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A collaborative filtering based product recommender system using Scala, Apache Spark, Python for a 3 million plus customer transactions of Instacart Database, including prediction accuracy and deployment

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(This Project is still work in progress, please forgive the messy codebase)

Implicit Recommender System

In this project I'm trying to build a recommender system based on the dataset published by Instacart Dataset contains over 3 Million+ transaction records of over 200K+ users, with around 50k Products.


  • My goal was to create a implicit collaborative filtering based recommender system based on this transactional dataset. I ended up creating different models to generate recommendations. I used Mean Average Precision as my measure for my models recommendations. Here is the list of my goals for this project:
    • Start with randomly recommending products from top 60 most purchased products.
    • Move on to generating Item-similarity based recommender system using cosine similarity as a distance measure.(Cosine similarity is based on co-occurances of the of products purchased together)
    • Generate a Matrix factorisation based recommender using Alternate Least Square method.
    • Generate a Matrix factorisation based recommender using Latent Semantic Analysis method.(Still Pending)
    • Use a Approximate Nearest Neighbour algorithm to speed up the search for recommendations. (Still Pending)
    • Figure out a way to deploy this as a webapp. (Still Pending)

Data Description:

In total, data set consist of about 3 million Instacart orders, of over 200k customers. The dataset consists of multiple files. Brief description of which is given below:

file_name Description
orders.csv 3.4 million rows, 206k Users,
order_id: order identifier
user_id: customer identifier
eval_set: which evaluation set this order belongs in (see SET described below)
order_number: the order sequence number for this user (1 = first, n = nth)
order_dow: the day of the week the order was placed on
order_hour_of_day: the hour of the day the order was placed on
days_since_prior: days since the last order, capped at 30 (with NAs for order_number = 1)
products.csv 50k rows,
product_id: product identifier
product_name: name of the product
aisles.csv 134 rows,
aisle_id: aisle identifier
aisle: the name of the aisle
departments.csv 21 rows,
department_id: department identifier
department: the name of the department
Order_products_SET.csv (30 million + rows) These files specify which products were purchased in each order. order_products__prior.csv contains previous order contents for all customers. 'reordered' indicates that the customer has a previous order that contains the product. Note that some orders will have no reordered items.
order_id: foreign key
product_id: foreign key
add_to_cart_order: order in which each product was added to cart
reordered: 1 if this product has been ordered by this user in the past, 0 otherwise where SET is one of the four following evaluation sets (eval_set in orders):
- "prior": orders prior to that users most recent order (3.2m orders)
- "train": training data supplied (131k orders)
- "test": test data reserved for machine learning models (75k orders)

dept vs Aisles product distribution

The dataset is a relational set of files describing customers' orders over time. The goal is to predict which products will be in a user's next order. For each user, we have between 4 and 100 of their orders, with the sequence of products purchased in each order. We also have the week and hour of day the order was placed, and a relative measure of time between orders.

Steps Taken:

Broadly the steps I've taken so far are:

  • Load and Process data:
    • I was facing memory problems while processing the data in Python, so I used Apache Spark to perform initial data processing.
    • Spark code, written in Scala imports the data and after processing it, outputs a co-occurance matrix of all the purchases for 200k users and calculates cosine similarities between all the products (based on co-occurances). It outputs the processed data in .csv format.


  • Random Model: Just to get a sense of how my subsequent models improve, I created a model to random recommender, which randomly recommends a product out of total 50k products database
  • Baseline Model: My baseline model recommends from Top 100 most purchased model, intuition is that because they are most purchased, user will buy this at some point.
  • Cosine Similarity based Model: Using the generated simialrity matrix above, this model generates recommendations based on Users 2nd Last order, It basically goes through each product in the cart and suggests top K most similar products in the basket. Since my similarty matrix is based on co-occurances of purchases, I'm assuming most similar product from last order maybe a best bet.
  • ALS based Model:decompose the cooccurance matrix above using ALS and generate recommendations
  • compare the recommendations to the last order and generate MAP score


Latest MAP scores so far:
Latest MAP score

Use :

If you need to use and run the code: You need to download data published by Instacart, here. and extract it in data folder for the import to work.

Main files:

Scala Files:

  • src/main/scala/InstacartMain.scala : main file for spark processes, acts as a pipeline.
  • src/main/scala/etl/dataProcessing.Scala : as name suggests, Main function which processes all data files.
  • src/main/scala/ItemMatrix.scala: This file generates Item-Item Cooccurance matrix
  • src/main/scala/CosineSimilarity.scala: This file generates cosine simialrity between all 50k products based on the co-occurance matrix generated above.

Python Files:

  • src/main/python/ : Does the heavy work of generating predictions for all models except ALS.
  • src/main/python/ : Implementation of Alternate Least Squares Matrix Factorisation using implicit package.


A collaborative filtering based product recommender system using Scala, Apache Spark, Python for a 3 million plus customer transactions of Instacart Database, including prediction accuracy and deployment






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