This is a ROS1 workspace built to distribute candies(technically it can be anything that Stretch can grasp) using Stretch.
It uses the Xbox controller to trigger the pick and place candy task.
The action is hardcoded and the starting and end postion is static for now.
- Build the workspace
cd stretchit_halloween_candy_distributer
- Run the Nodes
roslaunch candy_distributor candy_distributor.launch
- Continuous mode - Distributes the candies continuously.
- Discrete mode - Distributes the candy only once.
- Special sound effects
- the modes can be switched using an xbox controller or by publishing the below strings on
topic.- "A" - Run pick and place action once
- "B" - Toggle the continuous pick and place action
- pip
Google text to speech -gTTS
- other
- add the launch file to startup
rosrun robot_upstart install candy_distributor/launch/candy_distributor.launch
- to stop the process after autostart (for whatever reason)
sudo systemctl stop candy
(aruco tag)
- Launch each of the following in seperate terminals
roslaunch stretch_core stretch_driver.launch
roslaunch stretch_core d435i_high_resolution.launch
roslaunch stretch_core stretch_aruco.launch
- source the halloween_ws and run the aruco_candy node
cd stretchit_halloween_candy_distributer
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun candy_distributor
Usage send a service request to candy_pick_service. input to the service is a int corresponding to the candy the person wants. 1,2 or 3.