This repository contains the the source code files for the µLearn Frontend Project. Kindly read through the following to get a hold on the naming and contributions standards
To clone the project
git clone
Create a new feature branch
git branch feature-loginpage
Switch to the new branch
git checkout feature-loginpage
Do the necessary changes on the files, add the files
git add -A
Commit the changes
git commit -m "Implemented the login feature"
Pull the changes from the server ( not applicable for the first push )
git pull origin feature-loginpage
Push the changes to server for the first time
git push origin feature-loginpage
Once the feature is complete, merge the changes to the develop branch ( the team lead does this )
git checkout dev
git merge feature-loginpage
Make sure you pull the changes from the required repo and keep your branch updated.
git clone
The central repository holds four main branches with two branches having infinte lifetime(dev-server & production)
- dev
- dev-server (hosted)
- staging
- production (hosted)
origin/production is the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a production-ready state.
origin/staging is the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a state with the latest delivered development changes for the next release
- Feature branches
- Staging branches
- Hotfix branches
- May branch off from:
- Must merge back into:
- Branches should be prefixed with
- They should be in small letter casing with multiple words separated by
Eg: feature-signuppage, feature-igpage
- May branch off from:
- Must merge back into:
- Branch naming convention:
- Branches should be prefixed with
- They should be in small letter casing with multiple words separated by
Eg: bugfix-spellingfix, bugfix-stylecorrection
- May branch off from:
- Must merge back into:
- Branch naming convention:
- Branches should be prefixed with
- They should be in small letter casing with multiple words separated by
Eg: hotfix-signup-failure, hotfix-taskid123
Contributions are always welcome!
for ways to get started.
- If you are a maintainer of the project, you will be the person responsible for reviewing the pull request and merging them.
The pull request from the developers can only be received on the dev(feature, bugfix) and the staging(hotfix) branch.
After reviewing the request you can merge them to the dev-server/production depending upon the type of request
- If you are a Quality Tester you can verify the dev-server for testing the upcoming features and the production for features which are already in release.