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Grum's CSS notes

Contains an overview of CSS covered in the Codecademy Web Path courses and links to Mozilla documentation.


Basic CSS language rules

CSS specificity/precedence

  • From highest to lowest;
Order of
Name Example CSS selector Example corresponding HTML
1 ID #my-element-id {...} <p id="cmy-element-id">...</p>
2 chained {...} <h1 class="my-class">...</div>
3 class .my-class-2 {...} <div class="my-class-2">...</div>
4 nested element footer h3 {...} <footer><h3>...</h3></footer>
5 element h2 {...} <h2>...</h2>

Setting page layouts

The Box Model

Sizing with height, width, padding, borders, and margins

  • The five properties of the box model are: height and width, padding, borders, and margins.
  • The box model uses the five properties to create space around and between HTML elements;
    • drawing
  • See here for the fixed and relative units that can be used to set the properities.
Property Effect
Sets content area.
NB: Can combine min & max to limit scaling in two directions. E.g.
div.container {
min-height: 150px;
max-height: 600px;
min-width: 300px;
max-width: 900px;
border Surrounds the content area and padding of an element. The color,
style, and thickness of a border can be set with CSS properties.
E.g. border: 3px solid #eb6536 sets line width, type of line, and
color of line
Sets the spacing between the content area and the border. For
padding, the number of arguments changes which faces the arg(s)
apply to.
Sets the spacing outside of an element's border;
1) For margin, the number of arguments changes which faces the
arg(s) apply to.
2) margin: 0 auto sets no top-bottom margins, but horizontally
an element inside of its parent content area, if it has a width.
3) Vertical margin collapse;
- Vertical margins collapse, so the space between vertically adjacent
elements is equal to the larger margin.
- Horizontal margins add, so the total space between the borders of
adjacent elements is equal to the sum of the right margin of one
element and the left margin of the adjacent element.
overflow Property can be set to display, hide, or scroll, and dictates how
HTML will render content that overflows its parent's content area.
visibility Property can hide or show elements.

[1] WARNING: If the element display defaults to, or is set to, inline, it causes the element to be as small as possible and hence partially, or fully, negates any height, width, padding and margin settings.

Padding and margin arguments

The number of arguments changes which faces the arguments apply to as follows;

Args Faces Applied To Example
1 All four faces. padding: 20px;
2 1st: Top & bottom
2nd: Both sides
margin: 10px 20px;
3 1st: Top
2nd: Both sides
3rd: Bottom
padding: 10px 20px; 5px;
4 1st: Top
2nd: Right side
3rd: Bottom
4th: Left side
margin: 10px 20px 5px 50px;

Changing the Box Model

box-sizing : [content-box (default) | border-box]

The box-sizing property controls the box model used by the browser;

Setting Effect
content-box Box dimensions are affected by border thickness and padding, as
these are external to the box, and hence add to the content dimensions.
border-box Box dimensions are not affected by border thickness or padding,
instead these go into the box.

display : [inline | block | inline-block]

  • The display property allows control of how an element flows vertically and horizontally.
Setting Effect
inline Elements take up the minimum size required to contain the contents and cannot
be altered in size with the height or width properties. See here for more.
block Elements fill the entire width of the page by default, but their width property can
also be set. Unless otherwise specified, they are the height necessary to
accommodate their content. The main block-by-default elements are
<h1> through <h6>, <p>, <div> and <footer>, see here for more.
inline-block Elements can also appear next to each other, can have set width and height,
and do not take up their entire container width.
flex Elements will remain block level — no other elements will appear on the same
line as it.
inline-flex Elements will be flex containers that are also inline elements.

position : [static (default) | relative | absolute | fixed]

Setting Effect
static Default value. Elements render in order, as they appear in the document flow
relative Position relative to its default position on the page.
absolute Position relative to its first positioned (not static) ancestor element. It can be pinned to any part of the web page, but the element will still move with the rest of the document when the page is scrolled.
fixed Position pinned to any part of the web page. The element will remain in view no matter what.
If an element's position is fixed;
1) The element may be obscured underneath others, so z-index: <a_suitably_big_int> can bring the element forward. Which may in turn obscure other element(s), which then need to have their position altered to be visiable again. e.g. Set their position:relative, and then push them down using top:<the_height_of_the_obscuring_element>px.
2) The element may shrink, which width: 100% can address, provided the display for the element is not inline.
sticky Position relative to its default position on the page until its containing block crosses a specified threshold (such as setting top to value other than auto) within its flow root (or the container it scrolls within), at which point it is treated as "stuck" until meeting the opposite edge of its containing block.
  • Once position is changed from static, the element's position can be modified using the top, bottom, left, right properties, using auto, inherit, or any of these units.

z-index : [int]

  • The z-index of an element specifies how far back or how far forward an element appears on the page when it overlaps other elements.
  • The higher the number, the closer to the top of the stack
  • WARNING: z-index will not function if position either defaults, or is set to, static.
  • See also Using z-index article

float : [left | right]

  • Move elements as far left or right as possible.
  • Floated elements must have a width specified, otherwise the element will assume the full width of its containing element, and changing the float value will not yield any visible results.
  • The float property can also be used to float multiple elements at once. However, when multiple floated elements have different heights, it can affect their layout on the page. Specifically, elements can "bump" into each other and not allow other elements to properly move the left or right.

clear : [left | right | both]

  • When multiple floated elements have different heights, they can "bump" into each other and not allow other elements to properly move to the left or right.

  • The clear property specifies how elements should behave when they bump into each other on the page.

Setting Effect
left The left side of the element will not touch any other element within the same containing element.
right The right side of the element will not touch any other element within the same containing element.
both Neither side of the element will touch any other element within the same containing element.
none The element can touch either side.

<length> - units for sizing and positioning - px, em rem, %, auto, etc

  • Units can be applied when sizing and positioning elements and their contents

Absolute units

  • Absolute units represent a physical measurement when the physical properties of the output medium are known, such as for print layout. E.g. padding: 20px;
Unit Physical property Conversion In px
px Pixels. For low-res displays, equals 1 display pixel (dot).
For printers and high-resolution screens, 1 px
implies multiple device pixels.
cm Centermeters 1cm = 96px/2.54 ~37.8
mm Milimeters 1mm = 96px/25.4 ~3.8
in Inches 1in = 96px 96
pc Picas 1pc = 12pt = 1/6th of 1in 16
pt Points 1pt = 1/72nd of 1in ~ 1.3

Relative units

  • Relative lengths represent size in terms of some other distance. Depending on the unit, this can be the size of a specific character, the line height, or the size of the viewport.
Unit Description Example
em Multiple of base (i.e. parent element's) font-size that
is in use.
Use when sizing elements in comparison to other
elements nearby.
font-size: 1.25em;
rem Multiple of root element (i.e. <html> tag) font-size.
Use when sizing elements consistently
across entire page.
line-height: 1.6rem;
% Size element relative to the dimensions of parent
element (i.e. container).
NB: For padding & margin, the % for all four sides
is computed using the width of the parent element.
WARNING: If used with box-model, may
cause overflow problems
width: 60%;
auto The browser will calculate and select a width for the
specified element. E.g. If the height property of an
image is set to auto, the image's height will
automatically scale proportionally with the width.
WARNING: auto may be the default or inherited, in
which case auto appears to do nothing.
height: auto;
See <length> for details.
  • NB: When using relative sizing, to create a consistent layout based on text size and text-related dimensions on the page (i.e. padding around text), use ems and rems. Otherwise, percentages should be used.

Flexbox layouts

  • A flex container is an element on a page that contains flex items.
  • All direct child elements of a flex container are flex items.
  • Some of the properties apply to flex containers, while others apply to flex items.

Overview of flexbox properties

  • To designate an element as a flex container, set display of element to flex or inline-flex
  • Flex items and containers have the following settable properties;
Property Axis of
Default Purpose
justify-content main-axis normal
justify contents along container
align-items cross-axis stretch Flex-box cross-axis (Gridlayout block-axis) align
single-line (i.e. nowrap) contents.
flex-grow main-axis 0
grow item proportionally to siblings, using parent's
extra space
flex-shrink main-axis 1 Shrink item proportionally to siblings, when parent
container too small
flex-basis main-axis auto Set initial size of item
flex main-axis N/A Combines flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis settings
flex-wrap main-axis nowrap Sets wrapping of contained items, when container has
insufficient space
align-content cross-axis stretch Flex-box cross-axis (Gridlayout block-axis) align
multi-line (i.e. with wrapping) contents
flex-direction N/A row Set main-axis and direction
flex-flow N/A N/A Combines flex-direction and flex-wrap settings

Flex-box main-axis and cross-axis

  • The behaviour of many flex-box properties are dependent on the main-axis and cross-axis, which are set by the flex-direction property. The cross-axis is always perpendicular to the main-axis.
  • See heading links for diagrams

Flex-box default behaviour

  • Once an element is a flex containter, the default settings for each property applies, and hence it's contents will;
    • Have the main-axis as row (i.e. horizontal and left to right).
    • On the main-axis;
      • Not stretch
      • Not grow if extra space is present
      • Shrink if there is not enough space
      • Not wrap
    • On the cross-axis;
      • Stretch

Nested Flex-boxes

  • Flexboxes can be nested.
  • Example, with code from course;;


justify-content : [et al] - main-axis justify contents along container

  • Distribute space between and around content items along the main-axis of their container.
Setting Effect
flex-start Pack flex items from the start
flex-end Pack flex items from the end
center Pack items around the center
space-around Distribute items evenly.
Items have a half-size space on either end.
space-between Distribute items evenly.
The first item is flush with the start, the last is flush with the end.
start Pack items from the start
end Pack items from the end
left Pack items from the left
right Pack items from the right
Pack items in their default position as if no justify-content value was set.
space-evenly Distribute items evenly
Items have equal space around them.
stretch Distribute items evenly.
Stretch 'auto'-sized items to fit the container.
safe <setting> If the item overflows the alignment container causing data loss,
the item is instead aligned as ifthe alignment mode were start.
unsafe <setting> Regardless of the relative sizes of the item and alignment container
and whether overflow which causes data loss might happen,
the given alignment value is honored.
  • Example, with code from course;;


align-items : [et al] - flex-box cross-axis (gridlayout block-axis) align single-row contents

  • Sets the align-self value on all direct children as a group
  • Sets the alignment of an item within its containing block.
  • Has no effect on wrapped multiple-line rows
Setting Effect on cross-axis
flex-start Pack flex items from the start
flex-end Pack flex items from the end
center Pack items around the center
first baseline
last baseline
The bottom of the content of all items will be aligned with each other.
baseline drawing
If possible, the items will stretch from top to bottom of the container
- Elements with a specified height will not stretch.
- Elements with a minimum height OR no height specified will stretch.
normal Depends on the layout mode
start Pack items from the start
end Pack items from the end
safe <setting> If the item overflows the alignment container causing data loss,
the item is instead aligned as ifthe alignment mode were start.
unsafe <setting> Regardless of the relative sizes of the item and alignment container
and whether overflow which causes data loss might happen,
the given alignment value is honored.
  • Example, with code, from course;;


flex-grow : [n] - main-axis grow item proportionally to siblings, using parent's extra space

  • Effect is proportional to flex-grow specified in siblings, with larger proportions taking up more of the partent's extra space
  • Default of 0 means items do not grow by default
  • Margins are unaffected
  • WARNING: Minimum and maximum widths will take precedence over flex-grow
Setting Effect on cross-axis
(default 0)
Sets flex-grow for item itself (i.e. not it's children).
NB: Can be fractions. Can't be negative.
  • Example, with code from course;


flex-shrink : [n] - main-axis shrink item proportionally to siblings, when parent container too small

  • Effect is proportional to flex-shrink specified in siblings, with smaller proportions shrinking more.
  • Default of 1 means items will shrink by default.
  • Margins are unaffected
  • WARNING: Minimum and maximum widths will take precedence over flex-shrink
Setting Effect on cross-axis
(default 1)
Sets flex-shrink for item itself (i.e. not it's children).
NB: Can be fractions. Can't be negative.
  • Example, with code from course;

prop drawing

flex-basis : [auto | unit ] - set initial size of item along main-axis

  • Set inital size of item before it stretches or shrinks.
  • Controls one dimension of item, depending on flex-direction setting;
    • When flex-direction: row, controls item's width
    • When flex-direction: column, controls item's height
  • WARNING: flex-bais overrides (i.e. has prioroty over) width (when flex-direction: row) or height (when flex-direction: column) settings.
Setting Effect on main-axis
units Set inital size of item before it stretches or shrinks.
content Indicates automatic sizing, based on the flex item’s content.
  • Example, with code from course;

flex-basis drawing

flex : [auto | initial | none | units]- combines grow, shrink and basis settings on main-axis

Setting Effect on cross-axis Example
auto Sized according to its width and height properties,
but grows to absorb any extra free space in the flex
container, and shrinks to its minimum size to fit the
Equivalent to setting flex: 1 1 auto;.
flex: auto;
Sized according to its width and height properties.
It shrinks to its minimum size to fit the container,
but does not grow to absorb any extra free space in
the flex container.
Equivalent to setting flex: 0 1 auto.
flex: inital;
none Sized according to its width and height properties.
It is fully inflexible: it neither shrinks nor grows in
relation to the flex container.
Equivalent to setting flex: 0 0 auto.
flex: none;
1 unitless value Set flex-grow flex: 2;
1 unit value Set flex-basis flex: 2em;
2 unitless values Sets flex-grow, flex-shrink flex: 2 1;
1 unitless value,
1 unit value
Sets flex-grow, flex-basis flex: 2 100px;
2 unitless values,
1 unit value
Sets flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis flex: 2 2 10%;

flex-wrap : [wrap | nowrap | wrap-reverse ] - sets wrapping of contained items along main-axis, when container has insufficient space

Setting Effect on ???-axis
wrap When container has insufficient space, move items to the row below
When container has insufficient space, shrink the items
wrap-reverse When container has insufficient space, move items to the row above
  • Example, with code from course;

prop drawing

align-content : [et al] - flex-box cross-axis (gridlayout block-axis) align multi-row contents

  • Has no effect on single line flex containers (i.e. ones with the default flex-wrap: nowrap).
    • Can use align-items with single line flex containers instead.
  • Sets the align-self value on all direct children as a group
  • Sets the alignment of an item within its containing block.
Setting Effect on cross-axis
flex-start Pack flex items from the start
flex-end Pack flex items from the end
center Pack items around the center
first baseline
last baseline
The bottom of the content of all items will be aligned with each other.

baseline drawing
If the combined size of the items along the cross axis is less than the
size of the alignment container, any auto-sized items have their size
increased equally (not proportionally), while still respecting the
constraints imposed by max-height/max-width (or equivalent
functionality), so that the combined size exactly fills the alignment
container along the cross axis.
- Elements with a specified height will not stretch.
- Elements with a minimum height OR no height specified will stretch.
- If any contained item has height AND min-height set, container will
not stretch. Whereas, container will stretch if ONLY min-height set.
Settinh height to inherit, initial or unset on limiting contained items
will allow stretching.
normal Depends on the layout mode
start Pack items from the start
end Pack items from the end
safe <setting> If the item overflows the alignment container causing data loss,
the item is instead aligned as ifthe alignment mode were start.
unsafe <setting> Regardless of the relative sizes of the item and alignment container
and whether overflow which causes data loss might happen,
the given alignment value is honored.
  • Example, with code from course;

align-content drawing

flex-direction : [row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse]- set main-axis and direction.

  • See here for links to Mozilla docs re: main-axis and cross-axis

  • The main-axis is used to position flex items with the following properties:

    1. justify-content
    2. flex-grow
    3. flex-shrink
    4. flex-basis
    5. flex
    6. flex-wrap
  • The cross-axis is used to position flex items with the following properties:

    1. align-items
    2. align-content
Setting main-axis and direction
Left to right across the parent element starting from the top left corner (default).
row-reverse Right to left across the parent element starting from the top right corner.
column Top to bottom of the parent element starting from the top left corner.
column-reverse The bottom to the top of the parent element starting from the bottom left
  • Example, with code from course;

flex-direction drawing

flex-flow : [flex-direction | flex-wrap] - combines flex-wrap and flex-direction settings

  • All values for flex-direction and flex-wrap are accepted.
  • Order of arguments is not important
flex-direction settings
flex-wrap settings


color and background-color [ keyword #, rgb, hsl, rgba, hsla];

Property Effect
color [ #, rgb, hsl, rgba, hsla]
background [ #, rgb, hsl, rgba, hsla]
Sets element's foreground & backround respectively
as per schemes below.

Solid colors - keyword, #, rgb, hsl

Setting Effect
keyword See list here. NB: Each color keyword has an equivalent #hex rgb value.
#hhhhhh 6 or 3 digit hexadecimal RGB color. 3 digit represents 6 digit where each pair is a double. E.g. #00FFFF = #0FF
rgb(ddd, ddd, ddd) Specifies RGB values as 0-255 decimals
hsl(ddd, ddd%, ddd%) drawing
1) 0-360º Hue. As per color wheel. 0/360 = Red, 120 = green, 240 = blue.
2) 0-100% Saturation. Less is toward center of wheel (greyer) and more moves to perimeter (richer)
3) 0-100% Lightness. 50% = normal, 0% = black, 100% = white

Alpha and Opacity

Setting with rgba and hsla

Setting Effect
rgba(ddd, ddd, ddd, 0-1)

hsla(ddd, ddd%, ddd%, 0-1)
1) The first three arguments specify the color as
per rgb & hsl above.

2) Opacity is set by the last real decimal valve.
0.0 = transparent, 1.0 = opaque.

Setting via opacity : real-decimal


Typography properties (font-family et al)

Arguments Notes
font-family font-name,
fallback-font1, ... ,
[serif, sans-serif]
1) If font-name is not
available, use fallbacks
or system serif/sans-serif.
2) Quote name if name
contains spaces.
font-weight bold, normal,
100-900 in 100's
400 is usually default,
700 is bold, 300 is light.
font-style italic, normal,
oblique <angle>?
word-spacing normal unit Default is 0.25em.
NB: em unit preferred.
letter-spacing normal unit Aka 'kerning'.
NB: em unit preferred.
text-transform none capitalize
uppercase lowercase
text-align left, center, right
line-height normal % unit
computes the line
height as a ratio of
the font size.

Loading additional fonts

See my example of using the below here.

Loading externally from

  1. Search for fonts
  2. Having found a font, add it and select the variations (e.g. regualr (400) and
  3. When all are saved, open the bottom-right widget and link or import the font(s);
    1. Link fonts via index.html;
      • Copy-and-paste the provided <link> tag into the <head> tag of index.html. E.g.
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    2. Import @font-face via style.css
      • Copy-and-paste the provided <link> tag into a browser.
      • From the raw css displayed, copy-and-paste all the /* latin */ @font-face {...} blocks into the top of style.css.
        @font-face {
            font-family: 'Space Mono';
            font-style: normal;
            font-weight: 700;
            src: local('Space Mono Bold'), local('SpaceMono-Bold'), url( format('woff2');
            unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2212, U+2215;
  4. Add font rules to selector
  • Copy-and-paste the font rules in to the appropriate selector of style.css.
    <some_css_selector> {
        font-family: "Space Mono", monospace;

Loading internally using font files

  1. Download font files from somewhere like, into a suitable location such as ./fonts
  2. For each font file, add an appropriate @font-face entry into style.css. E.g.;
    /* The 2 @font-face below bring in regular and bold versions of the Glegoo font.
       Note the font-weight's 400 & 700 are required to set them up correctly */
    @font-face {
        font-family: "Glegoo";
        font-style: normal;
        font-weight: 400;
        src: url(fonts/Glegoo-Regular.ttf) format('truetype');
    @font-face {
        font-family: "Glegoo";
        font-style: normal;
        font-weight: 700;
        src: url(fonts/Glegoo-Bold.ttf) format('truetype');

Detecting browser information with @media rules

  • @media features can detect many aspects of a user's browser, including the screen's width, height, resolution, orientation
  • The points at which @media queries are set are called breakpoints.

Logical operators between @media rules

and (and)

    @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px) {...}

, (or)

    @media only screen and (min-width: 480px), (orientation: landscape) {...}

Chaining and and ,

  • I'm unclear of precedence - need to read @media
      @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px), (orientation: portrait) {
          .gallery-item .thumbnail {
          width: 95%;

Rules for display width and height

  • The following @media applies rules to browser windows that are upto 480px wide
        @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
            body {
                font-size: 12px;

Rules for ranges of values

  • The following 2 are valid, equivalent & used in the wild;

    1. Using 2nd and to chain requirements;
      @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px) {
          /* ruleset for 320px - 480px */
    1. Using 2 separate rule sets;
      @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) { 
          /* ruleset for 320px - 479px */
      @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) { 
          /* ruleset for > 480px */

Rules for resolution DPI in <resolution> units

  • Can target high resolution devices. E.g.;
    @media only screen and (min-resolution: 150dpi) {
        /* CSS for high resolution screens */
  • NB: A 40" 4K monitor has 96dpi (3840px / 40in = 96dpi)
  • WARNING: When Firefox zooms in, the DPI is calculated as higher than the physical display's DPI => to test resolution rules, need to check Zoom level has been rest.

Rule for screen orientation

  • If the windows height is greater than, or equal to width, then it is portrait oriented.
    @media only screen and (orientation: landscape) {
        /* CSS for high resolution screens */

Rules for specific device and orientation

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) and (orientation: landscape) {
        /* CSS for tablets in landscape orientation */
  • Important: Use these to address layout problems, rather than drive design as per these guidelines.

Creating responsive websites

  • Absolute units for sizing and positioning are fixed and prevent responsive websites.

  • Elements that have size units of rem are relative to the root font-size and will be modified by changing root element. E.g.;

     html {
         font-size: 10px;
     h1 {
         font-size: 2rem;
  • Elements that have size units of em are relative to the base font-size in use, and will be modified when changing the base element. Linking contained element's sizes to the container means they can be sized relatively to one another, which will be maintained if the contained elements as a group are re-sized. E.g.;

         .supporting {
         /* "support" element's font size is relative to the root html element */
         font-size: 1.1rem;
         /* h2 and p element's font sizes are relative to one another */
         /* through their "support" container */
         .supporting h2 {
         font-size: 1.8em;
         .supporting p {
         font-size: 1.2em;
  • Linking element sizes and positions together centralises altering the overall layout. This is very helpful when combined with @media.

Use @media rules to address layout issues

  • Best practice;

    • Set breakpoints where the dimensions at which the layout breaks or looks odd, to allow CSS rules to resize the page and reorganize.
    • Avoid setting breakpoints based on specific devices.
    • Avoid forcing projects around a certain screen size.
    • Combine with using relative units.
  • See also Using media queries

Finding where layouts break or look odd

  • Test (not design) using these common screen sizes;
    • drawing
  • Test browser window sizes using the rulers and "Responsive Design Mode" in Firefox. drawing
    • WARNING: Sometimes Firefox's inspection information stops dynamically displaying the CSS rules being applied to elements, making it much harder to observe @media breakpoints in responsive designs. WORKAROUND this by closing the sites tab/window and re-open the site.

Design patterns

Background images background

In the CSS below, the first CSS declaration sets the background image (# is a placeholder for an image URL in this example). The second declaration instructs the CSS compiler to not repeat the image (by default, images will repeat). The third declaration centers the image within the element.

The third declaration scales the background image to cover the entire background of the element, while keeping the image in proportion. If the dimensions of the image exceed the dimensions of the container then only a portion of the image will display.

body {
  background-image: url('#');
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center;
  background-size: cover;
  • WARNING: background-size: cover may appear to have no effect unless the screen is sufficently wide and/or the zoom level is out far enough. Testing using mobile device emulation may also be needed.

Image and video proportional scaling

In the CSS below, .container represents a container div. It is set to a width of 50% (half of the browser's width, in this example) and a height of 200 pixels. Setting overflow to hidden ensures that any content with dimensions larger than the container will be hidden from view.

The second CSS rule ensures that images scale with the width of the container. The height property is set to auto, meaning an image's height will automatically scale proportionally with the width. Finally, the last line will display images as block level elements (rather than inline-block, their default state). This will prevent images from attempting to align with other content on the page (like text), which can add unintended margin to the images.

Note: The example above scales the width of an image (or video) to the width of a container. If the image is larger than the container, the vertical portion of the image will overflow and will not display. To swap this behavior, set max-height to 100% and width to auto (essentially swapping the values). This will scale the height of the image with the height of the container instead. If the image is larger than the container, the horizontal portion of the image will overflow and not display.

    .container {
        width: 50%;
        height: 200px;
        overflow: hidden;

    .container img {
        max-width: 100%;
        height: auto;
        display: block;

Always add reset.css to all pages.

  • This tries to minimise browsers creating problems by having diferent user agent default styles.
  • The reset.css used in the Codecademy projects in the this reppo seem to be effective, but searching the web may find better.

Tips and trips

How to work out the effect of declarations

When working out what declarations are doing;

  • View it in a real world sitution, directly in a browser on a machine (rather than in an emulator).
  • Have the MDN and W3C spec pages on hand for quick review.
  • Zoom in for small devices.
  • Zoom out for large displays & maximise window.
  • Keep in mind the purpose is fitting the view-port with meaningful, legible, intuitive content and interfaces.
  • When learning it can be very useful to isolate a problem or a plan down to a single objective. Then shrink and stretch and bang the living daylights out of the conceptual view. Your machine is that environment. The padded room, so to speak.
  • When in doubt, go back to the default style sheet and express the HTML elements using only that. Graduate views when experimenting. Don’t aim for perfection, but effect. If you don’t see it, then it must not be in the declarations.
  • In some cases the default or inherited value is the same as what what is being tried, so no change will occur.

Avoid padding of inline objects like <img>'s, instead use margin on their containers

  • It doesn’t make conceptual sense and is hence contrived, even if it can be made to work.
  • Blocks with margins is the way to go on such objects.