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Classes and Objects

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Grum mega-example

class MyParentClass:
    def __init__(self):
        print("Parent's __init__ methods can be called using super().__init__() in the children's __init__")

    def parentMethod(self, callingClass):
        return f"Parent method was called by {callingClass}"

    def polymorphicMethod(self, callingClass):
        return f"DANGER WILL ROBINSON! This method should have been overriden by {callingClass}"

class MyClass(MyParentClass):

    myClassAttribute = "I am a class attribute"

    def __init__(self, my_pub_attr):
        super().__init__() # call super() function
        print("Children's __init__ are called when a class instance object is instantiated")
        self.__my_priv_attr = "I am a PRIVATE attribute (a.k.a. data object) of a class instance object"
        self.my_pub_attr = my_pub_attr

    def getterPriv(self):
        return self.__my_priv_attr

    def getterPub(self):
          return self.my_pub_attr

    def setterPriv(self, new_value):
        self.__my_priv_attr = new_value
        print("Private setter function called")

    def setterPub(self, new_value):
        self.__my_priv_attr = new_value
        print("Public setter function called")

    def polymorphicMethod(self, callingClass):
        return f"All good, this method was overriden by {callingClass}"

    def whoYouGonnaCall(self):
        return f"whoYouGonnaCall() was called by {self}"

my_obj = MyClass("I am a PUBLIC attribute (a.k.a. data object) of a class instance object") # Instantiate a MyClass object
print(f"Functions are defined on classes. E.g.: {MyClass.getterPriv}")
print(f"Method objects are bound to class instance objects. E.g.: {my_obj.getterPriv}")
print(f"Class attributes can be accessed via the class object like this: MyClass.myClassAttribute = '{MyClass.myClassAttribute}'")
print(f"Class attributes can be accessed via instance objects like this: my_obj.__class__.myClassAttribute = '{my_obj.__class__.myClassAttribute}'")
print(f"Public object attributes can be accessed like this: my_obj.my_pub_attr = '{my_obj.my_pub_attr}'")
print(f"Inheritance works: {my_obj.parentMethod(MyClass)}")
print(f"Polymorphism works: {my_obj.polymorphicMethod(MyClass)}")
print(f"When an object calls its method, the object itself is passed as the first argument, so when {my_obj} called whoYouGonnaCall(), it replied: {my_obj.whoYouGonnaCall()}")

# Parent's __init__ methods can be called using super().__init__() in the children's __init__
# Children's __init__ are called when a class instance object is instantiated

# Functions are defined on classes. E.g.: <function MyClass.getterPriv at 0x108fe1dd0>
# Method objects are bound to class instance objects. E.g.: <bound method MyClass.getterPriv of <__main__.MyClass object at 0x108fecfd0>>

# Class attributes can be accessed via the class object like this: MyClass.myClassAttribute = 'I am a class attribute'
# Class attributes can be accessed via instance objects like this: my_obj.__class__.myClassAttribute = 'I am a class attribute'

# Public object attributes can be accessed like this: my_obj.my_pub_attr = 'I am a PUBLIC attribute (a.k.a. data object) of a class instance object'

# Inheritance works: Parent method was called by <class '__main__.MyClass'>

# Polymorphism works: All good, this method was overriden by <class '__main__.MyClass'>

# When an object calls its method, the object itself is passed as the first argument, so when <__main__.MyClass object at 0x108fecfd0> called whoYouGonnaCall(), it replied: whoYouGonnaCall() was called by <__main__.MyClass object at 0x108fecfd0>

Classes - class MyClass: ...

  • As soon as a class is defined, a new class object is created with the same name. This class object allows us to access the different attributes as well as to instantiate new objects of that class.

Built-in check for type - if isinstance(my_obj, MyClass): ...

Inheritance - class MyClass(MyParentClass): ...

Built-in check for inheritance - if issubclass(my_obj, MyClass): ...

Multiple inheritance - class MyClass(MyParentClass, MyOtherParentClass): ...

Operator Overloading Special Functions

  • E.g.;
class Point:
    def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __str__(self):
        return "({0},{1})".format(self.x,self.y)

    def __add__(self,other):
        x = self.x + other.x
        y = self.y + other.y
        return Point(x,y)
Operator Expression Internally
Addition p1 + p2 p1.__add__(p2)
Subtraction p1 - p2 p1.__sub__(p2)
Multiplication p1 * p2 p1.__mul__(p2)
Power p1 ** p2 p1.__pow__(p2)
Division p1 / p2 p1.__truediv__(p2)
Floor Division p1 // p2 p1.__floordiv__(p2)
Remainder (modulo) p1 % p2 p1.__mod__(p2)
Bitwise Left Shift p1 << p2 p1.__lshift__(p2)
Bitwise Right Shift p1 >> p2 p1.__rshift__(p2)
Bitwise AND p1 & p2 p1.__and__(p2)
Bitwise OR `p1 p2`
Bitwise XOR p1 ^ p2 p1.__xor__(p2)
Bitwise NOT ~p1 p1.__invert__()

Comparison Operator Overloading

  • E.g.;
class Point:
    def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __str__(self):
        return "({0},{1})".format(self.x,self.y)

    def __lt__(self,other):
        self_mag = (self.x ** 2) + (self.y ** 2)
        other_mag = (other.x ** 2) + (other.y ** 2)
        return self_mag < other_mag
Operator Expression Internally
Less than p1 < p2 p1.__lt__(p2)
Less than or equal to p1 <= p2 p1.__le__(p2)
Equal to p1 == p2 p1.__eq__(p2)
Not equal to p1 != p2 p1.__ne__(p2)
Greater than p1 > p2 p1.__gt__(p2)
Greater than or equal to p1 >= p2 p1.__ge__(p2)

Class data attributes

Defining - my_class_attrib = value

NB: Classes cannot have private attributes


Via class - MyClass.my_class_attrib

Via object - my_obj.__class__.my_class_attrib

Dymanic addition

  • Attributes of a class can be dynamically added on the fly
  • Each such attribute is visible to all object instances of the class

Via class - MyClass.new_class_attrib = value

Via object - my_obj.__class__.new_class_attrib = value

Dynamic deletion

  • Attributes of a class can be dynamically deleted on the fly
  • Each such attribute is immediately noy available to all object instances of the class

Via class - del MyClass.my_class_attrib

Via object - del my_obj.__class__.my_class_attrib

Objects - my_obj = MyClass()

Object data attributes

Class defined public - def mypublicattrib(arg, ...): self.mypublicattrib = value

Class defined private - def __myprivateattrib(arg, ...): self.mypublicattrib = value

  • Prepending __ to the attrbute name (e.g. __myprivateattrib) makes an attribute private.

WARNING: Private attributes can be masked by dynamically added ones

class MyClass:

    def __init__(self):
        self.__myprivateattrib = "I was set during initialiser"
        print("\n__init__ called\n")

    def getter(self):
        return self.__myprivateattrib

    def setter(self, new_value):
        self.__myprivateattrib = new_value
        print("\nSetter function called\n")

my_obj = MyClass()
print(f"__myprivateattrib = '{my_obj.getter()}'  - Read via instance method.")

print("\nNB: Can't read directly as not yet set directly\n")

my_obj.__myprivateattrib = "I was set by direct access"
print("\nAttribte directly set\n")

print(f"__myprivateattrib = '{my_obj.__myprivateattrib}'    - Read directly.")
print(f"__myprivateattrib = '{my_obj.getter()}'  - Read via instance method.")

my_obj.setter("I was set via setter function")

print(f"__myprivateattrib = '{my_obj.__myprivateattrib}'    - Read directly.")
print(f"__myprivateattrib = '{my_obj.getter()}' - Read via instance method.")

# __init__ called

# __myprivateattrib = 'I was set during initialiser'  - Read via instance method.

# NB: Can't read directly as not yet set directly

# Attribte directly set

# __myprivateattrib = 'I was set by direct access'    - Read directly.
# __myprivateattrib = 'I was set during initialiser'  - Read via instance method.

# Setter function called

# __myprivateattrib = 'I was set by direct access'    - Read directly.
# __myprivateattrib = 'I was set via setter function' - Read via instance method.

Dynamic addition - my_obj.newAttrOnlyForThisObj = value

  • Attributes of an object can be dynamically added on the fly
  • Each such attribute is only added to the specific object instance and will not effect any other object instances

Access - my_obj.my_obj_attrib

Dynamic deletion (excl private) - del my_obj.my_obj_attrib

Class functions (a.k.a) bound object methods

Defining - def my_method(self, arg, ...):

Calling - my_obj.my_method(arg, ...)

NB: self - object itself is passed as the first argument

  • When an object calls its method, the object itself is passed as the first argument.