Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Type | string | Type of an attachment | [optional] [default to Card] |
Fallback | string | A string of default text that will be rendered in the case that the client does not support Interactive Messages | [optional] |
Color | string | A Hex color code that determines the color of the side border of the Interactive Message | [optional] |
Intro | string | A pretext to the message | [optional] |
Author | GlipMessageAttachmentAuthorInfo | [optional] | |
Title | string | Message title | [optional] |
Text | string | A large string field (up to 1000 chars) to be displayed as the body of a message (Supports GlipDown) | [optional] |
ImageUri | string | url used to display a single image at the bottom of a message | [optional] |
ThumbnailUri | string | url used to display a thumbnail to the right of a message (82x82) | [optional] |
Fields | []GlipMessageAttachmentFieldsInfo | Information on navigation | [optional] |
Footnote | GlipMessageAttachmentFootnoteInfo | [optional] |