProps = ["columnGap"]; -const cC = (e) => { - if (e.rowGap !== void 0 && e.rowGap !== null) { - const t = Rb(e.theme, "spacing", 8, "rowGap"), r = (o) => ({ - rowGap: vp(t, o) - }); - return is(e, e.rowGap, r); - } - return null; -}; -cC.propTypes = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { - rowGap: Hd -} : {}; -cC.filterProps = ["rowGap"]; -const oq = Xr({ - prop: "gridColumn" -}), iq = Xr({ - prop: "gridRow" -}), aq = Xr({ - prop: "gridAutoFlow" -}), sq = Xr({ - prop: "gridAutoColumns" -}), lq = Xr({ - prop: "gridAutoRows" -}), uq = Xr({ - prop: "gridTemplateColumns" -}), cq = Xr({ - prop: "gridTemplateRows" -}), dq = Xr({ - prop: "gridTemplateAreas" -}), fq = Xr({ - prop: "gridArea" -}); -aC(lC, uC, cC, oq, iq, aq, sq, lq, uq, cq, dq, fq); -function Fv(e, t) { - return t === "grey" ? t : e; -} -const pq = Xr({ - prop: "color", - themeKey: "palette", - transform: Fv -}), hq = Xr({ - prop: "bgcolor", - cssProperty: "backgroundColor", - themeKey: "palette", - transform: Fv -}), vq = Xr({ - prop: "backgroundColor", - themeKey: "palette", - transform: Fv -}); -aC(pq, hq, vq); -function Ss(e) { - return e <= 1 && e !== 0 ? `${e * 100}%` : e; -} -const gq = Xr({ - prop: "width", - transform: Ss -}), gk = (e) => { - if (e.maxWidth !== void 0 && e.maxWidth !== null) { - const t = (r) => { - var o, a, c; - return { - maxWidth: ((o = e.theme) == null || (a = o.breakpoints) == null || (c = a.values) == null ? void 0 : c[r]) || hk[r] || Ss(r) - }; - }; - return is(e, e.maxWidth, t); - } - return null; -}; -gk.filterProps = ["maxWidth"]; -const mq = Xr({ - prop: "minWidth", - transform: Ss -}), yq = Xr({ - prop: "height", - transform: Ss -}), bq = Xr({ - prop: "maxHeight", - transform: Ss -}), Sq = Xr({ - prop: "minHeight", - transform: Ss -}); -Xr({ - prop: "size", - cssProperty: "width", - transform: Ss -}); -Xr({ - prop: "size", - cssProperty: "height", - transform: Ss -}); -const xq = Xr({ - prop: "boxSizing" -}); -aC(gq, gk, mq, yq, bq, Sq, xq); -const Cq = { - // borders - border: { - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu - }, - borderTop: { - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu - }, - borderRight: { - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu - }, - borderBottom: { - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu - }, - borderLeft: { - themeKey: "borders", - transform: yu - }, - borderColor: { - themeKey: "palette" - }, - borderTopColor: { - themeKey: "palette" - }, - borderRightColor: { - themeKey: "palette" - }, - borderBottomColor: { - themeKey: "palette" - }, - borderLeftColor: { - themeKey: "palette" - }, - borderRadius: { - themeKey: "shape.borderRadius", - style: sC - }, - // palette - color: { - themeKey: "palette", - transform: Fv - }, - bgcolor: { - themeKey: "palette", - cssProperty: "backgroundColor", - transform: Fv - }, - backgroundColor: { - themeKey: "palette", - transform: Fv - }, - // spacing - p: { - style: Mo - }, - pt: { - style: Mo - }, - pr: { - style: Mo - }, - pb: { - style: Mo - }, - pl: { - style: Mo - }, - px: { - style: Mo - }, - py: { - style: Mo - }, - padding: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingTop: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingRight: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingBottom: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingLeft: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingX: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingY: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingInline: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingInlineStart: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingInlineEnd: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingBlock: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingBlockStart: { - style: Mo - }, - paddingBlockEnd: { - style: Mo - }, - m: { - style: Fo - }, - mt: { - style: Fo - }, - mr: { - style: Fo - }, - mb: { - style: Fo - }, - ml: { - style: Fo - }, - mx: { - style: Fo - }, - my: { - style: Fo - }, - margin: { - style: Fo - }, - marginTop: { - style: Fo - }, - marginRight: { - style: Fo - }, - marginBottom: { - style: Fo - }, - marginLeft: { - style: Fo - }, - marginX: { - style: Fo - }, - marginY: { - style: Fo - }, - marginInline: { - style: Fo - }, - marginInlineStart: { - style: Fo - }, - marginInlineEnd: { - style: Fo - }, - marginBlock: { - style: Fo - }, - marginBlockStart: { - style: Fo - }, - marginBlockEnd: { - style: Fo - }, - // display - displayPrint: { - cssProperty: !1, - transform: (e) => ({ - "@media print": { - display: e - } - }) - }, - display: {}, - overflow: {}, - textOverflow: {}, - visibility: {}, - whiteSpace: {}, - // flexbox - flexBasis: {}, - flexDirection: {}, - flexWrap: {}, - justifyContent: {}, - alignItems: {}, - alignContent: {}, - order: {}, - flex: {}, - flexGrow: {}, - flexShrink: {}, - alignSelf: {}, - justifyItems: {}, - justifySelf: {}, - // grid - gap: { - style: lC - }, - rowGap: { - style: cC - }, - columnGap: { - style: uC - }, - gridColumn: {}, - gridRow: {}, - gridAutoFlow: {}, - gridAutoColumns: {}, - gridAutoRows: {}, - gridTemplateColumns: {}, - gridTemplateRows: {}, - gridTemplateAreas: {}, - gridArea: {}, - // positions - position: {}, - zIndex: { - themeKey: "zIndex" - }, - top: {}, - right: {}, - bottom: {}, - left: {}, - // shadows - boxShadow: { - themeKey: "shadows" - }, - // sizing - width: { - transform: Ss - }, - maxWidth: { - style: gk - }, - minWidth: { - transform: Ss - }, - height: { - transform: Ss - }, - maxHeight: { - transform: Ss - }, - minHeight: { - transform: Ss - }, - boxSizing: {}, - // typography - fontFamily: { - themeKey: "typography" - }, - fontSize: { - themeKey: "typography" - }, - fontStyle: { - themeKey: "typography" - }, - fontWeight: { - themeKey: "typography" - }, - letterSpacing: {}, - textTransform: {}, - lineHeight: {}, - textAlign: {}, - typography: { - cssProperty: !1, - themeKey: "typography" - } -}, dC = Cq; -function _q(...e) { - const t = e.reduce((o, a) => o.concat(Object.keys(a)), []), r = new Set(t); - return e.every((o) => r.size === Object.keys(o).length); -} -function Eq(e, t) { - return typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e; -} -function wq() { - function e(r, o, a, c) { - const u = { - [r]: o, - theme: a - }, p = c[r]; - if (!p) - return { - [r]: o - }; - const { - cssProperty: v = r, - themeKey: h, - transform: m, - style: b - } = p; - if (o == null) - return null; - if (h === "typography" && o === "inherit") - return { - [r]: o - }; - const _ = Bv(a, h) || {}; - return b ? b(u) : is(u, o, (R) => { - let k = k1(_, m, R); - return R === k && typeof R == "string" && (k = k1(_, m, `${r}${R === "default" ? "" : yt(R)}`, R)), v === !1 ? k : { - [v]: k - }; - }); - } - function t(r) { - var o; - const { - sx: a, - theme: c = {} - } = r || {}; - if (!a) - return null; - const u = (o = c.unstable_sxConfig) != null ? o : dC; - function p(v) { - let h = v; - if (typeof v == "function") - h = v(c); - else if (typeof v != "object") - return v; - if (!h) - return null; - const m = v$(c.breakpoints), b = Object.keys(m); - let _ = m; - return Object.keys(h).forEach((T) => { - const R = Eq(h[T], c); - if (R != null) - if (typeof R == "object") - if (u[T]) - _ = Jy(_, e(T, R, c, u)); - else { - const k = is({ - theme: c - }, R, (I) => ({ - [T]: I - })); - _q(k, R) ? _[T] = t({ - sx: R, - theme: c - }) : _ = Jy(_, k); - } - else - _ = Jy(_, e(T, R, c, u)); - }), g$(b, _); - } - return Array.isArray(a) ? a.map(p) : p(a); - } - return t; -} -const y$ = wq(); -y$.filterProps = ["sx"]; -const fC = y$, Tq = ["breakpoints", "palette", "spacing", "shape"]; -function Ob(e = {}, ...t) { - const { - breakpoints: r = {}, - palette: o = {}, - spacing: a, - shape: c = {} - } = e, u = zt(e, Tq), p = FW(r), v = GW(a); - let h = Za({ - breakpoints: p, - direction: "ltr", - components: {}, - // Inject component definitions. - palette: Y({ - mode: "light" - }, o), - spacing: v, - shape: Y({}, DW, c) - }, u); - return h = t.reduce((m, b) => Za(m, b), h), h.unstable_sxConfig = Y({}, dC, u == null ? void 0 : u.unstable_sxConfig), h.unstable_sx = function(b) { - return fC({ - sx: b, - theme: this - }); - }, h; -} -function Rq(e) { - return Object.keys(e).length === 0; -} -function mk(e = null) { - const t = j.useContext(ng); - return !t || Rq(t) ? e : t; -} -const Oq = Ob(); -function pC(e = Oq) { - return mk(e); -} -function b$({ - styles: e, - themeId: t, - defaultTheme: r = {} -}) { - const o = pC(r), a = typeof e == "function" ? e(t && o[t] || o) : e; - return /* @__PURE__ */ A.jsx(p$, { - styles: a - }); -} -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (b$.propTypes = { - // ----------------------------- Warning -------------------------------- - // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions | - // | To update them edit TypeScript types and run "yarn proptypes" | - // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** - * @ignore - */ - defaultTheme: s.object, - /** - * @ignore - */ - styles: s.oneOfType([s.array, s.func, s.number, s.object, s.string, s.bool]), - /** - * @ignore - */ - themeId: s.string -}); -const kq = ["sx"], Iq = (e) => { - var t, r; - const o = { - systemProps: {}, - otherProps: {} - }, a = (t = e == null || (r = e.theme) == null ? void 0 : r.unstable_sxConfig) != null ? t : dC; - return Object.keys(e).forEach((c) => { - a[c] ? o.systemProps[c] = e[c] : o.otherProps[c] = e[c]; - }), o; -}; -function hC(e) { - const { - sx: t - } = e, r = zt(e, kq), { - systemProps: o, - otherProps: a - } = Iq(r); - let c; - return Array.isArray(t) ? c = [o, ...t] : typeof t == "function" ? c = (...u) => { - const p = t(...u); - return ip(p) ? Y({}, o, p) : o; - } : c = Y({}, o, t), Y({}, a, { - sx: c - }); -} -function S$(e) { - var t, r, o = ""; - if (typeof e == "string" || typeof e == "number") - o += e; - else if (typeof e == "object") - if (Array.isArray(e)) - for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) - e[t] && (r = S$(e[t])) && (o && (o += " "), o += r); - else - for (t in e) - e[t] && (o && (o += " "), o += t); - return o; -} -function St() { - for (var e, t, r = 0, o = ""; r < arguments.length; ) - (e = arguments[r++]) && (t = S$(e)) && (o && (o += " "), o += t); - return o; -} -const Nq = ["className", "component"]; -function Pq(e = {}) { - const { - themeId: t, - defaultTheme: r, - defaultClassName: o = "MuiBox-root", - generateClassName: a - } = e, c = h$("div", { - shouldForwardProp: (p) => p !== "theme" && p !== "sx" && p !== "as" - })(fC); - return /* @__PURE__ */ j.forwardRef(function(v, h) { - const m = pC(r), b = hC(v), { - className: _, - component: T = "div" - } = b, R = zt(b, Nq); - return /* @__PURE__ */ A.jsx(c, Y({ - as: T, - ref: h, - className: St(_, a ? a(o) : o), - theme: t && m[t] || m - }, R)); - }); -} -const Aq = ["variant"]; -function HF(e) { - return e.length === 0; -} -function x$(e) { - const { - variant: t - } = e, r = zt(e, Aq); - let o = t || ""; - return Object.keys(r).sort().forEach((a) => { - a === "color" ? o += HF(o) ? e[a] : yt(e[a]) : o += `${HF(o) ? a : yt(a)}${yt(e[a].toString())}`; - }), o; -} -const Fq = ["name", "slot", "skipVariantsResolver", "skipSx", "overridesResolver"]; -function Mq(e) { - return Object.keys(e).length === 0; -} -function Dq(e) { - return typeof e == "string" && // 96 is one less than the char code - // for "a" so this is checking that - // it's a lowercase character - e.charCodeAt(0) > 96; -} -const Lq = (e, t) => t.components && t.components[e] && t.components[e].styleOverrides ? t.components[e].styleOverrides : null, jq = (e, t) => { - let r = []; - t && t.components && t.components[e] && t.components[e].variants && (r = t.components[e].variants); - const o = {}; - return r.forEach((a) => { - const c = x$(a.props); - o[c] = a.style; - }), o; -}, $q = (e, t, r, o) => { - var a, c; - const { - ownerState: u = {} - } = e, p = [], v = r == null || (a = r.components) == null || (c = a[o]) == null ? void 0 : c.variants; - return v && v.forEach((h) => { - let m = !0; - Object.keys(h.props).forEach((b) => { - u[b] !== h.props[b] && e[b] !== h.props[b] && (m = !1); - }), m && p.push(t[x$(h.props)]); - }), p; -}; -function Xy(e) { - return e !== "ownerState" && e !== "theme" && e !== "sx" && e !== "as"; -} -const zq = Ob(), Uq = (e) => e.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + e.slice(1); -function Cy({ - defaultTheme: e, - theme: t, - themeId: r -}) { - return Mq(t) ? e : t[r] || t; -} -function C$(e = {}) { - const { - themeId: t, - defaultTheme: r = zq, - rootShouldForwardProp: o = Xy, - slotShouldForwardProp: a = Xy - } = e, c = (u) => fC(Y({}, u, { - theme: Cy(Y({}, u, { - defaultTheme: r, - themeId: t - })) - })); - return c.__mui_systemSx = !0, (u, p = {}) => { - NW(u, (B) => B.filter((D) => !(D != null && D.__mui_systemSx))); - const { - name: v, - slot: h, - skipVariantsResolver: m, - skipSx: b, - overridesResolver: _ - } = p, T = zt(p, Fq), R = m !== void 0 ? m : h && h !== "Root" || !1, k = b || !1; - let I; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && v && (I = `${v}-${Uq(h || "Root")}`); - let M = Xy; - h === "Root" ? M = o : h ? M = a : Dq(u) && (M = void 0); - const L = h$(u, Y({ - shouldForwardProp: M, - label: I - }, T)), P = (B, ...D) => { - const V = D ? D.map((oe) => typeof oe == "function" && oe.__emotion_real !== oe ? (K) => oe(Y({}, K, { - theme: Cy(Y({}, K, { - defaultTheme: r, - themeId: t - })) - })) : oe) : []; - let U = B; - v && _ && V.push((oe) => { - const K = Cy(Y({}, oe, { - defaultTheme: r, - themeId: t - })), Ce = Lq(v, K); - if (Ce) { - const _e = {}; - return Object.entries(Ce).forEach(([me, Fe]) => { - _e[me] = typeof Fe == "function" ? Fe(Y({}, oe, { - theme: K - })) : Fe; - }), _(oe, _e); - } - return null; - }), v && !R && V.push((oe) => { - const K = Cy(Y({}, oe, { - defaultTheme: r, - themeId: t - })); - return $q(oe, jq(v, K), K, v); - }), k || V.push(c); - const ee = V.length - D.length; - if (Array.isArray(B) && ee > 0) { - const oe = new Array(ee).fill(""); - U = [...B, ...oe], U.raw = [...B.raw, ...oe]; - } else - typeof B == "function" && // On the server Emotion doesn't use React.forwardRef for creating components, so the created - // component stays as a function. This condition makes sure that we do not interpolate functions - // which are basically components used as a selectors. - B.__emotion_real !== B && (U = (oe) => B(Y({}, oe, { - theme: Cy(Y({}, oe, { - defaultTheme: r, - themeId: t - })) - }))); - const re = L(U, ...V); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - let oe; - v && (oe = `${v}${h || ""}`), oe === void 0 && (oe = `Styled(${o7(u)})`), re.displayName = oe; - } - return u.muiName && (re.muiName = u.muiName), re; - }; - return L.withConfig && (P.withConfig = L.withConfig), P; - }; -} -const Al = C$(); -function _$(e) { - const { - theme: t, - name: r, - props: o - } = e; - return !t || !t.components || !t.components[r] || !t.components[r].defaultProps ? o : rk(t.components[r].defaultProps, o); -} -function yk({ - props: e, - name: t, - defaultTheme: r, - themeId: o -}) { - let a = pC(r); - return o && (a = a[o] || a), _$({ - theme: a, - name: t, - props: e - }); -} -function bk(e, t = 0, r = 1) { - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (e < t || e > r) && console.error(`MUI: The value provided ${e} is out of range [${t}, ${r}].`), Math.min(Math.max(t, e), r); -} -function Vq(e) { - e = e.slice(1); - const t = new RegExp(`.{1,${e.length >= 6 ? 2 : 1}}`, "g"); - let r = e.match(t); - return r && r[0].length === 1 && (r = r.map((o) => o + o)), r ? `rgb${r.length === 4 ? "a" : ""}(${r.map((o, a) => a < 3 ? parseInt(o, 16) : Math.round(parseInt(o, 16) / 255 * 1e3) / 1e3).join(", ")})` : ""; -} -function gp(e) { - if (e.type) - return e; - if (e.charAt(0) === "#") - return gp(Vq(e)); - const t = e.indexOf("("), r = e.substring(0, t); - if (["rgb", "rgba", "hsl", "hsla", "color"].indexOf(r) === -1) - throw new Error(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? `MUI: Unsupported \`${e}\` color. -The following formats are supported: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla(), color().` : jd(9, e)); - let o = e.substring(t + 1, e.length - 1), a; - if (r === "color") { - if (o = o.split(" "), a = o.shift(), o.length === 4 && o[3].charAt(0) === "/" && (o[3] = o[3].slice(1)), ["srgb", "display-p3", "a98-rgb", "prophoto-rgb", "rec-2020"].indexOf(a) === -1) - throw new Error(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? `MUI: unsupported \`${a}\` color space. -The following color spaces are supported: srgb, display-p3, a98-rgb, prophoto-rgb, rec-2020.` : jd(10, a)); - } else - o = o.split(","); - return o = o.map((c) => parseFloat(c)), { - type: r, - values: o, - colorSpace: a - }; -} -function vC(e) { - const { - type: t, - colorSpace: r - } = e; - let { - values: o - } = e; - return t.indexOf("rgb") !== -1 ? o = o.map((a, c) => c < 3 ? parseInt(a, 10) : a) : t.indexOf("hsl") !== -1 && (o[1] = `${o[1]}%`, o[2] = `${o[2]}%`), t.indexOf("color") !== -1 ? o = `${r} ${o.join(" ")}` : o = `${o.join(", ")}`, `${t}(${o})`; -} -function Bq(e) { - e = gp(e); - const { - values: t - } = e, r = t[0], o = t[1] / 100, a = t[2] / 100, c = o * Math.min(a, 1 - a), u = (h, m = (h + r / 30) % 12) => a - c * Math.max(Math.min(m - 3, 9 - m, 1), -1); - let p = "rgb"; - const v = [Math.round(u(0) * 255), Math.round(u(8) * 255), Math.round(u(4) * 255)]; - return e.type === "hsla" && (p += "a", v.push(t[3])), vC({ - type: p, - values: v - }); -} -function WF(e) { - e = gp(e); - let t = e.type === "hsl" || e.type === "hsla" ? gp(Bq(e)).values : e.values; - return t = t.map((r) => (e.type !== "color" && (r /= 255), r <= 0.03928 ? r / 12.92 : ((r + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4)), Number((0.2126 * t[0] + 0.7152 * t[1] + 0.0722 * t[2]).toFixed(3)); -} -function qF(e, t) { - const r = WF(e), o = WF(t); - return (Math.max(r, o) + 0.05) / (Math.min(r, o) + 0.05); -} -function qn(e, t) { - return e = gp(e), t = bk(t), (e.type === "rgb" || e.type === "hsl") && (e.type += "a"), e.type === "color" ? e.values[3] = `/${t}` : e.values[3] = t, vC(e); -} -function mp(e, t) { - if (e = gp(e), t = bk(t), e.type.indexOf("hsl") !== -1) - e.values[2] *= 1 - t; - else if (e.type.indexOf("rgb") !== -1 || e.type.indexOf("color") !== -1) - for (let r = 0; r < 3; r += 1) - e.values[r] *= 1 - t; - return vC(e); -} -function Hv(e, t) { - if (e = gp(e), t = bk(t), e.type.indexOf("hsl") !== -1) - e.values[2] += (100 - e.values[2]) * t; - else if (e.type.indexOf("rgb") !== -1) - for (let r = 0; r < 3; r += 1) - e.values[r] += (255 - e.values[r]) * t; - else if (e.type.indexOf("color") !== -1) - for (let r = 0; r < 3; r += 1) - e.values[r] += (1 - e.values[r]) * t; - return vC(e); -} -const Hq = ["className", "component", "disableGutters", "fixed", "maxWidth", "classes"], Wq = Ob(), qq = Al("div", { - name: "MuiContainer", - slot: "Root", - overridesResolver: (e, t) => { - const { - ownerState: r - } = e; - return [t.root, t[`maxWidth${yt(String(r.maxWidth))}`], r.fixed && t.fixed, r.disableGutters && t.disableGutters]; - } -}), Gq = (e) => yk({ - props: e, - name: "MuiContainer", - defaultTheme: Wq -}), Kq = (e, t) => { - const r = (v) => ln(t, v), { - classes: o, - fixed: a, - disableGutters: c, - maxWidth: u - } = e, p = { - root: ["root", u && `maxWidth${yt(String(u))}`, a && "fixed", c && "disableGutters"] - }; - return pn(p, r, o); -}; -function Yq(e = {}) { - const { - // This will allow adding custom styled fn (for example for custom sx style function) - createStyledComponent: t = qq, - useThemeProps: r = Gq, - componentName: o = "MuiContainer" - } = e, a = t(({ - theme: u, - ownerState: p - }) => Y({ - width: "100%", - marginLeft: "auto", - boxSizing: "border-box", - marginRight: "auto", - display: "block" - }, !p.disableGutters && { - paddingLeft: u.spacing(2), - paddingRight: u.spacing(2), - // @ts-ignore module augmentation fails if custom breakpoints are used - [u.breakpoints.up("sm")]: { - paddingLeft: u.spacing(3), - paddingRight: u.spacing(3) - } - }), ({ - theme: u, - ownerState: p - }) => p.fixed && Object.keys(u.breakpoints.values).reduce((v, h) => { - const m = h, b = u.breakpoints.values[m]; - return b !== 0 && (v[u.breakpoints.up(m)] = { - maxWidth: `${b}${u.breakpoints.unit}` - }), v; - }, {}), ({ - theme: u, - ownerState: p - }) => Y({}, p.maxWidth === "xs" && { - // @ts-ignore module augmentation fails if custom breakpoints are used - [u.breakpoints.up("xs")]: { - // @ts-ignore module augmentation fails if custom breakpoints are used - maxWidth: Math.max(u.breakpoints.values.xs, 444) - } - }, p.maxWidth && // @ts-ignore module augmentation fails if custom breakpoints are used - p.maxWidth !== "xs" && { - // @ts-ignore module augmentation fails if custom breakpoints are used - [u.breakpoints.up(p.maxWidth)]: { - // @ts-ignore module augmentation fails if custom breakpoints are used - maxWidth: `${u.breakpoints.values[p.maxWidth]}${u.breakpoints.unit}` - } - })), c = /* @__PURE__ */ j.forwardRef(function(p, v) { - const h = r(p), { - className: m, - component: b = "div", - disableGutters: _ = !1, - fixed: T = !1, - maxWidth: R = "lg" - } = h, k = zt(h, Hq), I = Y({}, h, { - component: b, - disableGutters: _, - fixed: T, - maxWidth: R - }), M = Kq(I, o); - return ( - // @ts-ignore theme is injected by the styled util - /* @__PURE__ */ A.jsx(a, Y({ - as: b, - ownerState: I, - className: St(M.root, m), - ref: v - }, k)) - ); - }); - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (c.propTypes = { - children: s.node, - classes: s.object, - className: s.string, - component: s.elementType, - disableGutters: s.bool, - fixed: s.bool, - maxWidth: s.oneOfType([s.oneOf(["xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", !1]), s.string]), - sx: s.oneOfType([s.arrayOf(s.oneOfType([s.func, s.object, s.bool])), s.func, s.object]) - }), c; -} -const Jq = ["component", "direction", "spacing", "divider", "children", "className", "useFlexGap"], Xq = Ob(), Qq = Al("div", { - name: "MuiStack", - slot: "Root", - overridesResolver: (e, t) => t.root -}); -function Zq(e) { - return yk({ - props: e, - name: "MuiStack", - defaultTheme: Xq - }); -} -function eG(e, t) { - const r = j.Children.toArray(e).filter(Boolean); - return r.reduce((o, a, c) => (o.push(a), c < r.length - 1 && o.push(/* @__PURE__ */ j.cloneElement(t, { - key: `separator-${c}` - })), o), []); -} -const tG = (e) => ({ - row: "Left", - "row-reverse": "Right", - column: "Top", - "column-reverse": "Bottom" -})[e], nG = ({ - ownerState: e, - theme: t -}) => { - let r = Y({ - display: "flex", - flexDirection: "column" - }, is({ - theme: t - }, up({ - values: e.direction, - breakpoints: t.breakpoints.values - }), (o) => ({ - flexDirection: o - }))); - if (e.spacing) { - const o = vk(t), a = Object.keys(t.breakpoints.values).reduce((v, h) => ((typeof e.spacing == "object" && e.spacing[h] != null || typeof e.direction == "object" && e.direction[h] != null) && (v[h] = !0), v), {}), c = up({ - values: e.direction, - base: a - }), u = up({ - values: e.spacing, - base: a - }); - typeof c == "object" && Object.keys(c).forEach((v, h, m) => { - if (!c[v]) { - const _ = h > 0 ? c[m[h - 1]] : "column"; - c[v] = _; - } - }), r = Za(r, is({ - theme: t - }, u, (v, h) => e.useFlexGap ? { - gap: vp(o, v) - } : { - "& > :not(style) + :not(style)": { - margin: 0, - [`margin${tG(h ? c[h] : e.direction)}`]: vp(o, v) - } - })); - } - return r = jW(t.breakpoints, r), r; -}; -function rG(e = {}) { - const { - // This will allow adding custom styled fn (for example for custom sx style function) - createStyledComponent: t = Qq, - useThemeProps: r = Zq, - componentName: o = "MuiStack" - } = e, a = () => pn({ - root: ["root"] - }, (v) => ln(o, v), {}), c = t(nG), u = /* @__PURE__ */ j.forwardRef(function(v, h) { - const m = r(v), b = hC(m), { - component: _ = "div", - direction: T = "column", - spacing: R = 0, - divider: k, - children: I, - className: M, - useFlexGap: L = !1 - } = b, P = zt(b, Jq), B = { - direction: T, - spacing: R, - useFlexGap: L - }, D = a(); - return /* @__PURE__ */ A.jsx(c, Y({ - as: _, - ownerState: B, - ref: h, - className: St(D.root, M) - }, P, { - children: k ? eG(I, k) : I - })); - }); - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (u.propTypes = { - children: s.node, - direction: s.oneOfType([s.oneOf(["column-reverse", "column", "row-reverse", "row"]), s.arrayOf(s.oneOf(["column-reverse", "column", "row-reverse", "row"])), s.object]), - divider: s.node, - spacing: s.oneOfType([s.arrayOf(s.oneOfType([s.number, s.string])), s.number, s.object, s.string]), - sx: s.oneOfType([s.arrayOf(s.oneOfType([s.func, s.object, s.bool])), s.func, s.object]) - }), u; -} -function wu(e) { - return typeof e == "string"; -} -function Vy(e, t, r) { - return e === void 0 || wu(e) ? t : Y({}, t, { - ownerState: Y({}, t.ownerState, r) - }); -} -const oG = { - disableDefaultClasses: !1 -}, iG = /* @__PURE__ */ j.createContext(oG); -function E$(e) { - const { - disableDefaultClasses: t - } = j.useContext(iG); - return (r) => t ? "" : e(r); -} -function aG(e, t = []) { - if (e === void 0) - return {}; - const r = {}; - return Object.keys(e).filter((o) => o.match(/^on[A-Z]/) && typeof e[o] == "function" && !t.includes(o)).forEach((o) => { - r[o] = e[o]; - }), r; -} -function XR(e, t) { - return typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e; -} -function GF(e) { - if (e === void 0) - return {}; - const t = {}; - return Object.keys(e).filter((r) => !(r.match(/^on[A-Z]/) && typeof e[r] == "function")).forEach((r) => { - t[r] = e[r]; - }), t; -} -function sG(e) { - const { - getSlotProps: t, - additionalProps: r, - externalSlotProps: o, - externalForwardedProps: a, - className: c - } = e; - if (!t) { - const T = St(a == null ? void 0 : a.className, o == null ? void 0 : o.className, c, r == null ? void 0 : r.className), R = Y({}, r == null ? void 0 : r.style, a == null ? void 0 : a.style, o == null ? void 0 : o.style), k = Y({}, r, a, o); - return T.length > 0 && (k.className = T), Object.keys(R).length > 0 && (k.style = R), { - props: k, - internalRef: void 0 - }; - } - const u = aG(Y({}, a, o)), p = GF(o), v = GF(a), h = t(u), m = St(h == null ? void 0 : h.className, r == null ? void 0 : r.className, c, a == null ? void 0 : a.className, o == null ? void 0 : o.className), b = Y({}, h == null ? void 0 : h.style, r == null ? void 0 : r.style, a == null ? void 0 : a.style, o == null ? void 0 : o.style), _ = Y({}, h, r, v, p); - return m.length > 0 && (_.className = m), Object.keys(b).length > 0 && (_.style = b), { - props: _, - internalRef: h.ref - }; -} -const lG = ["elementType", "externalSlotProps", "ownerState"]; -function Tl(e) { - var t; - const { - elementType: r, - externalSlotProps: o, - ownerState: a - } = e, c = zt(e, lG), u = XR(o, a), { - props: p, - internalRef: v - } = sG(Y({}, c, { - externalSlotProps: u - })), h = Jr(v, u == null ? void 0 : u.ref, (t = e.additionalProps) == null ? void 0 : t.ref); - return Vy(r, Y({}, p, { - ref: h - }), a); -} -function KF(e) { - return e.substring(2).toLowerCase(); -} -function uG(e, t) { - return t.documentElement.clientWidth < e.clientX || t.documentElement.clientHeight < e.clientY; -} -function I1(e) { - const { - children: t, - disableReactTree: r = !1, - mouseEvent: o = "onClick", - onClickAway: a, - touchEvent: c = "onTouchEnd" - } = e, u = j.useRef(!1), p = j.useRef(null), v = j.useRef(!1), h = j.useRef(!1); - j.useEffect(() => (setTimeout(() => { - v.current = !0; - }, 0), () => { - v.current = !1; - }), []); - const m = Jr( - // @ts-expect-error TODO upstream fix - t.ref, - p - ), b = oa((R) => { - const k = h.current; - h.current = !1; - const I = yo(p.current); - if (!v.current || !p.current || "clientX" in R && uG(R, I)) - return; - if (u.current) { - u.current = !1; - return; - } - let M; - R.composedPath ? M = R.composedPath().indexOf(p.current) > -1 : M = !I.documentElement.contains( - // @ts-expect-error returns `false` as intended when not dispatched from a Node - R.target - ) || p.current.contains( - // @ts-expect-error returns `false` as intended when not dispatched from a Node - R.target - ), !M && (r || !k) && a(R); - }), _ = (R) => (k) => { - h.current = !0; - const I = t.props[R]; - I && I(k); - }, T = { - ref: m - }; - return c !== !1 && (T[c] = _(c)), j.useEffect(() => { - if (c !== !1) { - const R = KF(c), k = yo(p.current), I = () => { - u.current = !0; - }; - return k.addEventListener(R, b), k.addEventListener("touchmove", I), () => { - k.removeEventListener(R, b), k.removeEventListener("touchmove", I); - }; - } - }, [b, c]), o !== !1 && (T[o] = _(o)), j.useEffect(() => { - if (o !== !1) { - const R = KF(o), k = yo(p.current); - return k.addEventListener(R, b), () => { - k.removeEventListener(R, b); - }; - } - }, [b, o]), /* @__PURE__ */ A.jsx(j.Fragment, { - children: /* @__PURE__ */ j.cloneElement(t, T) - }); -} -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (I1.propTypes = { - // ----------------------------- Warning -------------------------------- - // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions | - // | To update them edit TypeScript types and run "yarn proptypes" | - // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** - * The wrapped element. - */ - children: Vd.isRequired, - /** - * If `true`, the React tree is ignored and only the DOM tree is considered. - * This prop changes how portaled elements are handled. - * @default false - */ - disableReactTree: s.bool, - /** - * The mouse event to listen to. You can disable the listener by providing `false`. - * @default 'onClick' - */ - mouseEvent: s.oneOf(["onClick", "onMouseDown", "onMouseUp", "onPointerDown", "onPointerUp", !1]), - /** - * Callback fired when a "click away" event is detected. - */ - onClickAway: s.func.isRequired, - /** - * The touch event to listen to. You can disable the listener by providing `false`. - * @default 'onTouchEnd' - */ - touchEvent: s.oneOf(["onTouchEnd", "onTouchStart", !1]) -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (I1.propTypes = ek(I1.propTypes)); -const cG = ["input", "select", "textarea", "a[href]", "button", "[tabindex]", "audio[controls]", "video[controls]", '[contenteditable]:not([contenteditable="false"])'].join(","); -function dG(e) { - const t = parseInt(e.getAttribute("tabindex") || "", 10); - return Number.isNaN(t) ? e.contentEditable === "true" || (e.nodeName === "AUDIO" || e.nodeName === "VIDEO" || e.nodeName === "DETAILS") && e.getAttribute("tabindex") === null ? 0 : e.tabIndex : t; -} -function fG(e) { - if (e.tagName !== "INPUT" || e.type !== "radio" || !e.name) - return !1; - const t = (o) => e.ownerDocument.querySelector(`input[type="radio"]${o}`); - let r = t(`[name="${e.name}"]:checked`); - return r || (r = t(`[name="${e.name}"]`)), r !== e; -} -function pG(e) { - return !(e.disabled || e.tagName === "INPUT" && e.type === "hidden" || fG(e)); -} -function hG(e) { - const t = [], r = []; - return Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(cG)).forEach((o, a) => { - const c = dG(o); - c === -1 || !pG(o) || (c === 0 ? t.push(o) : r.push({ - documentOrder: a, - tabIndex: c, - node: o - })); - }), r.sort((o, a) => o.tabIndex === a.tabIndex ? o.documentOrder - a.documentOrder : o.tabIndex - a.tabIndex).map((o) => o.node).concat(t); -} -function vG() { - return !0; -} -function N1(e) { - const { - children: t, - disableAutoFocus: r = !1, - disableEnforceFocus: o = !1, - disableRestoreFocus: a = !1, - getTabbable: c = hG, - isEnabled: u = vG, - open: p - } = e, v = j.useRef(!1), h = j.useRef(null), m = j.useRef(null), b = j.useRef(null), _ = j.useRef(null), T = j.useRef(!1), R = j.useRef(null), k = Jr(t.ref, R), I = j.useRef(null); - j.useEffect(() => { - !p || !R.current || (T.current = !r); - }, [r, p]), j.useEffect(() => { - if (!p || !R.current) - return; - const P = yo(R.current); - return R.current.contains(P.activeElement) || (R.current.hasAttribute("tabIndex") || (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.error(["MUI: The modal content node does not accept focus.", 'For the benefit of assistive technologies, the tabIndex of the node is being set to "-1".'].join(` -`)), R.current.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1")), T.current && R.current.focus()), () => { - a || (b.current && b.current.focus && (v.current = !0, b.current.focus()), b.current = null); - }; - }, [p]), j.useEffect(() => { - if (!p || !R.current) - return; - const P = yo(R.current), B = (U) => { - const { - current: ee - } = R; - if (ee !== null) { - if (!P.hasFocus() || o || !u() || v.current) { - v.current = !1; - return; - } - if (!ee.contains(P.activeElement)) { - if (U && _.current !== U.target || P.activeElement !== _.current) - _.current = null; - else if (_.current !== null) - return; - if (!T.current) - return; - let K = []; - if ((P.activeElement === h.current || P.activeElement === m.current) && (K = c(R.current)), K.length > 0) { - var re, oe; - const Ce = !!((re = I.current) != null && re.shiftKey && ((oe = I.current) == null ? void 0 : oe.key) === "Tab"), _e = K[0], me = K[K.length - 1]; - typeof _e != "string" && typeof me != "string" && (Ce ? me.focus() : _e.focus()); - } else - ee.focus(); - } - } - }, D = (U) => { - I.current = U, !(o || !u() || U.key !== "Tab") && P.activeElement === R.current && U.shiftKey && (v.current = !0, m.current && m.current.focus()); - }; - P.addEventListener("focusin", B), P.addEventListener("keydown", D, !0); - const V = setInterval(() => { - P.activeElement && P.activeElement.tagName === "BODY" && B(null); - }, 50); - return () => { - clearInterval(V), P.removeEventListener("focusin", B), P.removeEventListener("keydown", D, !0); - }; - }, [r, o, a, u, p, c]); - const M = (P) => { - b.current === null && (b.current = P.relatedTarget), T.current = !0, _.current = P.target; - const B = t.props.onFocus; - B && B(P); - }, L = (P) => { - b.current === null && (b.current = P.relatedTarget), T.current = !0; - }; - return /* @__PURE__ */ A.jsxs(j.Fragment, { - children: [/* @__PURE__ */ A.jsx("div", { - tabIndex: p ? 0 : -1, - onFocus: L, - ref: h, - "data-testid": "sentinelStart" - }), /* @__PURE__ */ j.cloneElement(t, { - ref: k, - onFocus: M - }), /* @__PURE__ */ A.jsx("div", { - tabIndex: p ? 0 : -1, - onFocus: L, - ref: m, - "data-testid": "sentinelEnd" - })] - }); -} -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (N1.propTypes = { - // ----------------------------- Warning -------------------------------- - // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions | - // | To update them edit TypeScript types and run "yarn proptypes" | - // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** - * A single child content element. - */ - children: Vd, - /** - * If `true`, the focus trap will not automatically shift focus to itself when it opens, and - * replace it to the last focused element when it closes. - * This also works correctly with any focus trap children that have the `disableAutoFocus` prop. - * - * Generally this should never be set to `true` as it makes the focus trap less - * accessible to assistive technologies, like screen readers. - * @default false - */ - disableAutoFocus: s.bool, - /** - * If `true`, the focus trap will not prevent focus from leaving the focus trap while open. - * - * Generally this should never be set to `true` as it makes the focus trap less - * accessible to assistive technologies, like screen readers. - * @default false - */ - disableEnforceFocus: s.bool, - /** - * If `true`, the focus trap will not restore focus to previously focused element once - * focus trap is hidden or unmounted. - * @default false - */ - disableRestoreFocus: s.bool, - /** - * Returns an array of ordered tabbable nodes (i.e. in tab order) within the root. - * For instance, you can provide the "tabbable" npm dependency. - * @param {HTMLElement} root - */ - getTabbable: s.func, - /** - * This prop extends the `open` prop. - * It allows to toggle the open state without having to wait for a rerender when changing the `open` prop. - * This prop should be memoized. - * It can be used to support multiple focus trap mounted at the same time. - * @default function defaultIsEnabled(): boolean { - * return true; - * } - */ - isEnabled: s.func, - /** - * If `true`, focus is locked. - */ - open: s.bool.isRequired -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (N1.propTypes = ek(N1.propTypes)); -var es = "top", Ks = "bottom", Ys = "right", ts = "left", gC = "auto", kb = [es, Ks, Ys, ts], Wv = "start", fb = "end", gG = "clippingParents", w$ = "viewport", _y = "popper", mG = "reference", YF = /* @__PURE__ */ kb.reduce(function(e, t) { - return e.concat([t + "-" + Wv, t + "-" + fb]); -}, []), T$ = /* @__PURE__ */ [].concat(kb, [gC]).reduce(function(e, t) { - return e.concat([t, t + "-" + Wv, t + "-" + fb]); -}, []), yG = "beforeRead", bG = "read", SG = "afterRead", xG = "beforeMain", CG = "main", _G = "afterMain", EG = "beforeWrite", wG = "write", TG = "afterWrite", QR = [yG, bG, SG, xG, CG, _G, EG, wG, TG]; -function Ru(e) { - return e ? (e.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() : null; -} -function ws(e) { - if (e == null) - return window; - if (e.toString() !== "[object Window]") { - var t = e.ownerDocument; - return t && t.defaultView || window; - } - return e; -} -function yp(e) { - var t = ws(e).Element; - return e instanceof t || e instanceof Element; -} -function Es(e) { - var t = ws(e).HTMLElement; - return e instanceof t || e instanceof HTMLElement; -} -function Sk(e) { - if (typeof ShadowRoot > "u") - return !1; - var t = ws(e).ShadowRoot; - return e instanceof t || e instanceof ShadowRoot; -} -function RG(e) { - var t = e.state; - Object.keys(t.elements).forEach(function(r) { - var o = t.styles[r] || {}, a = t.attributes[r] || {}, c = t.elements[r]; - !Es(c) || !Ru(c) || (Object.assign(c.style, o), Object.keys(a).forEach(function(u) { - var p = a[u]; - p === !1 ? c.removeAttribute(u) : c.setAttribute(u, p === !0 ? "" : p); - })); - }); -} -function OG(e) { - var t = e.state, r = { - popper: { - position: t.options.strategy, - left: "0", - top: "0", - margin: "0" - }, - arrow: { - position: "absolute" - }, - reference: {} - }; - return Object.assign(t.elements.popper.style, r.popper), t.styles = r, t.elements.arrow && Object.assign(t.elements.arrow.style, r.arrow), function() { - Object.keys(t.elements).forEach(function(o) { - var a = t.elements[o], c = t.attributes[o] || {}, u = Object.keys(t.styles.hasOwnProperty(o) ? t.styles[o] : r[o]), p = u.reduce(function(v, h) { - return v[h] = "", v; - }, {}); - !Es(a) || !Ru(a) || (Object.assign(a.style, p), Object.keys(c).forEach(function(v) { - a.removeAttribute(v); - })); - }); - }; -} -const kG = { - name: "applyStyles", - enabled: !0, - phase: "write", - fn: RG, - effect: OG, - requires: ["computeStyles"] -}; -function Il(e) { - return e.split("-")[0]; -} -var cp = Math.max, P1 = Math.min, qv = Math.round; -function ZR() { - var e = navigator.userAgentData; - return e != null && e.brands && Array.isArray(e.brands) ? e.brands.map(function(t) { - return t.brand + "/" + t.version; - }).join(" ") : navigator.userAgent; -} -function R$() { - return !/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(ZR()); -} -function Gv(e, t, r) { - t === void 0 && (t = !1), r === void 0 && (r = !1); - var o = e.getBoundingClientRect(), a = 1, c = 1; - t && Es(e) && (a = e.offsetWidth > 0 && qv(o.width) / e.offsetWidth || 1, c = e.offsetHeight > 0 && qv(o.height) / e.offsetHeight || 1); - var u = yp(e) ? ws(e) : window, p = u.visualViewport, v = !R$() && r, h = (o.left + (v && p ? p.offsetLeft : 0)) / a, m = (o.top + (v && p ? p.offsetTop : 0)) / c, b = o.width / a, _ = o.height / c; - return { - width: b, - height: _, - top: m, - right: h + b, - bottom: m + _, - left: h, - x: h, - y: m - }; -} -function xk(e) { - var t = Gv(e), r = e.offsetWidth, o = e.offsetHeight; - return Math.abs(t.width - r) <= 1 && (r = t.width), Math.abs(t.height - o) <= 1 && (o = t.height), { - x: e.offsetLeft, - y: e.offsetTop, - width: r, - height: o - }; -} -function O$(e, t) { - var r = t.getRootNode && t.getRootNode(); - if (e.contains(t)) - return !0; - if (r && Sk(r)) { - var o = t; - do { - if (o && e.isSameNode(o)) - return !0; - o = o.parentNode || o.host; - } while (o); - } - return !1; -} -function Nl(e) { - return ws(e).getComputedStyle(e); -} -function IG(e) { - return ["table", "td", "th"].indexOf(Ru(e)) >= 0; -} -function Wd(e) { - return ((yp(e) ? e.ownerDocument : ( - // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] - e.document - )) || window.document).documentElement; -} -function mC(e) { - return Ru(e) === "html" ? e : ( - // this is a quicker (but less type safe) way to save quite some bytes from the bundle - // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-return] - // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] - e.assignedSlot || // step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node - e.parentNode || // DOM Element detected - (Sk(e) ? e.host : null) || // ShadowRoot detected - // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call]: HTMLElement is a Node - Wd(e) - ); -} -function JF(e) { - return !Es(e) || // https://github.com/popperjs/popper-core/issues/837 - Nl(e).position === "fixed" ? null : e.offsetParent; -} -function NG(e) { - var t = /firefox/i.test(ZR()), r = /Trident/i.test(ZR()); - if (r && Es(e)) { - var o = Nl(e); - if (o.position === "fixed") - return null; - } - var a = mC(e); - for (Sk(a) && (a = a.host); Es(a) && ["html", "body"].indexOf(Ru(a)) < 0; ) { - var c = Nl(a); - if (c.transform !== "none" || c.perspective !== "none" || c.contain === "paint" || ["transform", "perspective"].indexOf(c.willChange) !== -1 || t && c.willChange === "filter" || t && c.filter && c.filter !== "none") - return a; - a = a.parentNode; - } - return null; -} -function Ib(e) { - for (var t = ws(e), r = JF(e); r && IG(r) && Nl(r).position === "static"; ) - r = JF(r); - return r && (Ru(r) === "html" || Ru(r) === "body" && Nl(r).position === "static") ? t : r || NG(e) || t; -} -function Ck(e) { - return ["top", "bottom"].indexOf(e) >= 0 ? "x" : "y"; -} -function Qy(e, t, r) { - return cp(e, P1(t, r)); -} -function PG(e, t, r) { - var o = Qy(e, t, r); - return o > r ? r : o; -} -function k$() { - return { - top: 0, - right: 0, - bottom: 0, - left: 0 - }; -} -function I$(e) { - return Object.assign({}, k$(), e); -} -function N$(e, t) { - return t.reduce(function(r, o) { - return r[o] = e, r; - }, {}); -} -var AG = function(t, r) { - return t = typeof t == "function" ? t(Object.assign({}, r.rects, { - placement: r.placement - })) : t, I$(typeof t != "number" ? t : N$(t, kb)); -}; -function FG(e) { - var t, r = e.state, o = e.name, a = e.options, c = r.elements.arrow, u = r.modifiersData.popperOffsets, p = Il(r.placement), v = Ck(p), h = [ts, Ys].indexOf(p) >= 0, m = h ? "height" : "width"; - if (!(!c || !u)) { - var b = AG(a.padding, r), _ = xk(c), T = v === "y" ? es : ts, R = v === "y" ? Ks : Ys, k = r.rects.reference[m] + r.rects.reference[v] - u[v] - r.rects.popper[m], I = u[v] - r.rects.reference[v], M = Ib(c), L = M ? v === "y" ? M.clientHeight || 0 : M.clientWidth || 0 : 0, P = k / 2 - I / 2, B = b[T], D = L - _[m] - b[R], V = L / 2 - _[m] / 2 + P, U = Qy(B, V, D), ee = v; - r.modifiersData[o] = (t = {}, t[ee] = U, t.centerOffset = U - V, t); - } -} -function MG(e) { - var t = e.state, r = e.options, o = r.element, a = o === void 0 ? "[data-popper-arrow]" : o; - if (a != null && !(typeof a == "string" && (a = t.elements.popper.querySelector(a), !a))) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Es(a) || console.error(['Popper: "arrow" element must be an HTMLElement (not an SVGElement).', "To use an SVG arrow, wrap it in an HTMLElement that will be used as", "the arrow."].join(" "))), !O$(t.elements.popper, a)) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.error(['Popper: "arrow" modifier\'s `element` must be a child of the popper', "element."].join(" ")); - return; - } - t.elements.arrow = a; - } -} -const DG = { - name: "arrow", - enabled: !0, - phase: "main", - fn: FG, - effect: MG, - requires: ["popperOffsets"], - requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"] -}; -function Kv(e) { - return e.split("-")[1]; -} -var LG = { - top: "auto", - right: "auto", - bottom: "auto", - left: "auto" -}; -function jG(e, t) { - var r = e.x, o = e.y, a = t.devicePixelRatio || 1; - return { - x: qv(r * a) / a || 0, - y: qv(o * a) / a || 0 - }; -} -function XF(e) { - var t, r = e.popper, o = e.popperRect, a = e.placement, c = e.variation, u = e.offsets, p = e.position, v = e.gpuAcceleration, h = e.adaptive, m = e.roundOffsets, b = e.isFixed, _ = u.x, T = _ === void 0 ? 0 : _, R = u.y, k = R === void 0 ? 0 : R, I = typeof m == "function" ? m({ - x: T, - y: k - }) : { - x: T, - y: k - }; - T = I.x, k = I.y; - var M = u.hasOwnProperty("x"), L = u.hasOwnProperty("y"), P = ts, B = es, D = window; - if (h) { - var V = Ib(r), U = "clientHeight", ee = "clientWidth"; - if (V === ws(r) && (V = Wd(r), Nl(V).position !== "static" && p === "absolute" && (U = "scrollHeight", ee = "scrollWidth")), V = V, a === es || (a === ts || a === Ys) && c === fb) { - B = Ks; - var re = b && V === D && D.visualViewport ? D.visualViewport.height : ( - // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] - V[U] - ); - k -= re - o.height, k *= v ? 1 : -1; - } - if (a === ts || (a === es || a === Ks) && c === fb) { - P = Ys; - var oe = b && V === D && D.visualViewport ? D.visualViewport.width : ( - // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] - V[ee] - ); - T -= oe - o.width, T *= v ? 1 : -1; - } - } - var K = Object.assign({ - position: p - }, h && LG), Ce = m === !0 ? jG({ - x: T, - y: k - }, ws(r)) : { - x: T, - y: k - }; - if (T = Ce.x, k = Ce.y, v) { - var _e; - return Object.assign({}, K, (_e = {}, _e[B] = L ? "0" : "", _e[P] = M ? "0" : "", _e.transform = (D.devicePixelRatio || 1) <= 1 ? "translate(" + T + "px, " + k + "px)" : "translate3d(" + T + "px, " + k + "px, 0)", _e)); - } - return Object.assign({}, K, (t = {}, t[B] = L ? k + "px" : "", t[P] = M ? T + "px" : "", t.transform = "", t)); -} -function $G(e) { - var t = e.state, r = e.options, o = r.gpuAcceleration, a = o === void 0 ? !0 : o, c = r.adaptive, u = c === void 0 ? !0 : c, p = r.roundOffsets, v = p === void 0 ? !0 : p; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - var h = Nl(t.elements.popper).transitionProperty || ""; - u && ["transform", "top", "right", "bottom", "left"].some(function(b) { - return h.indexOf(b) >= 0; - }) && console.warn(["Popper: Detected CSS transitions on at least one of the following", 'CSS properties: "transform", "top", "right", "bottom", "left".', ` - -`, 'Disable the "computeStyles" modifier\'s `adaptive` option to allow', "for smooth transitions, or remove these properties from the CSS", "transition declaration on the popper element if only transitioning", "opacity or background-color for example.", ` - -`, "We recommend using the popper element as a wrapper around an inner", "element that can have any CSS property transitioned for animations."].join(" ")); - } - var m = { - placement: Il(t.placement), - variation: Kv(t.placement), - popper: t.elements.popper, - popperRect: t.rects.popper, - gpuAcceleration: a, - isFixed: t.options.strategy === "fixed" - }; - t.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null && (t.styles.popper = Object.assign({}, t.styles.popper, XF(Object.assign({}, m, { - offsets: t.modifiersData.popperOffsets, - position: t.options.strategy, - adaptive: u, - roundOffsets: v - })))), t.modifiersData.arrow != null && (t.styles.arrow = Object.assign({}, t.styles.arrow, XF(Object.assign({}, m, { - offsets: t.modifiersData.arrow, - position: "absolute", - adaptive: !1, - roundOffsets: v - })))), t.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, t.attributes.popper, { - "data-popper-placement": t.placement - }); -} -const zG = { - name: "computeStyles", - enabled: !0, - phase: "beforeWrite", - fn: $G, - data: {} -}; -var Dx = { - passive: !0 -}; -function UG(e) { - var t = e.state, r = e.instance, o = e.options, a = o.scroll, c = a === void 0 ? !0 : a, u = o.resize, p = u === void 0 ? !0 : u, v = ws(t.elements.popper), h = [].concat(t.scrollParents.reference, t.scrollParents.popper); - return c && h.forEach(function(m) { - m.addEventListener("scroll", r.update, Dx); - }), p && v.addEventListener("resize", r.update, Dx), function() { - c && h.forEach(function(m) { - m.removeEventListener("scroll", r.update, Dx); - }), p && v.removeEventListener("resize", r.update, Dx); - }; -} -const VG = { - name: "eventListeners", - enabled: !0, - phase: "write", - fn: function() { - }, - effect: UG, - data: {} -}; -var BG = { - left: "right", - right: "left", - bottom: "top", - top: "bottom" -}; -function g1(e) { - return e.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function(t) { - return BG[t]; - }); -} -var HG = { - start: "end", - end: "start" -}; -function QF(e) { - return e.replace(/start|end/g, function(t) { - return HG[t]; - }); -} -function _k(e) { - var t = ws(e), r = t.pageXOffset, o = t.pageYOffset; - return { - scrollLeft: r, - scrollTop: o - }; -} -function Ek(e) { - return Gv(Wd(e)).left + _k(e).scrollLeft; -} -function WG(e, t) { - var r = ws(e), o = Wd(e), a = r.visualViewport, c = o.clientWidth, u = o.clientHeight, p = 0, v = 0; - if (a) { - c = a.width, u = a.height; - var h = R$(); - (h || !h && t === "fixed") && (p = a.offsetLeft, v = a.offsetTop); - } - return { - width: c, - height: u, - x: p + Ek(e), - y: v - }; -} -function qG(e) { - var t, r = Wd(e), o = _k(e), a = (t = e.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : t.body, c = cp(r.scrollWidth, r.clientWidth, a ? a.scrollWidth : 0, a ? a.clientWidth : 0), u = cp(r.scrollHeight, r.clientHeight, a ? a.scrollHeight : 0, a ? a.clientHeight : 0), p = -o.scrollLeft + Ek(e), v = -o.scrollTop; - return Nl(a || r).direction === "rtl" && (p += cp(r.clientWidth, a ? a.clientWidth : 0) - c), { - width: c, - height: u, - x: p, - y: v - }; -} -function wk(e) { - var t = Nl(e), r = t.overflow, o = t.overflowX, a = t.overflowY; - return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(r + a + o); -} -function P$(e) { - return ["html", "body", "#document"].indexOf(Ru(e)) >= 0 ? e.ownerDocument.body : Es(e) && wk(e) ? e : P$(mC(e)); -} -function Zy(e, t) { - var r; - t === void 0 && (t = []); - var o = P$(e), a = o === ((r = e.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : r.body), c = ws(o), u = a ? [c].concat(c.visualViewport || [], wk(o) ? o : []) : o, p = t.concat(u); - return a ? p : ( - // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call]: isBody tells us target will be an HTMLElement here - p.concat(Zy(mC(u))) - ); -} -function eO(e) { - return Object.assign({}, e, { - left: e.x, - top: e.y, - right: e.x + e.width, - bottom: e.y + e.height - }); -} -function GG(e, t) { - var r = Gv(e, !1, t === "fixed"); - return r.top = r.top + e.clientTop, r.left = r.left + e.clientLeft, r.bottom = r.top + e.clientHeight, r.right = r.left + e.clientWidth, r.width = e.clientWidth, r.height = e.clientHeight, r.x = r.left, r.y = r.top, r; -} -function ZF(e, t, r) { - return t === w$ ? eO(WG(e, r)) : yp(t) ? GG(t, r) : eO(qG(Wd(e))); -} -function KG(e) { - var t = Zy(mC(e)), r = ["absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(Nl(e).position) >= 0, o = r && Es(e) ? Ib(e) : e; - return yp(o) ? t.filter(function(a) { - return yp(a) && O$(a, o) && Ru(a) !== "body"; - }) : []; -} -function YG(e, t, r, o) { - var a = t === "clippingParents" ? KG(e) : [].concat(t), c = [].concat(a, [r]), u = c[0], p = c.reduce(function(v, h) { - var m = ZF(e, h, o); - return v.top = cp(m.top, v.top), v.right = P1(m.right, v.right), v.bottom = P1(m.bottom, v.bottom), v.left = cp(m.left, v.left), v; - }, ZF(e, u, o)); - return p.width = p.right - p.left, p.height = p.bottom - p.top, p.x = p.left, p.y = p.top, p; -} -function A$(e) { - var t = e.reference, r = e.element, o = e.placement, a = o ? Il(o) : null, c = o ? Kv(o) : null, u = t.x + t.width / 2 - r.width / 2, p = t.y + t.height / 2 - r.height / 2, v; - switch (a) { - case es: - v = { - x: u, - y: t.y - r.height - }; - break; - case Ks: - v = { - x: u, - y: t.y + t.height - }; - break; - case Ys: - v = { - x: t.x + t.width, - y: p - }; - break; - case ts: - v = { - x: t.x - r.width, - y: p - }; - break; - default: - v = { - x: t.x, - y: t.y - }; - } - var h = a ? Ck(a) : null; - if (h != null) { - var m = h === "y" ? "height" : "width"; - switch (c) { - case Wv: - v[h] = v[h] - (t[m] / 2 - r[m] / 2); - break; - case fb: - v[h] = v[h] + (t[m] / 2 - r[m] / 2); - break; - } - } - return v; -} -function pb(e, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = {}); - var r = t, o = r.placement, a = o === void 0 ? e.placement : o, c = r.strategy, u = c === void 0 ? e.strategy : c, p = r.boundary, v = p === void 0 ? gG : p, h = r.rootBoundary, m = h === void 0 ? w$ : h, b = r.elementContext, _ = b === void 0 ? _y : b, T = r.altBoundary, R = T === void 0 ? !1 : T, k = r.padding, I = k === void 0 ? 0 : k, M = I$(typeof I != "number" ? I : N$(I, kb)), L = _ === _y ? mG : _y, P = e.rects.popper, B = e.elements[R ? L : _], D = YG(yp(B) ? B : B.contextElement || Wd(e.elements.popper), v, m, u), V = Gv(e.elements.reference), U = A$({ - reference: V, - element: P, - strategy: "absolute", - placement: a - }), ee = eO(Object.assign({}, P, U)), re = _ === _y ? ee : V, oe = { - top: D.top - re.top + M.top, - bottom: re.bottom - D.bottom + M.bottom, - left: D.left - re.left + M.left, - right: re.right - D.right + M.right - }, K = e.modifiersData.offset; - if (_ === _y && K) { - var Ce = K[a]; - Object.keys(oe).forEach(function(_e) { - var me = [Ys, Ks].indexOf(_e) >= 0 ? 1 : -1, Fe = [es, Ks].indexOf(_e) >= 0 ? "y" : "x"; - oe[_e] += Ce[Fe] * me; - }); - } - return oe; -} -function JG(e, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = {}); - var r = t, o = r.placement, a = r.boundary, c = r.rootBoundary, u = r.padding, p = r.flipVariations, v = r.allowedAutoPlacements, h = v === void 0 ? T$ : v, m = Kv(o), b = m ? p ? YF : YF.filter(function(R) { - return Kv(R) === m; - }) : kb, _ = b.filter(function(R) { - return h.indexOf(R) >= 0; - }); - _.length === 0 && (_ = b, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.error(["Popper: The `allowedAutoPlacements` option did not allow any", "placements. Ensure the `placement` option matches the variation", "of the allowed placements.", 'For example, "auto" cannot be used to allow "bottom-start".', 'Use "auto-start" instead.'].join(" "))); - var T = _.reduce(function(R, k) { - return R[k] = pb(e, { - placement: k, - boundary: a, - rootBoundary: c, - padding: u - })[Il(k)], R; - }, {}); - return Object.keys(T).sort(function(R, k) { - return T[R] - T[k]; - }); -} -function XG(e) { - if (Il(e) === gC) - return []; - var t = g1(e); - return [QF(e), t, QF(t)]; -} -function QG(e) { - var t = e.state, r = e.options, o = e.name; - if (!t.modifiersData[o]._skip) { - for (var a = r.mainAxis, c = a === void 0 ? !0 : a, u = r.altAxis, p = u === void 0 ? !0 : u, v = r.fallbackPlacements, h = r.padding, m = r.boundary, b = r.rootBoundary, _ = r.altBoundary, T = r.flipVariations, R = T === void 0 ? !0 : T, k = r.allowedAutoPlacements, I = t.options.placement, M = Il(I), L = M === I, P = v || (L || !R ? [g1(I)] : XG(I)), B = [I].concat(P).reduce(function(He, Je) { - return He.concat(Il(Je) === gC ? JG(t, { - placement: Je, - boundary: m, - rootBoundary: b, - padding: h, - flipVariations: R, - allowedAutoPlacements: k - }) : Je); - }, []), D = t.rects.reference, V = t.rects.popper, U = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), ee = !0, re = B[0], oe = 0; oe < B.length; oe++) { - var K = B[oe], Ce = Il(K), _e = Kv(K) === Wv, me = [es, Ks].indexOf(Ce) >= 0, Fe = me ? "width" : "height", Ie = pb(t, { - placement: K, - boundary: m, - rootBoundary: b, - altBoundary: _, - padding: h - }), Ae = me ? _e ? Ys : ts : _e ? Ks : es; - D[Fe] > V[Fe] && (Ae = g1(Ae)); - var be = g1(Ae), Oe = []; - if (c && Oe.push(Ie[Ce] <= 0), p && Oe.push(Ie[Ae] <= 0, Ie[be] <= 0), Oe.every(function(He) { - return He; - })) { - re = K, ee = !1; - break; - } - U.set(K, Oe); - } - if (ee) - for (var Q = R ? 3 : 1, ye = function(Je) { - var Be = B.find(function(Ke) { - var Ze = U.get(Ke); - if (Ze) - return Ze.slice(0, Je).every(function(ft) { - return ft; - }); - }); - if (Be) - return re = Be, "break"; - }, $e = Q; $e > 0; $e--) { - var We = ye($e); - if (We === "break") - break; - } - t.placement !== re && (t.modifiersData[o]._skip = !0, t.placement = re, t.reset = !0); - } -} -const ZG = { - name: "flip", - enabled: !0, - phase: "main", - fn: QG, - requiresIfExists: ["offset"], - data: { - _skip: !1 - } -}; -function eM(e, t, r) { - return r === void 0 && (r = { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }), { - top: e.top - t.height - r.y, - right: e.right - t.width + r.x, - bottom: e.bottom - t.height + r.y, - left: e.left - t.width - r.x - }; -} -function tM(e) { - return [es, Ys, Ks, ts].some(function(t) { - return e[t] >= 0; - }); -} -function eK(e) { - var t = e.state, r = e.name, o = t.rects.reference, a = t.rects.popper, c = t.modifiersData.preventOverflow, u = pb(t, { - elementContext: "reference" - }), p = pb(t, { - altBoundary: !0 - }), v = eM(u, o), h = eM(p, a, c), m = tM(v), b = tM(h); - t.modifiersData[r] = { - referenceClippingOffsets: v, - popperEscapeOffsets: h, - isReferenceHidden: m, - hasPopperEscaped: b - }, t.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, t.attributes.popper, { - "data-popper-reference-hidden": m, - "data-popper-escaped": b - }); -} -const tK = { - name: "hide", - enabled: !0, - phase: "main", - requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"], - fn: eK -}; -function nK(e, t, r) { - var o = Il(e), a = [ts, es].indexOf(o) >= 0 ? -1 : 1, c = typeof r == "function" ? r(Object.assign({}, t, { - placement: e - })) : r, u = c[0], p = c[1]; - return u = u || 0, p = (p || 0) * a, [ts, Ys].indexOf(o) >= 0 ? { - x: p, - y: u - } : { - x: u, - y: p - }; -} -function rK(e) { - var t = e.state, r = e.options, o = e.name, a = r.offset, c = a === void 0 ? [0, 0] : a, u = T$.reduce(function(m, b) { - return m[b] = nK(b, t.rects, c), m; - }, {}), p = u[t.placement], v = p.x, h = p.y; - t.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null && (t.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x += v, t.modifiersData.popperOffsets.y += h), t.modifiersData[o] = u; -} -const oK = { - name: "offset", - enabled: !0, - phase: "main", - requires: ["popperOffsets"], - fn: rK -}; -function iK(e) { - var t = e.state, r = e.name; - t.modifiersData[r] = A$({ - reference: t.rects.reference, - element: t.rects.popper, - strategy: "absolute", - placement: t.placement - }); -} -const aK = { - name: "popperOffsets", - enabled: !0, - phase: "read", - fn: iK, - data: {} -}; -function sK(e) { - return e === "x" ? "y" : "x"; -} -function lK(e) { - var t = e.state, r = e.options, o = e.name, a = r.mainAxis, c = a === void 0 ? !0 : a, u = r.altAxis, p = u === void 0 ? !1 : u, v = r.boundary, h = r.rootBoundary, m = r.altBoundary, b = r.padding, _ = r.tether, T = _ === void 0 ? !0 : _, R = r.tetherOffset, k = R === void 0 ? 0 : R, I = pb(t, { - boundary: v, - rootBoundary: h, - padding: b, - altBoundary: m - }), M = Il(t.placement), L = Kv(t.placement), P = !L, B = Ck(M), D = sK(B), V = t.modifiersData.popperOffsets, U = t.rects.reference, ee = t.rects.popper, re = typeof k == "function" ? k(Object.assign({}, t.rects, { - placement: t.placement - })) : k, oe = typeof re == "number" ? { - mainAxis: re, - altAxis: re - } : Object.assign({ - mainAxis: 0, - altAxis: 0 - }, re), K = t.modifiersData.offset ? t.modifiersData.offset[t.placement] : null, Ce = { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - if (V) { - if (c) { - var _e, me = B === "y" ? es : ts, Fe = B === "y" ? Ks : Ys, Ie = B === "y" ? "height" : "width", Ae = V[B], be = Ae + I[me], Oe = Ae - I[Fe], Q = T ? -ee[Ie] / 2 : 0, ye = L === Wv ? U[Ie] : ee[Ie], $e = L === Wv ? -ee[Ie] : -U[Ie], We = t.elements.arrow, He = T && We ? xk(We) : { - width: 0, - height: 0 - }, Je = t.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"] ? t.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"].padding : k$(), Be = Je[me], Ke = Je[Fe], Ze = Qy(0, U[Ie], He[Ie]), ft = P ? U[Ie] / 2 - Q - Ze - Be - oe.mainAxis : ye - Ze - Be - oe.mainAxis, Tt = P ? -U[Ie] / 2 + Q + Ze + Ke + oe.mainAxis : $e + Ze + Ke + oe.mainAxis, le = t.elements.arrow && Ib(t.elements.arrow), W = le ? B === "y" ? le.clientTop || 0 : le.clientLeft || 0 : 0, G = (_e = K == null ? void 0 : K[B]) != null ? _e : 0, ne = Ae + ft - G - W, ue = Ae + Tt - G, Pe = Qy(T ? P1(be, ne) : be, Ae, T ? cp(Oe, ue) : Oe); - V[B] = Pe, Ce[B] = Pe - Ae; - } - if (p) { - var Ne, Et = B === "x" ? es : ts, Gt = B === "x" ? Ks : Ys, Ut = V[D], Wt = D === "y" ? "height" : "width", dn = Ut + I[Et], xn = Ut - I[Gt], bt = [es, ts].indexOf(M) !== -1, It = (Ne = K == null ? void 0 : K[D]) != null ? Ne : 0, vt = bt ? dn : Ut - U[Wt] - ee[Wt] - It + oe.altAxis, Rt = bt ? Ut + U[Wt] + ee[Wt] - It - oe.altAxis : xn, gt = T && bt ? PG(vt, Ut, Rt) : Qy(T ? vt : dn, Ut, T ? Rt : xn); - V[D] = gt, Ce[D] = gt - Ut; - } - t.modifiersData[o] = Ce; - } -} -const uK = { - name: "preventOverflow", - enabled: !0, - phase: "main", - fn: lK, - requiresIfExists: ["offset"] -}; -function cK(e) { - return { - scrollLeft: e.scrollLeft, - scrollTop: e.scrollTop - }; -} -function dK(e) { - return e === ws(e) || !Es(e) ? _k(e) : cK(e); -} -function fK(e) { - var t = e.getBoundingClientRect(), r = qv(t.width) / e.offsetWidth || 1, o = qv(t.height) / e.offsetHeight || 1; - return r !== 1 || o !== 1; -} -function pK(e, t, r) { - r === void 0 && (r = !1); - var o = Es(t), a = Es(t) && fK(t), c = Wd(t), u = Gv(e, a, r), p = { - scrollLeft: 0, - scrollTop: 0 - }, v = { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - return (o || !o && !r) && ((Ru(t) !== "body" || // https://github.com/popperjs/popper-core/issues/1078 - wk(c)) && (p = dK(t)), Es(t) ? (v = Gv(t, !0), v.x += t.clientLeft, v.y += t.clientTop) : c && (v.x = Ek(c))), { - x: u.left + p.scrollLeft - v.x, - y: u.top + p.scrollTop - v.y, - width: u.width, - height: u.height - }; -} -function hK(e) { - var t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), o = []; - e.forEach(function(c) { - t.set(c.name, c); - }); - function a(c) { - r.add(c.name); - var u = [].concat(c.requires || [], c.requiresIfExists || []); - u.forEach(function(p) { - if (!r.has(p)) { - var v = t.get(p); - v && a(v); - } - }), o.push(c); - } - return e.forEach(function(c) { - r.has(c.name) || a(c); - }), o; -} -function vK(e) { - var t = hK(e); - return QR.reduce(function(r, o) { - return r.concat(t.filter(function(a) { - return a.phase === o; - })); - }, []); -} -function gK(e) { - var t; - return function() { - return t || (t = new Promise(function(r) { - Promise.resolve().then(function() { - t = void 0, r(e()); - }); - })), t; - }; -} -function Td(e) { - for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < t; o++) - r[o - 1] = arguments[o]; - return [].concat(r).reduce(function(a, c) { - return a.replace(/%s/, c); - }, e); -} -var Xf = 'Popper: modifier "%s" provided an invalid %s property, expected %s but got %s', mK = 'Popper: modifier "%s" requires "%s", but "%s" modifier is not available', nM = ["name", "enabled", "phase", "fn", "effect", "requires", "options"]; -function yK(e) { - e.forEach(function(t) { - [].concat(Object.keys(t), nM).filter(function(r, o, a) { - return a.indexOf(r) === o; - }).forEach(function(r) { - switch (r) { - case "name": - typeof t.name != "string" && console.error(Td(Xf, String(t.name), '"name"', '"string"', '"' + String(t.name) + '"')); - break; - case "enabled": - typeof t.enabled != "boolean" && console.error(Td(Xf, t.name, '"enabled"', '"boolean"', '"' + String(t.enabled) + '"')); - break; - case "phase": - QR.indexOf(t.phase) < 0 && console.error(Td(Xf, t.name, '"phase"', "either " + QR.join(", "), '"' + String(t.phase) + '"')); - break; - case "fn": - typeof t.fn != "function" && console.error(Td(Xf, t.name, '"fn"', '"function"', '"' + String(t.fn) + '"')); - break; - case "effect": - t.effect != null && typeof t.effect != "function" && console.error(Td(Xf, t.name, '"effect"', '"function"', '"' + String(t.fn) + '"')); - break; - case "requires": - t.requires != null && !Array.isArray(t.requires) && console.error(Td(Xf, t.name, '"requires"', '"array"', '"' + String(t.requires) + '"')); - break; - case "requiresIfExists": - Array.isArray(t.requiresIfExists) || console.error(Td(Xf, t.name, '"requiresIfExists"', '"array"', '"' + String(t.requiresIfExists) + '"')); - break; - case "options": - case "data": - break; - default: - console.error('PopperJS: an invalid property has been provided to the "' + t.name + '" modifier, valid properties are ' + nM.map(function(o) { - return '"' + o + '"'; - }).join(", ") + '; but "' + r + '" was provided.'); - } - t.requires && t.requires.forEach(function(o) { - e.find(function(a) { - return a.name === o; - }) == null && console.error(Td(mK, String(t.name), o, o)); - }); - }); - }); -} -function bK(e, t) { - var r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - return e.filter(function(o) { - var a = t(o); - if (!r.has(a)) - return r.add(a), !0; - }); -} -function SK(e) { - var t = e.reduce(function(r, o) { - var a = r[o.name]; - return r[o.name] = a ? Object.assign({}, a, o, { - options: Object.assign({}, a.options, o.options), - data: Object.assign({}, a.data, o.data) - }) : o, r; - }, {}); - return Object.keys(t).map(function(r) { - return t[r]; - }); -} -var rM = "Popper: Invalid reference or popper argument provided. They must be either a DOM element or virtual element.", xK = "Popper: An infinite loop in the modifiers cycle has been detected! The cycle has been interrupted to prevent a browser crash.", oM = { - placement: "bottom", - modifiers: [], - strategy: "absolute" -}; -function iM() { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) - t[r] = arguments[r]; - return !t.some(function(o) { - return !(o && typeof o.getBoundingClientRect == "function"); - }); -} -function CK(e) { - e === void 0 && (e = {}); - var t = e, r = t.defaultModifiers, o = r === void 0 ? [] : r, a = t.defaultOptions, c = a === void 0 ? oM : a; - return function(p, v, h) { - h === void 0 && (h = c); - var m = { - placement: "bottom", - orderedModifiers: [], - options: Object.assign({}, oM, c), - modifiersData: {}, - elements: { - reference: p, - popper: v - }, - attributes: {}, - styles: {} - }, b = [], _ = !1, T = { - state: m, - setOptions: function(M) { - var L = typeof M == "function" ? M(m.options) : M; - k(), m.options = Object.assign({}, c, m.options, L), m.scrollParents = { - reference: yp(p) ? Zy(p) : p.contextElement ? Zy(p.contextElement) : [], - popper: Zy(v) - }; - var P = vK(SK([].concat(o, m.options.modifiers))); - if (m.orderedModifiers = P.filter(function(K) { - return K.enabled; - }), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - var B = bK([].concat(P, m.options.modifiers), function(K) { - var Ce = K.name; - return Ce; - }); - if (yK(B), Il(m.options.placement) === gC) { - var D = m.orderedModifiers.find(function(K) { - var Ce = K.name; - return Ce === "flip"; - }); - D || console.error(['Popper: "auto" placements require the "flip" modifier be', "present and enabled to work."].join(" ")); - } - var V = Nl(v), U = V.marginTop, ee = V.marginRight, re = V.marginBottom, oe = V.marginLeft; - [U, ee, re, oe].some(function(K) { - return parseFloat(K); - }) && console.warn(['Popper: CSS "margin" styles cannot be used to apply padding', "between the popper and its reference element or boundary.", "To replicate margin, use the `offset` modifier, as well as", "the `padding` option in the `preventOverflow` and `flip`", "modifiers."].join(" ")); - } - return R(), T.update(); - }, - // Sync update – it will always be executed, even if not necessary. This - // is useful for low frequency updates where sync behavior simplifies the - // logic. - // For high frequency updates (e.g. `resize` and `scroll` events), always - // prefer the async Popper#update method - forceUpdate: function() { - if (!_) { - var M = m.elements, L = M.reference, P = M.popper; - if (!iM(L, P)) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.error(rM); - return; - } - m.rects = { - reference: pK(L, Ib(P), m.options.strategy === "fixed"), - popper: xk(P) - }, m.reset = !1, m.placement = m.options.placement, m.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(K) { - return m.modifiersData[K.name] = Object.assign({}, K.data); - }); - for (var B = 0, D = 0; D < m.orderedModifiers.length; D++) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (B += 1, B > 100)) { - console.error(xK); - break; - } - if (m.reset === !0) { - m.reset = !1, D = -1; - continue; - } - var V = m.orderedModifiers[D], U = V.fn, ee = V.options, re = ee === void 0 ? {} : ee, oe = V.name; - typeof U == "function" && (m = U({ - state: m, - options: re, - name: oe, - instance: T - }) || m); - } - } - }, - // Async and optimistically optimized update – it will not be executed if - // not necessary (debounced to run at most once-per-tick) - update: gK(function() { - return new Promise(function(I) { - T.forceUpdate(), I(m); - }); - }), - destroy: function() { - k(), _ = !0; - } - }; - if (!iM(p, v)) - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.error(rM), T; - T.setOptions(h).then(function(I) { - !_ && h.onFirstUpdate && h.onFirstUpdate(I); - }); - function R() { - m.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(I) { - var M = I.name, L = I.options, P = L === void 0 ? {} : L, B = I.effect; - if (typeof B == "function") { - var D = B({ - state: m, - name: M, - instance: T, - options: P - }), V = function() { - }; - b.push(D || V); - } - }); - } - function k() { - b.forEach(function(I) { - return I(); - }), b = []; - } - return T; - }; -} -var _K = [VG, aK, zG, kG, oK, ZG, uK, DG, tK], EK = /* @__PURE__ */ CK({ - defaultModifiers: _K -}), tO = { exports: {} }, Ka = {}, Lx = { exports: {} }, NT = {}; -/** - * @license React - * scheduler.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var aM; -function wK() { - return aM || (aM = 1, function(e) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { - typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ < "u" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart == "function" && __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error()); - var t = !1, r = !1, o = 5; - function a(J, pt) { - var At = J.length; - J.push(pt), p(J, pt, At); - } - function c(J) { - return J.length === 0 ? null : J[0]; - } - function u(J) { - if (J.length === 0) - return null; - var pt = J[0], At = J.pop(); - return At !== pt && (J[0] = At, v(J, At, 0)), pt; - } - function p(J, pt, At) { - for (var ut = At; ut > 0; ) { - var Tn = ut - 1 >>> 1, rr = J[Tn]; - if (h(rr, pt) > 0) - J[Tn] = pt, J[ut] = rr, ut = Tn; - else - return; - } - } - function v(J, pt, At) { - for (var ut = At, Tn = J.length, rr = Tn >>> 1; ut < rr; ) { - var sr = (ut + 1) * 2 - 1, Qn = J[sr], Ln = sr + 1, cr = J[Ln]; - if (h(Qn, pt) < 0) - Ln < Tn && h(cr, Qn) < 0 ? (J[ut] = cr, J[Ln] = pt, ut = Ln) : (J[ut] = Qn, J[sr] = pt, ut = sr); - else if (Ln < Tn && h(cr, pt) < 0) - J[ut] = cr, J[Ln] = pt, ut = Ln; - else - return; - } - } - function h(J, pt) { - var At = J.sortIndex - pt.sortIndex; - return At !== 0 ? At : J.id - pt.id; - } - var m = 1, b = 2, _ = 3, T = 4, R = 5; - function k(J, pt) { - } - var I = typeof performance == "object" && typeof performance.now == "function"; - if (I) { - var M = performance; - e.unstable_now = function() { - return M.now(); - }; - } else { - var L = Date, P = L.now(); - e.unstable_now = function() { - return L.now() - P; - }; - } - var B = 1073741823, D = -1, V = 250, U = 5e3, ee = 1e4, re = B, oe = [], K = [], Ce = 1, _e = null, me = _, Fe = !1, Ie = !1, Ae = !1, be = typeof setTimeout == "function" ? setTimeout : null, Oe = typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? clearTimeout : null, Q = typeof setImmediate < "u" ? setImmediate : null; - typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.scheduling !== void 0 && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending !== void 0 && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling); - function ye(J) { - for (var pt = c(K); pt !== null; ) { - if (pt.callback === null) - u(K); - else if (pt.startTime <= J) - u(K), pt.sortIndex = pt.expirationTime, a(oe, pt); - else - return; - pt = c(K); - } - } - function $e(J) { - if (Ae = !1, ye(J), !Ie) - if (c(oe) !== null) - Ie = !0, vt(We); - else { - var pt = c(K); - pt !== null && Rt($e, pt.startTime - J); - } - } - function We(J, pt) { - Ie = !1, Ae && (Ae = !1, gt()), Fe = !0; - var At = me; - try { - var ut; - if (!r) - return He(J, pt); - } finally { - _e = null, me = At, Fe = !1; - } - } - function He(J, pt) { - var At = pt; - for (ye(At), _e = c(oe); _e !== null && !t && !(_e.expirationTime > At && (!J || Gt())); ) { - var ut = _e.callback; - if (typeof ut == "function") { - _e.callback = null, me = _e.priorityLevel; - var Tn = _e.expirationTime <= At, rr = ut(Tn); - At = e.unstable_now(), typeof rr == "function" ? _e.callback = rr : _e === c(oe) && u(oe), ye(At); - } else - u(oe); - _e = c(oe); - } - if (_e !== null) - return !0; - var sr = c(K); - return sr !== null && Rt($e, sr.startTime - At), !1; - } - function Je(J, pt) { - switch (J) { - case m: - case b: - case _: - case T: - case R: - break; - default: - J = _; - } - var At = me; - me = J; - try { - return pt(); - } finally { - me = At; - } - } - function Be(J) { - var pt; - switch (me) { - case m: - case b: - case _: - pt = _; - break; - default: - pt = me; - break; - } - var At = me; - me = pt; - try { - return J(); - } finally { - me = At; - } - } - function Ke(J) { - var pt = me; - return function() { - var At = me; - me = pt; - try { - return J.apply(this, arguments); - } finally { - me = At; - } - }; - } - function Ze(J, pt, At) { - var ut = e.unstable_now(), Tn; - if (typeof At == "object" && At !== null) { - var rr = At.delay; - typeof rr == "number" && rr > 0 ? Tn = ut + rr : Tn = ut; - } else - Tn = ut; - var sr; - switch (J) { - case m: - sr = D; - break; - case b: - sr = V; - break; - case R: - sr = re; - break; - case T: - sr = ee; - break; - case _: - default: - sr = U; - break; - } - var Qn = Tn + sr, Ln = { - id: Ce++, - callback: pt, - priorityLevel: J, - startTime: Tn, - expirationTime: Qn, - sortIndex: -1 - }; - return Tn > ut ? (Ln.sortIndex = Tn, a(K, Ln), c(oe) === null && Ln === c(K) && (Ae ? gt() : Ae = !0, Rt($e, Tn - ut))) : (Ln.sortIndex = Qn, a(oe, Ln), !Ie && !Fe && (Ie = !0, vt(We))), Ln; - } - function ft() { - } - function Tt() { - !Ie && !Fe && (Ie = !0, vt(We)); - } - function le() { - return c(oe); - } - function W(J) { - J.callback = null; - } - function G() { - return me; - } - var ne = !1, ue = null, Pe = -1, Ne = o, Et = -1; - function Gt() { - var J = e.unstable_now() - Et; - return !(J < Ne); - } - function Ut() { - } - function Wt(J) { - if (J < 0 || J > 125) { - console.error("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported"); - return; - } - J > 0 ? Ne = Math.floor(1e3 / J) : Ne = o; - } - var dn = function() { - if (ue !== null) { - var J = e.unstable_now(); - Et = J; - var pt = !0, At = !0; - try { - At = ue(pt, J); - } finally { - At ? xn() : (ne = !1, ue = null); - } - } else - ne = !1; - }, xn; - if (typeof Q == "function") - xn = function() { - Q(dn); - }; - else if (typeof MessageChannel < "u") { - var bt = new MessageChannel(), It = bt.port2; - bt.port1.onmessage = dn, xn = function() { - It.postMessage(null); - }; - } else - xn = function() { - be(dn, 0); - }; - function vt(J) { - ue = J, ne || (ne = !0, xn()); - } - function Rt(J, pt) { - Pe = be(function() { - J(e.unstable_now()); - }, pt); - } - function gt() { - Oe(Pe), Pe = -1; - } - var Pt = Ut, wn = null; - e.unstable_IdlePriority = R, e.unstable_ImmediatePriority = m, e.unstable_LowPriority = T, e.unstable_NormalPriority = _, e.unstable_Profiling = wn, e.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = b, e.unstable_cancelCallback = W, e.unstable_continueExecution = Tt, e.unstable_forceFrameRate = Wt, e.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = G, e.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = le, e.unstable_next = Be, e.unstable_pauseExecution = ft, e.unstable_requestPaint = Pt, e.unstable_runWithPriority = Je, e.unstable_scheduleCallback = Ze, e.unstable_shouldYield = Gt, e.unstable_wrapCallback = Ke, typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ < "u" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop == "function" && __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error()); - }(); - }(NT)), NT; -} -var PT = {}; -/** - * @license React - * scheduler.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var sM; -function TK() { - return sM || (sM = 1, function(e) { - function t(be, Oe) { - var Q = be.length; - be.push(Oe); - e: - for (; 0 < Q; ) { - var ye = Q - 1 >>> 1, $e = be[ye]; - if (0 < a($e, Oe)) - be[ye] = Oe, be[Q] = $e, Q = ye; - else - break e; - } - } - function r(be) { - return be.length === 0 ? null : be[0]; - } - function o(be) { - if (be.length === 0) - return null; - var Oe = be[0], Q = be.pop(); - if (Q !== Oe) { - be[0] = Q; - e: - for (var ye = 0, $e = be.length, We = $e >>> 1; ye < We; ) { - var He = 2 * (ye + 1) - 1, Je = be[He], Be = He + 1, Ke = be[Be]; - if (0 > a(Je, Q)) - Be < $e && 0 > a(Ke, Je) ? (be[ye] = Ke, be[Be] = Q, ye = Be) : (be[ye] = Je, be[He] = Q, ye = He); - else if (Be < $e && 0 > a(Ke, Q)) - be[ye] = Ke, be[Be] = Q, ye = Be; - else - break e; - } - } - return Oe; - } - function a(be, Oe) { - var Q = be.sortIndex - Oe.sortIndex; - return Q !== 0 ? Q : be.id - Oe.id; - } - if (typeof performance == "object" && typeof performance.now == "function") { - var c = performance; - e.unstable_now = function() { - return c.now(); - }; - } else { - var u = Date, p = u.now(); - e.unstable_now = function() { - return u.now() - p; - }; - } - var v = [], h = [], m = 1, b = null, _ = 3, T = !1, R = !1, k = !1, I = typeof setTimeout == "function" ? setTimeout : null, M = typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? clearTimeout : null, L = typeof setImmediate < "u" ? setImmediate : null; - typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.scheduling !== void 0 && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending !== void 0 && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling); - function P(be) { - for (var Oe = r(h); Oe !== null; ) { - if (Oe.callback === null) - o(h); - else if (Oe.startTime <= be) - o(h), Oe.sortIndex = Oe.expirationTime, t(v, Oe); - else - break; - Oe = r(h); - } - } - function B(be) { - if (k = !1, P(be), !R) - if (r(v) !== null) - R = !0, Ie(D); - else { - var Oe = r(h); - Oe !== null && Ae(B, Oe.startTime - be); - } - } - function D(be, Oe) { - R = !1, k && (k = !1, M(ee), ee = -1), T = !0; - var Q = _; - try { - for (P(Oe), b = r(v); b !== null && (!(b.expirationTime > Oe) || be && !K()); ) { - var ye = b.callback; - if (typeof ye == "function") { - b.callback = null, _ = b.priorityLevel; - var $e = ye(b.expirationTime <= Oe); - Oe = e.unstable_now(), typeof $e == "function" ? b.callback = $e : b === r(v) && o(v), P(Oe); - } else - o(v); - b = r(v); - } - if (b !== null) - var We = !0; - else { - var He = r(h); - He !== null && Ae(B, He.startTime - Oe), We = !1; - } - return We; - } finally { - b = null, _ = Q, T = !1; - } - } - var V = !1, U = null, ee = -1, re = 5, oe = -1; - function K() { - return !(e.unstable_now() - oe < re); - } - function Ce() { - if (U !== null) { - var be = e.unstable_now(); - oe = be; - var Oe = !0; - try { - Oe = U(!0, be); - } finally { - Oe ? _e() : (V = !1, U = null); - } - } else - V = !1; - } - var _e; - if (typeof L == "function") - _e = function() { - L(Ce); - }; - else if (typeof MessageChannel < "u") { - var me = new MessageChannel(), Fe = me.port2; - me.port1.onmessage = Ce, _e = function() { - Fe.postMessage(null); - }; - } else - _e = function() { - I(Ce, 0); - }; - function Ie(be) { - U = be, V || (V = !0, _e()); - } - function Ae(be, Oe) { - ee = I(function() { - be(e.unstable_now()); - }, Oe); - } - e.unstable_IdlePriority = 5, e.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1, e.unstable_LowPriority = 4, e.unstable_NormalPriority = 3, e.unstable_Profiling = null, e.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2, e.unstable_cancelCallback = function(be) { - be.callback = null; - }, e.unstable_continueExecution = function() { - R || T || (R = !0, Ie(D)); - }, e.unstable_forceFrameRate = function(be) { - 0 > be || 125 < be ? console.error("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported") : re = 0 < be ? Math.floor(1e3 / be) : 5; - }, e.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function() { - return _; - }, e.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function() { - return r(v); - }, e.unstable_next = function(be) { - switch (_) { - case 1: - case 2: - case 3: - var Oe = 3; - break; - default: - Oe = _; - } - var Q = _; - _ = Oe; - try { - return be(); - } finally { - _ = Q; - } - }, e.unstable_pauseExecution = function() { - }, e.unstable_requestPaint = function() { - }, e.unstable_runWithPriority = function(be, Oe) { - switch (be) { - case 1: - case 2: - case 3: - case 4: - case 5: - break; - default: - be = 3; - } - var Q = _; - _ = be; - try { - return Oe(); - } finally { - _ = Q; - } - }, e.unstable_scheduleCallback = function(be, Oe, Q) { - var ye = e.unstable_now(); - switch (typeof Q == "object" && Q !== null ? (Q = Q.delay, Q = typeof Q == "number" && 0 < Q ? ye + Q : ye) : Q = ye, be) { - case 1: - var $e = -1; - break; - case 2: - $e = 250; - break; - case 5: - $e = 1073741823; - break; - case 4: - $e = 1e4; - break; - default: - $e = 5e3; - } - return $e = Q + $e, be = { id: m++, callback: Oe, priorityLevel: be, startTime: Q, expirationTime: $e, sortIndex: -1 }, Q > ye ? (be.sortIndex = Q, t(h, be), r(v) === null && be === r(h) && (k ? (M(ee), ee = -1) : k = !0, Ae(B, Q - ye))) : (be.sortIndex = $e, t(v, be), R || T || (R = !0, Ie(D))), be; - }, e.unstable_shouldYield = K, e.unstable_wrapCallback = function(be) { - var Oe = _; - return function() { - var Q = _; - _ = Oe; - try { - return be.apply(this, arguments); - } finally { - _ = Q; - } - }; - }; - }(PT)), PT; -} -var lM; -function F$() { - return lM || (lM = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? Lx.exports = TK() : Lx.exports = wK()), Lx.exports; -} -/** - * @license React - * react-dom.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var uM; -function RK() { - return uM || (uM = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { - typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ < "u" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart == "function" && __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error()); - var e = j, t = F$(), r = e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED, o = !1; - function a(n) { - o = n; - } - function c(n) { - if (!o) { - for (var i = arguments.length, f = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), g = 1; g < i; g++) - f[g - 1] = arguments[g]; - p("warn", n, f); - } - } - function u(n) { - if (!o) { - for (var i = arguments.length, f = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), g = 1; g < i; g++) - f[g - 1] = arguments[g]; - p("error", n, f); - } - } - function p(n, i, f) { - { - var g = r.ReactDebugCurrentFrame, C = g.getStackAddendum(); - C !== "" && (i += "%s", f = f.concat([C])); - var O = f.map(function($) { - return String($); - }); - O.unshift("Warning: " + i), Function.prototype.apply.call(console[n], console, O); - } - } - var v = 0, h = 1, m = 2, b = 3, _ = 4, T = 5, R = 6, k = 7, I = 8, M = 9, L = 10, P = 11, B = 12, D = 13, V = 14, U = 15, ee = 16, re = 17, oe = 18, K = 19, Ce = 21, _e = 22, me = 23, Fe = 24, Ie = 25, Ae = !0, be = !1, Oe = !1, Q = !1, ye = !1, $e = !0, We = !1, He = !1, Je = !0, Be = !0, Ke = !0, Ze = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), ft = {}, Tt = {}; - function le(n, i) { - W(n, i), W(n + "Capture", i); - } - function W(n, i) { - ft[n] && u("EventRegistry: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same registration name, `%s`.", n), ft[n] = i; - { - var f = n.toLowerCase(); - Tt[f] = n, n === "onDoubleClick" && (Tt.ondblclick = n); - } - for (var g = 0; g < i.length; g++) - Ze.add(i[g]); - } - var G = typeof window < "u" && typeof window.document < "u" && typeof window.document.createElement < "u", ne = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - function ue(n) { - { - var i = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.toStringTag, f = i && n[Symbol.toStringTag] || n.constructor.name || "Object"; - return f; - } - } - function Pe(n) { - try { - return Ne(n), !1; - } catch { - return !0; - } - } - function Ne(n) { - return "" + n; - } - function Et(n, i) { - if (Pe(n)) - return u("The provided `%s` attribute is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", i, ue(n)), Ne(n); - } - function Gt(n) { - if (Pe(n)) - return u("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", ue(n)), Ne(n); - } - function Ut(n, i) { - if (Pe(n)) - return u("The provided `%s` prop is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", i, ue(n)), Ne(n); - } - function Wt(n, i) { - if (Pe(n)) - return u("The provided `%s` CSS property is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", i, ue(n)), Ne(n); - } - function dn(n) { - if (Pe(n)) - return u("The provided HTML markup uses a value of unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", ue(n)), Ne(n); - } - function xn(n) { - if (Pe(n)) - return u("Form field values (value, checked, defaultValue, or defaultChecked props) must be strings, not %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", ue(n)), Ne(n); - } - var bt = 0, It = 1, vt = 2, Rt = 3, gt = 4, Pt = 5, wn = 6, J = ":A-Z_a-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD", pt = J + "\\-.0-9\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040", At = new RegExp("^[" + J + "][" + pt + "]*$"), ut = {}, Tn = {}; - function rr(n) { - return ne.call(Tn, n) ? !0 : ne.call(ut, n) ? !1 : At.test(n) ? (Tn[n] = !0, !0) : (ut[n] = !0, u("Invalid attribute name: `%s`", n), !1); - } - function sr(n, i, f) { - return i !== null ? i.type === bt : f ? !1 : n.length > 2 && (n[0] === "o" || n[0] === "O") && (n[1] === "n" || n[1] === "N"); - } - function Qn(n, i, f, g) { - if (f !== null && f.type === bt) - return !1; - switch (typeof i) { - case "function": - case "symbol": - return !0; - case "boolean": { - if (g) - return !1; - if (f !== null) - return !f.acceptsBooleans; - var C = n.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5); - return C !== "data-" && C !== "aria-"; - } - default: - return !1; - } - } - function Ln(n, i, f, g) { - if (i === null || typeof i > "u" || Qn(n, i, f, g)) - return !0; - if (g) - return !1; - if (f !== null) - switch (f.type) { - case Rt: - return !i; - case gt: - return i === !1; - case Pt: - return isNaN(i); - case wn: - return isNaN(i) || i < 1; - } - return !1; - } - function cr(n) { - return nn.hasOwnProperty(n) ? nn[n] : null; - } - function fn(n, i, f, g, C, O, $) { - this.acceptsBooleans = i === vt || i === Rt || i === gt, this.attributeName = g, this.attributeNamespace = C, this.mustUseProperty = f, this.propertyName = n, this.type = i, this.sanitizeURL = O, this.removeEmptyString = $; - } - var nn = {}, dr = [ - "children", - "dangerouslySetInnerHTML", - // TODO: This prevents the assignment of defaultValue to regular - // elements (not just inputs). Now that ReactDOMInput assigns to the - // defaultValue property -- do we need this? - "defaultValue", - "defaultChecked", - "innerHTML", - "suppressContentEditableWarning", - "suppressHydrationWarning", - "style" - ]; - dr.forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - bt, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n, - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), [["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"], ["className", "class"], ["htmlFor", "for"], ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"]].forEach(function(n) { - var i = n[0], f = n[1]; - nn[i] = new fn( - i, - It, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - f, - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), ["contentEditable", "draggable", "spellCheck", "value"].forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - vt, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n.toLowerCase(), - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), ["autoReverse", "externalResourcesRequired", "focusable", "preserveAlpha"].forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - vt, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n, - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), [ - "allowFullScreen", - "async", - // Note: there is a special case that prevents it from being written to the DOM - // on the client side because the browsers are inconsistent. Instead we call focus(). - "autoFocus", - "autoPlay", - "controls", - "default", - "defer", - "disabled", - "disablePictureInPicture", - "disableRemotePlayback", - "formNoValidate", - "hidden", - "loop", - "noModule", - "noValidate", - "open", - "playsInline", - "readOnly", - "required", - "reversed", - "scoped", - "seamless", - // Microdata - "itemScope" - ].forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - Rt, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n.toLowerCase(), - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), [ - "checked", - // Note: `option.selected` is not updated if `select.multiple` is - // disabled with `removeAttribute`. We have special logic for handling this. - "multiple", - "muted", - "selected" - // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list, - // you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase() - // instead in the assignment below. - ].forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - Rt, - !0, - // mustUseProperty - n, - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), [ - "capture", - "download" - // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list, - // you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase() - // instead in the assignment below. - ].forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - gt, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n, - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), [ - "cols", - "rows", - "size", - "span" - // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list, - // you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase() - // instead in the assignment below. - ].forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - wn, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n, - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), ["rowSpan", "start"].forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - Pt, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n.toLowerCase(), - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }); - var Rn = /[\-\:]([a-z])/g, Zn = function(n) { - return n[1].toUpperCase(); - }; - [ - "accent-height", - "alignment-baseline", - "arabic-form", - "baseline-shift", - "cap-height", - "clip-path", - "clip-rule", - "color-interpolation", - "color-interpolation-filters", - "color-profile", - "color-rendering", - "dominant-baseline", - "enable-background", - "fill-opacity", - "fill-rule", - "flood-color", - "flood-opacity", - "font-family", - "font-size", - "font-size-adjust", - "font-stretch", - "font-style", - "font-variant", - "font-weight", - "glyph-name", - "glyph-orientation-horizontal", - "glyph-orientation-vertical", - "horiz-adv-x", - "horiz-origin-x", - "image-rendering", - "letter-spacing", - "lighting-color", - "marker-end", - "marker-mid", - "marker-start", - "overline-position", - "overline-thickness", - "paint-order", - "panose-1", - "pointer-events", - "rendering-intent", - "shape-rendering", - "stop-color", - "stop-opacity", - "strikethrough-position", - "strikethrough-thickness", - "stroke-dasharray", - "stroke-dashoffset", - "stroke-linecap", - "stroke-linejoin", - "stroke-miterlimit", - "stroke-opacity", - "stroke-width", - "text-anchor", - "text-decoration", - "text-rendering", - "underline-position", - "underline-thickness", - "unicode-bidi", - "unicode-range", - "units-per-em", - "v-alphabetic", - "v-hanging", - "v-ideographic", - "v-mathematical", - "vector-effect", - "vert-adv-y", - "vert-origin-x", - "vert-origin-y", - "word-spacing", - "writing-mode", - "xmlns:xlink", - "x-height" - // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list, - // you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase() - // instead in the assignment below. - ].forEach(function(n) { - var i = n.replace(Rn, Zn); - nn[i] = new fn( - i, - It, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n, - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), [ - "xlink:actuate", - "xlink:arcrole", - "xlink:role", - "xlink:show", - "xlink:title", - "xlink:type" - // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list, - // you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase() - // instead in the assignment below. - ].forEach(function(n) { - var i = n.replace(Rn, Zn); - nn[i] = new fn( - i, - It, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n, - "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), [ - "xml:base", - "xml:lang", - "xml:space" - // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list, - // you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase() - // instead in the assignment below. - ].forEach(function(n) { - var i = n.replace(Rn, Zn); - nn[i] = new fn( - i, - It, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n, - "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }), ["tabIndex", "crossOrigin"].forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - It, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n.toLowerCase(), - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !1, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ); - }); - var Pr = "xlinkHref"; - nn[Pr] = new fn( - "xlinkHref", - It, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - "xlink:href", - "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", - !0, - // sanitizeURL - !1 - ), ["src", "href", "action", "formAction"].forEach(function(n) { - nn[n] = new fn( - n, - It, - !1, - // mustUseProperty - n.toLowerCase(), - // attributeName - null, - // attributeNamespace - !0, - // sanitizeURL - !0 - ); - }); - var _o = /^[\u0000-\u001F ]*j[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*v[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*s[\r\n\t]*c[\r\n\t]*r[\r\n\t]*i[\r\n\t]*p[\r\n\t]*t[\r\n\t]*\:/i, uo = !1; - function Eo(n) { - !uo && _o.test(n) && (uo = !0, u("A future version of React will block javascript: URLs as a security precaution. Use event handlers instead if you can. If you need to generate unsafe HTML try using dangerouslySetInnerHTML instead. React was passed %s.", JSON.stringify(n))); - } - function qe(n, i, f, g) { - if (g.mustUseProperty) { - var C = g.propertyName; - return n[C]; - } else { - Et(f, i), g.sanitizeURL && Eo("" + f); - var O = g.attributeName, $ = null; - if (g.type === gt) { - if (n.hasAttribute(O)) { - var q = n.getAttribute(O); - return q === "" ? !0 : Ln(i, f, g, !1) ? q : q === "" + f ? f : q; - } - } else if (n.hasAttribute(O)) { - if (Ln(i, f, g, !1)) - return n.getAttribute(O); - if (g.type === Rt) - return f; - $ = n.getAttribute(O); - } - return Ln(i, f, g, !1) ? $ === null ? f : $ : $ === "" + f ? f : $; - } - } - function at(n, i, f, g) { - { - if (!rr(i)) - return; - if (!n.hasAttribute(i)) - return f === void 0 ? void 0 : null; - var C = n.getAttribute(i); - return Et(f, i), C === "" + f ? f : C; - } - } - function jt(n, i, f, g) { - var C = cr(i); - if (!sr(i, C, g)) { - if (Ln(i, f, C, g) && (f = null), g || C === null) { - if (rr(i)) { - var O = i; - f === null ? n.removeAttribute(O) : (Et(f, i), n.setAttribute(O, "" + f)); - } - return; - } - var $ = C.mustUseProperty; - if ($) { - var q = C.propertyName; - if (f === null) { - var Z = C.type; - n[q] = Z === Rt ? !1 : ""; - } else - n[q] = f; - return; - } - var ce = C.attributeName, ve = C.attributeNamespace; - if (f === null) - n.removeAttribute(ce); - else { - var Ve = C.type, ze; - Ve === Rt || Ve === gt && f === !0 ? ze = "" : (Et(f, ce), ze = "" + f, C.sanitizeURL && Eo(ze.toString())), ve ? n.setAttributeNS(ve, ce, ze) : n.setAttribute(ce, ze); - } - } - } - var vn = Symbol.for("react.element"), Xt = Symbol.for("react.portal"), qt = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), Cn = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), xe = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), mt = Symbol.for("react.provider"), $t = Symbol.for("react.context"), De = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), je = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), Ot = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), _t = Symbol.for("react.memo"), Dt = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), $n = Symbol.for("react.scope"), zn = Symbol.for("react.debug_trace_mode"), Jt = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), Nn = Symbol.for("react.legacy_hidden"), Ta = Symbol.for("react.cache"), Dl = Symbol.for("react.tracing_marker"), mr = Symbol.iterator, Yd = "@@iterator"; - function la(n) { - if (n === null || typeof n != "object") - return null; - var i = mr && n[mr] || n[Yd]; - return typeof i == "function" ? i : null; - } - var ir = Object.assign, Ra = 0, ks, Ll, Is, x, S, E, N; - function z() { - } - z.__reactDisabledLog = !0; - function X() { - { - if (Ra === 0) { - ks = console.log, Ll = console.info, Is = console.warn, x = console.error, S = console.group, E = console.groupCollapsed, N = console.groupEnd; - var n = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - value: z, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - info: n, - log: n, - warn: n, - error: n, - group: n, - groupCollapsed: n, - groupEnd: n - }); - } - Ra++; - } - } - function se() { - { - if (Ra--, Ra === 0) { - var n = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - log: ir({}, n, { - value: ks - }), - info: ir({}, n, { - value: Ll - }), - warn: ir({}, n, { - value: Is - }), - error: ir({}, n, { - value: x - }), - group: ir({}, n, { - value: S - }), - groupCollapsed: ir({}, n, { - value: E - }), - groupEnd: ir({}, n, { - value: N - }) - }); - } - Ra < 0 && u("disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."); - } - } - var he = r.ReactCurrentDispatcher, de; - function fe(n, i, f) { - { - if (de === void 0) - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (C) { - var g = C.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); - de = g && g[1] || ""; - } - return ` -` + de + n; - } - } - var ge = !1, Se; - { - var we = typeof WeakMap == "function" ? WeakMap : Map; - Se = new we(); - } - function Me(n, i) { - if (!n || ge) - return ""; - { - var f = Se.get(n); - if (f !== void 0) - return f; - } - var g; - ge = !0; - var C = Error.prepareStackTrace; - Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; - var O; - O = he.current, he.current = null, X(); - try { - if (i) { - var $ = function() { - throw Error(); - }; - if (Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "props", { - set: function() { - throw Error(); - } - }), typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.construct) { - try { - Reflect.construct($, []); - } catch (lt) { - g = lt; - } - Reflect.construct(n, [], $); - } else { - try { - $.call(); - } catch (lt) { - g = lt; - } - n.call($.prototype); - } - } else { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (lt) { - g = lt; - } - n(); - } - } catch (lt) { - if (lt && g && typeof lt.stack == "string") { - for (var q = lt.stack.split(` -`), Z = g.stack.split(` -`), ce = q.length - 1, ve = Z.length - 1; ce >= 1 && ve >= 0 && q[ce] !== Z[ve]; ) - ve--; - for (; ce >= 1 && ve >= 0; ce--, ve--) - if (q[ce] !== Z[ve]) { - if (ce !== 1 || ve !== 1) - do - if (ce--, ve--, ve < 0 || q[ce] !== Z[ve]) { - var Ve = ` -` + q[ce].replace(" at new ", " at "); - return n.displayName && Ve.includes("") && (Ve = Ve.replace("", n.displayName)), typeof n == "function" && Se.set(n, Ve), Ve; - } - while (ce >= 1 && ve >= 0); - break; - } - } - } finally { - ge = !1, he.current = O, se(), Error.prepareStackTrace = C; - } - var ze = n ? n.displayName || n.name : "", st = ze ? fe(ze) : ""; - return typeof n == "function" && Se.set(n, st), st; - } - function Ge(n, i, f) { - return Me(n, !0); - } - function nt(n, i, f) { - return Me(n, !1); - } - function ct(n) { - var i = n.prototype; - return !!(i && i.isReactComponent); - } - function ae(n, i, f) { - if (n == null) - return ""; - if (typeof n == "function") - return Me(n, ct(n)); - if (typeof n == "string") - return fe(n); - switch (n) { - case je: - return fe("Suspense"); - case Ot: - return fe("SuspenseList"); - } - if (typeof n == "object") - switch (n.$$typeof) { - case De: - return nt(n.render); - case _t: - return ae(n.type, i, f); - case Dt: { - var g = n, C = g._payload, O = g._init; - try { - return ae(O(C), i, f); - } catch { - } - } - } - return ""; - } - function pe(n) { - switch (n._debugOwner && n._debugOwner.type, n._debugSource, n.tag) { - case T: - return fe(n.type); - case ee: - return fe("Lazy"); - case D: - return fe("Suspense"); - case K: - return fe("SuspenseList"); - case v: - case m: - case U: - return nt(n.type); - case P: - return nt(n.type.render); - case h: - return Ge(n.type); - default: - return ""; - } - } - function Ee(n) { - try { - var i = "", f = n; - do - i += pe(f), f = f.return; - while (f); - return i; - } catch (g) { - return ` -Error generating stack: ` + g.message + ` -` + g.stack; - } - } - function Re(n, i, f) { - var g = n.displayName; - if (g) - return g; - var C = i.displayName || i.name || ""; - return C !== "" ? f + "(" + C + ")" : f; - } - function Xe(n) { - return n.displayName || "Context"; - } - function Ye(n) { - if (n == null) - return null; - if (typeof n.tag == "number" && u("Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."), typeof n == "function") - return n.displayName || n.name || null; - if (typeof n == "string") - return n; - switch (n) { - case qt: - return "Fragment"; - case Xt: - return "Portal"; - case xe: - return "Profiler"; - case Cn: - return "StrictMode"; - case je: - return "Suspense"; - case Ot: - return "SuspenseList"; - } - if (typeof n == "object") - switch (n.$$typeof) { - case $t: - var i = n; - return Xe(i) + ".Consumer"; - case mt: - var f = n; - return Xe(f._context) + ".Provider"; - case De: - return Re(n, n.render, "ForwardRef"); - case _t: - var g = n.displayName || null; - return g !== null ? g : Ye(n.type) || "Memo"; - case Dt: { - var C = n, O = C._payload, $ = C._init; - try { - return Ye($(O)); - } catch { - return null; - } - } - } - return null; - } - function rn(n, i, f) { - var g = i.displayName || i.name || ""; - return n.displayName || (g !== "" ? f + "(" + g + ")" : f); - } - function Nt(n) { - return n.displayName || "Context"; - } - function Yt(n) { - var i = n.tag, f = n.type; - switch (i) { - case Fe: - return "Cache"; - case M: - var g = f; - return Nt(g) + ".Consumer"; - case L: - var C = f; - return Nt(C._context) + ".Provider"; - case oe: - return "DehydratedFragment"; - case P: - return rn(f, f.render, "ForwardRef"); - case k: - return "Fragment"; - case T: - return f; - case _: - return "Portal"; - case b: - return "Root"; - case R: - return "Text"; - case ee: - return Ye(f); - case I: - return f === Cn ? "StrictMode" : "Mode"; - case _e: - return "Offscreen"; - case B: - return "Profiler"; - case Ce: - return "Scope"; - case D: - return "Suspense"; - case K: - return "SuspenseList"; - case Ie: - return "TracingMarker"; - case h: - case v: - case re: - case m: - case V: - case U: - if (typeof f == "function") - return f.displayName || f.name || null; - if (typeof f == "string") - return f; - break; - } - return null; - } - var Zt = r.ReactDebugCurrentFrame, Qt = null, ar = !1; - function lr() { - { - if (Qt === null) - return null; - var n = Qt._debugOwner; - if (n !== null && typeof n < "u") - return Yt(n); - } - return null; - } - function wr() { - return Qt === null ? "" : Ee(Qt); - } - function hr() { - Zt.getCurrentStack = null, Qt = null, ar = !1; - } - function Kn(n) { - Zt.getCurrentStack = n === null ? null : wr, Qt = n, ar = !1; - } - function Oo() { - return Qt; - } - function yr(n) { - ar = n; - } - function pr(n) { - return "" + n; - } - function zr(n) { - switch (typeof n) { - case "boolean": - case "number": - case "string": - case "undefined": - return n; - case "object": - return xn(n), n; - default: - return ""; - } - } - var ko = { - button: !0, - checkbox: !0, - image: !0, - hidden: !0, - radio: !0, - reset: !0, - submit: !0 - }; - function wi(n, i) { - ko[i.type] || i.onChange || i.onInput || i.readOnly || i.disabled || i.value == null || u("You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`."), i.onChange || i.readOnly || i.disabled || i.checked == null || u("You provided a `checked` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultChecked`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`."); - } - function Ti(n) { - var i = n.type, f = n.nodeName; - return f && f.toLowerCase() === "input" && (i === "checkbox" || i === "radio"); - } - function Ns(n) { - return n._valueTracker; - } - function $o(n) { - n._valueTracker = null; - } - function Oa(n) { - var i = ""; - return n && (Ti(n) ? i = n.checked ? "true" : "false" : i = n.value), i; - } - function $i(n) { - var i = Ti(n) ? "checked" : "value", f = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n.constructor.prototype, i); - xn(n[i]); - var g = "" + n[i]; - if (!(n.hasOwnProperty(i) || typeof f > "u" || typeof f.get != "function" || typeof f.set != "function")) { - var C = f.get, O = f.set; - Object.defineProperty(n, i, { - configurable: !0, - get: function() { - return C.call(this); - }, - set: function(q) { - xn(q), g = "" + q, O.call(this, q); - } - }), Object.defineProperty(n, i, { - enumerable: f.enumerable - }); - var $ = { - getValue: function() { - return g; - }, - setValue: function(q) { - xn(q), g = "" + q; - }, - stopTracking: function() { - $o(n), delete n[i]; - } - }; - return $; - } - } - function co(n) { - Ns(n) || (n._valueTracker = $i(n)); - } - function zo(n) { - if (!n) - return !1; - var i = Ns(n); - if (!i) - return !0; - var f = i.getValue(), g = Oa(n); - return g !== f ? (i.setValue(g), !0) : !1; - } - function ua(n) { - if (n = n || (typeof document < "u" ? document : void 0), typeof n > "u") - return null; - try { - return n.activeElement || n.body; - } catch { - return n.body; - } - } - var zi = !1, ka = !1, Ia = !1, Qs = !1; - function oi(n) { - var i = n.type === "checkbox" || n.type === "radio"; - return i ? n.checked != null : n.value != null; - } - function te(n, i) { - var f = n, g = i.checked, C = ir({}, i, { - defaultChecked: void 0, - defaultValue: void 0, - value: void 0, - checked: g ?? f._wrapperState.initialChecked - }); - return C; - } - function ke(n, i) { - wi("input", i), i.checked !== void 0 && i.defaultChecked !== void 0 && !ka && (u("%s contains an input of type %s with both checked and defaultChecked props. Input elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled (specify either the checked prop, or the defaultChecked prop, but not both). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element and remove one of these props. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components", lr() || "A component", i.type), ka = !0), i.value !== void 0 && i.defaultValue !== void 0 && !zi && (u("%s contains an input of type %s with both value and defaultValue props. Input elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled (specify either the value prop, or the defaultValue prop, but not both). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element and remove one of these props. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components", lr() || "A component", i.type), zi = !0); - var f = n, g = i.defaultValue == null ? "" : i.defaultValue; - f._wrapperState = { - initialChecked: i.checked != null ? i.checked : i.defaultChecked, - initialValue: zr(i.value != null ? i.value : g), - controlled: oi(i) - }; - } - function rt(n, i) { - var f = n, g = i.checked; - g != null && jt(f, "checked", g, !1); - } - function ot(n, i) { - var f = n; - { - var g = oi(i); - !f._wrapperState.controlled && g && !Qs && (u("A component is changing an uncontrolled input to be controlled. This is likely caused by the value changing from undefined to a defined value, which should not happen. Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components"), Qs = !0), f._wrapperState.controlled && !g && !Ia && (u("A component is changing a controlled input to be uncontrolled. This is likely caused by the value changing from a defined to undefined, which should not happen. Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components"), Ia = !0); - } - rt(n, i); - var C = zr(i.value), O = i.type; - if (C != null) - O === "number" ? (C === 0 && f.value === "" || // We explicitly want to coerce to number here if possible. - // eslint-disable-next-line - f.value != C) && (f.value = pr(C)) : f.value !== pr(C) && (f.value = pr(C)); - else if (O === "submit" || O === "reset") { - f.removeAttribute("value"); - return; - } - i.hasOwnProperty("value") ? Pn(f, i.type, C) : i.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue") && Pn(f, i.type, zr(i.defaultValue)), i.checked == null && i.defaultChecked != null && (f.defaultChecked = !!i.defaultChecked); - } - function Lt(n, i, f) { - var g = n; - if (i.hasOwnProperty("value") || i.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) { - var C = i.type, O = C === "submit" || C === "reset"; - if (O && (i.value === void 0 || i.value === null)) - return; - var $ = pr(g._wrapperState.initialValue); - f || $ !== g.value && (g.value = $), g.defaultValue = $; - } - var q = g.name; - q !== "" && (g.name = ""), g.defaultChecked = !g.defaultChecked, g.defaultChecked = !!g._wrapperState.initialChecked, q !== "" && (g.name = q); - } - function kn(n, i) { - var f = n; - ot(f, i), Bt(f, i); - } - function Bt(n, i) { - var f = i.name; - if (i.type === "radio" && f != null) { - for (var g = n; g.parentNode; ) - g = g.parentNode; - Et(f, "name"); - for (var C = g.querySelectorAll("input[name=" + JSON.stringify("" + f) + '][type="radio"]'), O = 0; O < C.length; O++) { - var $ = C[O]; - if (!($ === n || $.form !== n.form)) { - var q = SS($); - if (!q) - throw new Error("ReactDOMInput: Mixing React and non-React radio inputs with the same `name` is not supported."); - zo($), ot($, q); - } - } - } - } - function Pn(n, i, f) { - // Focused number inputs synchronize on blur. See ChangeEventPlugin.js - (i !== "number" || ua(n.ownerDocument) !== n) && (f == null ? n.defaultValue = pr(n._wrapperState.initialValue) : n.defaultValue !== pr(f) && (n.defaultValue = pr(f))); - } - var Yn = !1, or = !1, jr = !1; - function Ir(n, i) { - i.value == null && (typeof i.children == "object" && i.children !== null ? e.Children.forEach(i.children, function(f) { - f != null && (typeof f == "string" || typeof f == "number" || or || (or = !0, u("Cannot infer the option value of complex children. Pass a `value` prop or use a plain string as children to